كاسپر ديڤيد فريدريش

عودة للموسوعة

كاسپر ديڤيد فريدريش

Gerhard von Kügelgen, Portrait of Caspar David Friedrich (c. 1810–20)
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (1818). 94.8 × 74.8 cm, Kunsthalle Hamburg. This well-known and especially Romantic masterpiece was described by the writer John Lewis Gaddis as leaving a contradictory impression, "suggesting at once mastery over a landscape and the insignificance of the individual within it. We see no face, so its impossible to know whether the prospect facing the young man is exhilarating, or terrifying, or both."

كاسپر ديڤيد فريدريش (5 سبتمبر, 1774 -سبعة مايو, 1840) هورسام مناظر طبيعية, الحركة الرومانسية الألمانية في القرن التاسع عشر, ويعتبر فريدريش بصفة عامة من أبرز رسامي الحركة. وقد كانت اولى إهتماماته الفنية التأمل في الطبيعة, and his often symbolic and anti-classical work seeks to convey a subjective, emotional response to the natural world. Friedrich's work characteristically sets the human element in diminished perspective amid expansive landscapes, reducing the figures to a scale that, according to the art historian Christopher John Murray, directs "the viewer's gaze towards their metaphysical dimension".


العائلة والسنوات الأولى

ولد فرديريش فيخمسة سبتمبر, 1774 في السويد في قرية Greifswald, على الضفة الألمانية لبحر البلطيق ، وبدأ دراساته في الفن صغيرا. فيما بعد, تفهم في كوبنهاجن إلى حتى إستقر في درسن.

The chalk drawing Self-portrait, 1800, which portrays the artist at 26 was completed while the artist was studying at the Royal Academy in Copenhagen. Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Copenhagen

الإنتنطق لدرسن

The Tetschen Altar, or The Cross in the Mountains (1807). 115 × 110.5 cm. Gemäldegalerie, Dresden. Friedrich's first major work, the piece breaks with the traditions of representing the crucifixion in altarpieces by depicting the scene as a landscape.

الزواج والنجاح

Chalk Cliffs on Rügen, (1818). 90.5 × 71 cm. Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten, Winterthur, Switzerland. Friedrich married Christiane Caroline Bommer in 1818, and on their honeymoon they visited relatives in Neubrandenburg and Greifswald. This painting celebrates the couple's union.

الحياة المتأخرة والموت

Georg Friedrich Kersting, Caspar David Friedrich in his Studio (1819). 51 × 40 cm. Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin. Kersting portrays an aged Friedrich holding a maulstick at his canvas.


المناظر الطبيعية والسامية

The Sea of Ice (1823–24), Kunsthalle Hamburg. This scene has been described as "a stunning composition of near and distant forms in an Arctic image".
Man and Woman Contemplating the Moon (1830–35). 34 × 44 cm. Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin. In this work, the artist depicts a couple gazing longingly at nature, in "Old German" clothes, "scarcely different in tone or modelling from the deep dramas of nature around them".

الوحدة والموت

The Abbey in the Oakwood (1808–10). 110.4 × 171 cm. Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin. This painting has been described as like "a scene from a horror movie, it [forebears] all the Gothic clichés of the late 18th and early 19th centuries".

الفلكلور الألماني



Edvard Munch, The Lonely Ones, (1899). Woodcut. Munch Museum, Oslo
Paul Nash, Totes Meer (Sea of the Dead), 1940–41. 101.6 x 152.4 cm. Tate Gallery. Nash's work depicts a graveyard of crashed German planes comparable to The Sea of Ice (above). Nash described the image as a sea, even suggesting that the jagged forms were not metal but ice.

رأي حاسم

"I am not so weak as to submit to the demands of the age when they go against my convictions. I spin a cocoon around myself; let others do the same. I shall leave it to time to show what will come of it: a brilliant butterfly or maggot."

