إنتقال الأجسام

عودة للموسوعة

إنتنطق الأجسام

Teleportation إنتنطق الأجسام هوتحريك الأجسام من مكان الى آخر, لحظيا أوآنيا , إما بواسطة, أوخلالparanormal واسطة تقنية. إنتنطق الأجسام أستخدم في الخيال الفهمى science fiction.

وهذا يشبهapport, إصطلاح قديم أستخدم لوصف ما يمكن حتى يطلق عليه اليوم إنتنطق الأجسام teleportation; وbilocation, الذىقد يكون فيه الشىء أوالشخص متواجدا في مكانين مختلفين في آن واحد , في نفس اللحظة الزمنية , . الحدثة "teletransportation" (التى تتوسع ببساطة في طرحCharles Fort's المختصر) أستخدمت أول مرة Derek Parfit كجزء من فكر إختبارى تعريف للشخصية.

جذور الفكرة

صادفت هذه الفكرة عام 1931 by American writer Charles Fort لكى يصف الإختفاء الغامض ,والظهور أيضا anomalies, الذى إقترح أنه يرتبط. Greek prefix tele- (تعني "مسافة") الى اللاتينيةLatin عمل portare (تعني "يحمل"). Fort's أول إستعمال رصين للحدثة لدى "فورت"كان في الباب الثانى في كتابه لعام 1931 , Lo! "Mostly in this book I shall specialize upon indications that there exists a transportory force that I shall call Teleportation." Though, with his typical half-serious jokiness, أضاف "فورت", "Iسوف أتهم بأننى أختلقت أكاذيب, yarns, hoaxes, and خرافاتs. To some degree I think so myself. To some degree, I do not. I offer the data." Fort suggested that teleportation might explain various allegedly paranormal phenomena, though, typically, it's sometimes difficult to tell if Fort took his own "theory" seriously, or instead used it to point out what he saw as the inadequacy of mainstream science to account for strange phenomena.


وسيلة مفترضة لإنتنطق الأجسام هى نقل البيانات التى تستعمل بنتهى الدقة لإعادة بناء الجسم أوالشيىء الى مكان إنتنطقه. وعلى ذلك , فإنه سيكون من المحال حتى ينتقل الجسم من مكان الى آخر لحظيا, أسرع من إنتنطق الضوء , كما يعتقد أنه اليوم يعد محالا. أن إستعمال هذا الشكل من الإنتنطق transport للبشر مازال يعد غير مواتيا , فمن وجهة تقنية كتسجيل مكونات الجسم البشرى بدقة كافية لإعادة إظهاره, في مكان آخر, , أوبقول آخر بفناء أوتدمير جسم كائن في مكان ثم إعادة تكوينه في مكان آخر, يفترض أن يؤمن خبرة كافية للإستمراريةوالبقاء.وسوف يعد الكائن المعاد تكوينه جملة مختلفة, ولكن بنفس الدكريات كالأصل . ويؤكد ذلك بسهولة حتى بإمكاننا حتى نعيد تكوين ليس فقط نسخة واحدوبل نسخ عديدة من الأصل وأستقصاء جميع على حدة كأنه الأصل الفريد . جميع نسخة يعاد بناؤها بإستخدام بيانات مفصلة, ولكن لايوجد كيان مادى مرسلconstructed using merely descriptive data, but not matter, transmitted from the origin and new matter already at the destination point would consider itself to be the true continuation of the original and yet this could not logically be true; moreover, because each copy constructed via this data-only method would be made of new matter that already existed at the destination, there would be no way, even in principle, of distinguishing the original from the copies. Many of the relevant questions are shared with the concept of mind transfer. It is interesting to note, however, that quantum mechanics forbids one from making a wholly exact copy of an object: see no-cloning theorem and Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

It is not clear if duplication of a human would require reproduction of the exact quantum state, which necessarily destroys the original, or whether macroscopic measurements would suffice. In the non-destructive version, hypothetically a new copy of the individual is created with each teleportation, with only the copy subjectively experiencing the teleportation. Technology of this type would have many other applications, such as virtual medicine (manipulating the stored data to create a copy better, or perhaps radically different, than the original), a sort of suspended animation (by creating a copy many years after the information was stored), or backup copies (creating a copy from recently stored information if the original was involved in a mishap.)

Dimensional teleportation is a mechanism often shown in fictional works, particularly in fantasy and comic books. It involves the subject exiting one physical universe or plane of existence, then re-entering it at a different location. This method is rarely seriously considered by the scientific community, as the currently predominant theories about parallel universes assume that physical travel is not possible between them.

