قتل مستهدف

عودة للموسوعة

قتل مستهدف

الدرون A پرديتور، تستخدم أحيانا في القتل المستهدف.

القتل المستهدف Targeted killing، هوأحد أشكال الاغتيالات لأشخاص يفترض ارتكابهم جرائم جنائية. يعتقد بعض المحللين حتى القتل المستهدف هوتلطيف حديث للاغتيال (قتل مع تجاوز الإصرار) للأفراد من قبل تنظيم أومؤسسة تابعة للدولة كإجراء غير قانوني أوبعيداً عن ساحة المعركة.

منذ أواخر القرن 20، أصبح الوضع القانوني للقتل المستهدف محل خلاف داخل الدول المتنوعة وفيما بينها. تاريخياً، منذ منتصف القرن الثامن عشر على الأقل، كان الفكر الغربي يعتقد بوجه عام حتى استخدام الاغتيالات كأداة للحكم غير قانونياً. بعض الأكاديميين، العسكريين والمسئولين وصفوا القتل المستهدف بأنه يعتبر عملاً شرعياً في سياق الدفاع عن النفس، عندما يتم استخدامه ضد الإرهابيين أوالمقاتلين المنخرطين في حرب غير متكافئة. يزعم هؤلاء بأن الدرونات أكثر إنسانية وأكثر دقة من المركبات المأهولة، وأن عمليات "القتل المستهدفة" أوالمسماة لا تحدث في أي سياق آخر غير في حالة إعلان الحرب.

ستة وعشرون من أعضاء الكونگروس، برفقة أكاديميون مثل گريگوري جونسون وتشارلز شميتز، وشخصيات إعلامية (جرمي ساهيل، گلن گرينوالد،جيمس تروب)، وجماعات الحقوق المدنية (مثل الاتحاد الأمريكي للحريات المدنية) ورئيس مخط المخابرات المركزية السابق في إسلام أباد، روبرت گرنير، انتقدوا القتل المستهدف على أنه أحد أشكال القتل خارج نطاق القانون، والذي قد يحدث عملاً غير قانونياً داخل الولايات المتحدة وربما بموجب القانون الدولي. بصفة خاصة، فإن الدفاع الاحترازي عن النفس لا يمكن حتى يبرر عمليات القتل المستهدف خارج الصراعات المسلحة؛ ولا يجوز استخدام القوة القاتلة عمداً إلا في مثل هذه الحالات لحماية الأرواح من التهديدات الوشيكة والخطيرة. تبعاً للتحليلات الإحصائية من قبل ريپرايڤ، فإن هناكتسعة أطفال يقتلون عند محاولة الولايات المتحدة استهداف إنسان واحد بالغ، وفي المحاولات الفاشلة المتعددة لقتل أيمن الظواهري، قتلت المخابرات المركزية 76 طفل و29 إنسان لا علاقة له بالأمر.


يستخدم القتل المستهدف في الصومال، كنيا، ورواندا.[بحاجة لمصدر]

الصومال ورواندا، التسعينيات


في الثمانينيات والتسعينيات، استخدم القتل المستهدف بشكل موسع من قبل فرق الموت في إلسلڤادور، نيكاراگوا، كلومبيا، وهايتي في سياق الفوضى المدنية والحروب.

كارتلات المخدرات الأمريكية، الثمانينيات

أمريكا الوسطى والجنوبية

أمريكا الشمالية

من قبل الحكومة الأمريكية

موقف ادارة أوباما من الدرونات القتالية


من قبل الحكومة الإيرانية

من قبل إسرائيل

بعض عمليات القتل المستهدف التي اقترفتها إسرائيل:[]

