► | قرن 15 | << قرن 16 >> | قرن 17 | ◄
► | عقد 1540 | عقد 1550 | عقد 1560 | << عقد 1570 >> | عقد 1580 | عقد 1590 | عقد 1600 | ◄
► | ► | 1573 | 1574 | 1575 | 1576 | 1577 | << 1578 >> | 1579 | 1580 | 1581 | 1582 | 1583 | ◄ | ◄

| | ابحث في الموسوعة عن مواضيع متعلقة بسنة 1578

الألفية: الألفية 2
القرون: القرن 15 - القرن 16 - القرن 17
العقود: عقد 1540  عقد 1550  عقد 1560  - عقد 1570 -  عقد 1580  عقد 1590  عقد 1600
السنوات: 1575 1576 1577 - 1578 - 1579 1580 1581
1578 في التقاويم الأخرى
التقويم الگريگوري 1578
آب أوربه كونديتا 2331
التقويم الأرمني 1027
التقويم الآشوري 6328
التقويم البهائي −266 – −265
التقويم البنغالي 985
التقويم الأمازيغي 2528
سنة العهد الإنگليزي 20 Eliz. 1 – 21 Eliz. 1
التقويم البوذي 2122
التقويم البورمي 940
التقويم البيزنطي 7086–7087
التقويم الصيني 丁丑年 (النار الثور)
4274 أو4214
    — إلى —
戊寅年 (التراب النمر)
4275 أو4215
التقويم القبطي 1294–1295
التقويم الديسكوردي 2744
التقويم الإثيوپي 1570–1571
التقويم العبري 5338–5339
التقاويم الهندوسية
 - ڤيكرام سامڤات 1634–1635
 - شاكا سامڤات 1500–1501
 - كالي يوگا 4679–4680
تقويم الهولوسين 11578
تقويم الإگبو 578–579
التقويم الإيراني 956–957
التقويم الهجري 985–986
التقويم الياباني Tenshō 6
تقويم جوچى N/A
التقويم اليوليوسي 1578
التقويم الكوري 3911
تقويم مينگوو 334 قبل جمهورية الصين
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي 2121
August 4: Battle of Alcácer Quibir

Year 1578 (MDLXXVIII) was a common year starting on Wednesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar.



  • 30 يناير - Lourenço da Veiga becomes Governor General of Brazilخمسة . Brazil's two governments are again united in one. There are then sixteen Portuguese centers in Brazil . Some are headed by governors ( capitães-mores ) under the governor general of Salvador de Bahia . These are sometimes real fortified posts, with small shipyards to build boats for rivers or repair ships. Cotton and tobacco are grown in addition to sugar cane .
  • January 31 – Battle of Gembloux: Spanish forces under Don John of Austria and Alexander Farnese defeat the Dutch; Farnese begins to recover control of the French-speaking Southern Netherlands.
  • 13 فبراير، قزوين : بداية عهد محمد خدابندا الصفوي في بلاد فارس.
  • April 27 – The Duel of the Mignons claims the lives of two favorites of Henry III of France, and two favourites of Henry I, Duke of Guise.
  • 28 أبريل - Scutari departs from an Ottoman expedition against the Safavids
  • May 26 – The Alteratie in Amsterdam ends Catholic rule, and open Catholic worship there.
  • May 31 – Martin Frobisher sails from Harwich, England to Frobisher Bay, Canada, on his third expedition.
  • June 19 : Mongolian prince Altan Khan met Sonam Gyatso , the third Dalai Lama , in Inner Mongolia 11 . It introduced in Mongolia the Lamaism Tibetan school Gelugpa ( Tibetan Buddhism reformed xiv th century as opposed to the school Nyingma ). Gelugpa chief Sonam Gyatso is invited to Mongolia, near Lake Kokonor ( 1577 ). Altan Khan became Buddhist in 1578, the princes and the people follow his example. He gives the third abbot of Gelugpain Drepung , Sonam Gyatso, the title of Dalai Lama of the Mongol khanate (Dalai means "immensity of the ocean").
  • يونيو- the Uzbeks take back Samarkand


