الامبراطور تاي‌زونگ من تانگ

عودة للموسوعة

الامبراطور تاي‌زونگ من تانگ

تانگ تاي‌زونگ
امبراطور أسرة تانگ
الحكم 4 سبتمبر 626 – 10 يوليو649
سبقه الامبراطور گاوزو
تبعه الامبراطور گاوزونگ
الزوج Empress Zhangsun
الاسم الكامل
لقب العائلة: لي (李)
الاسم الشخصي: شي‌مين (世民)
العهد ومدته
Zhenguan (الصينية المبسطة: 贞观; الصينية التقليدية: 貞觀): 4 سبتمبر 626 –عشرة يوليو649
الاسم بعد الوفاة
القصير: Wen Huangdi (بالصينية: 文皇帝)
الكامل: Wen Wu Dasheng Daguang Xiao Huangdi
بالصينية: 文武大聖大廣孝皇帝
اسم المعبد
Taizong (بالصينية: 太宗)
البيت الملكي بيت لي
الأب الامبراطور گاوزومن تانگ
الأم Duchess Dou
وُلِد 28 يناير 598
Qingshan Palace في Wugong,صين سوي
توفي 10 July 649 (aged 51)
قصر تسوي‌وِيْ في چانگ‌آن، صين تانگ
الدفن ضريح ژاو
Tang Taizong
بالصينية 唐太宗
المعني الحرفي "Great Ancestor of the Tang"
Qin Wang
الصينية 秦王
المعنى الحرفي Prince of Qin

الامبراطور تاي‌زونگ من تانگ (28 يناير 598  – ‏10 يوليو649)، كان قبل ذلك أمير چين، ومسماه الشخصي لي شي‌مين، كان ثاني أباطرة أسرة تانگ في الصين، وحكم من 626 حتى 649. ويُعتبر تقليدياً كؤسس مشارك للأسرة لدوره في تشجيع لي يوان، والده، على التمرد على أسرة سوي في جين‌يانگ في 617. وبعد ذلك لعب تاي‌زونگ دوراً محورياً في هزيمة الكثير من أخطر معارضي الأسرة وتوطيد حكم الأسرة في أراتى الصين.

وعادة ما يعتبر تاي‌زونگ واحداً من أعظم الأباطرة في تاريخ الصين، ولذلك يُعتبر عهده نموذجاً مثالياً يقاس عليه جميع الأباطرة اللاحقون. وعهده، المسمى "عهد ژنگوان" (الصينية المبسطة: 贞观之治; الصينية التقليدية: 貞觀之治; پن‌ين: Zhēnguàn Zhī Zhì) يُعتبر العصر المضىي في التاريخ الصيني ويُعامل كمادة دراسية إلزامية لكل ولاة العهد. Under the Zhenguan era, Tang China flourished economically and militarily. For more than a century after his death, China enjoyed prosperity and peace brought about by the solidification of imperial protection over the Chinese regions. In territorial extent, it covered most of the territories previously held by the Han dynasty, including parts of modern Vietnam, Xinjiang, ومناطق آسيا الوسطى as far as eastern Kazakhstan. This era of consolidation and conquest laid the foundation for Xuanzong's reign, which is considered to be the height of the Tang dynasty.

وفي 630, Emperor Taizong sent his general Li Jing against Eastern Tujue, defeating and capturing its Jiali Khan Ashina Duobi and destroying Eastern Tujue power. This made Tang the dominant power in East and Central Asia, and Emperor Taizong subsequently took the title of Tengeri Qaghan ("تنگر خان" or the God like Emperor). He also launched a series of campaigns against the oasis states of the حوض تريم, and against the armies of their main ally, the Western Tujue. During his reign, Tang armies annexed Karakhoja in 640, Karasahr in 644 and Kucha in 648.

Unlike many of the nobility of the time, He was a frank rationalist and scholar of logic and scientific reason, openly scorning superstitions and claims of signs from the heavens. He also modified important rites in order to ease the burden of agricultural labour. The modern Chinese historian Bo Yang opined that Emperor Taizong achieved greatness by enduring criticism which others would find difficult to accept whilst trying hard not to abuse his absolute power (using Emperor Yang of Sui as a negative example), as well as through his employment of capable المستشارين أمثال Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and Wei Zheng. Emperor Taizong's wife Empress Zhangsun also proved to be a capable assistant.

