معدل الذكاء وعدم المساواة العالمية

عودة للموسوعة

معدل الذكاء وعدم المساواة العالمية

IQ and Global Inequality

معدل الذكاء والعالمية وعدم المساواة العالمية كتاب الدكتور ريتشارد لين 2006 الأستاذ الفخري لفهم النفس في جامعة أولستر في أيرلندا الشمالية والدكتور فانهانين الأستاذ الفخري في العلوم السياسية في جامعة تامبيري معدل الذكاء والعالمية لعدم المساواة هومتابعة لكتاب 2002 معدل الذكاء

معدل الذكاء الوطني والتنمية الاقتصادية

مؤشر جودة الأحوال البشرية

مؤشر (QHC) لرتشارد لين.

The quality of human conditions (QHC) index was computed from five variables.

  1. purchasing power parity Gross National Income (PPP-GNI) per capita 2002
  2. adult literacy rate 2002
  3. gross tertiary enrollment ratio
  4. life expectancy at birth 2002
  5. مستوى الدمقرطة 2002 (مؤشر الديمقراطية من تاتوڤانهانن)

Values of the index range from 10.7 (Burkina Faso) to 89 (Norway). Lynn and Vanhanen write that they would have preferred to include a sixth measure, an indicator of income inequality, but that statistical data for that variable was not available for all countries. They write that the QHC index differs significantly from other widely used indexes (such as the Human Development Index) in that QHC also measures democratization. Some of their claims have been received support in a 2007 study by Rindermann.

All countries Estimate IQ
(79 countries)
(192 countries)
QHC 0.805 0.725 0.791
PPP GNI per capita 2002 0.693 0.342 0.616
Adult literacy rate 2002 0.642 0.655 0.655
Tertiary enrollment ratio 0.746 0.699 0.745
Life expectancy at birth 2002 0.765 0.690 0.750
Index of Democratization 2002 0.569 0.322 0.530
Excluding smallest countries Calculated IQ
(98 countries)
Estimate IQ
(62 countries)
(160 countries)
QHC 0.846 0.800 0.839
PPP GNI per capita 2002 0.739 0.266 0.649
Adult literacy rate 2002 0.710 0.746 0.733
Tertiary enrollment ratio 0.778 0.734 0.780
Life expectancy at birth 2002 0.833 0.753 0.817
Index of Democratization 2002 0.598 0.408 0.584

غير ذلك من التدابير على الصعيد العالمي وعدم المساواة

خط العرض ودرجة الحرارة

ارتباط خط العرض درجة الحرارة
Degrees latitude 1 -0.885
Annual mean temperature -0.885 1
National IQ 0.677 -0.632
QHC 0.659 -0.562
PPP GNI per capita 2002 0.528 -0.407
Adult literacy rate 2002 0.482 -0.467
Tertiary enrollment ratio 0.718 -0.649
Life expectancy at birth 2002 0.505 -0.379
Index of Democratization 2002 0.512 -0.460

معدل الذكاء الوطنية والقيم

Calculated and estimated national average IQ according to book.

