الذئب القطبي

عودة للموسوعة

الذئب القطبي

{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/نطقب:Taxonomy/Canis|machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent
الذئب القطبي Arctic wolf
التصنيف الفهمي
أصنوفة غير معروفة (أصلحها): Canis
Subgenus: Template:Taxonomy/Canis
Species: Template:Taxonomy/CanisC. lupus'
Subspecies: Template:Taxonomy/CanisC. l. arctos''
Trinomial name
Canis lupus arctos
Pocock, 1935
C. l. arctos range
Map of the study region showing place names mentioned in the text and proportion of effort-years wolves were known to be present in 20 areas of east and north Greenland, 1978–1998.
Queen Elizabeth Islands region (QEI) divided into five major areas by apparent importance to arctic-island wolves.

The Arctic wolf (Canis lupus arctos), also known as the Melville Island wolf, is a subspecies of gray wolf native to the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, from Melville Island to Ellesmere Island. It is a medium-sized subspecies, distinguished from the northwestern wolf by its smaller size, its whiter coloration, its narrower braincase, and larger carnassials. Since 1930, there has been a progressive reduction in size in Arctic wolf skulls, which is likely the result of wolf-dog hybridization.


  1. ^ Marquard-Petersen (2011). "Insular and disjunct distribution of the Arctic wolf in Greenland". Polar Biology. 34 (10): 1447–1454. doi:10.1007/s00300-011-1002-5.
  2. ^ Miller, Frank (1995). "Wolf-sightings on the Canadian Arctic Islands". Artic. 48 (4). doi:10.14430/arctic1253.
  3. ^ Walton, Lyle (2001). "Movement Patterns of Barren-Ground Wolves in the Central Canadian Arctic". Journal of Mammalogy. 82 (3): 867–876. doi:10.1093/jmammal/82.3.867.
  4. ^ Mech, L. David (1981), The Wolf: The Ecology and Behaviour of an Endangered Species, University of Minnesota Press, p. 352, ISBN 0-8166-1026-6
  5. ^ Goldman, E. A. (1964). Classification of wolves. In The Wolves of North America Part 2. Young, S. P. & Goldman, E. A. (Eds.) New York: Dover Publs. p. 430.
  6. ^ Clutton-Brock, J.; Kitchener, A. C.; Lynch, J. M. (1994). "Changes in the skull morphology of the Arctic wolf, Canis lupus arctos, during the twentieth century". Journal of Zoology. 233: 19–36. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1994.tb05259.x.


  • L. David Mech (text), Jim Brandenburg (photos) (May 1987). At Home With the Arctic Wolf. National Geographic 171(5):562–593.
  • L. David Mech (1997). The Arctic Wolf:عشرة Years With the Pack, Voyageur Press, ISBN 0-89658-353-8 .

وصلات خارجية

  • International Wolf Center – Arctic Wolf Information
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-05 22:40:59
التصنيفات: تجاوزات عمق التوسيع, Missing redirects, Automatic taxobox cleanup, Articles with 'species' microformats, Taxoboxes with the incertae sedis color, Taxoboxes with no color, Arctic land animals, Mammals of the Arctic, ثدييات كندا, Carnivorans of North America, Megafauna of North America, Subspecies of Canis lupus

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