الغزو المنغولي للهند (1306)

عودة للموسوعة

الغزوالمنغولي للهند (1306)

الغزوالمنغولي للهند، 1306
جزء من الغزوات المنغولية للهند
التاريخ 1306
ضفة نهر راوي
النتيجة نصر حاسم لسلطنة دلهي
خانية چقطاي سلطنة دلهي
القادة والزعماء
  • كوپك
  • إقبال‌مند
  • تاي-بو
  • الملك كافور
  • الملك تغلق
  • شاهناه بارگاه
  • ملك عالم

في 1306، أوفد حاكم خانية چقطاي دُوا تجريدة إلى الهند، ثأراً لهزيمة المنغول في 1305. ضم الجيش الغازي ثلاث فرق بقيادة كوپك وإقبال‌مند وتاي-بو. لوقف تقدم الغزاة، أوفد حاكم سلطنة دلهي علاء الدين خلجي جيشاً بقيادة الملك كافور، مدعوماً بجنرالات آخرين منهم الملك تغلق. حقق جيش دلهي نصراً حاسماً، وقتل عشرات الآلاف من الغزاة. الأسرى المنغول أُحضِروا إلى دلهي، حيث قـُتِلوا أوبيعوا عبيداً.

بعد هذه الهزيمة، لم يغزوالمنغول سلطنة دلهي طيلة عهد السلطان علاء الدين. وشجـَّع النصر كثيراً القائد العسكري لعلاء الدين، تغلق، الذي شن عدداً من الغارات التأديبية على ما اليوم أفغانستان.


أوفد دوا، حاكم خانية چقطاي المنغولية في آسيا الوسطى، الكثير من التجريدات على الهند قبل 1306. وكان علاء الدين خلجي، حاكم سلطنة دلهي في الهند، قد اتخذ عدداً من الإجراءات ضد تلك الغزوات. ففي 1305، ألحقت قوات علاء الدين هزيمة ساحقة بالمنغول، فقتلت نحو20,000 منهم. وللثأر من تلك الهزيمة، أوفد دوا جيشاً بقيادة كوپك إلى الهند.

Various transcriptions of the name of Duwa Khan's general appear in Indian records. Amir Khusrau calls him "Kabak" and "Kapak"; Ziauddin Barani calls him "Kunk" and "Gung"; and Isami calls him "Kubak". According to René Grousset, this general was Duwa Khan's son Kebek. However, Kishori Saran Lal believes that this Kopek must have been a different person, because the Indian chronicles state that he was captured and killed in India.

Kopek invaded the Delhi Sultanate with a large army, and advanced up to the Ravi River, ransacking the territories along the way. According to Isami, the Mongol army included 100,000 soldiers, but this is a clear exaggeration.

هزيمة كوپك

Alauddin dispatched a force led by his general Malik Kafur to fight the invaders. He promised his soldiers one year's salary as bonus, if they were able to defeat the Mongols. Malik Kafur's sub-ordinate commanders included Malik Tughluq (who led the vanguard), Shahnah-i-Bargah (the fief holder of Dipalpur), and Malik Alam.

The Delhi army reached the threatened region after a rapid march, and Tughluq's vanguard spotted the Mongol scouts. Soon after Tughluq informed Malik Kafur about the location of the Mongol army, the Delhi army proceeded to the battleground. Khusrau states that the battle was fought on the banks of the Ravi river, but does not provide the exact location. Barani names the place as "Khekar" (identified by Peter Jackson as Ghaggar); Isami calls it "Hind-i-Ali"; and Firishta calls it "Nilab".

The two armies stood face to face for a long time, with neither of them willing to initiate the attack. At last, Kopek launched an attack, and scattered Malik Kafur's soldiers. However, Malik Kafur soon rallied his men, and completely routed the Mongol army. Kopek was taken captive, when he was about to be killed by the Delhi soldiers.

وحدات منغولية أخرى

Some of Kopek's soldiers escaped to the other Mongol contingent led by إقبال‌مند وتاي-بو، and were pursued by the Delhi army. إقبال‌مند , jhd-f, had marched southwards to Nagaur in present-day Rajasthan. شن جيش دلهي، بقيادة مالك كافور والملك تغلق، هجوماً مباغتاً عليهم. وهرب إقبال‌مند وتاي-بوعبر نهر السند، having heard about Kopek's defeat. The Delhi army killed and captured a large number of Mongols in their pursuit.

Amir Khsurau's writings suggest that كوپك وإقبال‌مند وتاي-بوwere commanders of three different contingents in the same campaign. However, the later chronicler Ziauddin Barani states that three different generals invaded India on three different occasions, in different years: Kunk or Gung (Kopek) was defeated at Khekar. Later, another Mongol army led by an unnamed general ransacked the Shivalik region, and was defeated while returning, on the banks of an unnamed river. A third Mongol army، بقيادة إقبال‌مند، was defeated at a place called Amir Ali. The later chroniclers such as Nizamuddin and Firishta have adapted Barani's account. Firishta، على سبيل المثال، يذكر غزوكوپك وغزوإقبال‌مند as two different campaigns, and states that إقبال‌مند was defeated by Ghazi Malik Tughluq.

