آوجي‌لار، اسطنبول

عودة للموسوعة

آوجي‌لار، اسطنبول


مسقط آوجي‌لار في اسطنبول
مسقط آوجي‌لار في اسطنبول
الإحداثيات: Coordinates:
البلد هجريا
المدينة اسطنبول
 • العمدة Handan Toprak (CHP)
 • District 39٫23 كم² (15٫15 ميل²)
 • District 395٬274
 • District كثافة 10٬000/km2 (26٬000/sq mi)
المسقط الإلكتروني avcilar.bel.tr avcilar.gov.tr

آوجي‌لار Avcılar هي قضاء ضاحية في محافظة اسطنبول، هجريا، على الجانب الأوروبي للمدينة، إلى الغرب مباشرة من بوغاز كچك‌چكمجه على بحر مرمرة.


The Marmara coast road bridges the mouth of the inlet, always an important route in wartime. Therefore, when preparing the conquest of Istanbul the Ottoman forces were keen to populate the كچك‌چكمجه area with the Turks, the Turkish presence in the area dates from this period.

The road from Istanbul to Europe has become increasingly important ever since and by the time of the population exchange with Greece at the founding of the Turkish Republic there were 50 Greek families in the village, the property they vacated was then used as a military depot. Little is left of this history; the church had long been converted to a mosque and was pulled down in 1977 for a new mosque to be built; fountains and ruins have disappeared. There is some remaining Ottoman architecture including a hunting lodge belonging to the sultans, (the name Avcılar means 'hunters' in Turkish), and some traditional farm houses.

آوجي‌لار اليوم

حتى النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين، ظلت آوجي‌لار قرية صغيرة على الساحل يتخللها الكثير من الأراضي الخاوية. إلا أنها نمت باضطراد في ع1980. وأقيم عليها مباني سكنية كثيرة.

وقد شهدت الضاحية قدراً كبيرا من التنمية الصناعية، حول الميناء وأيضاً على الطريق المتجه إلى قرية فيروزكوي، المطلة على البوغاز.

At one time the seashore at Avcılar was a retreat from the city, but now the port at Ambarlı is very busy. The road to Europe carries more traffic than ever, it is now a busy highway, littered with billboards and heaving with trucks. Travelling into the city from Avcılar requires winding up onto this highway from Avcılar's network of bridges and narrow underpasses.

Apartments in the centre of Avcılar near the sea are expensive[]. The centre of Avcılar has places to sit outside, many restaurants, two cinemas, an active night-life and a busy shopping area with pedestrianised shopping streets with American-style fast-food joints, narrow side-streets of little shops and cafes. Young people wander among people selling goods on the sidewalk.

After the 1999 İzmit earthquake, the demographics of Avcılar changed dramatically[]. Before the earthquake, majority of the population was Turkish immigrants from the Balkans, civil servants, university students and the sorts which constituted a relatively low crime rate[]. However, after the earthquake, most of these people left the district for most of the buildings were of low build quality and very vulnerable to earthquakes[]. The low estate prices attracted many people from mid and east Anatolia and this new demographic introduced a higher crime rate in Avcılar[].

The magazine Bayan Yani is created here and it has had resistance from the authorities. Their offices have been visited by people carrying petrol cans. 150 media workers have been held under arrest in Turkeyt including the cartoonist Musa Kart who is held in a location near to Avcilar.

جامعة اسطنبول

أحد حـُرُم جامعة اسطنبول يوجد في آوجي‌لار، ويضم كليات الهندسة وإدارة الأعمال والرياضة والطب البيطري. الحرم بعيد عن الجانب الأناضولي من اسطنبول والمواصلات كانت معقدة وشاقة قبل وضع نظام متروباص. ويوجد منتزه ضمن الحرم الجامعي وحول بحيرة كچك‌چكمجه.

عـُرضة للزلازل

This district was badly hit during the 1999 earthquake. A major fault-line follows the Marmara shore and Avcılar is built on low-lying sandy soil, some of it landfill, right on this shore. This and the fact that the buildings are tall and were very cheaply built make it a particularly vulnerable area. Buildings damaged in 1999 have been repaired but an earthquake centred nearer to Istanbul will damage this area severely.


  1. ^ "Area of regions (including lakes), km²". Regional Statistics Database. Turkish Statistical Institute. 2002. Retrieved 2013-03-05.
  2. ^ "Population of province/district centers and towns/villages by districts - 2012". Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS) Database. Turkish Statistical Institute. Retrieved 2013-02-27.
  3. ^ Fueling Turkish feminism with satire and humour, Clement Girardot, 16.04.17, Mashallah News, Retrieved June 2017
  • "Information on Avcılar district" (in Turkish). Governorship of Istanbul. 2009. Archived from the original on 2011-07-16. Retrieved 2009-08-16. CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)

وصلات خارجية

  • District governor's official website (لغة هجرية)
  • District municipality's official website (لغة هجرية)
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-05 19:54:02
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