لفت سويدي

عودة للموسوعة

لفت سويدي


Brassica napus
Cultivar group
Napobrassica Group

The rutabaga ( //) (North American English), swede (Southern English and some Commonwealth English), neep (Scottish), turnip (in some Canadian English and Northern English, including Cornish English) or snagger (Northern English), also called by several other names in different regions (including turnip, though this elsewhere usually refers to the "white turnip"), is a root vegetable that originated as a cross between the cabbage and the turnip. The roots are eaten in a variety of ways, and the leaves can be eaten as a leaf vegetable. The roots and tops are also used for livestock, either fed directly in the winter or foraged in the field during the other seasons. Scotland, Northern England, West England and Ireland had a tradition of carving the roots into lanterns at Halloween.


Harvested roots
Harvested roots waiting to be prepared

Rutabaga has many national and regional names. Rutabaga is the common North American term for the plant. This comes from the Swedish dialectal word rotabagge, from rot (root) + bagge (lump, bunch). In the U.S., the plant is also known as Swedish turnip or yellow turnip.

The term swede (from "Swedish turnip") is used in many Commonwealth Nations, including much of England, Australia, and New Zealand. The name turnip is also used in parts of Northern and Midland England, the West Country (particularly Cornwall), Ireland, the Isle of Man, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada. In Wales, according to region, it is variously known as maip, rwden, erfin, swedsen, or swejen in Welsh, and as swede or turnip in English.

In Scotland it is known as turnip, tumshie (also used as a pejorative term for foolish or stupid people) or neep (from Old English næp, Latin napus). Some areas of south-east Scotland, such as Berwickshire and Roxburghshire, still use the term baigie, possibly a derivative of the Swedish dialectal word rotabagge. The term turnip is also used for the white turnip (Brassica rapa ssp rapa).

Some will also refer to both swede and (white) turnip as just turnip (this word is also derived from næp). In north-east England, turnips and swedes are colloquially called snadgers, snaggers (archaic) or narkies. Rutabaga is also known as moot in the Isle of Man and the Manx language word for turnip is napin.

Its common name in Sweden is kålrot (literally "cabbage/kale root"). Similarly, in Denmark it is known as kålroe and kålrabi, while in Norway it is known as kålrabi or kålrot and in Estonia as kaalikas. In Dutch it is called similary koolraap. In Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands, it is sometimes confused with kohlrabi. The Finnish term is lanttu. The Romanian term is nap. Rutabaga is known by many different regional names in German, of which Kohlrübe and Steckrübe are the most widespread and most commonly used in lists of ingredients; the former is typically used in Austria to mean kohlrabi.


Cut through of a root

الحرب العالمية الثانية

التاريخ النباتي


Rotmos served with sausage
Haggis served with neeps and potatoes


استخدامات اخري

الثروة الحيوانية

دخلت جذور وقمم "السويديون" حيز الاستخدام كمحصول علف في أوائل القرن التاسع عشر ، حيث تم استخدامه كعلف شتوي لـ الماشية. يمكن إطعامها مباشرة (مفرومة اوسليمة) ، أوقد يُسمح للحيوانات بتجميع النباتات مباشرة في الحقل.

عيد الرعب

نبتة اللفت الأيرلندي التقليدي (rutabaga) معروض في متحف الحياة الريفية ، أيرلندا


انظر ايضا

  • List of vegetables


  1. ^ "rutabaga, n." OED Online. Oxford University Press, September 2015. Retrievedسبعة December 2015.
  2. ^ Våra ord: rotabagge(Swedish) Linked 2018-03-02
  3. ^ McLaughlin, Chris. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Heirloom Vegetables. Penguin, 2010. ISBN 9781101441831. p. 208.
  4. ^ Lindsay, Anne. Anne Lindsay's Smart Cooking. John Wiley & Sons, 2008. ISBN 9780470157114. p. 174
  5. ^ "Geiriadur yr Academi | The Welsh Academy English-Welsh Dictionary Online". geiriaduracademi.org (in الويلزية). Retrieved 16 March 2018.
  6. ^ The Concise Scots Dictionary, Mairi Robinson (editor) (1985)
  7. ^ Dictionary of the Scots Language: baigie" Relinked 2018-03-02.
  8. ^ Chambers English Dictionary (Chambers 1988), ISBN 1-85296-000-0
  9. ^ Rana, M. K. Vegetable Crop Science. CRC Press, 2017. Chapter 47. ISBN 9781351648875.
  10. ^ "Photo". wiki1.sch.im.
  11. ^ SRUC. "Swedes and Turnips - SRUC". sruc.ac.uk.

وصلات خارجية

ابحث عن swede في
قاموس الفهم.
  • Alternative Field Crops Manual: Rutabaga—Center for New Crops & Plant Products, Purdue University
  • Smillie, Susan. "Are 'neeps' swedes or turnips?", The Guardian, 25 January 2010.

خطأ لوا في وحدة:Taxonbar على السطر 140: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-09 14:27:15
التصنيفات: CS1 الويلزية-language sources (cy), Use dmy dates from July 2011, مقالات تستعمل قوالب صيانة غير مؤرخة, Commons category link is locally defined, براسيكا, خضار جذرية, خضراوات ورقية, كرنبية, مأكولات الهالويين, نباتات وصفت في 1753, صفحات بها أخطاء في البرنامج النصي, Articles containing non-English-language text

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