هرمز الثاني

عودة للموسوعة

هرمز الثاني

Hormizd II
King of Kings of Iranians and non-Iranians
العهد 302–309
سبقه نرسه
تبعه آذر نرسى
Born Unknown
Died 309
Issue Adurfrazgird
شاپور الثاني
أردشير الثاني
آذر نرسى
البيت House of Sasan
الأب نرسه
الديانة الزرادشتية

Hormizd II (فارسية: هرمز دوم) was the eighth king of the Sasanian Empire, and reigned for seven years and five months, from 302 to 309. He was the son of نرسه (293–302).

هرمز الثاني (302- 309) الذي يشيد التاريخ بحكمه القصير الأجل، والذي بدأ فيه طائفة من الأعمال النافعة وبسط على البلاد لواء السلم والرخاء. وبذل الملك عناية كبيرة فى ترميم الأبنية العامة، والمساكن الخاصة، موجهاً أكبر اهتمامه إلى مساكن الفقراء، وكان ينفق على هذه الأعمال كلها من أموال الدولة. وأنشأ محكمة جديدة خصها بسماع شكاوى الفقراء ضد الأغنياء، وكثيراً ما كان يتولى رياستها بنفسه. ولسنا نعهد هل كانت هذه العادات الغريبة هي التي حرمت ابنه من وراثة العرش؛ وسواء كان ذلك أولم يكن فقد وقع على أثر وفاة هورمز حتى زج النبلاء بابنه في السجن، وأعطوا الملك لابنه الذي لم يولد بعد، ولقبوه في ثقة واطمئنان بشابور الثاني، وأرادوا ألا يهجروا في الأمر مجالا للشك فتوجوا الجنين بأن علقوا التاج الملكي على رحم أمه(38).


In 302, Hormizd II ascended the throne, assuming a crown resembling the crown used by the early Sasanian rulers. Hormizd II, unlike his father, persecuted the Manicheans who had lived peacefully during the reign of his father. Hormizd tried to improve Sasanian relations with Armenia, which had recently under Tiridates III of Armenia declared Christianity as its state religion; he gave his daughter Hormizddukht in marriage to a Mamikonian prince named Vahan. In 309, while Hormizd was hunting, he was wounded by a Ghassanid army, and was shortly killed by the Sasanian nobles.


After his death, his oldest son Adur Narseh, who had a cruel disposition, was killed by the grandees after a very short reign; another son, Hormizd, was imprisoned, while the throne was reserved for the child of his concubine, Shapur II. Another version has it that Shapur II was the son of Hormizd II's first wife, and that while still pregnant she was made to wear a crown over her pudenda so that the baby would be born as a king. Hormizd II also had many other sons named Adurfrazgird, Zamasp, Ardashir, and two daughters named Hormizddukht and Asay.


Hormizd II was one of the Sasanian kings with most children, which he had from his Jewish wife Ifra-Hormizd, and several other wives and concubines:

  • Prince Adur Narseh (3rd century – 309), the ninth king of the Sasanian Empire.
  • Prince Shapur II (309–379), the tenth king of the Sasanian Empire.
  • Prince Adurfrazgird (??? – 4th century), governor of southern Arbayistan.
  • Prince Zamasp (??? – 4th century), governor of northern Arbayistan.
  • Prince Shapur Sakanshah (??? – 4th century), governor of Sakastan.
  • Prince Hormizd (??? – 4th century), imprisoned by the Sasanian nobles and later defected to the Roman Empire.
  • Prince Ardashir II (??? – 383), the eleventh king of the Sasanian Empire.
  • Princess Asay (??? – 4th century), married the Arsacid king Urnayr.
  • Princess Hormizddukht (??? – 4th century), married the Mamikonian prince Vahan.


  1. ^ MacKenzie, David Niel (1998), "Ērān, Ērānšahr", Encyclopedia Iranica, 8, Costa Mesa: Mazda, http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/shapur-ii 
  2. ^ HORMOZD II, A. Shapur Shahbazi, Encyclopaedia Iranica, (March 23, 2012).[1]
  3. ^
  4. ^ Touraj Daryaee, Sasanian Persia, (I.B.Tauris Ltd, 2010), 16.
  5. ^ Touraj Daryaee, Sasanian Persia, (I.B.Tauris Ltd, 2010), 16.
  6. ^ Touraj Daryaee, Sasanian Persia, (I.B.Tauris Ltd, 2010), 16.


  • Shapur Shahbazi, A. (2005). "SASANIAN DYNASTY". Encyclopaedia Iranica, Online Edition. Retrieved 9 January 2014.
  • Daryaee, Touraj (2008). . I.B.Tauris. pp. 1–240. ISBN .
Wikisource has the text of the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica article هرمز الثاني.
هرمز الثاني
الأسرة الساسانية
شاهنشاه فارس
آذر نرسى
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-07 13:42:16
التصنيفات: وفيات 309, 4th-century Sasanian monarchs, Year of birth unknown, Murdered Persian monarchs, شخصيات الشاهنامه, 4th-century murdered monarchs, Articles containing non-English-language text

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