عهد الامبراطور گاوزو

الحملة لإعادة توحيد الامبراطورية

معركة هولاو


مطلع عهده (626–633)

نطقب:Campaignbox Campaigns of Emperor Taizong of Tang

رسم جداري للامبراطور تاي‌زونگ (يوجد في أسفل الرسم، بالوسط) ويعود إلى 642م وتوجد في الكهف 220، Dunhuang، مقاطعة گان‌سو.

الحملة على توجوى الشرقية

أواسط عهده (634–641)

A painting portraying Tang Taizong by painter Yan Liben (ح. 600 – 673).

الحملة على تويوهون

التعامل مع العشائر النبيلة

نبع الذاكرة، فن الخط من الامبراطور تاي‌زونگ على نصب من أسرة تانگ.

الهجوم التبتي على سونگ‌ژو

أواخر عهده (642-649)

حملة الامبراطور تاي‌زونگ على دويلات شي‌يو

نزاع الخلافة

الحملة ضد قرة شهر

حرب گوگوريو-تانگ

حاولت أسرة سوي حتى تغزوگوگوريوفي أعوام 598 و612 و613 و614. حملة تاي‌زونگ (بالخريطة) كانت في سنة 645. حملات گاوزونگ كانت في سنوات 661 و667 و668.

الحملة على شوى‌يان‌توووإخضاع الكوتشا

حفر مجسم لجندي وحصان ذي سرج منمق وركابات السرج، من مقبرة الامبراطور تاي‌زونگ، ح. 650. The relief shown here depicts "Autumn Dew," also known as "Whirlwind Victory" and is housed at the Penn Museum في فيلادلفيا، پنسلڤانيا.