  • Operation Wrath of God against Black September and Palestinian Liberation Organisation personnel يزعم تورطهم المباشر أوالغير مباشر في مذبحة ميونخ 1972، وأدت إلى Lillehammer affair.
  • Operation Spring of Youth against top Palestine Liberation Organisation leaders in Beirut, 1973: Muhammad Najjar, Kamal Adwan, and Kamal Nasser.
  • Wadie Haddad, PFLP-EO leader who was responsible for the Entebbe hijacking. Mossad is suspected of killing him in 1978 by poisoning his toothpaste.
  • Khalil al-Wazir known by his nom de guerre Abu Jihad. One of the founders and Military Head of Fatah, killed in Tunis, 1988
  • Abbas al-Musawi, Secretary General of Hezbollah, killed when Israeli Apache helicopters fired missiles at his motorcade in southern Lebanon on 16 February 1992. His wife, his five-year-old son, and four others were also killed.
  • Emad Akel, Hamas commander, killed by Israeli soldiers in disguise near a house in Shuja'iyya, 1993.
  • Fathi Shaqaqi, Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, killed by a Mossad team in front of a Maltese hotel on 26 October 1995.
  • Yahya Ayyash (Hamas bombmaker, "the Engineer") in Beit Lahya, Gaza, 1996. Ayyash was killed by a cell phone allegedly containing “50 grams of high-grade explosives.”
  • Khaled Mashal (Hamas) in Jordan, 1997 (failed)
  • Abu Ali Mustafa, secretary-general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, killed by an Israeli helicopter missile strike at his office in the West Bank town of Ramallah on 27 August 2001.
  • Salah Mustafa Muhammad Shehade killed by a one-ton bomb during July 2002 in Gaza. Also killed were 11 civilians, including Shehadeh's wife and three sons, and four other children.
  • Ahmed Ismail Yassin killed along withسبعة other bystanders on Friday morning, 22 March 2004, when an AH-64 Apache helicopter fired Hellfire missiles as he exited a mosque in the al-Sabra neighborhood of Gaza.
  • Naif Abu-Sharah, local commander of the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades in Nablus, killed with other two senior militants during an Israeli raid in the West Bank on 27 June 2004.
  • Jamal Abu Samhadana killed with three other militants onثمانية June 2006, when an Israeli Apache helicopter fired four missiles at a PRC camp in Rafah.
  • Possible targeted killing: Imad Mugniyah, a senior Hezbollah commander, was killed in February 2008 in a car bomb. The Israeli Mossad is alleged to have been behind the killing.
  • Nizar Rayan killed by an Israeli airstrike on 1 January 2009 with 15 relatives when a 2,000-pound bomb was dropped on his house.
  • Possible targeted killing: Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a senior Hamas commander and one of the founders of the al-Qassam Brigades, was killed in January 2010 by being electrocuted and/or drugged with succinylcholine, a quick-acting paralytic, and then suffocated in his room in a five-star Dubai hotel; the Dubai police said that the Israeli Mossad was behind the killing.
  • Zuhir al-Qaisi, secretary-general of the Popular Resistance Committees, killed with another senior militant in a missile strike by IDF aircraft onتسعة March 2012 while he was driving his vehicle in western Gaza city.
  • Ahmed Jabari killed by an Israeli drone strike on 14 November 2012 while he was traveling with his bodyguard along Omar Mukhtar Street in Gaza City.
  • Raed al Atar killed with two other top Hamas commanders by an Israeli airstrike in Rafah on 21 August 2014.
  • Jihad Mughniyah killed on 18 January 2015 by an Israeli airstrike in the Syrian-controlled Golan Heights along with five other prominent members of Hezbollah and six IRGC commanders, including a General.
  • Samir Kuntar killed with other seven Syrian nationals on 20 December 2015 by an Israeli airstrike in Jaramana, Syria.
  • Mohamed Zouari, designer of drones for Hamas, shot to death in Sfax, Tunisia, on December 15, 2016. Mossad is suspected.

Use of targeted killings by Israeli conventional military forces became commonplace after the Second Intifada, when Israeli security forces used the tactic to kill Palestinian militants.



Syria's Bashar al-Assad showed the English politician David Davis a spreadsheet outlining the identities of 783 whose targeted killing he had approved.


في البوسنة وصربيا

من قبل الحكومة الروسية


المبررات القانونية للقتل المستهدف

المعارضة القانونية

مخاوف إضافية

انظر أيضاً

  • Targeted Killing in International Law
  • Targeted Killings: Law and Morality in an Asymmetrical World
  • Assassination
  • Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter
  • CIA transnational anti-terrorism activities
  • (2014 film)
  • Doublespeak
  • Executive actions of the CIA
  • Harris Corporation
  • High-value target
  • Justifiable homicide
  • Kill authorizations
  • Killing Hope
  • Licence to kill (concept)
  • List of military strikes against presumed terrorist targets
  • Manhunt (law enforcement)
  • Executive Order 12333
  • Manhunt (military)
  • Proscription
  • Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions


