
Muren in regular script
Pronunciation Mùróng (Pinyin), Мөрөн (Mongolian)
Language(s) Mongolic Language
اللغة Xianbei
الاشتقاق name of the ancestor of the Muren tribe
Other names
صيغة تنويعة Murong(Mandarin)

مورونگ (Murong ؛ بالصينية: 慕容; پن‌ين: Mùróng; ويد-جايلز: Mu4-jung2) أومورِن Muren يشير إلى قبيلة من عرق شيان‌بـِيْ الذي هوشعب منغولي معروف منذ زمن Tanshihuai (حكم 156-181). Different strands of evidence exist linking the Murong to the Mongols. Murong is also a Chinese surname. The Former Yan (337-370), Western Yan (384-394), Later Yan (384-409) dynasties as well as Tuyuhun (285-670) were all founded by the Murong peoples.


Painting of a Murong archer from an Xianbei tomb excavated in 1982 in Chaoyang, Liaoning.

The chieftain Murong was the first ancestor of the Murong tribe, which was named after him. He was a daren (chieftain noble) of the Middle Section during the rule of Tanshihuai (reigned 156-181). The Records of the Three Kingdoms records:

Tanshihuai of the Xianbei divided his territory into three sections: the eastern, the middle and the western. From the You Beiping to the Liao River, connecting the Fuyu and Mo to the east, it was the eastern section. There were more than twenty counties. The darens (chiefs) (of this section) were called Mijia, Queji, Suli and Huaitou. From the You Beiping to Shanggu to the west, it was the middle section. There were more than ten counties. The darens of this section were called Kezui, Queju, Murong, et al. From Shanggu to Dunhuang, connecting the Wusun to the west, it was the western section. There were more than twenty counties. The darens (of this section) were called Zhijian Luoluo, Rilü Tuiyan, Yanliyou, et al. These chiefs were all subordinate to Tanshihuai.


  • Murong Mohuba (238)
  • Murong Muyan (246)
  • Murong Shegui (died 283)
  • Murong Shan (died 285)
  • Murong Hui (285–333)


هذا هواسم صيني; لقب العائلة هوMurong.
  • Murong Bao (355–398), formally Emperor Huimin of (Later) Yan
  • Murong Chao (385–410), last emperor of the Chinese/Xianbei state Southern Yan
  • Murong Chong (d. 386), formally Emperor Wei of (Western) Yan
  • Murong Chui (326–396), formally Emperor Wucheng of (Later) Yan
  • Murong De (336–405), formally Emperor Xianwu of (Southern) Yan
  • Murong Fuyun (597–635), ruler of the Xianbei/Qiang/Tibetan state Tuyuhun
  • Murong Huang (297–348), formally Prince Wenming of (Former) Yan
  • Murong Hong (d. 384), founder of the Chinese/Xianbei state Western Yan
  • Murong Hui (269–333), Xianbei chief and Duke Xiang of Liaodong, posthumously honored as Prince Wuxuan of Yan
  • Murong Jun (319–360), formally Emperor Jingzhao of (Former) Yan
  • Murong Ke (d. 367), formally Prince Huan of Taiyuan
  • Murong Lin (d. 398), general and imperial prince of the Chinese/Xianbei state Later Yan
  • Murong Long (d. 397), formally Prince Kang of Gaoyang
  • Murong Nong (d. 398), formally Prince Huanlie of Liaoxi
  • Murong Nuohebo (d. 688),last khan of the Xianbei/Qiang/Tibetan state Tuyuhun
  • Murong Sheng (373–401),an emperor of the Chinese/Xianbei state Later Yan
  • Murong Ping (?–?), regent of the Chinese/Xianbei state Former Yan during the reign of Murong Wei (Emperor You)
  • Murong Shun (d. 635), khan of the Xianbei/Qiang/Tibetan state Tuyuhun
  • Murong Wei (350–385), formally Emperor You of (Former) Yan
  • Murong Xi (385–407), emperor of the Chinese/Xianbei state Later Yan
  • Murong Yao (d. 386) was an emperor of the Chinese/Xianbei state Western Yan
  • Murong Yi (d. 386) was a ruler of the Chinese/Xianbei state Western Yan
  • Murong Yong (d. 394), last emperor of the Chinese/Xianbei state Western Yan
  • Murong Zhong (d. 386) emperor of the Chinese/Xianbei state Western Yan
  • Princess Murong, princess of Northern Yan, wife of Feng Hong


  1. ^ SGZ 30. 837-838, note. 1.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 04:59:12
التصنيفات: Articles with short description, All set index articles, Surnames, تاريخ منغوليا, الممالك الستة عشر, شيان‌بـِيْ, Articles containing non-English-language text

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