اسم عهده

  • Zhenguan (貞觀 zhēn guàn) 627–649


  • الوالد
    • الامبراطور گاوزونگ من تانگ
  • الوالدة
    • Duchess Dou, Emperor Gaozu's wife, daughter of Dou Yi (竇毅) the Duke of Shenwu during Northern Zhou and Sui Dynasty and the Princess Xiangyang daughter of Yuwen Tai, posthumously honored as Empress Taimushunsheng
  • الزوجة
    • Empress Zhangsun (created 626, d. 636), mother of Crown Princes Chengqian and Zhi, Prince Tai, and Princesses Changle, Jinyang, and Xincheng
  • الجواري الرئيسية
    • Consort Xu Hui (徐惠) (627–650), titled Chongrong (充容), posthumously honored Xianfei (賢妃)
    • Consort Yang, daughter of Emperor Yang of Sui, mother of Princes Ke and Yin
    • Consort Yin, mother of Prince You
    • Consort Wang, mother of Prince Yun
    • Consort Yan mother of Princes Zhen
    • Consort Wei, mother of Prince Shen and Princess Linchuan
    • Consort Wu, later wife and empress of Emperor Gaozong, later Emperor of Zhou, commonly known as Wu Zetian
  • الأبناء
    • Li Chengqian (李承乾), initially the Prince of Changshan (created 620), later the Prince of Zhongshan (created 622), later the Crown Prince (created 626), later reduced to commoner rank (deposed 643), posthumously honored as Prince Min of Changshan
    • Li Kuan (李寬) (d. 620?), posthumously created the Prince of Chu
    • Li Ke (李恪), initially the Prince of Changsha (created 620), later the Prince of Han, later the Prince of Shu (created 628), later the Prince of Wu (created 636, forced to commit suicide 653), posthumously created the Prince of Yulin, later posthumously created the Prince of Wu
    • Li Tai (李泰), initially the Prince of Yidu (created 620), later the Prince of Wei (created 621), later the Prince of Yue (created 628), later the Prince of Wei (created 636), later demoted to the Prince of Donglai (demoted 643), later the Prince of Shunyang (created 643), later Prince Gong of Pu (created 647)
    • Li You (李祐), initially the Prince of Yiyang (created 625), later the Prince of Chu, later the Prince of Yan (created 628), later the Prince of Qi (created 636, forced to commit suicide 643)
    • Li Yin (李愔), initially the Prince of Liang (created 631), later the Prince of Shu (created 636), later reduced to commoner rank (deposed 653), later the Prince of Peiling (d. 667), posthumously created Prince Dao of Shu
    • Li Yun (李惲), initially the Prince of Tan (created 631), later the Prince of Jiang (created 636, committed suicide 674)
    • Li Zhen (李貞), initially the Prince of Han (created 631), later the Prince of Yue (created 636, committed suicide 688)
    • Li Zhi (李治), initially the Prince of Jin (created 631), later the Crown Prince (created 643), later Emperor Gaozong of Tang
    • Li Shen (李慎), initially the Prince of Shen (created 631), later the Prince of Ji (created 636), later reduced to commoner rank (deposed and d. 688)
    • Li Xiao (李囂), Prince Shang of Jiang (created 631, d. 632)
    • Li Jian (李簡), the Prince of Dai (created and d. 631)
    • Li Fu (李福), the Prince of Zhao (created 639, d. 670)
    • Li Ming (李明), initially the Prince of Cao (created 647), later demoted to Prince of Lingling (demoted 680 or 681, forced to commit suicide 682)
  • البنات
    • Princess Xiangcheng (d. 651)
    • Princess Runan
    • Princess Nanping
    • Princess Sui'an
    • Li Lize (李麗質), Princess Changle (621–643), married Zhangsun Wuji's son Zhangsun Chong (長孫沖)
    • Princess Yuzhang
    • Princess Baling (forced to commit suicide 653), posthumously created Princess Bijing
    • Princess Pu'an
    • Princess Dongyang
    • Princess Linchuan (d. 682)
    • Li Jing (李敬), Princess Qinghe (d. 664)
    • Li Shu (李淑), Princess Lanling
    • Princess Jin'an
    • Princess Ankang
    • Princess Xingxing
    • Princess Chengyang, her first husband was Du Ruhui's son Du He (杜荷), her second husband was Xue Yao (薛曜); her son Xue Shao (薛紹) married Emperor Gaozong's daughter Princess Taiping
    • Princess Gaoyang (forced to commit suicide 653), posthumously created Princess Hepu
    • Princess Jinshan
    • Li Mingda (李明達), Princess Jinyang
    • Princess Changshan (d. 656)
    • Princess Xincheng


14. Li Tianxi
8. Li Hu, Duke Xiang of Longxi
15. Lady Jia
4. Li Bing, Duke Ren of Tang
9. Duchess Liang
6. Dou Yi, Duke of Shenwu
16. Dugu Ku
10. Dugu Xin
11. Lady Cui
5. Duchess Dugu
17. Dou Lue
12. Dou Yue
3. Empress Taimushunsheng
18. Yuwen Gong
13. Yuwen Tai
19. Lady Wang
7. Princess Xiangyang of Northern Zhou

الاشارات الأدبية والثقافية

  • Emperor Taizong was the subject of a 64-chapter (in eight volumes) The Novel of the Prince of Qin of the Great Tang (大唐秦王詞話 Datang Qin Wang Cihua) by Zhu Shenglin of the Ming Dynasty. The novel is also known as The Biography of the Prince of Qin of the Tang Dynasty (唐秦王本傳), Romance of Tang (唐傳演義), and Romance of the Prince of Qin (秦王演義).
  • Journey to the West details a fictional account of the origin of the Chinese door gods. Emperor Taizong asked his generals Qin Shubao and Yuchi Jingde to stand guard outside his bedroom to protect him from a vengeful spirit.


