كيلومتر مربع

عودة للموسوعة

كيلومتر مربع

الكيلومتر مربع هووحدة قياس مساحة، يرمز لها بالرمز (كم²). ويساوي الكيلومتر المربع الواحد:

  1. 1000,000 متر مربع أو
  2. 100 هكتار أو
  3. 0.386 102 ميل مربع

أمثلة لمناطق مساحتها 1 كيلومتر مربع

شبكات الخرائط الطبوغرافية

جزء من an Ordnance Survey map, published 1952. The grid lines are at one kilometre intervals giving each square an area of one square kilometre. The map shows that the area of the island is about two square kilometres.

Topographical map grids are worked out in metres, with the grid lines being 1,000 metres apart.

  • 1:100,000 maps are divided into squares representing 1 km2, each square on the map being one square centimetre in area and representing 1 km2 on the surface of the earth.
  • For 1:50,000 maps, the grid lines are 2 cm apart. Each square on the map is 2 cm by 2 cm (4 cm2) and represents 1 km2 on the surface of the earth.
  • For 1:25,000 maps, the grid lines are 4 cm apart. Each square on the map is 4 cm by 4 cm (16 cm2) and represents 1 km2 on the surface of the earth.

In each case, the grid lines enclose one square kilometre.

مراكز مدن العصور الوسطى

Map of دلفت, Netherlands dated 1659. The walls enclosed an area of about 1 square kilometre

The area enclosed by the walls of many European medieval cities were about one square kilometre. These walls are often either still standing or the route they followed is still clearly visible, such as in بروكسل, where the wall has been replaced by a ring road, or in فرانكفورت، where the wall has been replaced by gardens. The approximate area of the old walled cities can often be worked out by fitting the course of the wall to a rectangle or an oval (ellipse). Examples include

  • دلفت، هولندا (انظر الخريطة المصاحبة)
The walled city of Delft was approximately rectangular.
The approximate length of rectangle was about 1.30 kiloمترs (0.81 ميل).
The approximate width of the rectangle was about 0.75 kiloمترs (0.47 ميل).
A perfect rectangle with these measurements has an area of 1.30×0.75 = 0.9 km2
  • لوكا (إيطاليا)
The medieval city is roughly rectangular with rounded north-east and north-west corners.
The maximum distance from east to west is 1.36 kiloمترs (0.85 ميل).
The maximum distance from north to south is 0.80 kiloمترs (0.50 ميل).
A perfect rectangle of these dimensions would be 1.36×0.80 = 1.088 km2.
  • Brugge (بلجيكا)
مدينة بروگه القروسطية، المركز الكبير في الفلاندرز, was roughly oval or ellipsoidal in shape with the longer or semi-major axis running north and south.
The maximum distance from north to south (semi-major axis) is 2.53 kiloمترs (1.57 ميل).
The maximum distance from east to west (semi-minor axis) is 1.81 kiloمترs (1.12 ميل).
A perfect ellipse of these dimensions would be 2.53 × 1.81 × (π/4) = 3.597 km2.
  • تشستر المملكة المتحدة
Chester is one of the smaller English cities that has a near-intact city wall.
The distance from Northgate to Watergate is about 855 metres.
The distance from Eastgate to Westgate is about 589 metres.
A perfect rectangle of these dimensions would be (855/1000) × (589/1000) = 0.504 km2.


Parks come in all sizes; a few are almost exactly one square kilometre in area. Here are some examples:

  • Riverside Country Park, UK.
  • Brierley Forest Park, UK.
  • Rio de Los Angeles State Park, California, USA
  • Jones County Central Park, Iowa, USA.
  • Kiest Park, Dallas, Texas, USA
  • Hole-in-the-Wall Park & Campground, Grand Manan Island, Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada
  • Downing Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada
  • Citadel Park, Poznan, Poland
  • Sydney Olympic Park, Sydney, Australia, contains 1 square kilometre of wetlands and waterways.

ملاعب الگولف


انظر أيضاً

  • تحويل الوحدات
  • SI prefix for the precise meaning of the prefix "k"
  • Square Kilometre Array, a proposed radio telescope في جنوب أفريقيا أوأستراليا، which is intended to have a collecting area of approximately 1 km2


  1. ^ Measurements taken from Google Earth
  2. ^ Howe, Steve. "Chester: A Virtual Stroll around the Walls". Retrieved 7 October 2012.
  3. ^ "Medway Council Riverside Country Park". web page. Medway Council. 2012. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  4. ^ "Ashfield Brierley Forest Park". web page. Ashfield District Council. 2012. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  5. ^ "California Department of Parks and Recreation Rio de Los Angeles State Park". web page. State of California. 2012. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  6. ^ "Parks & Recreation Central Park, Center Junction, Iowa". web page. Jones County Tourism Association. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  7. ^ "A History of Kiest Park". web page. Friends of Oak Cliff Parks. 2010. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  8. ^ "Hole-in-the-Wall Park & Campground". web page. Hole-in-the-Wall Park & Campground. 2012. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  9. ^ "BC Parks Downing Provincial Park". web page. British Columbia Ministry of Environment. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  10. ^ "Citadel Park". web page. Poland Travel. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  11. ^ "Sydney Olympic Park Parklands Fact Sheet". web page. Sydney Olympic Park Authority. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 16:38:02
التصنيفات: وحدات مساحة, SI derived units

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