
Temporal range: Late Jurassic–Recent
Spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias
التصنيف الفهمي
مملكة: الحيوان
Phylum: الحبليات
Class: الأسماك الغضروفية
Subclass: Elasmobranchii
Superorder: Selachimorpha
Order: القرشيات Squaliformes
گودرتش، 1909

القرشيات Squaliformes هي رتبة أسماك قرش تضم نحو126 نوع في سبع فصائل.

أعضاء الرتبة لهم زعنفتان ظهريتان، which usually possess spines, no anal fin or nictitating membrane, and five gill slits. In most other respects, however, they are quite variable in form and size. They are found worldwide, from polar to tropical waters, and from shallow coastal seas to the open ocean.


فصيلة Centrophoridae Bleeker, 1859 (gulper sharks)

  • Genus Centrophorus
  • Genus Deania

فصيلة Dalatiidae (J. E. Gray, 1851) (kitefin sharks)

  • Genus Euprotomicroides
  • Genus Heteroscymnoides
  • Genus Mollisquama
  • Genus Dalatias
  • Genus Isistius
  • Genus Euprotomicrus
  • Genus Squaliolus

فصيلة Echinorhinidae Theodore Gill, 1862 (bramble sharks)

  • Genus Echinorhinus

فصيلة Etmopteridae Fowler, 1934 (القروش الفانوسية)

  • Genus Aculeola
  • Genus Centroscyllium
  • Genus Etmopterus
  • Genus Trigonognathus

فصيلة Oxynotidae Gill, 1872 (قروش خشنة)

  • Genus Oxynotus

فصيلة Somniosidae د. س. جوردان، 1888 (قروش نائمة)

  • Genus Centroscymnus
  • Genus Centroselachus
  • Genus Scymnodalatias
  • Genus Scymnodon
  • Genus Somniosus
  • Genus Zameus

فصيلة Squalidae Blainville, 1816 (dogfish sharks)

  • Genus Cirrhigaleus
  • Genus Squalus
Family Image Common name Genera Species Description
Gulper sharks 2 20 Gulper sharks are usually deepwater fish. While some, such as the gulper shark Centrophorus granulosus, are found worldwide and fished commercially, others are uncommon and little-known. Their usual prey is other fish; some are known to feed on squid, octopus, and shrimp. Some species live on the bottom (benthic), while others are pelagic. They are ovoviviparous, with the female retaining the egg-cases in her body until they hatch. They are small to medium sharks, ranging from 79 centiمترs (2.59 قدم) to 164 centiمترs (5.38 قدم) in adult body length.
Kitefin sharks 7 10 Kitefin sharks are small, under 2 م (6.6 قدم) long, and are found worldwide. They have cigar-shaped bodies with narrow heads and rounded snouts. Several species have specialized bioluminescent organs. The term kitefin shark is also used as the common name for the type species of the family, Dalatias licha.
Bramble sharks 1 2 Bramble sharks are usually benthic fish found in tropical and temperate waters worldwide, while the prickly shark is found in the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean. Their usual prey is small fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans. They are ovoviviparous, with the female retaining the egg cases in her body until they hatch. They are relatively large sharks, ranging from 3.1 to أربعة مترs (10 to 13 قدم) in adult body length.
Lantern sharks 5 45 Lantern sharks are deepwater fish with light-producing photophores on their bodies. The members of this family are small, under 90 cم (35 بوصة) long, and are found worldwide.
Rough sharks 1 5 Rough sharks are characterised by two large dorsal fins, each with a sharp spine, and with the first fin placed far forward above the head. Their bodies are compressed, giving them a triangular cross-section. Their skins are even rougher and more prickly than the dogfishes (below). Rough sharks are small to medium in size, ranging from 49 to 150 centiمترs (1.61 to 4.92 قدم) in adult body length, depending on species. They are deepwater sharks possessing a luminous organ which live in Atlantic and western Pacific oceans.
Sleeper sharks 7 20 Sleeper sharks are a poorly studied deep-sea shark found in all oceans. They contain antifreeze to survive in cold temperatures, and may feed on colossal squid. In Iceland, they are hunted for food. They are allowed to rot for months until the poisonous antifreeze degrades, and they are safe to eat.
Dogfish sharks 2 30 Dogfish sharks have two dorsal fins, each with smooth spines, but no anal fin. Their skin is generally rough to the touch. These sharks are characterized by teeth in upper and lower jaws similar in size; caudal peduncle with lateral keels; upper precaudal pit usually present; and a caudal fin without a subterminal notch. Unlike nearly all other shark species, dogfish possess venom, which coats their dorsal spines and is mildly toxic to humans. Their livers and stomachs contain also the compound squalamine, which possesses the property of reduction of small blood vessel growth in humans.


  1. ^ نطقب:FishBase order
  2. ^ Stevens, J. & Last, P.R. (1998). Paxton, J.R. & Eschmeyer, W.N. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Fishes. San Diego: Academic Press. p. 64. ISBN .
  3. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2009). "Centrophoridae" in FishBase. January 2009 version.
  4. ^ Hamlett, W.C., ed. (1999). Sharks, Skates, and Rays: The Biology of Elasmobranch Fishes. JHU Press. pp. 16–17. ISBN .
  5. ^ {{FishBase_family| family=Echinorhinidae
  6. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2011). "Etmopteridae" in FishBase. February 2011 version.
  7. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2009). "Oxynotidae" in FishBase. January 2009 version.
  8. ^ "Abstract". Springer Links. Retrieved 29 December 2012.
  9. ^ "Family Somniosidae - Sleeper sharks". Fish Base. Retrieved 29 December 2012.
  10. ^ Simon, Matt. "Footnotes: Lazy Sharks, Humiliated Seals, and Googlers Eating Dog Food | Wired Opinion". Wired.com. Retrieved 2012-07-05.
  11. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2009). "Squalidae" in FishBase. January 2009 version.
  12. ^ National Geographic June 1998


  • Compagno; Dando; Fowler (2005), Sharks of the World, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, ISBN 0-691-12072-2 
  • FAO Species catalogue Volume أربعة Parts 1 and 2


تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 18:03:49
التصنيفات: تجاوزات حجم التضمين بعد التوسيع, Articles with 'species' microformats, Taxoboxes with the incertae sedis color, Taxoboxes with no color, Portal templates with all redlinked portals, قرشيات, Extant Late Jurassic first appearances, Taxa named by Edwin Stephen Goodrich, رتب الأسماك

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