جيمس هادلي تشيس

عودة للموسوعة

جيمس هادلي تشيس

جيمس هادلي تشيس
James Hadley Chase
وُلِد René Lodge Brabazon Raymond
(1906-12-24)24 ديسمبر 1906
لندن، إنگلترا
توفي 6 فبراير 1985(1985-02-06) (عن عمر 78 عاماً)
الاسم الأدبي James L. Dochery
Raymond Marshall
R. Raymond
Ambrose Grant
الوظيفة روائي
اللغة الإنگليزية
العرق بريطاني
الصنف الأدبي رواية جريمة، mystery, thriller, detective
الحركة الأدبية Golden Age of Detective Fiction
الزوج Sylvia Ray (1932-1985)
الأطفال 1


جيمس هادلي تشيس James Hadley Chase،(عاش 24 ديسمبر 1906 –ستة فبراير 1985) محرر روايات بوليسية بريطاني. اسمه الحقيقي René Lodge Brabazon Raymond، وكان معروفا بأسماء مستعارة كثيرة منها جيمس هادلي تشيس،James L. Docherty، Raymond Marshall، R. Raymond، and Ambrose Grant. وكان من أفضل كتاب الإثارة في جميع العصور.

The canon of Chase, comprising ninety titles, has earned for him a reputation as the king of thriller writers in Europe. He is also one of the internationally best-selling authors, and 50 of his books have been made into films.



الخدمة العسكرية



جيمس هادلي تشيس

الموضوع الشخصيات الرئيسية
1939 No Orchids for Miss Blandish
also The Villain and the Virgin
Dave Fenner
Slim Grisson
1941 The Dead Stay Dumb Chet Sladen
1941 Twelve Chinks and a Woman
also Twelve Chinamen and a Woman
also The Doll's Bad News
Dave Fenner
Glorie Leadler
1941 Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief Jay Ellinger
1942 Get a Load of This (short story collection)
1944 Miss Shumway Waves a Wand Ross Millan
Myra Shumway
1945 Eve Clive Thurston
1946 I'll Get You for This Chester Cain
1947 Last Page (play)
1948 The Flesh of the Orchid Carol Blandish
The Sullivan Brothers
1949 You Never Know with Women Floyd Jackson
1949 You're Lonely When You're Dead Vic Malloy
Paula Bensinger
Jack Kerman
1950 Figure It Out for Yourself
also The Marijuana Mob
Vic Malloy
Paula Bensinger
Jack Kerman
1950 Lay Her Among the Lillies Vic Malloy
Paula Bensinger
Jack Kerman
1951 Strictly for Cash Johnny Farrar
1952 The Fast Buck Verne Baird
1952 The Double Shuffle Steve Harmas
1953 I'll Bury My Dead Nick English
1953 This Way for a Shroud Paul Conard
Vito Ferrari
1954 Tiger By the Tail Ken Holland
1954 Safer Dead Chet Sladen
1955 You've Got It Coming Harry Griffin
1956 There's Always a Price Tag Steve Harmas, Glyn Nash
1957 The Guilty Are Afraid Lew Brandon
1958 Not Safe to Be Free
also The Case Of The Strangled Starlet
Jay Delaney
1959 Shock Treatment Steve Harmas, Terry Regan
1959 The World in My Pocket Morgan
1960 What's Better Than Money Jefferson Halliday
1960 Come Easy - Go Easy Chet Carson
1961 A Lotus for Miss Quon Steve Jaffe
1961 Just Another Sucker Harry Barber, John Renick
1962 I Would Rather Stay Poor Dave Calvin
1962 A Coffin from Hong Kong Nelson Ryan
1963 One Bright Summer Morning
1963 Tell It to the Birds Steve Harmas, John Anson
1964 The Soft Centre Frank Terrell
Valiere Burnette
1965 This Is for Real Mark Girland
1965 The Way the Cookie Crumbles Frank Terrell
1966 You Have Yourself a Deal Mark Girland
1966 Padillo's Play McCorkle
1966 Cade Val Cade
1967 Have This One on Me Mark Girland
1967 Well Now - My Pretty Frank Terrell
1968 An Ear to the Ground Steve Harmas, Al Barney
1968 Believed Violent Frank Terrell, Jay Delaney
1969 The Whiff of Money Mark Girland
1969 The Vulture Is a Patient Bird Max Kahlenberg
1970 Like a Hole in the Head Jay Benson
1970 There's a Hippie on the Highway Frank Terrell, Harry Mitchell
1971 Want to Stay Alive? Poke Toholo
1971 An Ace Up My Sleeve Helga Rolfe
1972 Just a Matter of Time Chris Patterson
Sheila Oldhill
Miss Morely-Johnson
1972 You're Dead Without Money Al Barney
1973 Have a Change of Scene Larry Carr
1973 Knock, Knock! Who's There? Johnny Bianda
1974 So What Happens To Me? Jack Crane
1974 Goldfish Have No Hiding Place Steve Manson
1975 Believe This - You'll Believe Anything Clay Burden
1975 The Joker in the Pack Helga Rolfe
1976 Do Me a Favour, Drop Dead Keith Devery
1977 My Laugh Comes Last Larry Lucas
1977 I Hold the Four Aces Helga Rolfe
1978 Consider Yourself Dead Mike Frost
1979 You Must Be Kidding Ken Holland
Paradise City Police Force
1979 A Can of Worms Bart Anderson
1980 You Can Say That Again Jerry Stevens
1980 Try This One for Size Paradise City Police Force
1981 Hand Me a Fig Leaf Dirk Wallace
1982 Have a Nice Night
1982 We'll Share a Double Funeral Perry Weston
Chet Logan
1983 Not My Thing Ernie Kling
1984 Hit Them Where It Hurts Dirk Wallace