البلد/المنطقة IQ (2002) IQ (2006) PPP-GNI per capita 2002 QHC
 هونگ كونگ 107 108 27,490 60.8
 سنغافورة 103 108 23,730 60.7
 كوريا الشمالية 105* 106* 1,000 38
 كوريا الجنوبية 106 106 16,960 75.4
 اليابان 105 105 27,380 71.4
 الصين 100 105 4,520 39.7
 تايوان 104 105 23,400 79.4
 إيطاليا 102 102 26,170 78.9
 آيسلندا 98* 101 29,240 80
 منغوليا 98* 101* 1,710 48.1
 سويسرا 101 101 31,840 82.2
 النمسا 102 100 28,910 80.7
 لوكسمبورگ 101* 100* 53,230 76.4
 هولندا 102 100 28,350 82.8
 النرويج 98 100 36,690 89
 المملكة المتحدة 100 100 26,580 76.7
 بلجيكا 100 99 28,130 84.1
 كندا 97 99 28,930 77.8
 إستونيا 97* 99 11,630 64.5
 فنلندا 97 99 26,160 85.1
 ألمانيا 102 99 26,980 78
 نيوزيلندا 100 99 20,550 76.2
 پولندا 99 99 10,450 62.7
 السويد 101 99 25,820 82.9
 أندورا N/A 98* 19,000 58.7
 أستراليا 98 98 27,440 82.8
 التشيك 97 98 14,920 64.5
 الدنمارك 98 98 30,600 85.4
 فرنسا 98 98 27,040 78.1
 المجر 99 98 13,070 64.1
 لاتڤيا 97* 98* 9,190 65.5
 إسپانيا 97 98 21,910 75.8
 الولايات المتحدة 98 98 36,120 86.6
 بلاروس 96* 97* 5,500 57.2
 مالطا 95* 97 17,710 66.4
 روسيا 96 97 8,080 64.5
 أوكرانيا 96* 97* 4,800 61.8
 مولدوڤا 95* 96* 1,600 46.2
 سلوڤاكيا 96 96 12,590 63.2
 أوروگواي 96 96 7,710 64
 إسرائيل 94 95 19,000 75.3
 الپرتغال 95 95 17,820 67
 أرمنيا 93* 94* 3,230 50.2
 جورجيا 93* 94* 2,270 51.2
 قزخستان 93* 94* 5,630 49
 رومانيا 94 94 6,490 53
 ڤيتنام 96* 94 2,300 39.5
 الأرجنتين 96 93 10,190 64.7
 بلغاريا 93 93 7,030 59.1
 اليونان 92 92 18,770 76.1
 ماليزيا 92 92 29,570 78.5
 أيرلندا 93 92 8,500 52.1
 بروناي 92* 91* 19,210 50.8
 كمبوديا 89* 91* 1,970 28.6
 قبرص 92* 91* 18,650 67.6
 لتوانيا 97* 91 10,190 65.4
 جمهورية مقدونيا 93* 91* 6,420 54.4
 تايلند 91 91 6,890 50.3
 ألبانيا 90* 90* 4,960 51.2
 برمودا N/A 90 36,000 75.8
 البوسنة والهرسك N/A 90* 5,800 51.4
 تشيلي 93* 90 9,420 59.5
 كرواتيا 90 90 10,000 61.7
 قيرغيزستان 87* 90* 1,560 48.1
 هجريا 90 90 6,300 50.2
 المكسيك 87 90 12,500 52.9
 جزر كوك N/A 89 5,000 45.7
 كوستاريكا 91* 89* 8,650 53.7
 لاوس 89* 89 1,660 24.9
 موريشيوس 81* 89 10,820 52.2
 سورينام 89 89 6,590 50.6
 الإكوادور 80 88 3,340 47.4
 ساموا 87 88 5,570 49.7
 أذربيجان 87* 87* 3,010 47.2
 بوليڤيا 85* 87 2,390 49.7
 البرازيل 87 87 7,450 51.1
 تيمور الشرقية N/A 87* 3,940 46.7
 گويانا 84* 87* 3,070 40.2
 إندونيسيا 89 87 1,600 28.1
 العراق 87 87 1,027 30.7
 ميانمار 86* 87* 930 42.4
 طاجيكستان 87* 87* 1,640 27.5
 هجرمنستان 87* 87* 4,780 41.7
 اوزبكستان 87* 87* 1,640 39.4
 الكويت 83* 86 17,780 49.9
 الفلپين 86 86 4,450 51.6
 سيشل 81* 86* 18,232 60.6
 تونگا 87 86 6,820 40.5
 كوبا 85 85 5,259 46.2
 فيجي 84 85 5,330 51.9
 كيريباس 84* 85* 800 37.1
 كاليدونيا الجديدة N/A 85 21,960 54.9
 پيرو 90 85 4,880 49.2
 ترنيداد وتوباگو 80* 85* 9,000 52
 اليمن 83* 85 800 24.5
