برنامج المذيع المفتوح

عودة للموسوعة

برنامج المذيع المفتوح

برنامج المذيع المفتوح
المؤلف الأصلي Hugh "Jim" Bailey
المطوّر Community
الإطلاق المبدئي v0.32a / 1 سبتمبر 2012; منذسبعة سنين (2012-09-01
الإصدار المستقر
v23.2.1 (Studio) / 15 يونيو2019; منذ 11 شهرًا (2019-06-15
المستودع [{{#property:P1324 {{#property:P1324 ]
مكتوب بلغة C, C++
نظام التشغيل Windowsسبعة and later, macOS 10.11 and later, Linux
المنصة IA-32 and x86-64
متاح في 41 languages
النوع Software vision mixer, streaming media
الرخصة GNU General Public License, version 2
المسقط الإلكتروني [{{#property:P856 {{#property:P856 ]

برنامج المذيع المفتوح Open Broadcaster Software (OBS ؛ أوپن برودكاستر سوفتوير) هوبرنامج بث حي وتسجيل حر ومفتوح عبر المنصات مبني باستخدام Qt ويقوم بصيانته مشروع OBS. وهناك نسخ لكل من ويندوز، macOS وتوزيعات لينوكس، مثل أوبونتو.

استعراض عام

OBS هوبرنامج مفتوح وحر للتسجيل والبث الحي. مكتوب بلغة C and C++ and Qt, OBS provides real-time source and device capture, scene composition, encoding, recording, and broadcasting. Transmission of data is primarily done via the Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) and can be sent to any RTMP supporting destination, including many presets for streaming websites such as YouTube, Twitch.tv, Instagram and Facebook.

For video encoding, OBS is capable of using the x264 free software library,Intel Quick Sync Video, Nvidia NVENC and the AMD Video Coding Engine to encode video streams into the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC format and the H.265/HEVC format. Audio can be encoded using either the MP3 or AAC codecs. Advanced users can choose to use any codecs and containers available in libavcodec / libavformat as well as output the stream to a custom ffmpeg URL.

User interface

The main user interface is organized into five sections: scenes, sources, audio mixer, transitions, and controls. Scenes are groups of sources like live and recorded video, text and audio. The mixer panel lets the user mute the audio, and adjust the volume through virtual faders, and apply effects by pressing the cogwheel next to the mute button. The control panel has options for starting/stopping a stream or recording, a button to transform OBS to a more professional Studio Mode (see below), a button for opening the settings menu and a button to exit the program. The upper section has a live video preview, used to monitor and edit the current scene. The user interface can be switched to a variety of themes, including both dark and light themes, depending on what the user prefers.

When in Studio Mode, there are 2 canvas preview windows, the left one for modifying and preview of non-active scenes, while the right window is for preview of the live scene ("Preview" and "Program" respectively). in the middle there is a secondary transition button, allowing for transitioning to the non active scene in the left window using user-defined "quick transitions".

There are some simple tutorials in the Internet that shows how to use Open Broadcaster Software, including more in-depth tutorials designed to cover every aspect of the application.


Open Broadcaster Software started out as a small project created by Hugh "Jim" Bailey, but quickly grew with the help of many online collaborators working both to improve OBS and spread the knowledge about the program. In 2014, development started on a rewritten version known as OBS Multiplatform (later renamed OBS Studio) for multi-platform support, a more thorough feature set, and a more powerful API. As of v18.0.1 of OBS Studio, OBS Classic is no longer supported due to the former reaching near-full feature parity with the latter, though the download for Classic is still available.


Open Broadcaster Software supports a variety of plug-ins to extend its functionality. Plug-ins are loaded as native code DLL files, although a wrapper plug-in is available that allows hosting of plug-ins written in the .NET Framework.

متطلبات النظام

The minimum requirements to use OBS Studio on Windows are:

  1. OS: Windowsسبعة or above
  2. Processor: Intel i5 recommended (can also run on dual-core and quad-core) Or AMD FX series
  3. Ram: 4GB recommended

انظر أيضاً

  • DirectShow
  • x264
  • Screencast
  • Comparison of screencasting software


  1. ^ "Open Broadcaster Software - Changelog". The OBS Project. Archived from the original on 17 May 2013. Retrieved 27 May 2013.
  2. ^ "Open Broadcaster Software - Download". The OBS Project. Retrieved 29 June 2019.
  3. ^ "Open Broadcaster Software - Index". The OBS Project. August 2016. Retrieved 14 August 2016.
  4. ^ "Locales". The OBS Project. Retrieved 10 June 2016.
  5. ^ "COPYING". obsproject/obs-studio (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2018-11-08 – via GitHub.
  6. ^ "How to stream games with Open Broadcaster: a fast, free livestreaming application - News - PC Gamer". Future Publishing Limited. Retrieved 2 June 2013.
  7. ^ "x264 Home Page". VideoLan Organization. Retrieved 2011-03-11. In addition to being free to use under the GNU GPL, x264 is also available under a commercial license from x264 LLC and CoreCodec.
  8. ^ "How To Use OBS For Streaming". Answerslave (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2018-03-07.
  9. ^ "What is an OBS – How to Use it for Live Streaming". Broodle (in الإنجليزية). 2017-12-21. Retrieved 2018-03-10.
  10. ^ "How to live Stream Any Video To Facebook Page Using OBS". techsite.io (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2018-11-19.
  11. ^ EposVox (2017-12-28), The Most In-Depth OBS Studio Tutorial Course Ever Made | OBS STUDIO MASTER CLASS 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK-Mu7nw5EA&list=PLzo7l8HTJNK-IKzM_zDicTd2u20Ab2pAl, retrieved on 2019-05-12 
  12. ^ "Releases". obsproject/obs-studio. Retrieved 25 February 2016 – via Github.
  13. ^ "OBS Homepage". The OBS Project. Archived from the original onتسعة March 2016. Retrieved 25 February 2016.
  14. ^ "OBS Classic is no longer supported - Here's how to easily switch to OBS Studio". The OBS Project. Retrieved 30 April 2017.
  15. ^ The OBS Project. "OBS Source Code". Retrieved 24 October 2016.
  16. ^ Bradley, John R. (11 August 2013). "Creating a Plugin". CatchException. Archived from the original on 23 October 2016. Retrieved 23 October 2016. ... All languages based on Microsoft’s Common Language Runtime (.NET) should be fine. This includes C#, C++/cli, Visual Basic and others. ...
  17. ^ "Basic Requirements For OBS".

وصلات خارجية

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تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 13:03:08
التصنيفات: CS1 errors: deprecated parameters, CS1 الإنجليزية-language sources (en), Pages using deprecated image syntax, Official website missing URL, C++ software, Cross-platform free software, Free software programmed in C++, Screencasting software, Software that uses Qt, Windows software

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