الأسر الحاكمة في التاريخ الصيني

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الأسر الحاكمة في التاريخ الصيني

هذه الموضوعة تحتوي على كتابة منغولية. بدون دعم العرض المناصب، فقد ترى علامات استفهام، مربعات، أورموز أخرى بدلاً من نص بالكتابة المنغولية.
Approximate territories controlled by the various dynasties and states throughout Chinese history, juxtaposed with the modern Chinese border.
تاريخ الصين
السادة الثلاثة والأباطرة الخمسة
أسرة شيا 2070–1600 ق.م.
أسرة شانگ 1600–1046 ق.م.
أسرة ژو 1122–256 ق.م.
    فترة الربيع والخريف
    فترة الممالك المتحاربة
أسرة تشين 221 ق.م.–206 ق.م.
أسرة هان 206 ق.م.–220 م
  هان الغربية
  أسرة شين
  هان الشرقية
الممالك الثلاث 220–280
  وِيْ, شوووو
أسرة جين 265–420
  جين الغربية
  جين الشرقية 16 مملكة
الأسر الجنوبية والشمالية 420–589
أسرة سوي 581–619
أسرة تانگ 618–907
عشرة ممالك
أسرة لياو
أسرة سونگ
  سونگ الشمالية شيا غ.
  سونگ الجنوبية أسرة جين
أسرة يوان 1271–1368
أسرة مينگ 1368–1644
أسرة تشينگ 1644–1911
تاريخ جمهورية الصين 1912–1949
الصين الشعبية 1949–للحاضر

جمهورية الصين
(على تايوان) 1949-للحاضر

From the inauguration of dynastic rule by Yu the Great in circa 2070 BC to the abdication of the Xuantong Emperor on 12 February 1912 in the wake of the Xinhai Revolution, China was ruled by a series of successive dynasties. Dividing the history of China into periods ruled by dynasties is a common method of periodization utilized by scholars.


The following is a list of terms associated with the concept of dynasty in Chinese historiography:

  • cháo (): a dynasty
  • cháodài (朝代): an era corresponding to the rule of a dynasty
  • wángcháo (王朝): while technically referring to royal dynasties, this term is often inaccurately applied to dynasties whose rulers held non-royal titles such as emperor
  • huángcháo (皇朝): generally used for imperial dynasties


A depiction of Yu, the initiator of dynastic rule in China, by the Southern Song court painter Ma Lin.
A photograph of the Xuantong Emperor, widely considered to be the last legitimate monarch of China, taken in AD 1922.

بداية نظام الأسر الحاكمة الصينية

As the founder of China's first dynasty, the Xia dynasty, Yu the Great is conventionally regarded as the inaugurator of dynastic rule in China. In the Chinese dynastic system, the sovereign ruler theoretically possessed absolute power and private ownership of everything within his/her realm. This concept, known as jiā tiānxià (家天下; "All under Heaven belongs to the ruling family"), was in contrast to the pre-Xia notion of gōng tiānxià (公天下; "All under Heaven belongs to the public") whereby leadership succession was non-hereditary.

قائمة الأسر الصينية الرئيسية

هذه القائمة تضم فقط الأسر الرئيسية في الصين توجد نمطياً في صيغ مبسطة من الخطوط الزمنية للتاريخ الصيني.