 أفغانستان 83* 84* 700 13.2
 بليز 83* 84* 15,960 56.1
 كولومبيا 88 84 5,490 44.2
 ميكرونزيا 84* 84* 6,150 48.4
 إيران 84 84 6,690 40.2
 الأردن 87* 84 4,180 43.4
 جزر مارشال 84 84 1,600 44.2
 المغرب 85 84 2,000 39.9
 پاكستان 81* 84 3,730 31.7
 پنما 84* 84* 1,960 26.2
 پاراگواي 85* 84 6,060 56.6
 پورتوريكو 84 84 4,590 45.2
 السعودية 83* 84* 15,800 63.6
 جزر سولومون 84* 84* 12,660 44.1
 البهاما 78* 84* 1,590 41.5
 الإمارات العربية المتحدة 83* 84* 24,030 48.8
 ڤانواتو 84* 84* 2,850 31.4
 ڤنزويلا 88* 84 5,220 47.4
 الجزائر 84* 83* 5,530 39.9
 البحرين 83* 83* 16,190 49.3
 ليبيا 84* 83* 7,570 49.3
 عُمان 83* 83* 13,000 40.6
 پاپوا غينيا الجديدة 84* 83 2,180 38.4
 سوريا 87* 83 5,348 38.9
 تونس 84* 83* 6,440 40.6
 بنگلادش 81* 82* 1,720 29.8
 جمهورية الدومنيكان 84* 82 6,270 46.8
 الهند 81 82 2,650 36.3
 لبنان 86 82 4,600 55.8
 مدغشقر 79* 82 730 28.6
 مصر 83 81 3,810 37.3
 هندوراس 84* 81 2,540 41.9
 المالديڤ 81* 81* 4,798 38.5
 نيكاراگوا 84* 81* 2,350 41.3
 جزر ماريانا الشمالية N/A 81 12,500 51.3
 بربادوس 78 80 14,660 60.9
 بوتان 78* 80* 1,969 24.1
 السلڤادور 84* 80* 4,790 42.6
 گواتيمالا 79 79 4,040 34.6
 سريلانكا 81* 79 3,510 47.7
 نيپال 78 78 1,370 26.9
 قطر 78 78 19,844 45.6
 جزر القمر 79* 77* 1,640 24.6
 الرأس الأخضر 78* 76* 4,920 40.5
 موريتانيا 73* 76* 1,790 20.5
 أوغندا 73 73 1,360 25.4
 كنيا 72 72 1,010 27.3
 جنوب أفريقيا 72 72 9,810 38.3
 تنزانيا 72 72 580 23.2
 غانا 71 71 2,080 33.7
 گرينادا 75* 71* 6,600 45.3
 جامايكا 72 71 3,680 46.5
 سانت ڤنسنت والگرنادينز 75* 71 5,190 48.4
 السودان 72 71 1,740 24.6
 زامبيا 77 71 800 21.8
 أنتيگا وبربودا 75* 70* 10,390 53.2
 بنين 69* 70* 1,060 20.5
 بتسوانا 72* 70* 7,740 29.4
 ناميبيا 72* 70* 6,880 31.1
 رواندا 70* 70* 1,260 18.5
 توگو 69* 70* 1,450 26
 بوروندي 70* 69* 630 15.2
 ساحل العاج 71* 69* 1,450 18.1
 ملاوي 71* 69* 570 24.3
 مالي 68* 69* 840 13.4
 النيجر 67* 69* 800 13.5
 نيجريا 67 69 800 27.3
 أنگولا 69* 68* 1,840 13.7
 بوركينا فاسو 66* 68* 1,090 10.7
 تشاد 72* 68* 1,010 20.4
 جيبوتي 68* 68* 2,040 22
 إرتريا 68* 68* 1,040 21.4
 الصومال 68* 68* 500 15.2
 سوازيلاند 72* 68* 4,730 22.2
 دومنيكا 75* 67 4,960 48.8
 غينيا 63 67 2,060 22.5
 غينيا-بيساو 63* 67* 680 20.3
 هايتي 72* 67* 1,610 20.4
 لسوتو 72* 67* 2,970 24.3
 ليبريا 64* 67* 1,000 21.2
 سانت كيتس ونڤيس 75* 67* 10,750 45.5
 ساوتومه وپرنسيپه 59* 67* 1,317 37.9
 السنغال 64* 66* 1,660 20.7
 گامبيا 64* 66* 1,540 21.3
 زيمبابوي 66 66 2,180 25.2
 الكونغو 73 65 630 17.9
 الكاميرون 70* 64 1,910 23.1
 جمهورية أفريقيا الوسطى 68* 64 1,170 19.1
 الكونغوالديمقراطية 65 64 700 26.9
 إثيوپيا 63 64 780 16.7
 الگابون 66* 64* 5,530 32.2
 موزمبيق 72* 64 990 18
 سيراليون 64 64 500 13.8
 سانت لوشيا 75* 62 4,950 51.1
 غينيا الإستوائية 59 59 9,100 30.4
"*" Denotes estimated National IQ

