إليزابث بلاكويل

عودة للموسوعة

إليزابث بلاكويل

إليزابث بلاكويل.
إليزابث بلاكويل
وُلـِد (1821-02-03)3 فبراير 1821
بريستول، إنكلترا
توفي 31 مايو1910(1910-05-31) (عن عمر 89 عاماً)
هاستينگز، إنگلترا

إليزابث بلاكويل Elizabeth Blackwell (و. ثلاثة فبراير 1821 – ت. 31 مايو1910) أول طبيبة في العصر الحديث في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. والمصلح الاجتماعي والأخلاقي في جميع من الولايات المتحدة وإنگلترا.

السنوات الأولى

الطفولة والأسرة

الانتنطق إلى أمريكا

البلوغ المبكر


قرار الدخول الطب

السعي لتحقيق التعليم الطبي

التعليم الطبي في الولايات المتحدة

Portrait of Elizabeth Blackwell by Joseph Stanley Kozlowski, 1905. Syracuse University Medical School collection.

التعليم الطبي في أوروبا


العمل في الطب في الولايات المتحدة

جهود الحرب الأهلية

العمل الطبي في الداخل والخارج

الإصلاح الاجتماعي والأخلاقي في أوروبا

Blackwell was commemorated on a U.S. postage stamp in 1974, designed by Joseph Stanley Kozlowski. Syracuse University Medical School collection.

الحياة الشخصية

الأصدقاء والعائلة

كيتي باري

الحياة الخاصة

السنوات الأخيرة ووفاته

Blackwell's headstone is the tall, white cross at the bottom of the hill.


  • 1849 The Causes and Treatment of Typhus, or Shipfever (أطروحة)
  • 1852 The Laws of Life with Special Reference to the Physical Education of Girls (brochure, compilation of lecture series) pub. by George Putnam[]
  • 1878 Counsel to Parents on the Moral Education of their Children in Relation to Sex (eight editions, republished as The Moral Education of the Young in Relation to Sex)
  • 1881 "Medicine and Morality" (published in Modern Review)
  • 1884 The Human Element in Sex: being a Medical Enquiry into the Relation of Sexual Physiology to Christian Morality (جزءان)
  • 1887 Purchase of Women: the Great Economic Blunder
  • 1871 The Religion of Health (compilation of lecture series, three editions)
  • 1888 On the Decay of Municipal Representative Government - A Chapter of Personal Experience (Moral Reform League)
  • 1891 Erroneous Method in Medical Education etc. (Women's Printing Society)
  • 1892 Why Hygienic Congresses Fail
  • 1895 Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women - Autobiographical Sketches (Longmans, reprinted New York: Schocken Books, 1977)
  • 1898 Scientific Method in Biology
  • 1902 Essays in Medical Sociology, 2 vols (Ernest Bell)

جوائز وتكريمات

Two institutions honour Elizabeth Blackwell as an alumna:

  • Hobart and William Smith Colleges, the current name of Geneva College, the founding institution of Geneva Medical College
  • State University of New York (SUNY) at Syracuse, which acquired Geneva Medical College in 1950 and renamed it "State University of New York Upstate Medical University" in 1999.

انظر أيضاً

  • Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, first woman to gain a medical qualification in Britain as a woman
  • James Barry (surgeon), possibly the first female bodied doctor (assigned female at birth but living as a man)

قراءات إضافية

  • Baker, Rachel (1944). The first woman doctor: the story of Elizabeth Blackwell, M.D. J. Messner, Inc., New York, OCLC 848388
  • Mesnard, E.M. (1889). Miss Elizabeth Blackwell and the Women of Medicine. Paris.
  • Wilson, Dorothy Clarke (1970). Lone woman: the story of Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman doctor. Little Brown, Boston, OCLC 56257


وصلات خارجية

  • Works by Elizabeth Blackwell online at the Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • Some places and memories related to Elizabeth Blackwell
  • Women in Science[]
  • An online history at the National Institutes of Health, including copies of historical documents
  • An online biography of Elizabeth Blackwell, with links to more articles on Blackwell and others in her famous family, plus links to many resources on the Net
  • Biography from the National Institute of Health
  • Elizabeth Blackwell at the Hobart and William Smith Colleges Archives.
  • Elizabeth Blackwell Resources Available in Hobart and William Smith Colleges Archives.
  • Chronological Bibliography of Selected Scholarly Works by Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell.
  • Elizabeth Blackwell at winningthevote.org
  • إليزابث بلاكويل at Find A Grave
  • Papers, 1835-1960. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University.
  • Texts on Wikisource:
    • "Blackwell, Elizabeth". Encyclopedia Americana. 1920. 
    • نطقب:Cite NSRW
    • "Blackwell, Elizabeth". Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography. 1900. 
    • Thompson Cooper (1884) “Blackwell, Elizabeth,” (eleventh edition).

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تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 11:38:24
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