الأسرة البيت الحاكم فترة الحكم الحكام
(English / Chinese / Pinyin / Bopomofo)
Origin of name Surname
(English / Chinese)
Ethnicity Status Year Term Founder Last monarch List
Xia dynasty
Xià Cháo
ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄔㄠˊ
Tribal name Si
Huaxia Royal 2070–1600 BC 430 years Yu of Xia Jie of Xia (list)
Ancient China
Shang dynasty
Shāng Cháo
ㄕㄤ ㄔㄠˊ
Toponym Zi
Huaxia Royal 1600–1046 BC 554 years Tang of Shang Zhou of Shang (list)
Western Zhou
Xī Zhōu
ㄒㄧ ㄓㄡ
Toponym Ji
Huaxia Royal 1046–771 BC 275 years Wu of Zhou You of Zhou (list)
Eastern Zhou
Dōng Zhōu
ㄉㄨㄥ ㄓㄡ
From Zhou dynasty Ji
Huaxia Royal 770–256 BC 514 years Ping of Zhou Nan of Zhou (list)
Early Imperial China
Qin dynasty
Qín Cháo
ㄑㄧㄣˊ ㄔㄠˊ
Toponym Ying
Huaxia Imperial
(221–207 BC)
(207 BC)
221–207 BC 14 years Qin Shi Huang Qin San Shi (list)
Western Han
Xī Hàn
ㄒㄧ ㄏㄢˋ
Toponym & Noble title Liu
Han Imperial 202 BCAD 9 210 years Gao of Han Liu Ying (list)
Xin dynasty
Xīn Cháo
ㄒㄧㄣ ㄔㄠˊ
"New" Wang
Han Imperial AD 9–23 14 years Wang Mang Wang Mang (list)
Eastern Han
Dōng Hàn
ㄉㄨㄥ ㄏㄢˋ
From Han dynasty Liu
Han Imperial AD 25–220 195 years Guangwu of Han Xian of Han (list)
Three Kingdoms
Sān Guó
ㄙㄢ ㄍㄨㄛˊ
AD 220–280 60 years (list)
Cao Wei
Cáo Wèi
ㄘㄠˊ ㄨㄟˋ
Noble title Cao
Han Imperial AD 220–266 46 years Wen of Cao Wei Yuan of Cao Wei (list)
Shu Han
Shǔ Hàn
ㄕㄨˇ ㄏㄢˋ
From Han dynasty Liu
Han Imperial AD 221–263 42 years Zhaolie of Shu Han Xiaohuai of Shu Han (list)
Eastern Wu
Dōng Wú
ㄉㄨㄥ ㄨˊ
Noble title Sun
Han Royal
(AD 222–229)
(AD 229–280)
AD 222–280 58 years Da of Eastern Wu Sun Hao (list)
Western Jin
Xī Jìn
ㄒㄧ ㄐㄧㄣˋ
Noble title Sima
Han Imperial AD 266–316 50 years Wu of Jin Min of Jin (list)
Eastern Jin
Dōng Jìn
ㄉㄨㄥ ㄐㄧㄣˋ
From Jin dynasty (AD 266–420) Sima
Han Imperial AD 317–420 103 years Yuan of Jin Gong of Jin (list)
Sixteen Kingdoms
Shíliù Guó
ㄕˊ ㄌㄧㄡˋ ㄍㄨㄛˊ
AD 304–439 135 years (list)
Han Zhao
Hàn Zhào
ㄏㄢˋ ㄓㄠˋ
Toponym & From Han dynasty Liu
Xiongnu Royal
(AD 304–308)
(AD 308–329)
AD 304–329 25 years Guangwen of Han Zhao Liu Yao (list)
Cheng Han
Chéng Hàn
ㄔㄥˊ ㄏㄢˋ
Toponym & From Han dynasty Li
Di Princely
(AD 304–306)
(AD 306–347)
AD 304–347 43 years Wu of Cheng Han Li Shi (list)
Later Zhao
Hòu Zhào
ㄏㄡˋ ㄓㄠˋ
Noble title Shi
Jie Royal
(AD 319–330)
(AD 330–351)
(AD 351)
AD 319–351 32 years Ming of Later Zhao Shi Zhi (list)
Former Liang
Qián Liáng
ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄌㄧㄤˊ
Toponym Zhang
Han Princely
(AD 320–354; AD 355–363)
(AD 354–355)
(AD 363–376)
AD 320–376 56 years Cheng of Former Liang Dao of Former Liang (list)
Former Yan
Qián Yān
ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄧㄢ
Toponym Murong
Xianbei Princely
(AD 337–353)
(AD 353–370)
AD 337–370 33 years Wenming of Former Yan You of Former Yan (list)
Former Qin
Qián Qín
ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄑㄧㄣˊ
Toponym Fu
Di Imperial AD 351–394 43 years Jingming of Former Qin Fu Chong (list)
Later Yan
Hòu Yān
ㄏㄡˋ ㄧㄢ
From Former Yan Murong
Xianbei Princely
(AD 384–386)
(AD 386–409)
AD 384–409 25 years Chengwu of Later Yan Zhaowen of Later Yan
Huiyi of Yan
Later Qin
Hòu Qín
ㄏㄡˋ ㄑㄧㄣˊ
Toponym Yao
Qiang Royal
(AD 384–386)
(AD 386–417)
AD 384–417 33 years Wuzhao of Later Qin Yao Hong (list)
Western Qin
Xī Qín
ㄒㄧ ㄑㄧㄣˊ
Toponym Qifu
Xianbei Princely AD 385–400; AD 409–431 37 years Xuanlie of Western Qin Qifu Mumo (list)
Later Liang
Hòu Liáng
ㄏㄡˋ ㄌㄧㄤˊ
Di Ducal
(AD 386–389)
(AD 389–396)
(AD 396–403)
AD 386–403 17 years Yiwu of Later Liang Lü Long (list)
Southern Liang
Nán Liáng
ㄋㄢˊ ㄌㄧㄤˊ
Toponym Tufa
Xianbei Princely AD 397–414 17 years Wu of Southern Liang Jing of Southern Liang (list)
Northern Liang
Běi Liáng
ㄅㄟˇ ㄌㄧㄤˊ
Toponym Juqu
