أنتف السابع

عودة للموسوعة

أنتف السابع

انتف السابع Antef VII (أونب خبر رع إنتف) كان ملكاً مصرياً من الاسرة المصرية السابعة عشر, ولذلك حكم أثناء الفترة الانتنطقية الثانية, عندما كانت مصر يحكمها الكثير من الملوك في نفس الوقت. ويـُعهد عنه أنه كان شقيق الملك انتف السادس وابن سخم رع شد تاوي سوبك إمساف الأول. Antef VII is on the best attested kings of this Dynasty who restored numerous damaged temples in Upper Egypt as well as constructing a new temple at Gebel Antef.

وقد حكم من طيبة, ودُفن في مقبرة في مدينة الموتى في دراع أبوالنجا. The grave was originally covered with a small pyramid (approximately 11 m at the base, rising to a height of approx. 13 m.) Auguste Mariette found two broken obelisks with complete Fivefold Titulary, which was then subsequently lost on transport to the Cairo Museum. His tomb was rediscovered by Daniel Polz, the deputy director of the German Archaeological institute in 2001. Below is a June 29, 2001 Reuters report concerning the discovery of his tomb (see 'Egyptian royal tomb discovered.')

"In a first, a joint team of German and Egyptian archaeologists has unearthed a royal tomb dating back to the 17th Dynasty which likely belonged to a king whose great-grandsons swept out foreign rulers and paved the way for the New Kingdom - Ancient Egypt's "Golden Age". The German Institute of Archaeology in Cairo (DAI), in announcing the find, said they are convinced the 3500-year-old tomb belonged to Nub-Kheper-Ra Intef, a monarch of the late 17th Dynasty. A time of political turmoil and confusion, the 17th Dynasty has failed to provide archaeologists with a royal tomb for study-until now....The tomb is located across the Nile from modern-day Luxor in the northern portion of the Theban necropolis, at the entrance to the Valley of the Kings. The area, referred to as Dra' Abu el-Naga', has long been felt to be the burial place of kings and private individuals of the 17th and early 18th dynasties.
According to archaeologists, the "remnants of the tomb consist of the lower part of a small mud-brick pyramid surrounded by an enclosure wall, also built of mud bricks." In front of the pyramid lies a burial shaft where the toppled head of a life-size royal sandstone statue of the pharaoh was found. The pyramid-complex and the burial shaft is unequivocally that of Nub-Kheper-Ra Intef, according to Dr Daniel Polz, the lead excavator and deputy director of DAI.
Other discoveries included "a small funerary chapel of a private individual" adjacent to the pyramid, but outside the enclosure wall. The inner walls of the chapel were decorated with depictions of its owner, as well as his name and titles. According to these inscriptions the tomb owner, Teti, was a "treasurer" or "chancellor" of the king. On one of the walls, there remains a large cartouche (the royal name-ring) showing the name of king Nub-Kheper-Ra Intef. The 17th Dynasty at the end of the Second Intermediate Period - the era between the Middle and New Kingdoms - was characterized by the rule of the Hyksos, foreign invaders of an Asiatic origin who ruled in the northern part of Egypt contemporaneously with the kings of the 17th Dynasty in Thebes.
Following numerous military campaigns against them, the Hyksos rulers were eventually expelled from Egypt by Kamose, the last king of the 17th Dynasty and his brother, Ahmose, the first king of the 18th Dynasty which saw a unified Egypt rise to unprecedented wealth and power. It is believed that Nub-Kheper-Ra Intef, one of the immediate predecessors of Kamose and Ahmose, could actually have been their great-grandfather. Experts said the discovery of King Nub-Kheper-Ra Intef's tomb, the first find of a royal tomb from the 17th Dynasty, along with its location, architecture and contents, could shed new light on the hitherto unknown burials of those Egyptian kings who laid the foundations of Egypt's "Golden Age" - the New Kingdom.
German archaeologist Polz and his team were led to the tomb by information obtained from a 3000-year-old papyrus and the works of an American archaeologist who made reference to the tomb, but never found it himself. The papyrus mentioned an attempt by robbers to plunder the royal tomb by digging a tunnel from another tomb belonging to a private individual. The robbers, however, failed to reach the royal tomb. Then in the 19th Century, another group of robbers found the royal tomb, removed the golden casket and sold it without disclosing where they found it-the casket eventually ended up in the British Museum in London.
Polz and his team also found what appeared to be evidence of the removal of two obelisks from the tomb of King Nub-Kheper-Ra Intef. The obelisks were reportedly removed from the tomb in 1881 on orders of the then French director of the Council of Antiquities in Cairo, who wanted them transferred to old Cairo Museum. Unfortunately, the boat with the heavy obelisks sank in the Nile, someعشرة kilometres from Luxor. Polz and his team plan to continue excavation work on the tomb in October to discover what lies in another room believed to be located below the burial shaft. [1]


Periodo Dinastia Anni di regno
Secondo periodo intermedio XVII dinastia intorno 1540 ق.م.

Autore Anni di regno
Ryholt 1568 ق.م.
Franke 1560 ق.م.

Antef VI
Signore del Basso e dell'Alto Egitto successore:
Tao I

Dinastie contemporanee Capitale
XV Avaris
XVI varie

خط ووصلات خارجية

Vedi la bibliografia del Progetto:Antico Egitto.

  • Italiano: نطقب:Description/i18n
  • (إنگليزية)http://www.digitalegypt.ucl.ac.uk//Welcome.html
  • (إنگليزية)http://www.ancient-egypt.org/index.html
  • (إنگليزية)http://www.nemo.nu/ibisportal/0egyptintro/index.htm
  • (بالألمانية)http://www.eglyphica.de/egpharaonen


  • Kim Ryholt: The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period c.1800-1550 B.C. by Museum Tuscalanum Press. ISBN 87-7289-421-0, 394-95 File 17/2 (list of sources)

وصلات خارجية

  • Article on Excavation (in German)
  • Digital Egypt link
Antef VI
فرعون مصر
الأسرة السابعة عشر
انتف الثامن
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-09 01:05:30
التصنيفات: Language templates with no text displayed, فراعنة الأسرة المصرية السابعة عشر

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