ظل (رياضيات)

عودة للموسوعة

ظل (رياضيات)

صورة (1)

ظل الزاويه يُعهد بأنه النسبه بين الجيب وجيب التمام لنفس الزاويه.

اذا نظرنا إلى صورة (1)، نرى ان المثلثات oab وOCD مماثلة، لذلك لذي ينطوي على العلاقة الاساسية بين الظل، الجيب وجيب التمام :

حساب الظل: في مثلث قائم الظل يساوي طول الضلع اللقاء/طول الضلع المجاور

كما أن : ظل=جب/نجب مثال:

مثلا: طول الضلع [أج] =15سنتمتر طول الضلع [أب] =05سنتمتر طول الضلع [ج ب] (الوتر) =19سنتمتر لحساب ظل(tan) الزاوية ب : اللقاء [أج] / المجاور [أب] 33 / 05 = 3 إذن: ظل(tan) الزاوية ب هو: 5


Function Abbreviation Identities (using radians)
Sine sin
Cosine cos
Tangent tan
(or tg)
Cosecant csc
(or cosec)
Secant sec
Cotangent cot
(or ctg or ctn)

Right triangle definitions

A right triangle always includes a 90° (π/2 radians) angle, here labeled C. Angles A and B may vary. Trigonometric functions specify the relationships among side lengths and interior angles of a right triangle.
The sine, tangent, and secant functions of an angle constructed geometrically in terms of a unit circle. The number θ is the length of the curve; thus angles are being measured in radians. The secant and tangent functions rely on a fixed vertical line and the sine function on a moving vertical line. ("Fixed" in this context means not moving as θ changes; "moving" means depending on θ.) Thus, as θ goes from 0 up to a right angle, sin θ goes from 0 to 1, tan θ goes from 0 to ∞, and sec θ goes from 1 to ∞.
The cosine, cotangent, and cosecant functions of an angle θ constructed geometrically in terms of a unit circle. The functions whose names have the prefix co- use horizontal lines where the others use vertical lines.
The unit circle

بعض الزوايا الشهيرة

  • [إعجاز القرآن الكريم في وصف حركة الظلال http://www.nooran.org/con8/Research/8.pdf]
  • ظل0=0
  • ظل90=عدم تعيين
  • ظل180=0
  • ظل270=عدم تعيين
Trigonometric functions in the complex plane

انظر أيضا

  • Generating trigonometric tables
  • Hyperbolic function
  • Pythagorean theorem
  • Unit vector (explains direction cosines)
  • Table of Newtonian series
  • List of trigonometric identities
  • Proofs of trigonometric identities
  • Euler's formula
  • Polar sine — a generalization to vertex angles
  • All Students Take Calculus — a mnemonic for recalling the signs of trigonometric functions in a particular quadrant of a Cartesian plane
  • Continued fraction of Gauss — a continued fraction definition for the tangent function

وصلات خارجية

  • Visionlearning Module on Wave Mathematics
  • GonioLab: Visualization of the unit circle, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
  • Dave's draggable diagram. (Requires java browser plugin)


  • Abramowitz, Milton and Irene A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover, New York. (1964). ISBN 0-486-61272-4.
  • Boyer, Carl B., A History of Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2nd edition. (1991). ISBN 0-471-54397-7.
  • Joseph, George G., The Crest of the Peacock: Non-European Roots of Mathematics, 2nd ed. Penguin Books, London. (2000). ISBN 0-691-00659-8.
  • Kantabutra, Vitit, "On hardware for computing exponential and trigonometric functions," IEEE Trans. Computers 45 (3), 328–339 (1996).
  • Maor, Eli, Trigonometric Delights, Princeton Univ. Press. (1998). Reprint edition (February 25, 2002): ISBN 0-691-09541-8.
  • Needham, Tristan, "Preface"" to Visual Complex Analysis. Oxford University Press, (1999). ISBN 0-19-853446-9.
  • O'Connor, J.J., and E.F. Robertson, "Trigonometric functions", MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive. (1996).
  • O'Connor, J.J., and E.F. Robertson, "Madhava of Sangamagramma", MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive. (2000).
  • Pearce, Ian G., "Madhava of Sangamagramma", MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive. (2002).
  • Weisstein, Eric W., "Tangent" from MathWorld, accessed 21 January 2006.
هناك كتاب ، Trigonometry، في فهم الخط.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 04:35:46
التصنيفات: ظل (رياضيات), Elementary special functions, Transcendental numbers, رياضيات

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