Xiongnu Ducal
(AD 397–399; AD 401–412)
(AD 399–401; AD 412–439)
AD 397–439 42 years Duan Ye Ai of Northern Liang (list)
Southern Yan
Nán Yān
ㄋㄢˊ ㄧㄢ
From Former Yan Murong
Xianbei Princely
(AD 398–400)
(AD 400–410)
AD 398–410 12 years Xianwu of Southern Yan Murong Chao (list)
Western Liang
Xī Liáng
ㄒㄧ ㄌㄧㄤˊ
Toponym Li
Han Ducal AD 400–421 21 years Wuzhao of Western Liang Li Xun (list)
Hu Xia
Hú Xià
ㄏㄨˊ ㄒㄧㄚˋ
From Xia dynasty Helian
Xiongnu Imperial AD 407–431 24 years Wulie of Hu Xia Helian Ding (list)
Northern Yan
Běi Yān
ㄅㄟˇ ㄧㄢ
From Former Yan Feng
Han Imperial AD 407–436 29 years Huiyi of Yan
Wencheng of Northern Yan
Zhaocheng of Northern Yan (list)
Northern dynasties
Běi Cháo
ㄅㄟˇ ㄔㄠˊ
AD 386–581 195 years (list)
Northern Wei
Běi Wèi
ㄅㄟˇ ㄨㄟˋ
Toponym Tuoba
Xianbei Princely
(AD 386–399)
(AD 399–535)
AD 386–535 149 years Daowu of Northern Wei Xiaowu of Northern Wei (list)
Eastern Wei
Dōng Wèi
ㄉㄨㄥ ㄨㄟˋ
From Northern Wei Yuan
Xianbei Imperial AD 534–550 16 years Xiaojing of Eastern Wei Xiaojing of Eastern Wei (list)
Western Wei
Xī Wèi
ㄒㄧ ㄨㄟˋ
From Northern Wei Yuan
Xianbei Imperial AD 535–557 22 years Wen of Western Wei Gong of Western Wei (list)
Northern Qi
Běi Qí
ㄅㄟˇ ㄑㄧˊ
Noble title Gao
Han Imperial AD 550–577 27 years Wenxuan of Northern Qi Gao Heng (list)
Northern Zhou
Běi Zhōu
ㄅㄟˇ ㄓㄡ
Noble title Yuwen
Xianbei Imperial AD 557–581 24 years Xiaomin of Northern Zhou Jing of Northern Zhou (list)
Southern dynasties
Nán Cháo
ㄋㄢˊ ㄔㄠˊ
AD 420–589 169 years (list)
Liu Song
Liú Sòng
ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄙㄨㄥˋ
Noble title Liu
Han Imperial AD 420–479 59 years Wu of Liu Song Shun of Liu Song (list)
Southern Qi
Nán Qí
ㄋㄢˊ ㄑㄧˊ
A prophecy on defeating the Liu clan Xiao
Han Imperial AD 479–502 23 years Gao of Southern Qi He of Southern Qi (list)
Liang dynasty
Liáng Cháo
ㄌㄧㄤˊ ㄔㄠˊ
Toponym Xiao
Han Imperial AD 502–557 55 years Wu of Liang Jing of Liang (list)
Chen dynasty
Chén Cháo
ㄔㄣˊ ㄔㄠˊ
Noble title Chen
Han Imperial AD 557–589 32 years Wu of Chen Chen Shubao (list)
Middle Imperial China
Sui dynasty
Suí Cháo
ㄙㄨㄟˊ ㄔㄠˊ
Noble title ("" homophone) Yang
Han Imperial AD 581–619 38 years Wen of Sui Gong of Sui (list)
Tang dynasty
Táng Cháo
ㄊㄤˊ ㄔㄠˊ
Noble title Li
Han Imperial AD 618–690; AD 705–907 274 years Gaozu of Tang Ai of Tang (list)
Wu Zhou
Wǔ Zhōu
ㄨˇ ㄓㄡ
From Zhou dynasty Wu
Han Imperial AD 690–705 15 years Wu Zhao Wu Zhao (list)
Five Dynasties
Wǔ Dài
ㄨˇ ㄉㄞˋ
AD 907–960 53 years (list)
Later Liang
Hòu Liáng
ㄏㄡˋ ㄌㄧㄤˊ
Noble title Zhu
Han Imperial AD 907–923 16 years Taizu of Later Liang Zhu Youzhen (list)
Later Tang
Hòu Táng
ㄏㄡˋ ㄊㄤˊ
From Tang dynasty Li
Shatuo Imperial AD 923–937 14 years Zhuangzong of Later Tang Li Congke (list)
Later Jin
Hòu Jìn
ㄏㄡˋ ㄐㄧㄣˋ
Toponym Shi
Shatuo Imperial AD 936–947 11 years Gaozu of Later Jin Chu of Later Jin (list)
Later Han
Hòu Hàn
ㄏㄡˋ ㄏㄢˋ
From Han dynasty Liu
Shatuo Imperial AD 947–951 4 years Gaozu of Later Han Yin of Later Han (list)
Later Zhou
Hòu Zhōu
ㄏㄡˋ ㄓㄡ
From Zhou dynasty Guo
Han Imperial AD 951–960 9 years Taizu of Later Zhou Gong of Later Zhou (list)
Ten Kingdoms
Shí Guó
ㄕˊ ㄍㄨㄛˊ
AD 907–979 62 years (list)
Former Shu
Qián Shǔ
ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄕㄨˇ
Toponym / Noble title Wang
Han Imperial AD 907–925 18 years Gaozu of Former Shu Wang Yan (list)
Yang Wu
Yáng Wú
ㄧㄤˊ ㄨˊ
Toponym Yang
Han Princely
(AD 907–919)
(AD 919–927)
(AD 927–937)
AD 907–937 30 years Liezu of Yang Wu Rui of Yang Wu (list)
Ma Chu
Mǎ Chǔ
ㄇㄚˇ ㄔㄨˇ
Toponym Ma
Han Royal
(AD 907–930)
(AD 930–951)
AD 907–951 44 years Wumu of Ma Chu Ma Xichong (list)
ㄨˊ ㄩㄝˋ
Toponym Qian
Han Royal
(AD 907–932; AD 937–978)
(AD 934–937)
AD 907–978 71 years Taizu of Wuyue Zhongyi of Qin (list)

