البنك الدولي في هندوراس

عودة للموسوعة

البنك الدولي في هندوراس

With a year-round tropical climate, the majority of Honduras is made up of expansive forest lands with very limited availability of arable land suitable for agricultural purposes.
Types of Economic Activity in Honduras
Projects by the World Bank have proved critical in preventing major damage to infrastructure from natural disasters such as Hurricane Mitch, which left Honduras with 90% of its agricultural land completely destroyed in 2012

مجموعة البنك الدولي هي مجموعة تضم خمس منظمات دولية التي قدمت القروض والمساعدات النقدية لبلدان أمريكا الوسطى ومن بينها هندوراس من أجل المساعدة في تمويل المهام الحرجة اللازمة لضمان أمن حصول هندوراس على التمويل، وتوسيع تغطية البرنامج الاجتماعي، والتنمية الريفية. هندوراس هي ثاني أفقر بلدان أمريكا الجنوبية والتي وصل معدل الفقر بها عام 2016 إلى 66%، تعمل من أجل زيادة الهجريز على أهمية تنويع مصادر الدخل الريفية، والتعليم الجيد، والبرامج الاجتماعية المستهدفة كطريقة لتحفيز نموها الاقتصادي.

تشكل صادرات البن أكثر من 20% من إجمالي الناتج المحلي في هندوراس. مكنت جهود البنك الدولي في قطاع البنية التحتية والإنتاجية المزارعين من النموبثقة ووتنافسية في سوق البن العالمية.

العمل مع استثمارات مؤسسة التنمية الدولية، مؤسسة التمويل الدولية، ووكالة ضمان الاستثمار متعدد الأطراف، يدير البنك الدولي محفظة استثمارية بأكثر من 990 مليون دولار أمريكي في هندوراس ضمن جهوده لتعزيز التنمية في القطاعين الخاص والعام عن طريق الاستثمارات الأجنبية والنشاط الاقتصادي. تضمنت الجهود الأخيرة للبنك الدولي في هندوراس شبكة الشراكة القطرية التي اكتملت في 15 ديسمبر 2015 كجهد مشهجر بين مجموعة البنك الدولي والمؤسسات التابعة له، مؤسسة التنمية الدولية، مؤسسة التمويل الدولية، ووكالة ضمان الاستثمار متعدد الأطراف، التي ساهمت بمبلغ 169 مليون دولار، 327 مليون دولار، و494 مليون دولار لحقيقة هندوراس، على التوالي.

الشراكة الاستراتيجية

مؤسسة التنمية الدولية

The International Development Association's (IDA) portfolio in Honduras currently holds US $354 million in investments operating through a total nine lending operations spanning a variety of sectors in the region such as public sector management, citizen security, rural development, and social protection. Despite the promising potential that access to $300 has represented for the region, political risk within groundwork by the institution along with problems with implementation logistics have threatened to leave nearly US $100 million in assistance undisbursed with onlyخمسة full-time projects being implemented, including the Improving Public Sector Performance project and the Rural Infrastructure Project, both of which have generally been classified as moderately unsatisfactory in their operation yet nonetheless seen as a positive trend with their relative increase in performance according to IDA standards.

مؤسسة التمويل الدولية

The International Financial Corporation, (IFC)'s investments in Honduras also include from $639.7 million in commitment to projects targeted toward Honduras' renewable energy sector, the expansion of the financial sector, and bolstering a competitive climate within agricultural business in rural communities.Operating as the second largest portfolio in Central America with over $630 million, Honduras has experienced growth through 29 successful public-private partnerships in infrastructure projects, as well as investments in four large scale renewable energy projects that are intended to help strengthen Honduras' electronic grid and assist in the development of a strong economy backed by a reliable infrastructure. The IFC has received criticism for providing funding to the palm oil company Dinant due to allegations that the company has engaged in lethal attacks against several co-operatives. The institution has also faced criticism over a 2011 $70m investment to Banco Ficohsa, Honduras' largest bank, with critics stating that the money would be indirectly supplied to Dinant. In a December 2013 audit the IFC's ombudsman found that the institution did not perform due diligence when examining the potential social and ecological risks associated with Dinant.