  1. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة CCSA
  2. ^ "Targeted Killings". Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved 15 February 2015.
  3. ^ Carroll, Rory (2 August 2012). "The philosopher making the moral case for US drones". The Guardian. London.
  4. ^ Shane, Scott (14 July 2012). "The Moral Case for Drones". The New York Times.
  5. ^ Gross, Michael L. (2006). "Assassination and Targeted Killing: Law Enforcement, Execution or Self-Defence?" (PDF). Journal of Applied Philosophy. Society for Applied Philosophy, 2006. Vol. 23, No. 3: p. 324.CS1 maint: extra text (link)
  6. ^ Glaser, John (13 June 2012). "House Members Call on Obama to Legally Justify 'Signature' Drone Strikes". Antiwar.com. Retrieved 24 May 2013.
  7. ^ "The Assassination Complex": Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald Probe Secret US Drone Wars in New Book. Democracy Now! ثلاثة May 2016.
  8. ^ Shamsi, Hina (3 March 2014). "Death Without Due Process". American Civil Liberties Union. American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
  9. ^ Glaser, John (6 June 2012). "Former CIA Official Drone War Kills Innocents, Creates Terrorist Safe Havens". Antiwar.com. Retrieved 24 May 2013.
  10. ^ Jan Arno Hessbruegge, Human Rights and Personal Self-Defense in International Law, Oxford University Press (2017), Chapters أربعة andخمسة "Human Rights and Self-Defense"
  11. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة CSS
  12. ^ "B'Tselem Statistics, Objectives of a Targeted Killing" (in العبرية). B'Tselem. March 2015.
  13. ^ “34 Years Since ‘Operation Spring of Youth.’” Israel Defense Forces. News-Today in the IDF-(Archives). 11 April 2007.
  14. ^ "Mossad chose not to nab Mengele, didn't hunt down Munich terrorists, book claims". The Times of Israel. 2018-01-26.
  15. ^ Inbari, Pinchas. “Removing the Imaginary Hurdle.” Al-HaMishmar. 18 April 1988. Article found in “The Murder of Abu Jihad”. The Journal of Palestine Studies. Vol 17, No. 4, 1988. Page 155
  16. ^ Byman, Daniel (2011). . Oxford University Press. p. 222. ISBN .
  17. ^ "Hamas mourns its greatest martyr: Robert Fisk in Marj al-Zohour, southern Lebanon, hears how a Palestinian came to die for the Islamic 'revolution' in Israel". The Independent. 1993-11-29.
  18. ^ Yossi Melman,'Mossad, MI6, the CIA and the case of the assassinated scientist,' The Independent, 30 November 2010
  19. ^ Greenberg, Joel. “Slaying Blended Technology and Guile.” New York Times. (Archives)عشرة January 1996. https://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F01E4D71339F933A25752C0A960958260
  20. ^ "Israel kills key Palestinian leader". BBC. 27 August 2001. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  21. ^ Guardian "12 Dead in Attack on Hamas." by Goldenberg, Suzanne. 23 July 2002.
  22. ^ CNN, , 23 July 2002
  23. ^ "Hamas chief killed in air strike". 22 March 2004 – via bbc.co.uk.
  24. ^ Benn, Aluf and Harel, Amos. "Hamas Leader Surfaced Only to Worship." Ha’Aretz Daily (Archives). 23 March 2004
  25. ^ "Eight top terrorists killed In Nablus". Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 27 June 2004. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  26. ^ "Israeli Airstrike Kills Top Hamas Enforcer in Gaza". Fox News.ثمانية June 2006.
  27. ^ "Will Hizbullah avenge the hit on its terror chief?".
  28. ^ "Day seven: 430 killed, over 2,200 injured since Saturday". Maan News Agency. 2 January 2009.
  29. ^ ". BBC News. 29 January 2010. Retrieved 8 October 2010.
  30. ^ "Hamas man 'drugged and suffocated' in Dubai". BBC News. 28 February 2010. Retrieved 20 May 2010.
  31. ^ "Dubai has proof Mossad killed Hamas man: report". Al Arabiya. 20 February 2010. Retrieved 20 May 2010.
  32. ^ Mark Schone (17 February 2010). "Israel's Greatest Hits: Before Dubai, a History of Targeted Killing". ABC News. Retrieved 20 May 2010.
  33. ^ "2 killed in Gaza strike, including terror chief". Ynetnews.تسعة March 2012.
  34. ^ "Massed Israeli troops poised for invasion of Gaza". The Independent. 14 November 2012.
  35. ^ "Israeli air strike kills three Hamas commanders in Gaza". Reuters. 21 August 2014.
  36. ^ "Region on edge after Israel's deadly strike". Daily Star. 2015-01-19.
  37. ^ "Report: Six Iranians killed in Israeli strike in Syria, including Revolutionary Guards general". Jerusalem Post. 2015-01-19.
  38. ^ "Hezbollah: Samir Kuntar killed in Israeli airstrike on Damascus - Middle East News". Haaretz.com. 2015-12-20.
  39. ^ "Hamas blames Israel for killing of drone expert in Tunisia". BBC. 2016-12-17.
  40. ^ Nir Gazit and Robert J. Brym, . International Sociology 26(6) (2011), pp. 862–877
  41. ^ For more information see B'Tselem Statistics, Objectives of a Targeted Killing

