توزيع هندسي

عودة للموسوعة

توزيع هندسي

Probability mass function
Cumulative distribution function
Probability mass function (pmf)
Cumulative distribution function (cdf)
Median (not unique if is an integer) (not unique if is an integer)
Excess kurtosis
Moment-generating function (mgf) ,
Characteristic function

التوزيع الهندسي Geometric distribution وهوجزء من التوزيع الاحتمالي الغير متعلق بمحاولات برنولي Bernoulli trials. ويستخدم التوزيع الهندسي كم عدد المحاولات التي نحتاجها للحصول على النتيجة المطلوبة

مثال ليكن لدينا نرد متجانس (1,2,3,4,5,6,) كم عدد المحاولات (n) التي نحتاجها للحصول على الرقم 6 الحل :

الاحتمال السليم P = 1/6

الاحتمالات الخاطئة q=1-P = 5/6

العزوم والتراكمات

The expected value of a geometrically distributed random variable X is 1/p and the variance is (1 − p)/p2:

Similarly, the expected value of the geometrically distributed random variable Y is (1 − p)/p, and its variance is (1 − p)/p2:

Let μ = (1 − p)/p be the expected value of Y. Then the cumulants of the probability distribution of Y satisfy the recursion

Outline of proof: That the expected value is (1 − p)/p can be shown in the following way. Let Y be as above. Then

(The interchange of summation and differentiation is justified by the fact that convergent power series converge uniformly on compact subsets of the set of points where they converge.)

خواص أخرى

  • The probability-generating functions of X and Y are, respectively,
  • Golomb coding is the optimal prefix code for the geometric discrete distribution.

توزيعات ذات صلة

  • The geometric distribution Y is a special case of the negative binomial distribution, with r = 1. More generally, if Y1, ..., Yr are independent geometrically distributed variables with parameter p, then the sum
follows a negative binomial distribution with parameters r and '1-'p.
  • If Y1, ..., Yr are independent geometrically distributed variables (with possibly different success parameters pm), then their minimum
is also geometrically distributed, with parameter
  • Suppose 0 < r < 1, and for k = 1, 2, 3, ... the random variable Xk has a Poisson distribution with expected value r k/k. Then
has a geometric distribution taking values in the set {0, 1, 2, ... , with expected value r/(1 − r).
  • The exponential distribution is the continuous analogue of the geometric distribution. If X is an exponentially distributed random variable with parameter λ, then

انظر أيضاً

  • توزيع هندسي زائدي
  • مشكلة جامع الكوبونات


  1. ^ http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=inverse+p+%3D+1+-+e^-l

وصلات خارجية

  • Geometric distribution على بلانيت ماث
  • Geometric distribution on MathWorld.
  • Online geometric distribution calculator

نطقب:Common univariate probability distributions

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 10:30:55
التصنيفات: توزيعات متقطعة

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