محمد أمين بوغرا

عودة للموسوعة

محمد أمين بوغرا

محمد أمين بوغرا
أمير جمهورية هجرستان الشرقية الأولى
في المنصب
1933 – April 1934
عضوالجمعية الوطنية لجمهورية الصين عن مقاطعة شين‌جيانگ
في المنصب
1943 – -
تفاصيل شخصية
وُلِد 22 أبريل 1901
توفي 29 أبريل 1965 (عن عمر 64)
القومية أويغور
الحزب Young Kashgar Party and Committee for National Revolution
الأقارب عبد الله بوغرا، نور أحمد جان بوغرا
الدين الإسلام

محمد أمين بوغرا (1901–1965) (ويغور: مۇھەممەد ئىمىن بۇغرا‎) (محمد أمين بغرا), Муххамад Эмин Бугро؛ الصينية المبسطة: 穆罕默德·伊敏; الصينية التقليدية: 穆罕默德·伊敏; پن‌ين: Mùhǎnmòdé·Yīmǐn (وأحياناً يُخط بالطريقة الهجرية: Mehmet Emin Bugra) كان زعيماً مسلماً توركياً، خطط لإقامة دولة مستقلة، جمهورية هجرستان الشرقية الأولى. وكان محمد أمين بوغرا جديدياً.فكان أمير جمهورية هجرستان الشرقية الأولى في الفترة ما بين 12 نوفمبر 1933 إلىستة فبراير 1934. وهو الأخ الأكبر لعبد الله بوغرا ونور أحمد جان بوغرا.


محمد أمين بوغرا، أمير خوتان، 1933، يقود تمرداً إسلامياً.
فهم سين‌كيانگ في الفترة 1934-1944. يرمز إلى مبادئ الحكم الست الكبرى من أمير الحرب الصيني شنگ شي‌تساي- في تشابه مع الاتحاد السوڤيتي: النضال ضد الإمبريالية، المساواة بين القوميات، حرية المعتقد الديني، النضال ضد الفساد، وبناء سين‌كيانگ جديدة.
الجنرال محمود محيطي، قائد الفرقة السادسة أويغور. Sinkiang People's Army. Kashgar (1934-1937).

في ربيع 1937، اندلع مرة أخرى تمردٌ في جنوب سين‌كيانگ. A number of factors contributed to the outbreak. In an effort to appease the Turkic Muslims, شنگ شي‌تساي had appointed a number of their non-secessionist leaders, including Khoja Niyaz Hajji and يولبارس خان، another leader of the Kumul uprising (February 20, 1931- November 30, 1931), to positions of influence in the provincial government, both in Di Hua (modern Ürümqi) and قشغر.

At the same time, educational reforms, which attacked basic Islamic principles, and the atheistic propaganda program, which was being extended into the south, were further alienating the local population from Sheng's administration. In Kashgar Mahmud Sijang, a wealthy Muslim, former leader of the Turpan uprising (1932), and one of Sheng's appointees, became the focal point for opposition to the government.

وفي تلك الأثناء في أفغانستان بقيادة سردار محمد هاشم خان، تواصـَل محمد أمين بوغرا، الزعيم المنفي لجمهورية هجرستان الشرقية الإسلامية التوركية (TIRET، المعروفة بإسم "جمهورية هجرستان الشرقية الأولى")، مع السفير الياباني في 1935 with "a detailed plan proposing the establishment of an 'Eastern Turkestan Republic' under Japanese sponsorship, with munitions and finance to be supplied by Tokyo.... he suggested as the future leader of this proposed Central Asian 'Manchukuo' none other than Mahmud Sijang (محمود محيطي - commander of the 6th Uyghur Division, stationed in Kashgar as part of the سين‌كيانگ provincial armed forces, since July 20, 1934), amongst the invitation at such political entity as مجال الازدهار المشهجر لشرق آسيا الكبرى how active member." However, this plan was aborted when Mahmud, fearful for his life, fled from Kashgar to India on April 2, 1937, after failed attempt of شنگ شي‌تساي to disarm his troops by offering to " modernize " weapons of 6th Uyghur Division, prior which all old weapons of Division was to be given over to Urumchi representatives.

