
عودة للموسوعة



Rodrig  (language?)
جزيرة نائية ذاتية


Coat of arms
الشعار الحادي: 
"Travail, Solidarité, Fierté" (بالفرنسية)
"Labour, Solidarity, Pride"
النشيد: Motherland
مسقط رودريگز في المحيط الهندي.
الإحداثيات: Coordinates:
البلد  موريشيوس
العاصمة پورت ماتورين
 • الهيئة مجلس إقليمي
 • Chief Commissioner Serge Clair
 • Chief Executive Davis Hee Hong Wye
 • Minister for Rodrigues Sir Anerood Jugnauth
 • الإجمالية 108 كم² (42 ميل²)
 • الإجمالي 41٬669
 • تقدير (2013) 38٬379
 • الكثافة 386/km2 (1٬000/sq mi)
صفة المواطن Rodriguan
 • Vernacular languages
  • Rodriguan Creole
  • French
  • English
منطقة التوقيت MUT (التوقيت العالمي المنسق+4)
Calling code +230
العملة Mauritian rupee (MUR)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Drives on left
Internet TLD .mu

رودريگز (Rodrigues ؛ بالفرنسية: Île Rodrigues) هي جزيرة نائية ذاتية الحكم تابعة لجمهورية موريشيوس في المحيط الهندي، تبلغ مساحتها 108 كم²،وتقع على بعد 560 كم شرق موريشيوس. وهي جزء من جزر المسكارين التي تضم موريشيوس وريونيون. وهي ذات أصل بركاني ويحيط بها شعاب مرجانية, and just off its coast lie some tiny uninhabited islands. وكانت الجزيرة تعتبر the tenth District of Mauritius; it gained autonomous status فيعشرة ديسمبر 2002، ويحكمها مجلس رودريگز الإقليمي. عاصمة الجزيرة هي پورت ماتورين.

سكانها مواطنون موريشيون. اعتبارا من 2014, سكان الجزيرة بلغوا نحو41,669، حسب Statistics Mauritius. Most of the inhabitants are of mixed African and French descent. Its economy is based mainly on fishing, farming, handicraft and a developing tourism sector.

The island (together with Agaléga and Saint Brandon) forms part of the larger territory of the Republic of Mauritius with the President as head of state and the Chief Commissioner as head of government.

أصل الحدثة والتاريخ

الجزيرة غير المأهولة سُميت على اسم المستكشف البرتغالي ديوگورودريگز في فبراير 1528. كما حتى الكثير من الخرائط يصفونها بإسم Diego Roiz. من القرن العاشر، عـُرف حتى العرب يزورون جزر المسكارين. وثمة خريطة من القرن الثاني عشر رسمها الجغرافي العربي الشريف الإدريسي[] supposedly contains them, and the Cantino planisphere of c.1500 and some other contemporary maps تبين بوضوح جزر المسكارين الثلاث بأسماء Dina Arobi (أوHarobi), Dina Margabin and Dina Moraze. These are apparently corrupted transliterations or transcriptions of the Arabic ديڤا خراب ("الجزيرة الصحراوي")، ديڤا مغربين ("الجزيرة الغربية") وديڤا مشرق ("الجزيرة الشرقية"). While the second clearly refers to Réunion, sources disagree about which of the other is Mauritius and which one Rodrigues, which are both to the east of Réunion and arranged in a somewhat stylised way on these maps. However, even in its original state, Rodrigues had some karst, while Mauritius even after suffering 500 years of deforestation can by no means be called "desert" even in a colloquial sense.


Calcarenitic shore of Rodrigues island, at Pointe Coton
A treeless landscape from 2004. Some goats are grazing.


التنوع الحيوي

An introduced Aldabra giant tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea) at Francois Leguat Reserve

Government and politics

Rodrigues Regional Assembly

The island of Rodrigues is a constituency of the Republic of Mauritius and is dependent on the latter. However, on 20 November 2001, the Mauritius National Assembly unanimously adopted two laws giving Rodrigues its autonomy, creating a decentralised government system.