Historian Kishori Saran Lal believes that Khusrau's account is accurate, because he wrote during Alauddin's lifetime. Lal dismisses Barani's account as inaccurate, because it was written much later, and because Barani does not provide specific details about these supposedly three different campaigns (such as the year, and the names of the Delhi generals). Moreover, historical evidence indicates that Kopek's invasion was the last Mongol of invasion to have happened during Alauddin's reign. Barani's contemporary Isami does not mention any other Mongol invasion after Kopek's invasion. Duwa Khan died in 1306-1307, and the Chagatai Khanate was too weak to launch an invasion of India over the next few years. In fact, Alauddin's governor of Dipalpur plundered Kabul in the Chagatai territory during these years. All these evidences cast doubt on Barani's claim that the Mongols invaded India twice during Alauddin's reign after Kopek's defeat.

Historian Peter Jackson also believes that Barani and other later chroniclers misinterpreted Khusrau's account.


The Mongols intended to settle down in the Indian territory after capturing it, and therefore, had brought their women and children with them. The Delhi Sultanate army imprisoned these women and children along with the defeated Mongol soldiers, and took them to Delhi.

Tens of thousands of Mongols were killed, including their commander Kopek. According to the contemporary Persian historian Wassaf, the dead Mongols numbered 60,000. Wassaf adds that Alauddin ordered the construction of a tower made of their skulls in front of the Badaun Gate, to serve as a warning to the future generations.Ziauddin Barani, in his Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi (1357), states that this tower could still be seen in his day.

The 16th century chronicler Firishta claims that the Mongol camp originally included 50,000-60,000 people: out of these, less than 3,000-4,000 had survived. Alauddin ordered the male survivors to be trampled under the feet of elephants. The women and children were sold in Delhi and other parts of India.

According to Amir Khusrau, this defeat scared the Mongols so much that they retreated to the mountains of Ghazni. They did not launch any further expeditions into India during Alauddin's reign. On the other hand, Tughluq, Alauddin's governor of Dipalpur, adopted an aggressive policy against the Mongols. Over the next few years, he annually raided Kabul, Ghazni, Kandahar, and Garmsir, which were located on the Mongol frontier. He plundered these territories, and levied tribute on the residents, without any resistance from the Chagatai Khanate. Amir Khusrau, in his Tughluq-Nama, alludes to Tughluq's 20 victories, most of which were against the Mongols. Barani states that Tughluq, who also received the iqta' of Lahore at some point, defeated the Mongols 20 times. The Moroccon traveler Ibn Battuta states that a mosque in Multan had an inscription, in which Tughluq claimed to have defeated the Mongols 29 times. It is uncertain if these victories refer to the above-mentioned raids.

An undated letter addressed by the Delhi general Haji Badr to Alauddin's son Khizr Khan suggests that Alauddin's rule extended to Ghazni. When Haji Badr's army arrived in Ghazni one winter, the Mongols of the city and its environs accepted Alauddin's suzerainty. The Friday khutbah at the local Jama Mosque was read in Alauddin's name.


  1. ^ Peter Jackson 2003, p. 227.
  2. ^ Kishori Saran Lal 1950, pp. 170-171.
  3. ^ Kishori Saran Lal 1950, p. 171.
  4. ^ René Grousset 1970, p. 339.
  5. ^ Kishori Saran Lal 1950, p. 170.
  6. ^ Peter Jackson 2003, p. 228.
  7. ^ Kishori Saran Lal 1950, p. 172.
  8. ^ Banarsi Prasad Saksena 1992, p. 394.
  9. ^ Kishori Saran Lal 1950, p. 173.
  10. ^ Kishori Saran Lal 1950, p. 174.
  11. ^ Kishori Saran Lal 1950, p. 175.
  12. ^ Banarsi Prasad Saksena 1992, p. 400.
  13. ^ Abraham Eraly 2015, p. 144.
  14. ^ Peter Jackson 2003, p. 230.
  15. ^ Kishori Saran Lal 1950, p. 177.
  16. ^ Peter Jackson 2003, p. 229.
  17. ^ Kishori Saran Lal 1950, p. 176.


  • Abraham Eraly (2015). . Penguin Books. ISBN .
  • Banarsi Prasad Saksena (1992) [1970]. "The Khaljis: Alauddin Khalji". In Mohammad Habib and Khaliq Ahmad Nizami (ed.). . 5 (Second ed.). The Indian History Congress / People's Publishing House. OCLC 31870180.
  • Kishori Saran Lal (1950). . Allahabad: The Indian Press. OCLC 685167335.
  • Peter Jackson (2003). . Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
  • René Grousset (1970). . Rutgers University Press. ISBN .
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-08 20:27:00
التصنيفات: حروب خانية چقطاي, معارك سلطنة دلهي, علاء الدين خلجي, نزاعات 1306, عقد 1300 في الامبراطورية المنغولية

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