  • July – Martin Frobisher holds the first Thanksgiving celebration by Europeans in North America, on Newfoundland. He ships ore, which proves to be valueless fool's gold, which can only be used as road metal in London.
  • 12 يوليو- troops Sébastien I st Portugal landed in Asilah with 17 000 men and 600 ships to protect Portuguese presides against the thrust of the Kingdom of Morocco 2 .
  • 4 أغسطس – معركة القصر الكبير في شمال أفريقيا: المغاربة، بقيادة الملك أبومروان عبد الملك الفاسي، يهزمون الملك سباستيان من البرتغال، الذي يلقى مصرعه. مقتل 8,000 جندي برتغالي وأسرعشرة to 20,000 are taken prisoner, a hundred can win Tangier and bring the news to Lisbon . Three sovereigns die during the fight. Don Sebastian and al-Mottaouakkil are drowned, and Abd el-Malik dies of illness. His brother Ahmedis proclaimed Sultan on the battlefield. He took the name of al-Mansur (the victorious) and founded the Saadian dynasty which reached its peak under his reign. He made order with an army of mercenaries (renegades, Turks ...) (end of reign in 1603 ).
    • سباستيان هجر عمه المسن، الكاردينال هنري، وريثاً له، بادئاً أزمة خلافة في البرتغال. النصر المغربي ينهي الوجود البرتغالي في المغرب.
  • 10 أغسطس - Ottoman victory of Mustafa Pasha on the Safavids Tokmak Khan in front of the fortress Çıldır (Iblis-Kalaasi, the Devil's Castle); the Turkish army enters Georgia.
  • 19 أغسطس - العثمانيون يستولون على تفليس، جورجيا.
  • 20 أغسطس-Septemberستة – Francis Drake, during his circumnavigation of the globe, passes through the Strait of Magellan in his ship, the newly renamed Golden Hind.
  • 8 سبتمبر - نصر عثماني حديث على الفرس على ضفاف نهر كنك. ويحتلون جورجيا جزئياً.
  • 29 سبتمبر - تأسيس تگوسيگالپا.
  • 1 أكتوبر – Alessandro Farnese succeeds Don John, as Governor of the Spanish Netherlands.
  • 8 ديسمبر - new Ottoman victory over the Persians on the banks of the Kura 13 ; annexation of the Shirvan and capture of Derbent by the Ottomans
  • 17 ديسمبر، Ethiopia : Battle of Addi-Qoro ثلاثة . Victory of the negus Sarsa-Dengel at the end of a lightning campaign against the governor of Tigré Yésahq, allied with the Turks. He debouched in Tembien and defeated Turks and Tigrayans in Addi-Qoro. Yeshaq and the Pasha are killed. The fortress of Débaroa, held by the Turks, surrendered without resistance. Sarsa-Dengel can celebrate at Aksum the ceremonies of the coronation, which no king had been able to perform since Zara Yacoub , and receives the name of Malak-Sagad (Kings Adored Him).

The Portuguese fort of Accra is destroyed by the Gâ أربعة .

  • October 21 – Battle of Wenden: The Russians are defeated by the Swedes, who proceed to take Polotsk.

مجهولة التاريخ

  • Battle of the Spoiling Dyke at Trumpan in northwest Scotland: the Clan MacLeod are victorious over the MacDonalds of Uist.
  • The Ottoman Empire conquers Abkhazia.
  • Sarsa Dengel, Emperor of Ethiopia, kills Bahr negus Yeshaq, finally ending his rebellion.
  • Sonam Gyrso receives from Prince Atlan Khan the title of Talaï, and becomes the third Dalai Lama of Tibet.
  • The last outbreak of sweating sickness occurs in England.
  • The Portuguese assist Lord Ōmura Sumitada, the first Christian Japanese diamyo, in repulsing an assault on Nagasaki by the Ryūzōji clan.
  • السعديون يقضون على التواجد البرتغالي في المغرب بعد فوزهم في معركة القصر الكبير.
  • الصين يبغ عدد سكانها 63,109,000 نسمة.


William Harvey
Philip III of Spain
  • Januaryسبعة – Agnes of Solms-Laubach, Landgravine of Hesse-Kassel (d. 1602)
  • Januaryعشرة – Christopher Clitherow, Lord Mayor of London and Member of Parliament (d. 1641)
  • January 28 – Cornelius Haga, Dutch diplomat (d. 1654)
  • March 18 – Adam Elsheimer, German artist working in Rome, who died at only thirty-two (d. 1610)
  • April 1 – William Harvey, English physician (d. 1657)
  • April 14 – King Philip III of Spain (d. 1621)
  • April 17 – Maximilian van der Sandt, Dutch theologian (d. 1656)
  • May 11 – Christian Günther I, Count of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen (1601–1642) (d. 1642)
  • Juneخمسة – Claude, Duke of Chevreuse (d. 1657)
  • June 13 – Thomas Finch, 2nd Earl of Winchilsea, Member of Parliament (d. 1639)
  • Julyتسعة – Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor (d. 1637)
  • July 21 – Philipp Hainhofer, German merchant, banker, diplomat and art collector (d. 1647)
  • July 27 – Frances Howard, Duchess of Richmond, British duchess (d. 1639)
  • July 31 – Countess Catharina Belgica of Nassau, regent of Hanau-Münzenberg (d. 1648)
  • Augustخمسة – Charles d'Albert, duc de Luynes, first duke of Chaulnes (d. 1621)
  • Augustعشرة – Matteo Rosselli, Italian painter (d. 1650)
  • August 17
    • Francesco Albani, Italian painter (d. 1660)
    • Johann, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, first prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (d. 1638)
  • August 24 – John Taylor, English poet who dubbed himself The Water Poet (d. 1653)
  • September 11 – Vincenzo Maculani, Italian Catholic cardinal (d. 1667)
  • September 17 – John Prideaux, English academic administrator and Anglican bishop (d. 1650)
  • October أربعة – Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno, Italian Catholic cardinal (d. 1641)
  • October 12 – Baldassare Aloisi, Italian painter (d. 1638)
  • October 19 – Christine of Hesse-Kassel, Duchess of Saxe-Eisenach and Saxe-Coburg (d. 1658)
  • November أربعة – Wolfgang Wilhelm, Count Palatine of Neuburg, Duke of Jülich and Berg (1614–1635) (d. 1653)
  • Novemberستة – Maximilian of Liechtenstein, Austrian nobleman and Imperial General (d. 1645)
  • December 2 – Agostino Agazzari, Italian composer and music theorist (d. 1640)
  • Decemberسبعة – Okaji no Kata, Japanese concubine of Tokugawa Ieyasu (d. 1642)
  • December 20 – Henry of Lorraine, Duke of Mayenne, French noble (d. 1621)
  • December 28 – Henry Bulstrode, English Member of Parliament (d. 1643)
  • December 30 – Ulrik of Denmark, Danish prince-bishop (d. 1624)
  • date unknown
    • Giambattista Andreini, Italian actor and playwright (d. 1650)
    • Yamada Arinaga, Japanese retainer of the Shimazu clan (d. 1668)
    • Benedetto Castelli, Italian scientist (d. 1643)
    • Thomas Coventry, 1st Baron Coventry, English lawyer (d. 1640)
    • Iwasa Matabei, Japanese painter (d. 1650)
    • Samuel Jordan, American colonial legislator (d. 1623)
    • Grzegorz IV Radziwiłł, Polish magnate (d. 1613)
    • François Ravaillac, killer of Henry IV of France (d. 1610)
    • Ambrose Rookwood, English Gunpowder Plot conspirator (d. 1606)
    • Francis Manners, 6th Earl of Rutland (d. 1632)
    • Horio Tadauji, Japanese daimyō (d. 1604)
    • Everard Digby, English conspirator (d. 1606)