  • Hong Kong's TVB produced a television series about Li Shimin's adventure based on The Novel of the Prince of Qin of the Great Tang (大唐秦王詞話).
  • The Foundation, a 1983 Hong Kong television series produced by TVB. It featured a young Li Shimin prominently as one of its three leading characters.
  • The Grand Canal, a 1987 Hong Kong television series produced by TVB. It is the story of the collapse of the Sui Dynasty, and the establishment of the Tang Dynasty. Li Shimin played by Sean Lau.
  • Qin Wang Li Shimin, a 2004 Chinese idol drama about a young Li Shimin's romance with Ruoxi, a princess of the Sui Dynasty. Peter Ho starred as Li Shimin.
  • Initiating Prosperity (开创盛世), a 2006 television series starring Shen Xiaohai as Li Shimin.
  • Zhen Guan Chang Ge, a 2006 Chinese television series based on the events of the Zhenguan era, starring Tang Guoqiang as Emperor Taizong.
  • Zhen Guan Zhi Zhi (贞观之治), a 2006 Chinese television series based on the events of the Zhenguan era, starring Ma Yue as Emperor Taizong.

انظر أيضاً

  • الأتراك في جيش تانگ
  • ضريح ژاو(أسرة تانگ) ضريح تاي‌زونگ من تانگ


  1. ^ Given in final version as of 754.
  2. ^ [Listen ]
  3. ^ Directory of historical figures. Pasadena: Salem Press. 2000. p. 613. ISBN .
  4. ^ Picken, Laurence E.R.; Nickson, Noël J., eds. (2007). Music from the Tang Court. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 17. ISBN .
  5. ^ Sen, Tansen (2003). Buddhism, diplomacy, and trade. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. p. 66. ISBN .
  6. ^ McNair, Amy (2007). . Honolulu: University of Hawaii press. p. 88. ISBN .
  7. ^ New Book of Tang, vol. 13 [1] His status as co-founder on par with Gaozu appeared certain by the time the Southern Tang, which claimed inheritance of Tang heritage, was established, as its founding emperor Emperor Liezu (Li Bian) recognized that status by treating Emperors Gaozu and Taizong, as well as his adoptive father شوون, all as founders of his state. See Zizhi Tongjian, vol. 282.
  8. ^ Zizhi Tongjian, Scroll 249.
  9. ^ Wechsler, Howard J.; Twitchett, Dennis C. (1979). Denis C. Twitchett; John K. Fairbank (eds.). The Cambridge History of China, Volume 3: Sui and T'ang China, 589–906, Part I. Cambridge University Press. pp. 225–227. ISBN .
  10. ^ CHofC, vol.3, p.189.
  11. ^ Bo Yang, Outlines of the History of the Chinese, vol. 2, pp. 495–499.


  • كتاب تانگ القديم، vols. 2, 3.
  • New Book of Tang, vol. 2.
  • Zizhi Tongjian, vols. 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199.
  • Denis C. Twitchett, John K. Fairbank (Hrsg.): The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 3, Sui and T'ang China, 589–906. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1979, ISBN 0-521-21446-7. See especially : Ch.4, T'ai-tsung (626–49) the Consolidator. p. 150 to 241.

وصلات خارجية

  • The biographies of the sons (in Traditional Chinese)
  • 唐太宗百字箴与百字铭
الامبراطور تاي‌زونگ من تانگ
بيت لي
وُلِد: 28 يناير 598 توفي:عشرة يوليو649
ألقاب ملكية
الامبراطور گاوزومن تانگ
امبراطور أسرة تانگ
الامبراطور گاوزونگ من تانگ
Emperor of China (most regions)
Liang Shidu (Emperor of Liang)
امبراطور الصين (شمال شآن‌شي/غرب منغوليا الداخلية)

نطقب:Sui-Tang Transition

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-07 12:43:09
التصنيفات: مواليد 599, وفيات 649, أباطرة أسرة تانگ, Tang dynasty generals related to Goguryeo, Chancellors under Emperor Gaozu of Tang, شعراء أسرة تانگ, Tang dynasty generals related to Göktürks, 7th-century Chinese monarchs, سياسيون من شيان‌يانگ, شعراء من شآن‌شي, سياسيو أسرة تانگ من شآن‌شي, جنرالات أسرة تانگ من شآن‌شي, شعراء صينيون في القرن السابع, Transition from Sui to Tang, صفحات تستعمل قالبا ببيانات مكررة, Articles containing non-English-language text

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