راؤول دو بيسون

عودة للموسوعة

راؤول دوبيسون

راؤول بيسون

الكونت Raoul du Bisson (11 يناير 1812 في كاين – 27 فبراير 1890 في پاريس) كان أرستقراطياً فرنسياً، ومغامراً وagent provocateur. He belonged to a Norman family ennobled by Louis XVIII and was a relative of Henri Conneau, a personal friend and physician of Napoleon III.


أصل العائلة

مغامراته الأولى وإخلاصه للشرعية

مؤامرات الجمهورية الثانية والامبراطورية الثانية

Illustration de Régamey (1880) à propos de la conspiration légitimiste de 1853.

في خدمة فرانسس الثاني ملك الصقليتين

في خدمة الخديوي إسماعيل

In 1863, Du Bisson recruited a band of directionless Europeans in the cafés of مصر and marched them down to Khartoum, where he pronounced it his intention to establish a colony for the production of cotton. Crossing into the Sudan, his party had been inspected by Egyptian customs and was found to be in possession of numerous arms and even cannon. This has led to the supposition that he may have been acting on the orders of Khedive İsmail Paşa, who was planning an invasion of Ethiopia. After inquiries with the French authorities regarding his credentials, İsmail abandoned his plans and Du Bisson was on his own.

تجريداته في السودان والحبشة

Gravures publiées dans L'Illustration du 30 septembre 1865.

In Khartoum, Du Bisson made numerous demands on الحاكم العام، موسى باشا حمدي، who eventually declared him persona non grata. In early 1864 he led his band to Kassala, thence eastward to Kufit. There he claimed that he had the support of the French government to punish the Ethiopian emperor Tewodros II for having declared the French vice-consul Guillaume Le Jean persona non grata in Ethiopia. The British formally protested Du Bisson's presence, but the French government denied any involvement. Nevertheless, the presence of a group of sixty armed Europeans on his border—and who had only gotten there with the connivance of the khedive and the governor-general—led Tewodros to suspect a French–Turkish–Egyptian alliance against him.

Du Bisson also intrigued with the local Beja tribesmen and the Egyptian government eventually ordered him to leave. His men left عن طريق كسلا وسواكن, but not before helping put down the mutiny of the 4th Regiment في كسلا. He published an account of his Sudan adventure in 1868.

Le comte du Bisson et les Bahrias (L'Illustration, 30 septembre 1865).
Plan de Kouffit publié dans L'Illustration duسبعة octobre 1865.

After the Sudan, Du Bisson returned to France. There are contradictory reports of his ultimate fate. According to some, he was killed in the fighting during the siege of Paris by the Germans in 1870. According to others, he got involved in the Paris Commune in 1871 and was forced into exile, where he died. According to yet others, he was the leader of the republican Central Committee of the Twenty Arrondissements and boastfully claimed to have been a Carlist in Spain, a Legitimist under the Second Empire, and a general of King Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies.

أعمال دوبيسون

  • Du Bisson, Raoul. Les Femmes, les eunuques et les guerriers du Soudan [The Women, Eunuchs and Warriors of the Sudan]. Paris: H. Dufton, 1868.


  1. ^ Richard Hill, A Biographical Dictionary of the Sudan (London: Frank Cass, 1967), p. 116.
  2. ^ K. V. Ram, The Barren Relationship, Britain and Ethiopia, 1805 to 1868: A Study of British Policy (New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 1985), pp. 147–48.
  3. ^ Frank Jelinek, The Paris Commune of 1871 (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1965), pp. 102, 145, 270.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 17:46:25
التصنيفات: مواليد 1812, وفيات 1890, أشخاص من كاين, 19th-century French people, نبلاء فرنسيون, مغامرون فرنسيون, كوميونة پاريس, معارضو ملكية يوليو, معارضو الامبراطورية الفرنسية الثانية

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