—Caspar David Friedrich
Ivan Shishkin, In the Wild North (1891). 161 x 118 cm. Kiev Museum of Russian Art



  1. ^ Gaddis, John Lewis. The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. 1. ISBN 0-1950-6652-9
  2. ^ Vaughan (1980), 65
  3. ^ Murray, 338
  4. ^ Kent, Neil. The Soul of the North: A Social, Architectural and Cultural History of the Nordic Countries, 1770–1940. Reaktion Books, 2001. 231. ISBN 1-8618-9067-2
  5. ^ Vaughan (2004), 203
  6. ^ Larisey, Peter. Light for a Cold Land: Lawren Harris's Life and Work. Dundurn, 1993. 14. ISBN 1-5500-2188-5
  7. ^ Hughes, Robert. "Force of nature". The Guardian, January 15 2005. Retrieved on November 20, 2008.
  8. ^ Boime, 601
  9. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة causey
  10. ^ Russell, John. "Art born in the fullness of age". The New York Times, August 23, 1987. Retrieved on October 25, 2008.
  11. ^ Siegel, Linda. "Synaesthesia and the Paintings of Caspar David Friedrich". The Art Journal, Vol. 33, No. 3, Spring 1974. 196–204.
  12. ^ Vaughan (2004), 279
  13. ^ Siegel, 114
  14. ^ Wolf, 45
  15. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة HB
  16. ^ Wolf, 12
  17. ^ Siegel, 62
  18. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة V302


  • Boele, Vincent and Foppema, Femke (eds.). Caspar David Friedrich & the German Romantic Landscape. Amsterdam: Hermitage Amsterdam, 2008. ISBN 9789040085680
  • Boime, Albert. Art in an Age of Bonapartism, 1800–1815: A Social History of Modern Art, Vol. 2. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990. ISBN 0-2260-6335-6.
  • Börsch-Supan, Helmut (tr. Twohig, Sarah). Caspar David Friedrich. New York: George Braziller, 1974. ISBN 0-8076-0747-9.
  • Dahlenburg, Birgit & Carsten, Spitzer. "Major Depression and Stroke in Caspar David Friedrich". In Bougousslavsky, J. & Boller, F. (eds.), Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists. New York: Karger, c. 2005. ISBN 3-8055-7914-4.
  • Griffiths, Antony and Carey, Francis; German Printmaking in the Age of Goethe, 1994, British Museum Press, ISBN 0714116599 .
  • Guillaud, Maurice & Guillaud, Jacqueline. Caspar David Friedrich, line and transparency. Exhibition catalogue, The Centre Culturel du Marais, Paris. Paris: Guillaud Editions, Rizzoli, 1984. ISBN 0-8478-5408-6.
  • Hofmann, Werner. Caspar David Friedrich. Thames & Hudson: New York, 2000. ISBN 0-500-09295-8.
  • Johnston, Catherine, et al. Baltic Light: Early Open-Air Painting in Denmark and North Germany. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-300-08166-9
  • Murray, Christopher John. Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760–1850. ISBN 1-5795-8423-3.
  • Rewald, Sabine (ed.). The Romantic Vision of Caspar David Friedrich. The Metropolitan Museum of Art: New York, 1990. ISBN 0-87099-603-7.
  • Rosenblum, Robert. Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition: Friedrich to Rothko. New York, Harper & Row, Publishers; 1975, ISBN 0064300579
  • Siegel, Linda. Caspar David Friedrich and the Age of German Romanticism. Branden Publishing Co, 1978. ISBN 0-8283-1659-7.
  • Vaughan, William. "Caspar David Friedrich" in Romantic Landscape Painting in Dresden (exhibition catalog), Tate Gallery, London,ستة September – 16 October, 1972. ISBN 0-9008-7436-8.
  • Vaughan, William.German Romantic Painting. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1980. ISBN 0-300-02387-1.
  • Vaughan, William. Friedrich. London: Phaidon Press, 2004. ISBN 0-7148-4060-2.
  • Werner, Christoph. Um ewig einst zu leben. Caspar David Friedrich und Joseph Mallord William Turner. Weimar: Bertuch Verlag, 2006. ISBN 3-937601-34-1.
  • Wolf, Norbert. Friedrich. Cologne: Taschen, 2003. ISBN 3-8228-2293-0.

وصلات خارجية

اقرأ اقتباسات ذات علاقة بكاسپر ديڤيد فريدريش، في فهم الاقتباس.
  • Caspar David Friedrich Foundation
  • Hermitage Museum Archive
  • Web Gallery of Art - comprehensive collection of Friedrich's works
  • Artcyclopedia - links to Friedrich's pictures from Image Archives, articles etc
  • Biographical timeline, Hamburg Kunsthalle

نطقب:Caspar David Friedrich

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 04:46:53
التصنيفات: صفحات بأخطاء في المراجع, مواليد 1774, وفيات 1840, لوثريون ألمان, رسامون ألمان, فنانو مناظر طبيعية, أشخاص من گرايفسڤالد, أشخاص من پومرانيا السويدية, رسامون رومانسيون, خريجو جامعة گرايفسڤالد

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