قراءات إضافية

This list is in chronological order broken down by publication areas

  • Anna Goppel (2013): Killing Terrorists. A Moral and Legal Analysis. De Gruyter, Berlin.
  • Jeremy Scahill and The Staff of The Intercept (2016). The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government’s Secret Drone Warfare Program. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 9781501144134
  • Jan Arno Hessbruegge, Human Rights and Personal Self-Defense in International Law, Oxford University Press (2017), Ch. أربعة &خمسة Human Rights and Self-Defense
  • Banks, William C.; Raven-Hansen, Peter (March 2002). "Targeted Killing and Assassination: The U.S. Legal Framework" (PDF). University of Richmond Law Review. 37: 667. Archived from the original (PDF) onعشرة June 2010.
  • Guiora, Amos (2004). "Targeted Killing as active self-defense". Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law. 36: 319. نطقب:Verification needed
  • Statman, Daniel (2004). "Targeted Killing" (PDF). Theoretical Inquiries in Law. 5: 1. doi:10.2202/1565-3404.1090. []
  • Byman, Daniel (March–April 2006). "Do targeted killings work?" (PDF). Foreign Affairs. Council on Foreign Relations.
  • Hafez, Mohammed; Hatfield, Joseph (September 2006). "Do Targeted Assassinations Work? A Multivariate Analysis of Israel's Controversial Tactic during Al-Aqsa Uprising". Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. Taylor & Francis. doi:10.1080/10576100600641972.
  • Vlasic, Mark V. (2012). "Assassination & Targeted Killing—A Historical and Post-Bin Laden Legal Analysis". Georgetown Journal of International Law. 43 (2): 259–333. ISSN 1550-5200.
  • Dear, Keith (2013). "Beheading the Hydra? Does Killing Terrorist or Insurgent Leaders Work?". Defence Studies Journal. 13 (3): 293–337. doi:10.1080/14702436.2013.845383.
  • Schlager, Scott A. & Govern, Kevin H. (2013). "'Guns for Hire, Death on Demand': The Permissibility of U.S. Outsourcing of Drone Attacks to Civilian Surrogates of the Armed Forces and Challenges to Traditional Just War Theory". Florida Journal of International Law. XXV (2): 147–206. SSRN 2341756.
  • Sofaer, Abraham (26 March 2004). "Responses to Terrorism/Targeted killing is a necessary option". San Francisco Chronicle. Archived from the original on 29 August 2011.
  • Kaplan, Eben (25 January 2006). "Q&A: Targeted Killings". The New York Times.
  • Blumenfield, Laura (27 August 2006). "In Israel, leaders struggle with targeted killings; Moral, legal quandaries mark decision to use select weapon against terror". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 11 May 2008.
  • Barghouti, Mustafa (8 June 2007). "Targeted killing won't bring peace". The New York Times.
  • Dromi, Uri (24 March 2010). "A targeted killing: How else is Israel meant to deal with terror?". The New York Times.
  • Bowcott, Owen (21 June 2012). ". The Guardian. London.
  • Scahill, Jeremy (15 October 2015). "The Drone Papers: Secret military documents expose the inner workings of Obama's drone wars". The Huffington Post.
منظمات أهلية
  • "Convenient Killing: Armed Drones and the 'Playstation' Mentality" (PDF). Fellowship of Reconciliation. September 2010.
تقارير حكومية وأممية
  • Alston, Philip (28 May 2010). "Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions: Addendum Study on targeted killings (A/HRC/14/24/Add.6)" (PDF). Human Rights Council, Fourteenth session Agenda item ثلاثة Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development. Third party briefing papers on the report:
    • McClure, Kevin (3 June 2010). "UN official says 'targeted killings' fall into 'accountability vacuum' (Blog by Government Documents Librarian for the Downtown Campus Library at the Chicago-Kent College of Law)". govdocsblog.kentlaw.edu. Archived from the original on 17 August 2011.
    • Raja, Kanaga (May 2010). "UN expert criticises targeted killings, US drone attacks". Third World Resurgence (237): 32–35.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-05 03:12:57
التصنيفات: صفحات بأخطاء في المراجع, CS1 maint: extra text, CS1: long volume value, CS1 العبرية-language sources (he), مقالات ذات عبارات بحاجة لمصادر, مقالات بالمعرفة تحتاج تمحيص الحقائق from March 2015, Articles with invalid date parameter in template, جميع الصفحات التي تحتاج تمحيص حقائق, CS1 errors: deprecated parameters, All articles with dead external links, Articles with dead external links from June 2016, قتل مستهدف, اغتيالات, وكالة المخابرات المركزية, محاربة الإرهاب, محاربة الإرهاب في الولايات المتحدة, Euphemisms, قتل غير قانوني by type, Homicide, قانون دولي, قوانين الحرب, أمن قومي

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