PPP-GNI = purchasing power parity gross national income. QHC = is a composite index called quality of human conditions.


Hunt and Wittmann (2008) write of Lynn’s IQ data:

The majority of the data points were based upon convenience rather than representative samples. Some points were not even based on residents of the country. For instance, the “data point for Suriname was based on tests given to Surinamese who had migrated to the Netherlands, and the “data point” for Ethiopia was based on the IQ scores of a highly selected group that had emigrated to Israel and, for cultural and historical reasons was hardly representative of the Ethiopian population. The data point for Mexico was based on a weighted averaging of the results of a study of “Native American and Mestizo children in Southern Mexico” with result of a study of residents of الأرجنتين .

Upon reading the original reference, they found that the “data point” that Lynn and Vanhanen used for the lowest IQ estimate, Equatorial Guinea, was actually the mean IQ of a group of Spanish children in a home for the developmentally disabled in Spain. Corrections were applied to adjust for differences in IQ cohorts (the “Flynn” effect) on the assumption that the same correction could be applied internationally, without regard to the cultural or economic development level of the country involved. While there appears to be rather little evidence on cohort effect upon IQ across the developing countries, one study in Kenya (Daley, Whaley, Sigman, Espinosa, & Neumann, 2003) shows a substantially larger cohort effect than is reported for developed countries (p.?)

Crawford-Nutt (1976) found that African black students enrolled in westernized schools scored higher on progressive matrix tests than did American white students. The study was meant to examine perceptual/cultural differences between groups, and demonstrated that one’s performance on western standardized tests correspond more closely with the quality and style of schooling that one receives more so than other factors . Buj (1981) showed Ghanaian adults to score higher on a supposedly ‘culture fair’ IQ test than did Irish adults; scores were 80 (Ghanaian) and 78 (Irish), respectively . Shuttleworth-Edwards et al. (2004) conducted a study with black South Africans between the ages of 19–30, where highly significant effects for both level and quality of education within groups whose first language was an indigenous black African language, was revealed. Black African first language groups (as well as white English speaking groups) with advantaged education were comparable with the US standardization in IQ test scores (e.g. WAIS-III).

انظر أيضاً

ناشري خط

  • Washington Summit Publishers

Theories of Race and Intelligence:

  • Cattell Culture Fair III
  • Evolution of human intelligence
  • Flynn effect
  • Fluid and crystallized intelligence
  • General intelligence factor
  • Gini coefficient
  • Hominid intelligence
  • Intelligence and public policy
  • Race and intelligence

مطبوعات عن الذكاء:

  • IQ and the Wealth of Nations
  • IQ and Global Inequality
  • The Mismeasure of Man
  • Race Differences in Intelligence

نظريات روابط:

  • Brain to body mass ratio
  • Height and intelligence
  • Neuroscience and intelligence
  • Sex and intelligence

وصلات خارجية

  • Lynns posting of a favorable review that characterizes the 006 work as a reply to criticisms of their earlier results
  • A site critical of Lynn;s claims
  • National IQ means, calibrated on the basis of PISA scores and transformed from educational attainment


  1. ^ Rindermann, Heiner: The g-factor of international cognitive ability comparisons: the homogeneity of results in PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS and IQ-tests across nations. European Journal of Personality 21 (2007) 667-706 [1]
  2. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة IQWN
  3. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة IQGI
  4. ^ Hunt, E. & Wittmann, W. (2008). National intelligence and prosperity. Intelligence. Vol. 36, 1, January-February pp. 1-9.
  5. ^ Hunt, E. & Wittmann, W. (2008). National intelligence and prosperity. Intelligence. Vol. 36, 1, January-February pp. 1-9.
  6. ^ Crawford-Nutt. D. (1976). Are black scores on Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices an artifact of method of test presentation? Psychologia Africana, 16, 201-206
  7. ^ Buj, V. (1981). "Average IQ values in various European countries." Personality and Individual Differences, 2:168-169
  8. ^ Shuttleworth-Edwards A., Kemp R., Rust A., Muirhead J., Hartman N., Radloff S. (2004). Cross-cultural Effects on IQ Test Performance: A Review and Preliminary Normative Indications on WAIS-III Test Performance. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology (Neuropsychology, Developm, Volume 26, Number 7, October 2004 , pp. 903-920(18)
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 11:47:45
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