Mahmud's flight sparked an uprising amongst his troops against provincial authorities. Those who were pro-Soviet in any way were executed, and yet another independent Muslim administration was set up under leadership of the close associate of Mahmut Muhiti General Abduniyaz (killed in action in Yarkand on August 15, 1937), who adopted a command of troops, which enlisted about 4,000 soldiers and officers, consisted of أربعة regiments, two of them being stationed in Kashgar, one in Yangihissar, one in Yarkand, also one brigade was stationed in Ustin Atush and one cavalry guard escadron in Kashgar. شنگ شي‌تساي's provincial troops were defeated and routed by rebels in the fierce battle near city of Karashahr in July 1937, but eventually the uprising was quelled by Soviet troops (by the so-called Kyrgyz Brigade, about 5,000 troops, consisted of two tactical groups- Oshskaya and Narinskaya, each included 2 mountain regiments, one of Red Army and one of NKVD, reinforced by armoured vehicles, tank battalion (21 BT-7) and aviation; there were unconfirmed reports of the use of chemical weapons by these intervention forces against rebels), invited by شنگ شي‌تساي to intervene in the August, 1937.

In 1940, Muhammad Amin Bughra published the book Sharkiy Turkestan Tarihi (East Turkestan History) while in exile in Kashmir, which described the history of the region from ancient times to the present day, and contained an analysis of the reasons for the loss of its independence in the middle of the eighteenth century.

In 1940 Isa Yusuf Alptekin and Ma Fuliang who were sent by Chiang Kai-shek, visited Afghanistan and contacted Bughra, they asked him to come to Chongqing, the capital of the Kuomintang regime. Bughra was arrested by the British in 1942 for spying for Japan, and the Kuomintang arranged for Bughra's release. He and Isa Yusuf worked as editors of Kuomintang Muslim publications. Under the Zhang Zhizhong regime in Xinjiang, he was provincial commissioner.

Muhammad Amin Bughra and fellow Pan-Turkic Jadidist and East Turkestan Independence activist Masud Sabri rejected the Soviet imposition of the name "Uyghur people" upon the Turkic people of Xinjiang. They wanted instead the name "Turkic ethnicity" (Tujue zu in Chinese) to be applied to their people. Masud Sabri also viewed the Hui people as Muslim Han Chinese and separate from his own people. The names "Türk" or "Türki" in particular were demanded by Bughra as the real name for his people. He slammed شنگ شي‌تساي for his designation of Turkic Muslims into different ethnicities which could sow disunion among Turkic Muslims.

In December 1948, Muhammad Amin Bughra was appointed by Chiang Kai Shek as vice-chairman of the Sinkiang Government, led by Burhan Shahidi. He declared an alliance with the Chinese nationalists (Kuomintang) in order to gain autonomy for the Turkic people, under formal protection of the Republic of China, and necessity of quelling all communist forces in Sinkiang, including the Soviet backed Second East Turkestan Republic.

There were ثلاثة Effendis, (Üch Äpändi) (ئۈچ ئەپەندى) Aisa Alptekin, Memtimin Bughra (Muhammad Amin Bughra), and Masud Sabri. The Second East Turkestan Republic attacked them as Kuomintang "puppets".


من اليمين: فؤاد كوپرولو(وزير خارجية هجريا آنذاك)، ثم عيسى يوسف ألپتكين ثم محمد أمين بوغرا، في أنقرة، 1952.

Upon the approach of the Chinese People's Liberation Army to Sinkiang in September, 1949, Muhammad Amin Bughra fled to India, then to Turkey, where he joined another exiled Uyghur leader, Isa Yusuf Alptekin, former General Secretary of the National Assembly of TIRET or the First East Turkestan Republic. The latter Republic had existed a short time, from November 12, 1933, to February 6, 1934, and fell apart under attacks by the Hui armies of Ma Chung-ying, who was formally allied with the Kuomintang government in Nanking.[بحاجة لمصدر]

In 1954, Muhammad Amin Bughra and Isa Yusuf Alptekin went to Taiwan to try to persuade the Kuomintang government of the Republic of China of dropping its claims to Xinjiang. Their demand was rejected and Taiwan affirmed that it claimed Xinjiang as "an integral part of China".

