نجمة گاليپولي (الدولة العثمانية)

عودة للموسوعة

نجمة گاليپولي (الدولة العثمانية)

Gallipoli Star badge.

The Ottoman War Medal (بالهجرية: Harp Madalyası), better known as the Gallipoli Star, or the Iron Crescent (from German Eiserner Halbmond, in allusion to the Iron Cross) was a military decoration of the Ottoman Empire which was instituted by the Sultan Mehmed Reshad V on 1 March 1915 for gallantry in battle. This decoration was awarded for the duration of الحرب العالمية الأولى to Ottoman and other Central Powers troops, primarily in Ottoman areas of engagement.

التصميم والتكوين

The award includes a badge, ribbon and campaign bar.

The medal, made of nickel-plated brass, has a vaulted star-shaped badge, 56 mm across the diagonal span of the arms. The tips of the star are capped by ball finials and enclosed in a raised silver edge with the field in red lacquer or enamel. A raised crescent, open at the top, encircles the center of the badge. Inside the crescent is the tughra or cipher of the decoration's creator, Sultan Mehmed Reshad V, over the date 1333 AH (AD 1915). The reverse is flat, unadorned and has a straight pin.

Along with the badge came a ribbon with red and white stripes. The dimensions of the ribbon for combatants are: red 2.5 mm; white, 5 mm.; red, 29 mm.; white, 5 mm.; red 2.5 mm. For non-combatant awardees, the colors are reversed.

The campaign bar is a right-pointing parabola of white at 56mm in length and 7mm in height. In the field is red Arabic script denoting the specific campaign:

  • Chanakkale/Chanak (Gallipoli)
  • Gaza
  • Kanal
  • Kut-al-Amara
  • Sanatorium


When in formal dress, the badge was worn at the center, below the right breast pocket. Wear of the badge was exclusive; in everyday wear was substituted by the ribbon. The ribbon was worn from the second hole in the tunic button.

For Austrian and German awardees (usually members of the Asienkorps), the award took lower precedence to their own Iron Cross 2nd class, and the ribbon of the Iron Crescent was placed beneath that of the Iron Cross.

The Commandant of Auschwitz Rudolf Hoess was an Asien Korps veteran & a recipient of the Iron Crescent. He served in Iraq, Palestine & Syria. In the photographs of Hoess taken at Auschwitz he can be seen wearing the medal. The writer Neil Everitt uploaded a play about Hoess entitled ‘Folkism’ on the Celtx web-site, the Iron Crescent serves as a motif in the play.

The ribbon could also be fashioned into a chest riband for placement on a ribbon bar when in undress.

The campaign bar was usually not worn.


Klietmann, Dr. Kurt-Gerhard, (1971): Deutsche Auszeichnungen: Ein Geschichte der Ehrenzeichen und Medaillen, Erinnerungs- und Verdienstabzeichen des Deutschen Reiches, der deutschen Staaten sowie staatlicher Dienststellen, Organisationen, Verbande usw. Vom 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. 2 Band. Deutsches Reich 1871- 1945. Berlin: Ordenssammlung.

ألبوم الصور

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 14:34:36
التصنيفات: Articles containing non-English-language text, Orders, decorations, and medals of the Ottoman Empire

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