خليج راريتان

عودة للموسوعة

خليج راريتان

Raritan Bay
Raritan Bay is shown as highlighted area south of Lower New York Bay and north of Monmouth County.
Raritan Bay
Raritan Bay
الاحداثيات Coordinates:
النوع Bay
أصل الحدثة الرئيسيون:
  • نهر راريتان
  • Shrewsbury River
  • Navesink River


  • Hudson River through lower New York Bay
  • Passaic and Hackensack Rivers via Newark Bay and the Arthur Kill
جزء من New York Bight
منابع المحيط/البحر Atlantic Ocean
بلدان الحوض United States
الوكالة المشرفة
  • Gateway National Recreation Area and National Park Service
  • U.S. Department of Defense
  • New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
  • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
  • New York City
  • Monmouth County Park System
  • New York City Department of Environmental Protection and New York City Parks Department
أقصى طول 9 ميلs (14 kم)
أقصى عرض 12 ميلs (19 kم)
مساحة السطح 69,188 أكرs (27,999 ها)
متوسط العمق 11–30 قدم (3.4–9.1 م)
أقصى عمق 20 قدم (6.1 م)
زمن المكوث 60 tidal cycles
الملوحة 12-32 ppt
طول الساحل1 33,500 أكرs (13,600 ها)
ارتفاع السطح 0 م (0 قدم)
متجمدة Coastal or inner bays
  • Perth Amboy
  • Sayreville
  • Keyport
  • Keansburg
  • Sandy Hook Beach (Gateway National Recreation Area)
  • Ward's Point, Staten Island
  • Coney Island
المدن New Jersey
  • Perth Amboy
  • South Amboy
  • Sayreville
  • Keyport
  • Keansburg
  • Sandy Hook


  • Tottenville, Staten Island
  • New Dorp, Staten Island
  • Rockaway, Queens
  • Brighton Beach, Brooklyn
1 Shore length is not a well-defined measure.

خليج راريتان Raritan Bay هوخليج يقع في الجزء الجنوبي من خليج نيويورك السفلى بين ولايتي نيويورك ونيوجرزي and is part of the New York Bight. The bay is bounded on the northwest by New York's Staten Island, on the west by Perth Amboy, New Jersey, on the south by the Raritan Bayshore communities of Monmouth County, New Jersey, and on the east by Sandy Hook Bay. The bay is named after the Raritans, a branch of the Lenape tribe who lived in the vicinity of the bay for thousands of years prior to the arrival of Dutch colonists in the 17th century.


Archeological evidence suggests that humans were already in the region at the close of the Pleistocene. The early "Big Game Hunters" vanished, but the coastal regions were resettled by peoples accustomed to village-style living ("tidewater communities") that subsisted on hunting and gathering marine shellfish, and eventually, on agriculture. In pre-Columbian times "woodlands cultures" probably centered in the Ohio Valley became the dominant cultural influence in the region. Large shell middens were found around Raritan Bay and on Staten Island, a testament of the utilization of the bay for food by Algonquin Indian tribes (Lenapes) who occupied the area when early Colonialists arrived. Unfortunately, early settlers used these shell piles for road construction and field fertilizer. Tottenville was once well known for its roads paved with oyster shells.


الجانب الجنوبي من خليج راريتان

نهر راريتان was perhaps the major drainage channel along the ice front throughout the Wisconsin glaciation (Stages 1, 2, ثلاثة and 4). Prior to that time the region drained southward across the saddle between the Atlantic Highlands and the Newark Basin into the Delaware River Valley. This saddle area is a very broad flood plain that preserves river terrace gravels (Pensauken Formation) from the Sangemon Interglacial State (Stage 5), as well as older Pleistocene fluvial deposits (The Bridgetown Formation). During the lowstand in sea level caused by the Wisconsin glacier, the Raritan River carved back into its headlands and captured the major drainages from the Newark Basin.

As the Wisconsin glaciers melted, the Flandrian Transgression eventually flooded the deeper valleys of the Hudson, Raritan, and Arthur Kill. During warming at the end of the Pleistocene and Early Holocene, the area encompassing Raritan Bay changed from tundra to a landscape dominated by spruce and pine forests. These forests gradually gave way to the modern deciduous forest in the region by mid-Holocene time. Lagoons and bays in the area around Sandy Hook hosted oysters, hard and soft shell clams, lobsters, blue crabs, and a variety of other invertebrates common in bays in the region today. South of western Long Island, tidal flats and wetlands occupied the margins of a tidal estuary (now submerged by marine waters). Inner Raritan Bay began to fill about 2,500 years ago with large oyster beds forming along the estuarine tributaries. Sea level continued to rise about one foot per century. This rise in sea level has resulted in the landward migration of the shoreline (aided by storm-induced coastal erosion) as much as two miles in some portions of the coast since colonial times.