Toponym Wang
Han Princely
(AD 909–933; AD 944–945)
(AD 933–944; AD 945)
AD 909–945 36 years Taizu of Min Tiande of Min (list)
Southern Han
Nán Hàn
ㄋㄢˊ ㄏㄢˋ
From Han dynasty Liu
Han Imperial AD 917–971 54 years Gaozu of Southern Han Liu Chang (list)
ㄐㄧㄥ ㄋㄢˊ
Toponym Gao
Han Princely AD 924–963 39 years Wuxin of Chu Gao Jichong (list)
Later Shu
Hòu Shǔ
ㄏㄡˋ ㄕㄨˇ
Toponym Meng
Han Imperial AD 934–965 31 years Gaozu of Later Shu Gongxiao of Chu (list)
Southern Tang
Nán Táng
ㄋㄢˊ ㄊㄤˊ
From Tang dynasty Li
Han Imperial
(AD 937–958)
(AD 958–976)
AD 937–976 37 years Liezu of Southern Tang Li Yu (list)
Northern Han
Běi Hàn
ㄅㄟˇ ㄏㄢˋ
From Later Han Liu
Shatuo Imperial AD 951–979 28 years Shizu of Northern Han Yingwu of Northern Han (list)
Liao dynasty
Liáo Cháo
ㄌㄧㄠˊ ㄔㄠˊ
"Iron" (Khitan homophone) / Toponym Yelü
Khitan Imperial AD 916–1125 209 years Taizu of Liao Tianzuo of Liao (list)
Western Liao
Xī Liáo
ㄒㄧ ㄌㄧㄠˊ
From Liao dynasty Yelü
Khitan Royal
(AD 1124–1132)
(AD 1132–1218)
AD 1124–1218 94 years Dezong of Western Liao Kuchlug (list)
Northern Song
Běi Sòng
ㄅㄟˇ ㄙㄨㄥˋ
Toponym Zhao
Han Imperial AD 960–1127 167 years Taizu of Song Qinzong of Song (list)
Southern Song
Nán Sòng
ㄋㄢˊ ㄙㄨㄥˋ
From Song dynasty Zhao
Han Imperial AD 1127–1279 152 years Gaozong of Song Zhao Bing (list)
Western Xia
Xī Xià
ㄒㄧ ㄒㄧㄚˋ
Toponym Weiming
Tangut Imperial AD 1038–1227 189 years Jingzong of Western Xia Li Xian (list)
Jin dynasty
Jīn Cháo
ㄐㄧㄣ ㄔㄠˊ
"Gold" Wanyan
Jurchen Imperial AD 1115–1234 119 years Taizu of Jin Wanyan Chenglin (list)
Late Imperial China
Yuan dynasty
Yuán Cháo
ㄩㄢˊ ㄔㄠˊ
"Great" / "Primacy" Borjigin
Mongol Imperial AD 1271–1368 97 years Shizu of Yuan Huizong of Yuan (list)
Northern Yuan
Běi Yuán
ㄅㄟˇ ㄩㄢˊ
From Yuan dynasty Borjigin
Mongol Imperial AD 1368–1635 267 years Huizong of Yuan Tianyuan of Northern Yuan
Borjigin Ejei Khongghor
Ming dynasty
Míng Cháo
ㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄔㄠˊ
"Bright" Zhu
Han Imperial AD 1368–1644 276 years Hongwu Chongzhen (list)
Southern Ming
Nán Míng
ㄋㄢˊ ㄇㄧㄥˊ
From Ming dynasty Zhu
Han Imperial AD 1644–1662 18 years Hongguang Yongli
Later Jin
Hòu Jīn
ㄏㄡˋ ㄐㄧㄣ
From Jin dynasty (AD 1115–1234) Aisin Gioro
ᠠᡳᠰᡳᠨ ᡤᡳᠣᡵᠣ
Jurchen Royal AD 1616–1636 20 years Tianming Taizong of Qing (list)

