القرن الأول

عودة للموسوعة

القرن الأول

الألفية: الألفية 1
  • القرن 1
  • القرن 2
خطوط زمنية:
  • القرن 1
  • القرن 2
زعماء الدول:
  • القرن 1 ق.م.
  • القرن 1
  • القرن 2
  • عقد 0
  • عقد 10
  • عقد 20
  • عقد 30
  • عقد 40
  • عقد 50
  • عقد 60
  • عقد 70
  • عقد 80
  • عقد 90
التصنيفات: المواليد – الوفيات
التأسيسات – الانحلالات
عام 1 ق.م. خريطة أوراسيا ويظهر عليها الامبراطورية الرومانية (بالأحمر)، الامبراطورية الپارثية (بالبني)، أسرة هان الصينية (بالأصفر) ودول/مناطق أخرى (بالأبيض).
نصف الكرة الشرقي عام 50 ق.م. وفي منتصف القرن الأول.
نصف الكرة الشرقي عام 100 ق.م. وفي نهاية القرن الأول.

القرن الأول، هوالقرن الذي بدأ من عام 1 حتى 100 حسب التقويم الميلادي. ويعتبر جزء من الفترة الكلاسيكية، أوالفترة التاريخية.

أثناء هذه الفترة سقطت اوروپا وشمال أفريقيا والشرق الأدنى تحت سيطرة متزايدة من الامبراطورية الرومانية، التي واصلت التوسع، وخصوصاً في بريطانيا في عهد الامبراطور كلاوديوس (43). The reforms introduced by Augustus during his long reign stabilized the empire after the turmoil of the previous century's civil wars. Later in the century the Julio-Claudian dynasty, which had been founded by Augustus, came to an end with the death of Nero in 68. There followed the famous Year of Four Emperors, a brief period of civil war and instability, which was finally brought to an end by Vespasian, 9th Roman emperor, and founder of the Flavian dynasty. The Roman Empire generally experienced a period of prosperity and dominance in this period and the 1st century is remembered as part of the Empire's golden age.

In the Roman province of Judea, the 1st Century saw the appearance of Christianity. Some scholars maintain this occurred after the ministry and crucifixion of Jesus Christ while others express doubts of the historicity of the ministry and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

China continued to be dominated by the Han Dynasty, despite a 14-year interruption by the Xin dynasty under Wang Mang. Han rule was restored in 23; Wang Mang's rule represents the watershed between the Western/Former Han and the Eastern/Later Han. The capital was also moved from Chang'an to Luoyang.

أحداث وسياسات اقليمية

  • اوروپا الشمالية: Celtic, Germanic, Saami and Finnic tribal chiefdoms.
  • اوروپا الغربية: Roman Empire
  • اوروپا الوسطى: Roman Empire, Celtic and Germanic tribal chiefdoms
  • اوروپا الشرقية: Roman Empire, Dacian, Sarmatian, Venedae and Balt tribal chiefdoms
  • اوروپا الجنوبية: Roman Empire.
  • شمال أفريقيا: Roman Empire, Garmantes, Mauri, Libyan and Gaetulian tribal chiefdoms.
  • غرب أفريقيا: Gur, Kwa, Soninke and Mande tribal chiefdoms.
  • وسط أفريقيا: Bantu tribes, collapsing Nok civilization.
  • شرق أفريقيا: Kingdom of Meroe, Kingdom of Blemmyes, Axum Empire.
  • أفريقيا الجنوبية: Bantu tribes, Khoisan.
  • غرب آسيا: Roman and Parthian Empires, Yemini and Arabian Kingdoms, smaller tribes.
  • آسيا الوسطى: Kushan Empire, Sarmatian, Dahae and other Iranian tribal chiefdoms.
  • جنوب آسيا: Kushan Empire, Western Satraps, Satavahana Empire, Dravidian Kingdoms, Kingdom of Kalinga, Indo-Parthian Kingdom, Tibetans.
  • جنوب شرق آسيا: City states, Khmer, Mon kingdoms, Funan.
  • شرق آسيا:Han Empire China, Yamato Empire Japan, Xiongnu and Xianbei Nomadic chiefdoms, Three Kingdoms (Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla) of Korea.
  • أمريكا الشمالية:
  • أمريكا الوسطى: Mayan, Teotihuacan and Zapotec civilizations.
  • الكاريبي:
  • أمريكا الجنوبية:Nazca, Moche civilizations, Tairona tribal chiefdoms.


