ستيڤ فوربس

عودة للموسوعة

ستيڤ فوربس

ستيڤ فوربس Steve Forbes

وُلـِد (1947-07-18) يوليو18, 1947 (age 72)
المهنة ناشر ومحلل إقتصادي

ستيڤ فوربس بالإنجليزية Steve Forbes ، هوالرئيس والمدير التطبيقي المكلف ورئيس تحرير مجلة فوربس ويعد ستيف فوربس من اكثر المحللين الاقتصادين خبرةً في العالم وهوالمحرر الوحيد الذي حاز على أربعة جوائز كريستال آول الراقية لتنبئاته الاقتصادية السليمة والدقيقة. وكان احد المرشحين للرئاسة الأمريكية عام 1996 و2000 وقد خدم في عدة لجان اكاديمية وخيرية.


حياته الشخصية وتعليمه

ولد فوربس في موريستاون ، نيوجيرسي ، وهوإبن روبيرتا ريمسن ووالده مالكولم فوربس. تزوج من سابينا بيكمان ، ولديهم خمس بنات. تفهم في مدرسة بروكس الثانوية في ماساشوستش وتخرج من جامعة بيرنستون دفعة 1970. في عام 1996 ، بعد سنوات من وفاة والده ، غير إسم المجلة من مالكوم س. فوربس ج.ر. إلى مجلة فوربس. He served as an occasional guest host on the show History's Business on the History Channel.

وجهات النظر السياسية والمهنية

Forbes won نيومكسيكوand Delaware in the 1996 Republican presidential primaries

في عام 1993 كان سيتف فوربس مستشار لصديق طفولته كريستن تود وايتمان في حملته الإنتخابية. He helped craft Whitman's plan for a 30 percent cut in New Jersey's income tax over three years, and this plan proved to be a major factor in her defeat of incumbent Governor James Florio. After her election, Whitman proposed these tax cuts and they were enacted into law. Forbes made an issue of his role in these New Jersey tax cuts in his subsequent campaigns for the presidency.

Forbes entered the Republican primaries for رئيس الولايات المتحدة in 1996 and 2000, primarily running on a campaign to establish a flat income tax. He also supported the ideas of re-introducing 4 1/2% mortgages and term limits in 1996, but dropped both in 2000 (as they were minor planks in his overall platform).

When Forbes ran for president in 1996 and 2000, he sold some of his Forbes Inc. voting shares to other family members to help finance his run. He did not come close to securing the الجمهوري nomination, despite winning the Arizona and Delaware Primaries in 1996 and getting some significant shares of the vote in other primaries. In polls, voters were attracted to his passion to simplify the tax code, but found his idiosyncratic personal manner unbecoming a president. [بحاجة لمصدر]After dropping out early in the 2000 primary season, he returned to heading the magazine and company.

Major issues Forbes supports include free trade, health savings accounts, and allowing people to opt out 75% of Social Security payroll taxes into Personal Retirement Accounts (PRAs). He supports traditional Republican Party policies such as downsizing government agencies to balance the budget, opposition to pollution control, opposition to gun control and drug legalization, tough crime laws and support for the death penalty, and school vouchers. In terms of foreign policy, he called for a "US not UN foreign policy" (which is composed of anti-IMF sentiments, pro-Israeli sentiment, opposition to Most Favored Nation status for the People's Republic of China, and anti-UN sentiment.)

His flat tax plan has changed slightly. In 1996 he supported a flat tax of 17% on all personal and corporate earned income (unearned income such as capital gains, pensions, inheritance, and savings would be exempt.) However, he supported keeping the first $33,000 of income exempt. In 2000 he maintained the same plan, but instead of each person receiving an exemption of $33,000, it more closely resembled the Armey Plan (Forbes's version called for a $13,000 per adult and $5,000 per dependent deduction). Observers noted that Forbes stood to save substantial amounts in taxes if such a proposal was enacted.[بحاجة لمصدر] Forbes himself is quite wealthy, with a net worth upwards of $430 million. In response to this criticism, Forbes promised in his 2000 campaign to exempt himself from the benefits of the flat tax.

In his 2000 campaign, Forbes professed his support for social conservatism along with his supply-side economics. Despite holding opposite positions in 1996, for the 2000 campaign, Forbes announced he was adamantly opposed to abortion and supported prayer in public schools. The previous year Forbes had issued a statement saying he would no longer donate money to Princeton University due to its hiring of philosopher Peter Singer, who views personhood as being limited to 'sentient' beings and therefore considers some disabled people and all infants to lack this status. Steve Forbes was one of the signers of the Statement of Principles of Project for the New American Century (PNAC) on June 3, 1997.

In December 2006, he joined the board of directors of the grassroots advocacy organization FreedomWorks. On March 28, 2007, Forbes joined Rudolph Giuliani's campaign for the 2008 presidential election, serving as a National Co-Chair and Senior Policy Advisor. He is also a member of the board of trustees of the Heritage Foundation, an influential Washington, D.C.-based public policy research institute.

