
النطاق الجغرافي Africa, Europe, and Asia
الفترة Lower Paleolithic
التواريخ 1.76–0.13 Mya
المسقط النمطي Saint-Acheul (Amiens)
سبقها Oldowan
تلاها Mousterian, Clactonian, Micoquien
العصر الحجري
↑ (پليوسين)

العصر الحجري القديم

Lower Paleolithic
العصر الحجري المتأخر
التحكم في النار
أدوات حجرية
Middle Paleolithic
Middle Stone Age
Homo sapiens
الخروج من أفريقيا
Upper Paleolithic
العصر الحجري المتأخر
الحداثة السلوكية، Atlatl,
أصل الكلب المستأنس

العصر الحجري المتوسط

Microliths, Bow, Canoe
العصر الحجري الحديث الثقيل
العصر الحجري الحديث الرعوي
Trihedral Neolithic
Pre-Pottery Neolithic

العصر الحجري الحديث

ثورة العصر الحجري الحديث،
استئناس الحيوانات
العصر الحجري الحديث الفخاري
↓ العصر النحاسي

أشولية أوحضارة أشولية (Acheulean) هي فترة صناعية في عصر ماقبل التاريخ بمنطقة مدينة سانت آشول بشمال فرنسا. ويتميز هذا المسقط الأثري بكثافة الآثار من البلط الحجرية التي لها أيدي والآلات الحجرية المصقولة كالفؤوس المدببة والبيضاوية التي كان يستعملها الإنسان الأول . وبوفرة وأكثر مما عثر في مواقع أولدفاي بشرق أفريقيا . وأصبحت الأشولينية مصطلحا يطلقه فهماء الآثار علي مواقع لصناعة البلط اليدوية المدببة والمفلطحة والمكاشط من الحجر المصقول لذبح الحيوانات وتجهيزها . ويرجع تاريخها لعصر ماقبل التاريخ في أفريقيا والشرق الأدني وأوربا وآسيا ويرجع تاريخها إلي 5,1 مليون سنة وحتي 200,000 سنة .وهذه الفترة تطورية حبث تحول الإنسان المنتصب Homo erectus لإنسان عاقل Homo sapiens .ويطلق علي إنسان هذا العصر الإنسان الأشولي الذي عاش قرب الأنهار في أوروبا وأفريقيا وآسيا وظهرت مصنوعات خشبية ترجع للفترة الأشولية كالحراب التي عثر عليها شوننگن بألمانيا وكلاتون بإنجلترا . ويرجح الفهماء حتى الإنسان الأشوليني إستخدم النار منذ 300 ألف سنة عندما عثروا علي بقايا عظام وأحجار محروقة وفحم ورماد في عدة مواقع أشولينية كما في كهف المواقد Cave of Hearths بجنوب أفريقيا وزوكوديان بالصين وتـِرّا أماتا بفرنسا. لكن لاتوجد مواقد نيران تذكر بهذه الفترة .

الأدوات الحجرية الأشولية

Acheulean hand-axes من كنت. The types shown are (clockwise from top) cordate, ficron and ovate.
A large and carefully crafted handaxe such as this may have served a social as well as functional purpose.


Acheulean Biface من سان أشول
Ganj Par, Lower Paleolithic stone tools

انظر أيضاً

  • Lithic reduction
  • العصر الحجري
  • Synoptic table of the principal old world prehistoric cultures
  • Stone tools


