
التصنيف الفهمي
مملكة: الحيوان
Phylum: الحبليات
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Clupeiformes
Family: Engraulidae


الأنشــوجة Anchovy سمك يستخدم طعامًا وهوشبيه بسمك الرنجة. تُستخدم أسماك الأنشوفة في السَّلطة والبيتزا والحساء وغالبًا ما يتم تعليبها وتجفيفها وتصنيعها في نوع من العجينة. ويأكل بعض الناس هذه الأسماك وهي مطبوخة طازجة.

تحتوي هذه الأسماك على لحم زيتي وطريِّ. ويبلغ طول معظم هذه الأسماك أقل من 10سم، ويوجد لهذه الأسماك عيون كبيرة وأنف طويل بارز بشكل واضح إلى ما بعد فكها السفلي. ولون سمك الأنشوفة فضي من الناحية السُفلى وأخضر أوأزرق من ناحية الظهر.

يسبح سمك الأنشوفة في جماعات كبيرة، وتعيش معظم هذه الأسماك في مياه ساحلية ضحلة، في المناطق المدارية الدافئة. ويتم صيد أعداد هائلة من هذا السمك في البحر الأبيض المتوسط وعلى طول ساحل بيروفي أمريكا الجنوبية. ويُدعى السمك الذي يتم صيده على ساحل بيرومن هذا النوع من الأنشوفة باسم الأنسوفيتا.


في ماليزيا والأسيان تعتبر الأنشوفي كالملح في جميع مكان, وتحفظ مجففة ومقلية, وتستخدم الأنشوفي في أشهر الأطباق الأسيوية مثل "ناسي ليماك".

أما في بلاد المتوسط فغالبا تملح وتحفظ في الزيت, وهي مشهورة بعدة أكلات في مصر واليونان وإيطاليا وأسبانيا.

Anchovies at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Workers cleaning dried anchovies at a market in Mae Sot, تايلند


Genera in the family Engraulidae
Genera Species Comment Genera Species Comment
Amazonsprattus 1 Anchoa 35
Anchovia 3 Anchoviella 4
Cetengraulis 2 Coilia 13
Encrasicholina 5 Engraulis 9 Type genus for anchovy: This genus contains all the commercially significant anchovy.
Jurengraulis 1 Lycengraulis 4
Lycothrissa 1 Papuengraulis 1
Pseudosetipinna 1 Pterengraulis 1
Setipinna 8 Stolephorus 20
Thryssa 24


European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus

Anchovies are small, green fish with blue reflections due to a silver-colored longitudinal stripe that runs from the base of the caudal (tail) fin. They range from 2 to 40 cم (0.79 to 15.75 بوصة) in adult length, and their body shapes are variable with more slender fish in northern populations.

The snout is blunt with tiny, sharp teeth in both jaws. The snout contains a unique rostral organ, believed to be sensory in nature, although its exact function is unknown. The mouth is larger than that of herrings and silversides, two fish which anchovies closely resemble in other respects. The anchovy eats plankton and recently hatched fish.


Anchovies are found in scattered areas throughout the world's oceans, but are concentrated in temperate waters, and are rare or absent in very cold or very warm seas. They are generally very accepting of a wide range of temperatures and salinity. Large schools can be found in shallow, brackish areas with muddy bottoms, as in estuaries and bays. The European anchovy is abundant in the Mediterranean, particularly in the Alboran Sea,Aegean Sea and the Black Sea.

This species is regularly caught along the coasts of Crete, Greece, Sicily, Italy, France, Turkey, Northern Iran, Portugal and Spain. They are also found on the coast of northern Africa. The range of the species also extends along the Atlantic coast of Europe to the south of Norway. Spawning occurs between October and March, but not in water colder than 12 °C (54 °F). The anchovy appears to spawn at least 100 kم (62 ميل) from the shore, near the surface of the water.


The anchovy is a significant food source for almost every predatory fish in its environment, including the California halibut, rock fish, yellowtail, shark, chinook, and coho salmon. It is also extremely important to marine mammals and birds; for example, breeding success of California brown pelicans and elegant terns is strongly connected to anchovy abundance.

سلوك التغذي

Anchovies, like most clupeoids (herrings, sardines and anchovies), are filter-feeders that open their mouths as they swim. As water passes through the mouth and out the gills, food particles are sieved by gill rakers and transferred into the esophagus.