He is a frequent panelist on the television program Forbes on Fox, which also features members of the Forbes magazine staff, and is shown Saturday mornings on Fox News Channel at 11:00 AM EST.

Forbes has been a resident of [[Far Hills, New Jersey], but is currently residing in Greenwich, Connecticut.

التبرعات السياسية

بالنسبة للتبرعات في الفترة من 1999 إلى 2006 ، كان فوربس الرابع من أبرز المساهمين في الصناديق السياسية في أمريكا ، وبلغ مجموع التبراعات أكثر من 15 تبرعا بقيمة ما يزيد عنسبعة ملايين دولار أمريكي.

Saturday Night Live

On April 10th, 1996 the band Rage Against the Machine was scheduled to perform two songs on the NBC comedy variety show Saturday Night Live. The show was hosted that night by Steve Forbes. According to an unidentified RATM member, "RATM wanted to stand in sharp juxtaposition to a billionaire telling jokes and promoting his flat tax by making our own statement."

To this end, the band hung two upside-down American flags from their amplifiers. Seconds before they took the stage to perform "Bulls on Parade", SNL and NBC sent stagehands in to pull the flags down. The inverted flags, says Morello, represented:

“ Our contention that American democracy is inverted when what passes for democracy is an electoral choice between two representatives of the privileged class. America's freedom of expression is inverted when you're free to say anything you want to say until it upsets a corporate sponsor. Finally, this was our way of expressing our opinion of the show's host, Steve Forbes. ”

The band's first attempt to hang the flags during a pre-telecast rehearsal on Thursday were frustrated by SNL's producers, who "demanded that we take the flags down," according to Morello, "They said the sponsors would be upset, and that because Steve Forbes was on, they had to run a 'tighter' show." SNL also told the band it would mute objectionable lyrics in "Bullet in the Head" (which was supposed to be RATM's second song), and insisted that the song be bleeped in the studio because Forbes had friends and family there.

On the night of the show, following the removal of the flags during the first performance, the band was approached by SNL and NBC officials and ordered to immediately leave the building. Upon hearing this, RATM bassist Commerford reportedly stormed Forbes' dressing room, throwing shreds from one of the torn down flags.

وصلات خارجية

  • Steve Forbes at Forbes
  • http://www.4president.org/brochures/steveforbes1996brochure.htm
  • http://www.4president.tv/
  • http://www.wordwiz72.com/flattax.html
  • Forbes throws weight behind Giuliani
  • Steve Forbes Joins Team Rudy as National Co-Chair and Senior Policy Advisor
  • profile of Steve Forbes
  • profile of Steve Forbes
  • Profile: Steve Forbes, Center for Cooperative Research.
  • "Capitalist Tool II: Defending Dynamism", interview with Reason by Virginia Postrel and Charles Oliver
  • "Confront Iran to bring oil prices down" April 2006 from $70+ to $15 per barrel


  1. ^ Mitt Romney to report financial assets of at least $190 million Fox News
  2. ^ Milestones - TIME
  3. ^ Bumiller, Elisabeth. "POLITICS: ON THE TRAIL;In Political Quest, Forbes Runs in Shadow of Father", The New York Times, February 11, 1996. Accessed December 11, 2007. "Christine Todd, Mr. Forbes's childhood friend from the Far Hills Country Day school, would grow up to become Governor Whitman.... His son went off to the Brooks School in North Andover, Mass., then on to Princeton, Malcolm Forbes's alma mater."
  4. ^ CNN Transcript - Crossfire: Christie Todd Whitman Makes the Case for Tolerance in the GOP - January 20, 2000
  5. ^ Welfare states - benefits of tax cuts | National Review | Find Articles at BNET.com
  6. ^ Nowhere Girl | National Review | Find Articles at BNET.com
  7. ^ http://www.joinrudy2008.com/news/pr/79/
  8. ^ [Heritage Foundation Board of Trustees, heritage.org
  9. ^ Peterson, Iver. "ON POLITICS; It's Not Too Late or Irrational For Mr. Forbes to Aim Lower", The New York Times, January 16, 2000. Accessed December 11, 2007. "Even Governor Whitman, his Far Hills neighbor and longtime acquaintance, was a county freeholder before she tried for the Senate and then went on to win the governor's race."
  10. ^ Campaignmoney.com on Forbes' donations
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 17:04:08
التصنيفات: مقالات ذات عبارات بحاجة لمصادر, مواليد 1947, محرري مجلات أمريكية, ناشري مجلات أمريكية (أشخاص), Global warming skeptics, مؤسسة التراث, أحياء, أشخاص من مساشوستش, أشخاص من سمرست، نيوجرزي, خريجو جامعة پرنستون, مرشحون لرئاسة الولايات المتحدة، 1996, مرشحون لرئاسة الولايات المتحدة، 2000, جمهوريو نيوجرزي

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