  • Pappu, Raghunath (2001). Acheulean Culture in Peninsular India: An Ecological Perspective. New Delhi: D K Printworld. ISBN .
  • Adkins, L (1998). The Handbook of British Archaeology. London: Constable. ISBN . Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Butler, C (2005). Prehistoric Flintwork. Tempus, Stroud. ISBN  Check |isbn= value: invalid character (help).
  • Darvill, T (ed.) (2003). Oxford Concise Dictionary of Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN .CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link)
  • Milliken, S (2001). A Very Remote Period Indeed. Papers on the Palaeolithic presented to Derek Roe. Oxford: Oxbow. ISBN . Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Renfrew, C (1991). Archaeology, Theories Methods and Practice. London: Thames and Hudson. ISBN . Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Scarre, C (ed.) (2005). The Human Past. London: Thames and Hudson. ISBN .CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link)
  • Wood, B (2005). Human Evolution A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN .
  1.  Bar-Yosef, O and Belfer-Cohen, A, 2001, From Africa to Eurasia — Early Dispersals, Quaternary International 75, 19–28, Abstract
  2.  Scarre, C, 2005, p110
  3.  Clark, JD, Variability in primary and secondary technologies of the Later Acheulian in Africa in Milliken, S and Cook, J (eds), 2001
  4.  Roche H and Kibunjia, M, 1994, Les sites archaéologiques plio-pléistocènes de la formation de Nachukui, West Turkana, Kenya: bilan synthétique 1997–2001, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 318 (Série II), 1145–51, qtd in Scarre, 2005
  5.  Roche H et al., 2002, Les sites archaéologiques pio-pléistocènes de la formation de Nachukui, Ouest-Turkana, Kenya: bilan synthétique 1997–2001, Comptes Rendus Palevol 2, 663–673, qtd in Scarre, 2005
  6.  Wood, B, 2005, p87.
  7.  Ashton, N, McNabb, J, Irving, B, Lewis, S and Parfitt, S Contemporaneity of Clactonian and Acheulian flint industries at Barnham, Suffolk Antiquity 68, 260, p585–589 Abstract
  8.  Clark, JD et al., 1966, Precision and definition in African archaeology, South African Archaeological Bulletin XXI (83), 114–21 qtd in Scarre, 2005
  9.  Barton, RNE, Stone Age Britain English Heritage/BT Batsford:London 1997 qtd in Butler, 2005. See also Wymer, JJ, The Lower Palaeolithic Occupation of Britain, Wessex Archaeology and English Heritage, 1999.
  10.  Ashton, NM, McNabb, J, and Parfitt, S, Choppers and the Clactonian, a reinvestigation, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 58, pp21–28, qtd in Butler, 2005
  11.  Wymer, JJ, 1968, Lower Palaeolithic Archaeology in Britain: as represented by the Thames Valley, qtd in Adkins, L and R, 1998
  12.  Collins, D, 1978, Early Man in West Middlesex, qtd in Adkins, L and R, 1998
  13.  Paddayya, K, Jhaldiyal, R and Petraglia, MD, Excavation of an Acheulian workshop at Isampur, Karnataka (India) Antiquity 74, 286, pp 751–752 Abstract
  14.  Gamble, C and Steele, J, 1999, Hominid ranging patterns and dietary strategies in Ullrich, H (ed.), Hominid evolution: lifestyles and survival strategies, pp 396–409, Gelsenkirchen: Edition Archaea.
  15.  Unattributed citation in Renfrew and Bahn, 1991, p277
  16.  O'Brien, E, 1981, The projectile capabilities of an Acheulian handaxe from Olorgesailie, Current Anthropology 22: 76–9. See also Calvin, W, 1993, The unitary hypothesis: a common neural circuitry for novel manipulations, language, plan-ahead and throwing, in K.R. Gibson & T. Ingold (ed.), Tools, language and cognition in human evolution: 230–50. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  17.  Gamble, C, 1997, Handaxes and palaeolithic individuals, in N. Ashton, F. Healey & P.Pettitt (ed.), Stone Age archaeology: 105–9. Oxford: Oxbow Books. Monograph 102.
  18.  White, MJ, 1998, On the significance of Acheulian biface variability in southern Britain, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 64: 15–44.
  19.  Kohn, M and Mithen, S, 1999, Handaxes: products of sexual selection?, Antiquity 73, 518–26 Abstract
  20.  Todd, L, Glantz, M and Kappelman, J, Chilga Kernet: an Acheulean landscape on Ethiopia's western plateau Antiquity 76, 293 pp 611–612 Abstract
  21.   Biglari, F. and Shidrang, S. 2006 The Lower Paleolithic Occupation of Iran, Near Eastern Archaeology 69(3–4): 160-168 [1]
  22.  Hyeong Woo Lee, The Palaeolithic industries of Korea: chronology and related new findspots in Milliken, S and Cook, J (eds), 2001
  23.  Gamble, C and Marshall, G, The shape of handaxes, the structure of the Acheulian world, in Milliken, S and Cook, J (eds), 2001
  24.  Clarke, JD et al., 2003, Stratigraphic, chronological and behavioural contexts of Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia, Nature 423, 747–52, Abstract
  25.   Isaac, GL, 1976, Stages of cultural elaboration in the Pleistocene: possible archaeological indicators of the development of language capabilities, in Origins and Evolution of Languages and Speech (SR Harbard et al. eds.), 276–88, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 280, qtd in Renfrew and Bahn, 1991
  26.  Wynne, T, 1995, Handaxe enigmas, World Archaeology 27, 10–24, qtd in Scarre, 2005
  27.  Dibble, HL, 1989, The implications of stone tool types for the presenceof language during the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic, in The Human Revolution (P Mellars and C Stringer eds) Edinburgh University Press, qtd in Renfrew and Bahn, 1991.
  28.  Goren-Inbar, N and Peltz, S, 1995, Additional remarks on the Berekhat Ram figure, Rock Art Research 12, 131–132, qtd in Scarre, 2005
  29.  Mania, D and Mania, U, 1988, Deliberate engravings on bone artefacts of Homo Erectus, Rock Art Research 5, 919–7, qtd in Scarre, 2005
  30.  Tryon, CA and McBrearty, S, 2002, Tephrostatigraphy and the Acheulean to Middle Stone Age transition in the Kapthurin Formation, Kenya, Journal of Human Evolution 42, 211–35, qtd in Scarre, 2005 Abstract
  31.  Cruz-Uribe, K et al., 2003, Excavation of buried late Acheulean (mid-Quaternary) land surfaces at Duinefontein 2, West Cape Province, South Africa, Journal of Archaeological Science 30, 559–75, qtd in Scarre, 2005
  32.  Scarre, 2005, chapter ثلاثة , p118 "However, objects whose artistic meaning is unequivocal become commonplace only after 50,000 years ago, when they are associated with the origins and spread of fully modern humans from Africa.
  33.  ...the most conservative conclusion today is that Acheulean people and their contemporaries definitely hunted big animals, though their success rate is not clear ibid, p 120.
  34.  De Lumley, 1975, Cultural evolution in France in its palaeoecological setting during the middle Pleistocene, in After the Australopithecines, Butzer, KW and Issac, G Ll. (eds) 745–808. The Hague:Mouton, qtd in Scarre, 2005

مصادر اضافية

وصلات خارجية

  • Acheulian Tools of North Africa — World Museum of Man
  • Acheulian Tools of Europe — World Museum of Man
  • Acheulean Gallery
  • Acheulean tools from Britain [broken link]
  • Acheulian Iran
  • Lower Paleolithic Iran [broken link]
  • Acheulian Armenia [broken link]
  • "Acheulian Project". Archived from the original on 2006-09-25.
  • Acheulean France [broken link]
  • Early human fire skills revealed
  • The Acheulian biface project: a digital archive for teaching and research
  • Acheulean replacing Cheulean crafts [linked page is not about acheulean]
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-05 16:26:45
التصنيفات: Pages with citations using unsupported parameters, CS1 errors: ISBN, CS1 maint: extra text: authors list, Lithics, Lower Paleolithic, حضارات قديمة

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