The skeleton called the "Ring Lady" unearthed in Herculaneum, one of the victims of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79


  • مطلع القرن الأول – Augustus of Primaporta, (perhaps a copy of a bronze statue of ca. 20 BC), is made. It is now kept in Musei Vaticani, Braccio Nuovo, Rome.
  • مطلع القرن الأول – Gemma Augustea is made. It is now kept at Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.
  • مطلع القرن الأول – House of the Silver Wedding, Pompeii, is built. Excavated in 1893, the year of the silver wedding anniversary of Italy's King Humbert and his wife, Margherita of Savoy, who have supported archaeological fieldwork at Pompeii.
  • مطلع القرن الأول - Inner shrine, Ise, Mie, Mie Prefecture, is built. Yayoi period.
  • 1: Lions became extinct في اوروپا الغربية.
  • c. 6: Census of Quirinius
  • 8-23: Wang Mang temporarily overthrew the Han dynasty of China.
  • 9: Three Roman legions were ambushed and destroyed at Teutoberg Forest by Germans under the leadership of Arminius.
  • 14: Augustus Caesar, first emperor of Rome, dies. His adopted son, stepson and son-in-law Tiberius is his successor.
  • 28-75: Emperor Ming of Han, Buddhism reaches China.
  • Humans arrive on Pentecost Island and establish the Bunlap tribe, among others.
  • 28: Jesus begins his ministry.
  • 30: Death of Jesus on the cross. Beginning of the Christian Church.
  • 34: Conversion of Saint Paul.
  • 44: Death of Herod Agrippa.
  • 41-54: Rachias, an Ambassador sent from Sri Lanka to the court of Claudius.
  • Masoretes adds vowel pointings to the text of the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible.
  • Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka first write down Buddha's teachings, creating the Pali canon.
  • The regions of present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan and North India come under the control of the Kushans, a nomadic people forced out of northwest China by the Han Dynasty.
  • Tacitus mentions the Suiones, who will one day be called the Swedes.
  • Kaundinya, an Indian Brahmin marries Soma and establishes the Pre-Angkor Cambodian Kingdom of Funan.
  • The Goths settle in northern Poland, which they called Gothiscandza, and shape the Wielbark culture.
  • c. 50: Christian Council of Jerusalem.
  • c. 52: Arrival of Apostle Thomas to Malabar, India. Beginning of Christianity in India.
  • Mid-1st century – Wall niche, from garden in Pompeii, is made. It is now kept at Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, England.
  • Mid-1st century – Detail of a wall painting in the House of M. Lucretius Fronto, Pompeii, is made.
  • July 19, 64: Great Fire of Rome, first Roman mass Persecution of Christians, earliest significant recognition of Christians in Rome.
  • 66-73: First Jewish-Roman War.
  • August, 70: destruction of Herod's Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans under Titus.
  • August, 79: Pompeii and Herculaneum destroyed by eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
  • Jewish Council of Jamnia.
  • Spread of the Roman Empire, reaches largest size under Trajan.
  • Arena (colosseum) is constructed, origin of the name Arena.
  • Late 1st century—Cityscape, detail of a Second Style wall painting from a bedroom in the House of Publius Fannius Synistor, Boscoreale, is made. It is now at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
  • The painting "Alexander the Great confronts Darius III at the Battle of Issos", detail of mosaic floor decoration from Pompeii, Italy is made. It is a Roman copy after a Greek painting of c. 310 BC, perhaps by Philoxenos or Helen of Egypt. It is now at Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples, Italy.
  • Late 1st century – Bedroom, from the House of Publius Fannius Synistor, Boscoreale is made. It is reconstructed with later furnishings at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
  • Late 1st century – Seascape, detail of a wall painting from Villa Farnesina, Rome, is made.
  • Late 1st century – Young Woman Writing, detail of a wall painting, from Pompeii, is made. It is now kept at Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples.
  • Late 1st century – Mausoleum under Construction, relief from the tomb of the Haterius family, Via Labicana, Rome, is made. It is now kept at Musei Vaticani, Museo Gregoriano Profano, ex Lateranese, Rome.
  • Late 1st century – Middle-Aged Flavian Woman, is made. It is now kept at Musei Vaticani, Museo Gregoriano Profano, ex Lateranese, Rome.
  • c. Late 1st century-early 2nd century – Buddha and Attendants, from Katra Keshavdev, Mathura, Madhya Pradesh, India, is made. Kushan period. It is now kept at Mathura Museum.
  • 1st-2nd centuries - Tomb model of a house, is made. Eastern Han dynasty. It is now kept at The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri.