الأنواع التجارية

نطقب:Common fish

Commercially significant species
Common name Scientific name Maximum
level Base FAO ITIS IUCN status
European anchovy* Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) 20.0 cم (7.9 بوصة) 13.5 cم (5.3 بوصة) kg 5 years 3.11 Not assessed
Argentine anchoita Engraulis anchoita (Hubbs & Marini, 1935) 17.0 cم (6.7 بوصة) cm 0.025 kغ (0.88 أونصة) years 2.51 Not assessed
Californian anchovy Engraulis mordax (Girard, 1856) 24.8 cم (9.8 بوصة) 15.0 cم (5.9 بوصة) 0.068 kغ (2.4 أونصة) years 2.96 Least concern
Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) 18.0 cم (7.1 بوصة) 14.0 cم (5.5 بوصة) 0.045 kغ (1.6 أونصة) 4 years 2.60 Not assessed
Peruvian anchoveta Engraulis ringens (Jenyns, 1842) 20.0 cم (7.9 بوصة) 14.0 cم (5.5 بوصة) kg 3 years 2.70 Least concern
Southern African anchovy Engraulis capensis (Gilchrist, 1913) 17.0 cم (6.7 بوصة) cm kg years 2.80 Not assessed

* Type species

مصايد الأسماك

Global capture of anchovy in tonnes reported by the FAO
Capture of all anchovy reported by the FAO (green indicates Peruvian anchoveta)
↑  Peruvian anchoveta 1950–2010
↑  Other anchovy 1950–2010
Global commercial capture of anchovy in million tonnes 1950–2010


  1. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2008). "Engraulidae" in FishBase. December 2008 version.
  2. ^ Nelson, Gareth (1998). Paxton, J.R.; Eschmeyer, W.N. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Fishes. San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 94–95. ISBN .
  3. ^ C.Michael Hogan. 2011. . eds. P.Saundry & C.J.Cleveland. Encyclopedia of Earth. National Council for Science and the Environment. Washington DC
  4. ^ Anderson, Daniel W.; Gress, Franklin; Mais, Kenneth F.; Kelly, Paul R. (1980). North, Nance (ed.). "Brown pelicans as anchovy stock indicators and their relationships to commercial fishing" (PDF). CalCOFIs Reports. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations. 21: 55. Pelican reproductive rate ... depends largely on levels of anchovy abundance and availability.
  5. ^ Bone, Q., & Marshall, N. (1982). Biology of fishes. Glasgow: Blackie.
  6. ^ نطقب:FishBase
  7. ^ (Linnaeus, 1758) FAO, Species Fact Sheet. Retrieved April 2012.
  8. ^ Engraulis encrasicolus (TSN {{{ID ). Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
  9. ^ نطقب:FishBase
  10. ^ (Hubbs & Marini, 1935) FAO, Species Fact Sheet. Retrieved April 2012.
  11. ^ Engraulis anchoita (TSN {{{ID ). Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
  12. ^ نطقب:FishBase
  13. ^ (Girard, 1856) FAO, Species Fact Sheet. Retrieved April 2012.
  14. ^ Engraulis mordax (TSN {{{ID ). Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
  15. ^ نطقب:Cite iucn
  16. ^ نطقب:FishBase
  17. ^ (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) FAO, Species Fact Sheet. Retrieved April 2012.
  18. ^ Engraulis japonicus (TSN {{{ID ). Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
  19. ^ نطقب:FishBase
  20. ^ (Jenyns, 1842) FAO, Species Fact Sheet. Retrieved April 2012.
  21. ^ Engraulis ringens (TSN {{{ID ). Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
  22. ^ نطقب:Cite iucn
  23. ^ نطقب:FishBase
  24. ^ (Gilchrist, 1913) FAO, Species Fact Sheet. Retrieved April 2012.
  25. ^ Engraulis capensis (TSN {{{ID ). Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
  26. ^ Based on data sourced from the relevant FAO Species Fact Sheets


  • الموسوعة المعهدية الكاملة
  • Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2006). "Engraulidae" in FishBase. January 2006 version.
  • PSMFC.org
  • Francisco P, Chavez FP, Ryan J, Lluch-Cota SE and Ñiquen C M (2003) Science 229(5604)217–221.

وصلات خارجية

  • National Geographic News (2003).
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