Rodrigues is divided into 14 municipalities or zones. For statistical purposes, the zones are further subdivided into a total of 182 localities. The zones have between a minimum of six localities (La Ferme) and maximum of 22 (the capital Port Mathurin).

Zone Nr. Municipality Population
Zone 5 Port Mathurin 5,929
Zone 8 Lataniers-Mont Lubin 3,806
Zone 9 Petit Gabriel 3,658
Zone 12 Rivière Cocos 2,893
Zone 10 Mangues-Quatre Vents 2,870
Zone 11 Plaine Corail-La Fouche Corail 2,832
Zone 13 Port Sud-Est 2,717
Zone 4 Oyster Bay 2,594
Zone 7 Roche Bon Dieu-Trèfles 2,059
Zone 14 Coromandel-Graviers 1,944
Zone 1 Piments-Baie Topaze 1,445
Zone 2 La Ferme 1,112
Zone 3 Baie Malgache 1,076
Zone 6 Grand Baie-Montagne Goyaves 844
  Rodrigues 35,779


The population estimate (as of 24 December 2012) for the island of Rodrigues was 39,242. The main religion is Christianity, dominated by Roman Catholicism with small minorities of other Christian branches like Jehovah's Witnesses, but also religions like Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists. Most of the inhabitants are of African descent and there is a minority of mixed-raced peoples;[]descendants of the first European settlers.


Small-scale cattle rearing contributes to the economy of Rodrigues.

The economy of Rodrigues is mostly dependent on Mauritius. The main sources of income and economic activity are tourism, fishing, agriculture (especially of onions, garlic and chilli), and animal rearing. The handicraft industry has proven to be beneficial to the economy of the island. However, the income derived from the export of sea products, cattle, and food crops is smaller than the costs of imported products, creating a deficit.

See also

  • Mauritius
  • Réunion


  1. ^ Census of 2000
  2. ^ In parliament English is official and French can be used.


  1. ^ "Geography − location". Government of Mauritius. Retrieved 10 March 2012.
  2. ^ Ministry of Finance & Economic Development (1 July 2014). "Population and Vital Statistics Jan-June 2014" (PDF). Government of Mauritius: n/a. Retrieved 1 July 2014.
  3. ^ "Article 49 of The Constitution". National Assembly of Mauritius. Archived from the original on 23 December 2014. Retrieved 1 November 2011.
  4. ^ Ministry of Finance & Economic Development (2012). "ANNUAL DIGEST OF STATISTICS 2012" (PDF). 31 December. Government of Mauritius: 19. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
  5. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة info
  6. ^ "The Arabs". Encyclopædia Mauritiana. Archived from the original on 1 May 2012. Retrieved 6 March 2014.
  7. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة MMS
  8. ^ "List of localities within each zone defined for Rodrigues". Government of Mauritius. Retrieved 10 March 2012. []

وصلات خارجية

  • Official website

نطقب:Mauritius territories

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 20:52:34
التصنيفات: صفحات تستعمل قالبا ببيانات مكررة, صفحات بأخطاء في المراجع, CS1 errors: missing periodical, CS1 errors: deprecated parameters, All articles with dead external links, Articles with dead external links from June 2016, Articles with invalid date parameter in template, Articles with short description, Infobox settlement pages with bad settlement type, Articles containing non-English-language text, Pages using infobox settlement with possible motto list, مقالات فيها عبارات متقادمة منذ 2014, مقالات تستعمل قوالب صيانة غير مؤرخة, جميع المقالات التي فيها عبارات متقادمة, All articles with unsourced statements, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2009, All pages needing cleanup, مقالات بالمعرفة تحتاج توضيح from January 2016, Official website not in Wikidata, Rodrigues, Outer Islands of Mauritius, States and territories established in 1968, Maritime history of Portugal, English-speaking countries and territories, Former Dutch colonies, Former French colonies, Volcanoes of Mauritius, Hotspot volcanoes, Miocene volcanism, Pliocene volcanism, Pleistocene volcanism, 1809 establishments in the British Empire

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