تمثال برونزي لأغسطس، متحف الآثار، أثينا
تمثال نصفي لكاليگولا.
  • أپولونيوس من تيانا
  • Akiba
  • أرمينيوس
  • Ban Chao
  • برنيقه من قيليقيا
  • Boudica, also known as Boadicea
  • أغسطس (امبراطور)
  • كاليگولا
  • كلاوديوس
  • حدثنت الأول من روما
  • Decebalus
  • Domitian
  • دوشي
  • Elisha ben Abuyah
  • گالبا
  • گرمانيوكوس
  • Gan Ying
  • Guangwu of Han
  • هيرون السكندري
  • Hillel the Elder
  • Ignatius of Antioch
  • James the Just
  • يسوع من الناصرة
  • يوحنا المعمدان
  • يوسفوس
  • ليوشين
  • ليڤيا
  • ليڤي
  • ما يوان
  • Ming of Han
  • نيرون
  • نرڤا
  • Otho
  • پولس من طرسوس
  • Saint Peter
  • فيلو
  • پلني الأكبر
  • پوليكارپ
  • پيلاطس الپنطي
  • Sejanus
  • سنكا الأصغر
  • سيمون پطرس
  • سترابو
  • تاكيتوس
  • توما الرسول
  • تيبريوس
  • تيتوس
  • تراجان
  • ڤسپازيان
  • ڤيتليوس
  • ڤيتروڤيوس
  • Wang Chung
  • وانگ مانگ
  • Yochanan ben Zakkai

اختراعات، اكتشافات، وأطروحات

  • Codex, the first form of the modern book, appears in the Roman Empire
  • سنة 78—the beginning of the Saka Era used by South Asian calendars.
  • Bookbinding
  • اختراعات عديدة يقوم بها هيرون السكندري, including the steam turbine (aeolipile), water organ, and various other water-powered machines.
  • في 31 في أسرة هان، المهندس ورجل الدولة دوشي (ت. 38) من Nanyang invented the first-known hydraulic-powered bellows to heat the blast furnace in smelting cast iron. He used a complex mechanical device that was powered by the rushing current against a waterwheel, a practice that would continue in China.
  • Although Philo of Byzantium described the saqiya chain pump in the early 2nd century BC, the square-pallet chain pump was innovated in China during this century, mentioned first by the philosopher Wang Chong around 80 AD. Wang Chong also accurately described the water cycle in meteorology, and argued against the mainstream 'radiating influence' theory for solar eclipses, the latter of which was accepted by many, including Zhang Heng.
  • الفلكي الصيني ليوشين (ت. 23) documented 1080 different stars, amongst other achievements.
  • نهاية القرن الأول – codex replaces the scroll.


According to the New Testament, during the reign of Tiberius, Jesus, a Jewish religious leader from Galilee, was crucified in Jerusalem on the charge of blasphemy for claiming to be the Son of God. But God raised him from the dead three days later, see Resurrection of Jesus. Over the next few decades his followers, following the Great Commission, including the apostle Paul, carried his message throughout the Greek-speaking regions of Asia Minor, eventually introducing it to Rome itself. Roman rulers began to persecute the new sect almost immediately (the emperor Nero accused the Christians of starting the fires that destroyed much of Rome in 64 AD), and would continue to do so for centuries, sometimes vigorously, and other times passively. يسجل الموروث المسيحي حتى جميع حواريي المسيح باستثناء يوحنا المعمدان قد نالوا الشهادة.

In the 4th century, Christianity was eventually taken up by the emperor Constantine, although one of his successors Julian the Apostate renounced it for paganism and again persecuted the Church. However, by the end of the 4th century, Emperor Theodosius I proclaimed Christianity as the state religion of the Roman Empire.

عقود وسنوات


  1. ^ Historicity of Jesus
  2. ^ Acts 2:24, Acts 2:32, Acts 3:15, Acts 3:26, Acts 4:10, Acts 5:30, Acts 10:40, Acts 13:30, Acts 13:34, Acts 13:37, Romans 10:9, 1 Corinthians 6:14, 1 Corinthians 15:15, Galatians 1:1, Colossians 2:12, 1 Peter 1:21
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 19:52:08
التصنيفات: القرن الأول, الألفية الأولى, قرون

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