مهرجان چينگ‌مينگ

عودة للموسوعة

مهرجان چينگ‌مينگ

چينگ‌مينگ Qingming
Burning paper gifts for the departed.
الاسم الرسمي Qingming Jie (清明节)
Tomb Sweeping Day (扫坟节)
Ching Ming Festival (清明节)
يُحتفى به Chinese
الأهمية Remembering past ancestors
الاحتفالات Cleaning and sweeping of graves, ancestor worship, offering food to deceased, burning joss paper
التاريخ 15th day from the Spring Equinox
4,خمسة orستة April
مهرجان چينگ‌مينگ
صينية تقليدية 清明節
صينية مبسطة 清明节
المعني الحرفي "Pure Brightness Festival"

چينگ‌مينگ Qingming أومهرجان چينگ‌ مينگ Ching Ming Festival، ويُعهد أيضاً بإسم يوم كنس المقابر بالعربية، is a traditional Chinese festival on the first day of the fifth solar term of the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar. This makes it the 15th day after the Spring Equinox, either أربعة orخمسة April in a given year. Other common translations include Chinese Memorial Day and Ancestors' Day.

Qingming has been regularly observed as a statutory public holiday in China. In Taiwan, the public holiday is now always observed onخمسة April to honor the death of Chiang Kai-shek on that day in 1975. It became a public holiday in mainland China in 2008.

In the mainland, the holiday is associated with the consumption of qingtuan, green dumplings made of glutinous rice and barley grass. In Taiwan, the similar confection is known as caozaiguo or shuchuguo.

A similar holiday is observed in the Ryukyu Islands, called Shīmī in the local language.


Indonesian Chinese family pray for their deceased members at Qingming Festival of 2013 under the Heaven Gate of Sanggar Agung.
Colored papers placed on a grave during Qingming Festival, Bukit Brown Cemetery, Singapore

في الرسم

The famous Qingming scroll by Zhang Zeduan is an ancient Chinese painting which portrays the scene of Kaifeng city, the capital of the Song Dynasty during a Qingming festival.

Panorama of Along the River During the Qingming Festival, 12th century original by Zhang Zeduan (1085–1145)
Panorama of Along the River During the Qingming Festival, an 18th century recreation of the 12th century original

في الأدب

Qingming was frequently mentioned in Chinese literature. Among these, the most famous one is probably Du Mu's poem (simply titled "Qingming"):

Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese pinyin English translation
清明時節雨紛紛 清明时节雨纷纷 qīng míng shí jié yǔ fēn fēn A drizzling rain falls on the Mourning Day;
路上行人欲斷魂 路上行人欲断魂 lù shàng xíng rén yù duàn hún The mourner's heart is breaking on his way.
借問酒家何處有 借问酒家何处有 jiè wèn jiǔ jiā hé chù yǒu Inquiring, where can a wineshop be found?
牧童遙指杏花村 牧童遥指杏花村 mù tóng yáo zhǐ xìng huā cūn A cowherd points to Apricot Flower Village in the distance.

Although the date is not presently a holiday in Vietnam, the Qingming festival is mentioned (under the name Thanh Minh) in the epic poem The Tale of Kieu, when the protagonist Kieu meets a ghost of a dead old lady. The description of the scenery during this festival is one of the best-known passages of Vietnamese literature:

Hán Nôm Vietnamese English translation
𣈜春𡥵燕迻梭, Ngày xuân con én đưa thoi Swift swallows and spring days were shuttling by;
韶光𠃩𨔿㐌外𦒹𨑮。 Thiều quang chín chục đã ngoài sáu mươi Of ninety radiant ones three score had fled.
𦹵𡽫撑羡蹎𡗶, Cỏ non-xanh tận chân trời Young grass spread all its green to heaven's rim;
梗梨𤽸點沒𢽼񣡢花, Cành lê trắng điểm một vài bông hoa Some blossoms marked pear branches with white dots.
清明𥪞節𣎃𠀧, Thanh Minh trong tiết tháng ba Now came the Feast of Light in the third month
礼羅掃墓,噲羅踏清。 Lễ là Tảo mộ, hội là Đạp thanh With graveyard rites and junkets on the green.
𧵆賒奴㘃燕񣡢, Gần xa nô nức yến oanh As merry pilgrims flocked from near and far,
姉㛪懺所步行制春。 Chị em sắm sửa bộ hành chơi xuân The sisters and their brother went for a stroll.

انظر أيضاً

  • Along the River During Ching Ming Festival by Zhang Zeduan
  • Cold Food Festival, three consecutive days starting the day before the Qingming Festival
  • Day of the Dead
  • Double Ninth Festival, the other day to visit and clean up the cemeteries in Hong Kong
  • Ghost Festival
  • Hansik, a related Korean holiday on the same day
  • Songkran, South and Southeast Asia equivalents
  • Traditional Chinese holidays


  1. ^ "General holidays for 2015". GovHK. Retrieved 2014-08-25.
  2. ^ "Macau Government Tourist Office". Macau Tourism. Retrieved 2014-08-25.
  3. ^ "Traditional Chinese Festivals". china.org.cn. 2007-04-05. Retrieved 2014-08-25.
  4. ^ "Tomb Sweeping Day". Taiwan.gov.tw. Retrieved 2014-08-25.

وصلات خارجية

نطقب:Hong Kong Holidays

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 19:43:12
التصنيفات: صفحات بها أخطاء في البرنامج النصي, Articles containing non-English-language text, Infobox holiday (other), Portal templates with redlinked portals, Commons category link from Wikidata, Non-Gregorian April observances, مهرجانات بوذية, الديانة الشعبية الصينية, مهرجانات في الصين, مناسبات تكريم الموتى, عطلات عامة في الصين, عطلات عامة في تايوان, مهرجانات الربيع, Observances set by the Chinese calendar

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