دير المسيح (تومار)

عودة للموسوعة

دير المسيح (تومار)

Convent of Christ (Convento de Cristo)
Monastery (Mosteiro)
A view of the Convent and Castle complex of Tomar
Official name: Convento de Cristo/Mosteiro de Cristo
Named for: Jesus Christ
البلد  الپرتغال
Region Centro
Sub-region Médio Tejo
District Santarém
البلدية Tomar
المسقط Tomar (São João Baptista) e Santa Maria dos Olivais
 - elevation 11 م (36 قدم)
 - الاحداثيات
الطرازات Manueline, Plateresque, Renaissance
Origin 1160
 - Initiated 12th century
 - Completion 16th century
Owner Portuguese Republic
For public Public
Easiest access Terreiro de Gualdim Pais
مسقط تراث عالمي حسب اليونسكو
الاسم Convent of Christ in Tomar
السنة 1983 (#7)
الرقم 265
المنطقة Europe and North America
Criteria i, vi
Management Instituto Gestão do Patrimonio Arquitectónico e Arqueológico
Status National Monument
Listing Decreeعشرة January 1907, DG, Série I, 14 (17 January 1907); Decree 16 June 1910, DG, Série, 136 (23 June 1910); ZEP/Zona "non aedificandi", Dispatch Série II, 265 (14 November 1946); UNESCO World Heritage Site (1983)
Wikimedia Commons: Convent of Christ (Tomar)

دير المسيح (بالپرتغالية: Convento de Cristo/Mosteiro de Cristo) هودير كاثوليكي سابق في الأسقفية المدنية تومار (ساوجواوباتيستا) وسانتا ماريا دوس أوليڤايس، في بلدية المنطقة الوسطى تومار. Originally a 12th-century Templar stronghold, when the order was dissolved in the 14th century the Portuguese branch was turned into the Knights of the Order of Christ, that later supported Portugal's maritime discoveries of the 15th century. مجمع الدير والقلعة هوأثر تاريخي وثقافي مدرج في قائمة التراث العالمي لليونسكوفي 1983.


فرسان الهيكل

The main church of the Convent of Tomar constructed by فرسان الهيكل
The Manueline nave, as seen from the Renaissance era cloisters
The elaborate pinnacles over the western facade of the church
Renaissance Cloister of John III

The convent was founded by the Order of Poor Knights of the Temple (أوفرسان الهيكل) in 1118. Its construction continued until the final part of the 12th century with the construction of the oratory, in one of the angles of the castle, completed by the Grand Master D. Gualdim Pais (sometime around 1160). Around 1190 it was encircled and resisted the armies of caliph Abu Yusuf al-Mansur who was successful in taking strongholds in the south. (A plaque was erected near the entrance to the castle to commemorate this event).

During the second quarter of the 13th century, Tomar was transferred into the control of the Templars, becoming its seat. The castle became an integral part of the defence system created by the Templars to secure the border of the young Christian Kingdom against the Moors, which at the time occupied the area to approximately the Tagus River. But, following the dissolution of the Templar Order, on 14 March 1319, and following the request of King Denis of Portugal, Pope John XXII instituted the Order of Christ. The seat of the former Knights Templar was converted in 1357 into the seat of this new order.

The famous round church (rotunda) of the castle of Tomar was also built in the second half of the 12th century. The church, like some other templar churches throughout Europe, was modelled after the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, which was believed by the crusaders to be a remnant of the Temple of Solomon. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem may also have served as model.

انظر أيضاً

  • History of Medieval Arabic and Western European domes


  1. ^ Mendonça, Isabel; Marques, Lina; Branco, Ricardo; Matias, Cecília (2006), SIPA, ed. (in Portuguese), Convento de Cristo/Mosteiro de Cristo (IPA.00004718/PT031418120002), Lisbon, Portugal: SIPA – Sistema de Informação para o Património Arquitectónico, Archived from the original on 15 September 2015, https://web.archive.org/web/20150915200718/http://www.monumentos.pt/Site/APP_PagesUser/SIPA.aspx?id=4718, retrieved on 1 September 2015 
  • Graf, Gerhard N (1987), Portugal/1 - Europa Romanica, Madrid, Portugal: Ediciones Encuentro 

وصلات خارجية

  • Official webpage
  • Virtual tour
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 18:21:34
التصنيفات: صفحات بها أخطاء في البرنامج النصي, صفحات المعرفة التي فيها البلد أو التقسيم غير معروف, Pages using deprecated coordinates format, Geobox usage tracking for building type, Articles containing non-English-language text, Commons category link is locally defined, World Heritage Sites in Portugal, 12th-century Roman Catholic church buildings, Romanesque architecture in Portugal, Gothic architecture in Portugal, Manueline architecture, Renaissance architecture in Portugal, Castles and fortifications of the Knights Templar, Christianity in Portugal, Convents in Portugal, Buildings and structures in Santarém District, Tomar, Order of Christ (Portugal)

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