الاقتصاد والبيئة

The bay supported a lucrative fishing and shellfish industry during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, especially oysters, which helped to support a stable population around the bay and aided, in part, to feed the flood of immigration. Stable communities continued to grow and change with new industries supporting a larger population base. Advances in methods of fishing and shellfish collecting resulted in overextraction of these resources from the bay. The peak of the fishing industry occurred in the late 1880s to 1910s.

Fishing and farming slowly gave way to industries including ship building, ceramics, chemicals and paint manufacturing, electrolytic copper refining, and petroleum refining. In the Keasbey, New Jersey area, large pits were dug to extract the clays for ceramics and bricks, and huge chemical dumps, fly ash piles, and landfills were created to accommodate the waste from the growing industrial empire. The building of shore management structures (dikes, groins, seawalls), the spraying of DDT (and other pesticides) to control the mosquito problem, the carving of ditches to drain wetlands, the filling of shore lowlands, the channelization of creeks, highway and sewer construction, neighborhood development, and a myriad point and non-point sources of household, automobile, industrial chemicals, and ocean dumping all contributed to growing toxicity of the bay.

For most of the 20th century, the shores of Arthur Kill have been home to the largest petroleum importing, refining, and storage facilities on Earth; as a consequence the estuary has been host to major and minor oil spills. In addition, Arthur Kill drains the area encompassing the second largest landfill on Earth (Fresh Kills). This landfill, and others along the Raritan River, provide an ample supply of leachate to the waterways. Chemical wastes cause stress and disruption of the life cycles of plankton, shellfish and other invertebrates, and the fish, birds, and other wildlife that they support.

The result has been ecological disaster. The bay approached sterile conditions at the peak of pollution and algal bloom-induced anoxia. Environmental actions from the 1970s to present have helped slowly bring back sea life, but current conditions pale to the wealth of marine resources of the past; certain species of fish and birds continue to decline, and the introduction of tenacious exotic species from around the world contribute to their decline. As a sign of optimism though, oysters are beginning to naturally reappear in the Hudson River after having vanished completely about the time of World War II.

Regional industrial overdevelopment and other pollution factors have raised PCB levels in the fish catch and prompted government recommendations against its routine consumption.

The bay is crossed by a dredged channel allowing commercial ships to enter the Arthur Kill.

الأنواع المائية

Raritan Bay's fish include striped bass, fluke, winter flounder, bluefish, tautog and weakfish. The crustacean species represented include the blue crab, fiddler crab, green crab, horseshoe crab and spider crab. Clams and mussels also live in Raritan Bay.[] The bay is a popular destination for recreational fishing due to its proximity to the densely populated areas of Central Jersey and New York City.

See also

  • Geography of New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary
  • Marine life of New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary


  1. ^ "Raritan Bay - Sandy Hook Bay Complex". nctc.fws.gov. Retrieved 22 October 2016.
  2. ^ Frank, Dave. "Geology of National Parks - Geologic History of Raritan Bay". 3dparks.wr.usgs.gov. National Park Service. Retrieved 22 October 2016.
  3. ^ Geologic History of Raritan Bay from the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, accessed June 24, 2008
  4. ^ Reynolds, Joe (27 April 2006). "Don't Eat the Fish: PCBs in the Raritan Bay". Atlantic Herald. Archived from the original onتسعة May 2006. Retrieved 22 October 2016.

وصلات خارجية

  • Geologic History of Raritan Bay
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 19:39:21
التصنيفات: صفحات تستعمل قالبا ببيانات مكررة, All articles with unsourced statements, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2013, Articles with invalid date parameter in template, نهر راريتان, خلجان نيوجرزي, Bodies of water of Middlesex County, New Jersey, Bodies of water of Monmouth County, New Jersey, خلجان ولاية نيويورك, Borders of New York (state), Borders of New Jersey, Raritan Bayshore, Bodies of water of Staten Island, Estuaries of New Jersey, Environment of New Jersey, Environmental issues in New York (state)

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