حملة ساراتوگا

عودة للموسوعة

حملة ساراتوگا

حملة ساراتوگا
جزء من الحرب الثورية الأمريكية

Surrender of General Burgoyne by John Trumbull
التاريخ June 14, 1777 – October 17, 1777
Upstate New York

نصر أمريكي حاسم:

  • Surrender of a British army
  • Entry of France into the war
 الولايات المتحدة
Oneida Indians

 مملكة بريطانيا العظمى

  • Brunswick-Lüneburg
  • Hesse-Hanau
Iroquois Confederation
(except Oneidas)
القادة والزعماء
Horatio Gates
Philip Schuyler
Arthur St. Clair
Benedict Arnold
Benjamin Lincoln
Israel Putnam
George Clinton
James Clinton
John Burgoyne 
Simon Fraser †
William Phillips 
Baron Riedesel 
Barry St. Leger
جوسف برانت
Sir هنري كلنتون


8,500 (Burgoyne)

1,600 (St. Leger)
3,000 (Clinton)
A Campaign streamer embroidered "Saratoga 2 July–17 October 1777" is awarded to American military units that participated in this campaign.

Saratoga Campaign in 1777 was an attempt by the British high command for North America to gain military control of the strategically important Hudson River valley during the American Revolutionary War. The primary thrust of the campaign was planned and initiated by General John Burgoyne. Commanding a main force of some 8,000 men, he moved south in June from Quebec, boated up Lake Champlain to middle New York, then marched over the divide and down the Hudson Valley to Saratoga. He initially skirmished there with the Patriot defenders with mixed results. Then, after losses in the Battles of Saratoga in September and October, his deteriorating position and ever increasing size of the American army obliged him to surrender his forces to the American General Horatio Gates.

Efforts to support Burgoyne were unsuccessful. Colonel Barry St. Leger attempted to move on Albany, New York east through the Mohawk River valley, but was forced to retreat during the siege of Fort Stanwix after losing Indian support and a successful ruse by Benedict Arnold. The planned expedition from the south in the summer never materialized (apparently due to miscommunication on that year's campaign goals) when General William Howe sent his army to take Philadelphia rather than sending a portion of it up the Hudson River from New York City. A late effort to support Burgoyne from New York was made by Sir Henry Clinton in early October, but it did not significantly affect the outcome.

The American victory was an enormous morale boost to the fledgling nation, and it convinced France to enter the conflict in support of الولايات المتحدة، openly providing money, soldiers, and naval support, as well as a wider theater of war.

الاستراتيجية البريطانية

خطة هاولمهاجمة فيلادلفيا

خطة برگوين للاستيلاء على ألباني

General John Burgoyne, portrait by Joshua Reynolds

الاستراتيجية الأمريكية

الاهتمام العالمي

Charles Gravier, comte de Vergennes, portrait by Antoine-François Callet

بداية الحملة

شلالات تايكوندروگا

حصن تايكوندروگا من جبل دفاينس
الجنرال آرثر سانت كلير، پورتريه بريشة تشارلز ويلسون پيل

رد العمل والتأخر

تجريدة سانت ليجيه

تقدم برگوين نحوألباني، يونيو-أكتوبر 1777


General Horatio Gates, portrait by Gilbert Stuart

الهجوم على تايكوندروگا

General Benjamin Lincoln, portrait by Charles Willson Peale

مرتفعات بميز

الجنرال دانيال مورگان، پورتريه بريشة تشارلز ويلسون پيل


Monument at Victory, New York

في 17 أكتوبر 1777 هزم جيش للمستعمرين عدته عشرون ألف مقاتل قوة مؤلفة من خمسة آلاف جندي بريطاني وثلاثة آلاف مرتزق ألماني قادمين من كندا في ساراتوجا وأكرهها على الاستسلام.


فلما بلغ نبأ هذا الفوز الأمريكي فرنسا وجدت مطالبة فرانكلين، ودين، ولي، بإبرام حلف قبولاً بين مشيري الملك. غير حتى نكير عارض إذ كره حتى يرى ميزانيته التي قاربت التوازن تقلبها نفقات الحرب رأساً على عقب. إلا حتى فرجين وموريبا ظفرا بموافقة لويس السادس عشر التي بذلها على مضض حين حذراه من حتى إنجلترا-التي كانت عليمة منذ زمن طويل بالعون الفرنسي لأمريكا ومستاءة منه-قد تبرم صلحاً مع مستعمراتها وتوجه تام قوتها الحربية ضد فرنسا. وعليه ففيستة فبراير 1778 سقطت الحكومة الفرنسية معاهدتين مع "ولايات أمريكا المتحدة" أرست إحداهما علاقات التجارة، والمعونة، واشترطت الأخرى سراً حتى ينضم المسقطان في الدفاع عن فرنسا إذا أعربت عليها إنجلترا الحرب، ولا يبرم طرف صلحاً دون موافقة الآخر، ويواصل كلاهما قتال إنجلترا حتى يتحقق استقلال أمريكا.