Qing dynasty
Qīng Cháo
ㄑㄧㄥ ㄔㄠˊ
"Pure" Aisin Gioro
ᠠᡳᠰᡳᠨ ᡤᡳᠣᡵᠣ
Manchu Imperial AD 1636–1912 276 years Taizong of Qing Xuantong (list)



انظر أيضاً

  • Ancient Chinese states
  • Chinese historiography
  • Chinese imperialism
  • Chinese sovereign
  • Conquest dynasty
  • عرش التنين
  • Dynastic cycle
  • East Asian cultural sphere
  • الممالك الثمانية عشر
  • Emperor at home, king abroad
  • امبراطور الصين
  • Family tree of ancient Chinese emperors
  • Family tree of Chinese monarchs (early)
  • Family tree of Chinese monarchs (late)
  • Family tree of Chinese monarchs (middle)
  • Fanzhen
  • Fengjian
  • Golden ages of China
  • Head of the former Chinese imperial clan
  • Head of the House of Aisin Gioro
  • Historical capitals of China
  • Jiedushi
  • Jimi system
  • List of Chinese monarchs
  • List of recipients of tribute from China
  • List of tributary states of China
  • Mandate of Heaven
  • Monarchy of China
  • Names of China
  • Pax Sinica
  • Six Dynasties
  • Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors
  • Tianxia
  • Timeline of Chinese history
  • Tributary system of China
  • Tusi
  • Twenty-Four Histories
  • Xia–Shang–Zhou Chronology Project
  • Xinhai Revolution
  • Zhonghua minzu