A class action lawsuit was filed in March 2017 by the NGO EarthRights International on behalf of approximately a dozen anonymous farmers looking for compensation from the World Bank, who they claim “knowingly profiting from the financing of murder” by financing Dinant via the IFC.

وكالة ضمان الاستثمار متعدد الأطراف

Operating through ثلاثة major projects totaling over $US 326 million,The Multilateral Investment Guarantee, or MIGA has also brought potentially major changes in transport and energy sectors. Just recently, as of September 25, 2015, MIGA committed to $187 million in investment guarantees to support the construction of a major effort to connect San Pedro Sula, currently Honduras' 2nd largest city, and La Ceiba near its coast. Honduras will potentially be able to manage more tourist traffic and support it with another MIGA-backed project granting over $80 million US dollars that will expand Honduras' current power grid capacity from 102 megawatts to 126 megawatts with the implementation of a wind farm and massive photovoltaic, (Solar power) projects.

المشروعات المستهدفة

Operating to improve inclusion, bolster conditions for growth, and reduce vulnerabilities, the Country Partnership Framework's Areas of Engagement have expanded possibilities within the region. A new, targeted approach through a variety of programs in social protections in labor and medicine, rural competitiveness projects in agriculture, and risk disaster management has created some positive outlook for areas across the region prone to lasting damage from hurricanes and typhoons that threaten local and regional farmlands, roads and disrupt economic activity. Projects like the Rural Competitiveness Project managed by the IDA, the IBRD's Nutrition and Social Protection Project, and the Second Project for Highway Reconstruction and Improvement have helped boost Honduras' economic productivity following its slow recovery from the 2008-2009 global recession. Secured agriculture, access to safe infrastructure, and reliable response capacities of local emergency authorities have sparked regional competitiveness and activity in the local economy. The Rural Competitiveness Project alone has created over 9,000 jobs and is responsible for productive partnerships with local business leaders in agricultural production, such as coffee and fruit, some of Honduras' leading exports upon which the livelihood of a vast percentage of the Honduran citizens depend. On May 18, 2017, the World Bank Board of Directors approved a US$25 million loan in additional financing for the Rural Competitiveness Project, focusing on increased adaptation to climate change which has had a direct impact on food insecurity and poverty rates in the region. Should the implementation of new technologies, an estimated 5,500 new rural housing units, and arrangement of 70 business plans be successful in their targeted goals, programs are set to potentially serve directly to local communities in efforts advancing a vibrant economy backed by a strong infrastructure and thriving agricultural competition.


  1. ^ "Honduras Overview". World Bank (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2017-06-08.
  2. ^ []
  3. ^ "Global Reach Map". maps.worldbank.org (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2017-06-08.
  4. ^ "PPP Units Around the World". Public private partnership World Bank (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2017-06-08.
  5. ^ Donnan, Shawn (March 8, 2017). ". Financial Times. Retrieved 2017-06-08.
  6. ^ Yukhananov, Anna (August 11, 2014). "World Bank again criticized for investments in Honduras". Reuters. Retrieved June 8, 2017.
  7. ^ Provost, Claire (2014-05-01). "World Bank loan to Honduran bank comes under scrutiny". The Guardian (in الإنجليزية). ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2017-06-08.
  8. ^ "CAO Audit of IFC Investment in Corporación Dinant S.A. de C.V., Honduras" (PDF). Compliance Auditor Ombudsman. 2013.
  9. ^ Provost, Claire (2017-03-08). "Farmers sue World Bank lending arm over alleged violence in Honduras". The Guardian (in الإنجليزية). ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2017-06-08.
  10. ^ https://www.miga.org/Lists/General/CustomDisp.aspx?ID=1878
  11. ^ https://www.miga.org/Pages/Projects/Environmental-and-Social-Sustainability.aspx
  12. ^ "Projects : Disaster Risk Management Project | The World Bank". projects.worldbank.org. Retrieved 2017-06-14.
  13. ^ "The World Bank Approves US$25 Million to Improve Rural Competitiveness in Honduras". World Bank (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2017-06-14.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 21:02:11
التصنيفات: CS1 الإنجليزية-language sources (en), All articles with unsourced statements, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2018, Articles with invalid date parameter in template, علاقات البنك الدولي, اقتصاد هندوراس

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