Erected 1887 By

Brev: Maj: Gen: S.N.Y.
2nd V. Pres't Saratoga Mon't Ass't'n:
في ذكرى
أذكى جندي في
الجيش القاري
الذي جـُرِج جرحاً بليغاً
في هذا المسقط من ميناء
في السابع من أكتوبر 1777
محرزاً النصر لمواطنيه
في المعركة الحاسمة
بالثورة الأمريكية
ولنفسه رتبة

ميجور جنرال

المنقوشة على نصب البيادة

في أربعة ديسمبر 1777، الخبر وصل بنجامن فرانكلن في ڤرساي حتى فيلادلفيا سقطت وأن برگوين قد استسلم. Two days later, King Louis XVI assented to negotiations for an alliance. The treaty was signed on February 6, 1778, and France declared war on Britain one month later, with hostilities beginning with naval skirmishes off Ushant in June. Spain did not enter into the war until 1779, when it entered the war as an ally of France pursuant to the secret Treaty of Aranjuez. Vergennes' diplomatic moves following the French entry into the war also had material impact on the later entry of the Dutch Republic into the war, and declarations of neutrality on the part of other important geopolitical players like Russia.

The British government of Lord North came under sharp criticism when the news of Burgoyne's surrender reached London. Of Lord Germain it was said that "the secretary is incapable of conducting a war", and Horace Walpole opined (incorrectly, as it turned out) that "we are ... very near the end of the American war." Lord North issued a proposal for peace terms in Parliament that did not include independence; when these were finally delivered to Congress by the Carlisle Peace Commission they were rejected.


  1. ^ This number is an estimate of the total number of American combatants involved in the campaign. While Nickerson details a significant number of the troop counts during the campaign (pp. 435–451), Pancake (1977) provides a more ready source of numbers for recruitments. The Northern Department (under Schuyler and then Gates), started with about 5,500 men (Pancake, pp. 151–152), and the Highland Department under Putnam, based on troop deployments ordered, had about 3,000 men (pp. 153,180). Militia recruitment after the fall of Ticonderoga and the killing of Jane McCrea was substantial: known recruitments included Stark and Warner 2,000 (p. 153), Lincoln 1,500 (p. 178), and Herkimer 800. Gates was reported to have anywhere from 15,000 to 18,000 men when Burgoyne surrendered (p. 189), which did not include about one-half of Putnam's and Stark's men, the Mohawk River outposts, Herkimer's troops, or earlier losses due to battle, disease, or expiring enlistments. It did include Morgan's 300+ riflemen, dispatched from Washington's main army. Considering that Putnam's forces were also swollen by militia following the Battle of Forts Clinton and Montgomery (one British report claimed 6,000 men were following them on October 16, Pancake p. 188), the number of Americans in the field in mid-October was probably well over 20,000.
  2. ^ Nickerson (1967), p. 437, and other sources report Burgoyne starting with 7,800 men. Nickerson notes (p. 105) that this number does not include officers and non-combatant staff and camp followers, who would also require supplies. That number also does not include Indians and Loyalists who arrived after the capture of Ticonderoga (about 700, Nickerson p. 439).
  3. ^ See Siege of Fort Stanwix for details.
  4. ^ See Battle of Forts Clinton and Montgomery for details. This number includes all troops Clinton sent north from New York, not all of which were involved in battle.
  5. ^ Nickerson (1967), p. 411
  6. ^ Nickerson (1967), p. 412
  7. ^ Nickerson (1967), p. 413
  8. ^ Nickerson (1967), p. 415
  9. ^ Ketchum (1997), p. 442
  10. ^ Mary A. Giunta, J. Dane Hartgrove (1998). . Rowman & Littlefield. p. 72. ISBN .

وصلات خارجية

  • Fort Ticonderoga web site
  • Hubbardton Battlefield State Historic Site
  • National Park Service web site for Fort Stanwix
  • Oriskany Battlefield State Historic Site
  • Bennington Battlefield State Historic Site
  • National Park Service web site for Saratoga National Historical Park
  • Fort Montgomery State Historic Site
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 10:35:15
التصنيفات: Pages using deprecated image syntax, Portal templates with all redlinked portals, Campaigns of the American Revolutionary War, New York in the American Revolution, Vermont in the American Revolution, 1777 in military history, Conflicts in 1777, 1777 in New York

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