  1. ^ All attempts at restoring monarchical and dynastic rule in China after the success of the Xinhai Revolution ended in failure. Hence, the abdication of the Xuantong Emperor in AD 1912 is typically regarded as the formal end of the Chinese monarchy.
  2. ^ The English and Chinese names stated are historiographical nomenclature. These should not be confused with the guóhào officially proclaimed by each dynasty. A dynasty may be known by more than one historiographical name.
  3. ^ The Chinese characters shown are in Traditional Chinese. Some characters may have simplified versions that are currently used in Mainland China. For instance, the characters for the Eastern Han are written as "東漢" in Traditional Chinese and "东汉" in Simplified Chinese.
  4. ^ While Hanyu Pinyin is the most common form of romanization currently in adoption, some scholarly works utilize the Wade–Giles system, which may differ drastically in the spelling of certain words. For instance, the Qing dynasty is rendered as "Ch῾ing dynasty" in Wade–Giles.
  5. ^ While Chinese historiography tends to treat dynasties as being of specific ethnic stocks, there were some monarchs who had mixed heritage. For instance, the Jiaqing Emperor of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty was of mixed Manchu and Han descent, having derived his Han ancestry from his mother, the Empress Xiaoyichun.
  6. ^ The status of a dynasty was dependent upon the chief title bore by its monarch at any given time.
  7. ^ The monarchs listed were the de facto founders of dynasties. However, it was common for Chinese monarchs to posthumously honor earlier members of the family as monarchs. For instance, while the Later Jin was officially established by the Emperor Gaozu of Later Jin, four earlier members of the ruling house were posthumously accorded imperial titles, the most senior of which was Shi Jing who was conferred the temple name Jingzu (靖祖) and the posthumous name Emperor Xiao'an (孝安皇帝).
  8. ^ The dates given for the Xia dynasty, the Shang dynasty, and the Western Zhou prior to the start of the Gonghe Regency in 841 BC are derived from the Xia–Shang–Zhou Chronology Project.
  9. ^ The Xia dynasty was interrupted by the rule of Yi and Han Zhuo for approximately 40 years. Sources disagree on the dates of the start and end of the interregnum. Chinese historiography does not make a distinction between the realm that existed prior to the interregnum and the restored realm. The King Xiang of Xia was the last ruler before the interregnum; the King Shao Kang of Xia was the first ruler after the interregnum.
  10. ^ The rule of the Xia dynasty was traditionally dated 2205–1766 BC, lasting 399 years excluding the 40-year interregnum, as per the calculations made by the historian Liu Xin.
  11. ^ The rule of the Shang dynasty was traditionally dated 1766–1122 BC, lasting 644 years, as per the calculations made by the historian Liu Xin.
  12. ^ The Western Zhou (西周) and the Eastern Zhou (東周) are collectively known as the Zhou dynasty (周朝; Zhōu Cháo).
  13. ^ The rule of the Western Zhou was traditionally dated 1122–771 BC, lasting 351 years, as per the calculations made by the historian Liu Xin.
  14. ^ The terms "Chinese Empire" and "Empire of China" refer to the Chinese state under the rule of various imperial dynasties, particularly those that had achieved the unification of China proper.
  15. ^ The Western Han (西漢) and the Eastern Han (東漢) are collectively known as the Han dynasty (漢朝; Hàn Cháo).
  16. ^ The Western Jin (西晉) and the Eastern Jin (東晉) are collectively known as the Jin dynasty (晉朝; Jìn Cháo).
  17. ^ The names of the Jin dynasty (晉朝) of the Sima clan and the Jin dynasty (金朝) of the Wanyan clan are rendered similarly using the Hanyu Pinyin system, even though they do not share the same Chinese character for "Jin".
  18. ^ The ruling house of the Han Zhao initially bore the surname Luandi (攣鞮).Liu () was subsequently adopted as the surname prior to the establishment of the Han Zhao.
  19. ^ The ruling house of the Former Qin initially bore the surname Pu ().Fu () was subsequently adopted as the surname by the Emperor Huiwu of Former Qin prior to the establishment of the Former Qin.
  20. ^ As Lan Han, surnamed Lan (), was not a member of the Murong (慕容) clan by birth, his enthronement was not a typical dynastic succession.
  21. ^ The Emperor Huiyi of Yan was of Goguryeo descent. Originally surnamed Gao (), he was an adopted member of the Murong (慕容) clan. His enthronement was therefore not a typical dynastic succession.
  22. ^ The Later Yan ended in either AD 407 or AD 409, lasting either 23 years or 25 years, depending on the status of the Emperor Huiyi of Yan.
  23. ^ The Emperor Huiyi of Yan could either be the last Later Yan monarch or the founder of the Northern Yan depending on the historian's characterization.
  24. ^ The Western Qin was interrupted by the Later Qin between AD 400 and AD 409. Chinese historiography does not make a distinction between the realm that existed up to AD 400 and the realm restored in AD 409. The Prince Wuyuan of Western Qin was both the last ruler before the interregnum and the first ruler after the interregnum.