توفي محمد أمين بوغرا في المنفى بهجريا في 1965.[بحاجة لمصدر][]


ذكرت مجلة "هجرستان الإسلامية" الصادرة عن الحزب الإسلامي الهجرستاني في عددها الأول سيرة محمد أمين بوغرا ضمن الحديث عن تاريخ المنطقة.


  • Mark Dickens. . 1990.
  • Allen S. Whiting (1958) والجنرال شنگ شي‌تساي. Sinkiang: Pawn or Pivot ?. Michigan State University Press, USA, 1958.
  • Millward, James A. (2007). (illustrated ed.). Columbia University Press. ISBN . Retrieved 25 March 2013.
  • C. X. George Wei, Xiaoyuan Liu, eds. (2002). . Volume 102 of Contributions to the Study of World History Series. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN . Retrieved 25 March 2013.CS1 maint: uses editors parameter (link)


  1. ^ Andrew D. W. Forbes (1986). . Cambridge, England: CUP Archive. p. 84. ISBN . Retrieved 2010-06-28.
  2. ^ Ondřej Klimeš (8 January 2015). . BRILL. pp. 122–. ISBN .
  3. ^ Tursun, Nabijan (December 2014). "The influence of intellectuals of the first half of the 20th century on Uyghur politics". Uyghur Initiative Papers. Central Asia Program (11): 2–3. Archived from the original on 2016-10-12.
  4. ^ "Moslems in Chinese Turkestan in Revolt Against Pro-Soviet Provincial Authorities". The New York Times. 26 June 1937.
  5. ^ https://archive.org/details/SherqiTurkustanTarixidouTrkistanTarihi
  6. ^ Hsiao-ting Lin (2010). . Taylor & Francis. p. 90. ISBN . Retrieved 2010-06-28.
  7. ^ [1] Wei 2002, p. 181
  8. ^ [2] Millward 2007, p. 209
  9. ^ Kamalov, Ablet (2010). Millward, James A.; Shinmen, Yasushi; Sugawara, Jun (eds.). . Studies on Xinjiang Historical Sources in 17-20th Centuries. Tokyo: The Toyo Bunko. p. 260.
  10. ^ Ondřej Klimeš (8 January 2015). . BRILL. pp. 197–. ISBN .
  11. ^ Ondřej Klimeš (8 January 2015). . BRILL. pp. 241–. ISBN .
  12. ^ David D. Wang (January 1999). . NIAS Press. pp. 28–. ISBN .
  13. ^ Page 52, Ismail, Mohammed Sa'id, and Mohammed Aziz Ismail. Moslems in the Soviet Union and China. Translated by U.S. Government, Joint Publications Service. Tehran, Iran: Privately printed pamphlet, published as vol. 1, 1960 (Hejira 1380); translation printed in Washington: JPRS 3936, September 19, 1960.
  14. ^ "ماذا تعهد عن هجرستان الشرقية". هجرستان الإسلامية. No. العددالأول. السنة الأولي شعبان 1429 يوليو2008 July 2008. p. ١٨. Check date values in: |date= (help)

وصلات خارجية

  • Flags of Independence
  • The Soviets in Xinjiang (1911-1949) by Mark Dickens
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-09 08:26:36
التصنيفات: CS1 errors: deprecated parameters, CS1 errors: dates, مقالات ذات عبارات بحاجة لمصادر, Articles with incomplete citations from September 2018, Articles with invalid date parameter in template, All articles with incomplete citations, CS1 maint: uses editors parameter, CS1: long volume value, Commons category link is locally defined, مواليد 1901, وفيات 1965, أشخاص من خوتان, أويغور, جديديون, حركة استقلال تركستان الشرقية, سياسيو حزب قشغر الفتاة, سياسيو جمهورية الصين من شين‌جيانگ, صفحات بها أخطاء في البرنامج النصي, Articles containing non-English-language text

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