James L. Dochery

الموضوع الشخصيات الرئيسية
1941 He Wont Need It Now Frank Storer

Raymond Marshall

الموضوع الشخصيات الرئيسية
1940 Lady, Here's Your Wreath Nick Mason
1944 Just The Way It Is Harry Duke
1945 Blonde's Requiem Mack Spewack
1947 Make The Corpse Walk Rollo
1947 No Business of Mine Steve Harmas
1948 Trusted Like the Fox
also Ruthless
Edwin Cushman
Grace Clark
Richard Crane
1949 The Paw In The Bottle Julie Holland
Harry Gleb
1950 Mallory Martin Corridon
1951 But A Short Time To Live
also The Pick-up
Harry Ricks
Clair Dolan
1951 Why Pick On Me? Martin Corridon
1951 In A Vain Shadow Frank Mitchell
1952 The Wary Transgressor David Chisholm
1953 The Things Men Do Harry Collins
1954 The Sucker Punch Chad Winters
1954 Mission To Venice Don Micklem
1955 Mission To Siena Don Micklem
1956 You Find Him, I'll Fix Him Ed Dawson
1958 Hit And Run Chester Scott

R. Raymond

1946 Slipstream: A Royal Air Force Anthology

Ambrose Grant

الموضوع الشخصيات الرئيسية
1947 More Deadly Than The Male George Fraser

انظر أيضا

  • خط لوموند المائة للقرن


وصلات خارجية

  • جيمس هادلي تشيس at the Internet Movie Database
  • , review of No Orchids for Miss Blandish by George Orwell
  • Biography of James Hadley Chase
  • Brief Bio on selected British Authors
  • James Hadley Chase bibliographies 1-2 at HARD-BOILED site (Comprehensive Bibliographies by Vladimir)
  • at ManyBooks.net
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 11:16:13
التصنيفات: صفحات تستخدم جدول كاتب بمتغيرات غير معروفة, مواليد 1906, وفيات 1985, British thriller writers, كتاب من لندن

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