  25. ^ The names of the Later Liang (後涼) of the Lü clan and the Later Liang (後梁) of the Zhu clan are rendered similarly using the Hanyu Pinyin system, even though they do not share the same Chinese character for "Liang".
  26. ^ Duan Ye, surnamed Duan (), was of Han Chinese descent. The enthronement of the Prince Wuxuan of Northern Liang was therefore not a typical dynastic succession.
  27. ^ The ruling house of the Hu Xia initially bore the surname Liu (). The Emperor Wulie of Hu Xia subsequently adopted Helian (赫連) as the surname.
  28. ^ The Emperor Huiyi of Yan was of Goguryeo descent. Originally surnamed Gao (), he was an adopted member of the Murong (慕容) clan. The enthronement of the Emperor Wencheng of Northern Yan was therefore not a typical dynastic succession.
  29. ^ The Northern Yan was established in either AD 407 or AD 409, lasting either 29 years or 27 years, depending on the status of the Emperor Huiyi of Yan.
  30. ^ The ruling house of the Northern Wei initially bore the surname Tuoba (拓跋). The Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei subsequently adopted Yuan () as the surname.
  31. ^ The ruling house of the Western Wei initially bore the surname Yuan (). The Emperor Gong of Western Wei subsequently adopted Tuoba (拓跋) as the surname.
  32. ^ The ruling house of the Sui dynasty initially bore the surname Yang (). The Western Wei later bestowed the surname Puliuru (普六茹) upon the family. The Emperor Wen of Sui subsequently restored Yang as the surname.
  33. ^ The Tang dynasty was interrupted by the Wu Zhou between AD 690 and AD 705. Chinese historiography does not make a distinction between the realm that existed up to AD 690 and the realm restored in AD 705. The Emperor Ruizong of Tang was the last ruler before the interregnum; the Emperor Zhongzong of Tang was the first ruler after the interregnum.
  34. ^ The ruling house of the Later Tang initially bore the surname Zhuye (朱邪).Li () was subsequently adopted as the surname by the Emperor Xianzu of Later Tang prior to the establishment of the Later Tang.
  35. ^ The Emperor Mingzong of Later Tang, originally without surname, was an adopted member of the Li () clan. His enthronement was therefore not a typical dynastic succession.
  36. ^ Li Congke was of Han Chinese descent. Originally surnamed Wang (), he was an adopted member of the Li () clan. His enthronement was therefore not a typical dynastic succession.
  37. ^ The names of the Later Jin (後晉) of the Shi clan and the Later Jin (後金) of the Aisin Gioro clan are rendered similarly using the Hanyu Pinyin system, even though they do not share the same Chinese character for "Jin".
  38. ^ The Emperor Shizong of Later Zhou, originally surnamed Chai (), was an adopted member of the Guo () clan. His enthronement was therefore not a typical dynastic succession.
  39. ^ As Zhu Wenjin, surnamed Zhu (), was not a member of the Wang () clan by birth, his enthronement was not a typical dynastic succession.
  40. ^ The ruling house of the Southern Tang initially bore the surname Xu (). The Emperor Liezu of Southern Tang subsequently adopted Li () as the surname.
  41. ^ The Emperor Yingwu of Northern Han was of Han Chinese descent. Originally surnamed He (), he was an adopted member of the Liu () clan. His enthronement was therefore not a typical dynastic succession.
  42. ^ Kuchlug, originally without surname, was of Naiman descent. As he was not a member of the Yelü (耶律) clan by birth, his enthronement was not a typical dynastic succession.
  43. ^ The Northern Song (北宋) and the Southern Song (南宋) are collectively known as the Song dynasty (宋朝; Sòng Cháo).
  44. ^ The ruling house of the Western Xia initially bore the surname Tuoba (拓跋). The Tang dynasty and the Song dynasty later bestowed the surnames Li () and Zhao () upon the family respectively. The Emperor Jingzong of Western Xia subsequently adopted Weiming (嵬名) as the surname.
  45. ^ Choros Esen, surnamed Choros (綽羅斯), was of Oirat descent. As he was not a member of the Borjigin (孛兒只斤) clan by birth, his enthronement was not a typical dynastic succession.
  46. ^ Traditional Chinese historiography considers the Northern Yuan to have ended in either AD 1388 or AD 1402, lasting either 20 years or 34 years. However, some historians regard the Mongol regime that existed from AD 1388 or AD 1402 up to AD 1635—referred to in the History of Ming as "Dada" (韃靼)—as a direct continuation of the Northern Yuan.
  47. ^ The existence and identity of the Dingwu Emperor, supposedly reigned from 1646 CE to 1664 CE, are disputed. Hence, most historians regard the Yongli Emperor as the final monarch of the Southern Ming.
  48. ^ The Jurchen ethnic group was renamed "Manchu" in AD 1635 by the Emperor Taizong of Qing.
  49. ^ The Qing dynasty was briefly restored between 1 July 1917 and 12 July 1917. The movement was led by Zhang Xun who reinstalled the Xuantong Emperor to the Chinese throne. Due to the abortive nature of the event, it is usually excluded from the Qing history.