Another form of teleportation common in science fiction (and seen in The Culture novels and The Terminator series of films) sends the subject through a wormhole or similar phenomenon, allowing transit faster than light while avoiding the problems posed by the uncertainty principle and potential signal interference. In both of the examples above, this form of teleportation is known as "Displacement" or "Topological shortcut" (Scientific American) [بحاجة لمصدر] which implies that this kind of teleportation may be similar in mechanism to time travel[بحاجة لمصدر].

Displacement teleporters would eliminate many probable objections to teleportation on religious or philosophical grounds, as they preserve the original subject intact — and thus continuity of existence.

Teleportation by means of the mind or innate personal abilities are sometimes referred to as p-Teleportation, "psychoportation", or "jaunting"; named after the fictional scientist (Jaunte) who discovered it in The Stars My Destination (originally titled Tiger! Tiger!), a science fiction novel by Alfred Bester. This method could hypothetically work through any of the mechanisms proposed above, but is usually portrayed in fiction as displacement-type or dimensional teleportation to simplify its use in the story.

انظر أيضاً

  • Teleportation in fiction
  • Astral projection — a controversial interpretation of out-of-body experiences.
  • Interstellar teleporter — a hypothetical technology appearing in science fiction
  • Psychokinesis — The production or control of motion, especially in inanimate and remote objects, purportedly by the exercise of psychic powers.
  • Jumpgate — a portal for interstellar transportation of spaceships.
  • Jump Scar (JUMPER); aftermath of a Jump(teleportation) through which another Jumper can teleport.
  • Kefitzat Haderech, Hebrew notion of supernatural transportation.
  • Linking room — a collection of portals conveniently gathered together in one location; sometimes visualized as a vast, sometimes infinite, hallway with doors running the entire length.
  • Paranormal vanishing — an unexplained disappearance of objects
  • Philadelphia Experiment — a supposed secret experiment conducted by the U.S. Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Yards.
  • Portal (fiction) — a magical or technological doorway that connects two distant locations.
  • Stargate — a fictional portal for interstellar transportation to another stargate through a wormhole created between the gates from the sci-fi tv-show Stargate. There were also other kinds of teleportation devices in the series.
  • Telefragging — a technique used in many video games, particularly first-person shooters, where a player teleports to the exact position of another, usually causing the death of the latter.
  • Transporter (Star Trek) — a fictional technology that transports matter from one location to another with an intermediate state of the matter as energy.
  • Tay al-Ard — the concept of Teleportation in Islamic philosophy.
  • Wormhole — a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that is essentially a 'shortcut' through space and time.
  • Apparition - the means of teleportation in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling It involves a wizard concentrating on a particular location, and they experience a lurch at the navel, before finding themselves in the particular location. When they do this, they are said to Apparate or Disapparate. A pop or snap is heard when a wizard apparates and disapparates.


  1. ^ "غالبا في هذا الكتاب الذى يفترض أن أخصص فيه الأسباب التى دعت الى القول بوجود قوة ناقلة التى يفترض أن ؟أدعوهاإنتنطق الأجسام فى." في Sacred Texts.com), أسترجعت أربعة يناير 2009)
  2. ^ "ليس معروفا الحقيقة حتى Charles Fort أستحدث الحدثة عام1931" في Rickard, B. وMichell, J. الظاهرة الغامضة : a Rough Guide special (Rough Guides, 2000 (ISBN 1-85828-589-5), p.3)
  3. ^ Fort, Charles. "Lo!" Published by CosimoBooks. May 14, 2004. Retrieved on October 4, 2006.


  • Darling, David (2005). Teleportation: The Impossible Leap. Wiley. ISBN .
  • Dash, Mike (2000). Borderlands: The Ultimate Exploration of the Unknown. Overlook Press. ISBN .
  • Davis, Eric W. (2004). Teleportation Physics Study. Edwards Air Force Base, CA: Air Force Research Laboratory. Accession Number: ADA425545 [1]. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  • Fort, Charles (1941). The Books of Charles Fort. Henry Holt and Company.
  • Graham, Danielle (2006, January 20). Experimental data demonstrating augmentation of ambient gravitational and geomagnetic fields. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 813, 1256-1263.

وصلات خارجية

  • Hole teleportation - a hypothetical teleportation of objects throughout our universe by using the geometrical properties of spacetime. If an object is sent “out of the universe”, then the object can appear at random at any spacetime point in the universe.
  • United States Patent Application: 0060071122, application for a patent for a 'Full body Teleportation System'
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 10:45:57
التصنيفات: مقالات ذات عبارات بحاجة لمصادر, Pages with citations using unsupported parameters, Faster-than-light travel, Psychic powers

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