Giovanni Battista Moroni
Sebastian of Portugal
Archduke Wenceslaus of Austria
Ferdinand, Prince of Asturias
  • Januaryخمسة – Giulio Clovio, Dalmatian painter (b. 1498)
  • Januaryستة – Queen Inseong, Korean royal consort (b. 1514)
  • January 25 – Mihrimah Sultan, Sultan Suleiman's daughter (b. 1522)
  • Februaryخمسة or 1579 – Giovanni Battista Moroni, Italian painter (b. 1510)
  • February 12 – Catherine of Austria, Queen of Portugal (b. 1507)
  • March 3
    • Sebastiano Venier, Doge of Venice (b. 1496)
    • Michael Kantakouzenos Şeytanoğlu, Ottoman Greek magnate
  • Marchسبعة – Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox (b. 1515)
  • March 29
    • Arthur Champernowne, English admiral (b. 1524)
    • Louis I, Cardinal of Guise, French cardinal (b. 1527)
  • April 2 – Marie Elisabeth of France, French princess (b. 1572)
  • April 11 – Joanna of Austria, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, Austrian Archduchess (b. 1547)
  • April 14 – James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell, consort of Mary, Queen of Scots (b. 1535)
  • April 19 – Uesugi Kenshin, Japanese samurai and warlord (b. 1530)
  • May أربعة – Martin Eisengrein, German theologian (b. 1535)
  • June 16 – Ioan Potcoavă, Russian Cossack ataman
  • July 2 – Thomas Doughty, English explorer (executed)
  • Julyخمسة – Cristoforo Madruzzo, Italian Catholic cardinal (b. 1512)
  • July 27 – Jane Lumley, English translator (b. 1537)
  • 4 أغسطس
    • الملك سباستيان من البرتغال (و. 1554)
    • توماس ستكلي، مغامر إنگليزي (و. 1525)
    • أبومروان بن عبد الملك الأول السعدي، ملك المغرب
    • أبوعبد اللع محمد الثاني السعدي، ملك المغرب
  • Augustثمانية – Amago Katsuhisa, Japanese nobleman (b. 1553)
  • August 11 – Pedro Nunes, Portuguese mathematician (b. 1502)
  • August 16 – Andrew Corbet, English landowner and politician (b. 1522)
  • September – Pierre Lescot, French architect (b. 1510)
  • September ثلاثة – Giulio della Rovere, Italian Catholic cardinal (b. 1533)
  • September 22 – Archduke Wenceslaus of Austria (b. 1561)
  • October 1 – Don John of Austria, military leader (b. 1547)
  • October 12 – Cornelius Gemma, Dutch astronomer and astrologer (b. 1535)
  • October 18 – Ferdinand, Prince of Asturias, Spanish prince (b. 1571)
  • December ثلاثة – Gonzalo II Fernández de Córdoba, Governor of the Duchy of Milan (b. 1520)
  • December – Nicholas Heath, Archbishop of York and Lord Chancellor of England (b. 1501)
  • date unknown – Sabina, Duchess of Bavaria (b. 1528)
  • أوئي-سوغي كن-شين


  1. ^ "Voyage of the Golden Hind". The Golden Hind. Brixham. 2012. Archived from the original on January 17, 2013. Retrieved September 2, 2013.


تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-05 23:13:48
التصنيفات: CS1 errors: deprecated parameters, القرن 16, عقد 1570, 1578

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