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  41. ^ Steinhardt, Nancy (2014). . p. 28. ISBN .
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  46. ^ Lü, Fu (2017). . p. 154.
  47. ^ Qin, Dashu; Yuan, Jian (2013). . p. 153. ISBN .
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  49. ^ Zhang, Qizhi; Wang, Zijin; Fang, Guanghua (2002). . p. 335. ISBN .
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  53. ^ Wang, Zhen'guo; Chen, Ping; Xie, Peiping (1999). . p. 94. ISBN .
  54. ^ Xiong, Victor (2017). . p. 613. ISBN .
  55. ^ Fairbank, John; Goldman, Merle (2006). . p. 73. ISBN .
  56. ^ Spring, Peter (2015). . p. 211. ISBN .
  57. ^ Holcombe, Charles (2001). . p. 140. ISBN .
  58. ^ Tan, Zhongchi (2013). . ISBN .
  59. ^ Kroll, Paul (2014). . p. 36. ISBN .
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  61. ^ Katz, Paul (1995). . p. 79. ISBN .
  62. ^ Cai, Zong-qi (2007). . p. 152. ISBN .
  63. ^ Knechtges, David; Chang, Taiping (2014). . p. 1818. ISBN .
  64. ^ Lee, Mosol (2013). . p. 115. ISBN .
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  67. ^ Standen, Naomi (2007). . p. 1. ISBN .
  68. ^ Schaeffer, Kurtis; Kapstein, Matthew; Tuttle, Gray (2013). . p. 338. ISBN .
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  72. ^ Liu, Lydia; Karl, Rebecca; Ko, Dorothy (2013). . p. 164. ISBN .
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  74. ^ Lorge, Peter (2015). . p. 45. ISBN .
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  77. ^ Lee, Lily; Wiles, Sue (2014). . p. xxi. ISBN .
  78. ^ Gong, Xianzong (2014). . p. 172. ISBN .
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  80. ^ Tan, Zuowen; Wan, Xi (2006). . p. 7. ISBN .
  81. ^ Wu, Jiang; Chia, Lucille (2015). . p. 175. ISBN .
  82. ^ Chen, Huaxin (1990). . p. 379. ISBN .
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  84. ^ Thurgood, Graham; LaPolla, Randy (2003). . p. 7. ISBN .
  85. ^ Hsu, Cho-yun (2012). . p. 272. ISBN .
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  87. ^ Szonyi, Michael (2017). . p. 130. ISBN .
  88. ^ Wang, Shoufa (2002). . p. 80. ISBN .
  89. ^ Huang, Chunyi (2016). . p. 3. ISBN .
  90. ^ McMahon, Keith (2016). . p. 24. ISBN .
  91. ^ Danver, Steven (2015). . p. 244. ISBN .
  92. ^ Tuttle, Gray; Schaeffer, Kurtis (2013). . p. 562. ISBN .
  93. ^ Kessler, Adam (2012). . p. 77. ISBN .
  94. ^ Simon, Karla (2013). . p. 40. ISBN .
  95. ^ Huang, Ruyi (2017). . ISBN .
  96. ^ Xing, Chunru; Li, Munan; Jie, Baofeng; Liu, Xinlian (2007). .
  97. ^ Liu, Xingchu (2009). . ISBN .
  98. ^ Xie, Xuanjun (2017). . p. 223. ISBN .
  99. ^ May, Timothy (2016). . pp. 26–28. ISBN .
  100. ^ Baumer, Christoph (2016). . ISBN .
  101. ^ Chen, Anfeng (2014). . p. 2. ISBN .
  102. ^ Zhong, Guochang (2019). . p. 3. ISBN .
  103. ^ Elliott, Mark (2001). . p. 71. ISBN .
  104. ^ Crossley, Pamela (2002). . p. 193. ISBN .
  105. ^ Lee, Ji-young (2016). . p. 236. ISBN .
  106. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة MonarchyRestoration2
  107. ^ Forêt, Philippe (2000). . p. 13. ISBN .


  • China Handbook Editorial Committee, China Handbook Series: History (trans., Dun J. Li), Beijing, 1982, 188–89; and Shao Chang Lee, "China Cultural Development" (wall chart), East Lansing, 1984.

وصلات خارجية

  • Columbia University.
  • Tan Qixiang.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-09 12:00:19
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