مارك زكربرگ

عودة للموسوعة

مارك زكربرگ

مارك زكربرگ
Mark Zuckerberg
مارك زكربرگ في South by Southwest في 2008.
وُلـِد Mark Elliot Zuckerberg
(1984-05-14) مايو14, 1984 (age 36)
هوايت پلينز، نيويورك
القومية أمريكي
التعليم أكاديمية فيليپس إكستر
حضر كلية هارڤرد
المهنة مؤسس شريك والمدير التطبيقي ورئيس فيس بوك
قيمة الأملاك US$6.9 billion (2010)

مارك زكربرگ Mark Zuckerberg ( ولد في 14أيار 1984 ) هومؤسس شريك لمسقط الشبكات الاجتماعية فيس بوك. زكربرگ اسس فيس بوك مع زملائه في الدراسة دستن موسكوڤيتش، إدواردوساڤرين، وكريس هيوز بينما كان طالباً في جامعة هارڤرد. ويملك حصة 24% من فيس بوك.. في ديسمبر 2010 اختارته مجلة تايم شخصية العام 2010 و2011.

حياته الشخصية

مارك زكربرج على غلاف مجلة التايم، ديسمبر 2010.

ولد زكربرگ في هوايت پلينز، نيويورك لكارين، الطبيبة النفسية وإدوارد، طبيب أسنان. تربى مارك مع ثلاث اخوات في دبز فري، نيويورك. يدين كلا والديه باليهودية, ولكنه يعتبر نفسه ملحداُ. بدأ زكربرگ البرمجة عندما كان في المدرسة المتوسطة. وفي وقت مبكر أيضا استمتع تطوير برامج حاسب وخصوصا أدوات التواصل والألعاب. تفهم في مدرسة اردسلي الثانوية حيث برع في الكلاسكيات قبل تحوله في السنة الثانية الى اكاديمية اكستر فيليبز حيث غمر نفسه في اللاتيني.

كما صمم وبرمج تطبيق نظام حاسوبي لمساعدة العاملين في مخط والده على التواصل ؛ وطور نسخة من لعبة المخاطر ، وتحت اسم شركة تدعى Intelligent Media Group ،طور مارك مشغل موسيقى يدعى the Synapse Media Player والذي استخدمه فيه الذكاء الاصطناعي كي يفهم البرنامج عادات المستخدم في السماع والذي نشر في Slashdot وحصل على تقييم ثلاثة منخمسة في PC Magazine

حاولت جميع من شركتي مايكروسوفت وِAOL ان تشتري Synapse وأن توظف زوكربيرغ لكنه اختار ان يفهم فيجامعة هارڤرد في أيلول عام 2002 عندما انتسب الى Alpha Epsilon Pi الأخوة اليهودية وتفهم علوم الحاسب.

وفي سنته الثانية في جامعة هارفارد ،التقى خطيبته في المستقبل ، بريسيلا تشان ، الصينية الأمريكية من ضواحي بوسطن. اشتهر في الكلية بسبب قرائته قصائد حماسية كالإلياذة The Iliad.

يعتقد زوكربيرغ بنفسه انه قرصان

ويقول ان القرصنة لا تعني ان تكسر وتدخل ولكن تعني ان لا تكون خائفا من ان تكسر الاشياء من اجل حتى تجعلها أفضل."

تقيم شركةفيس بوك جميع ستة إلى ثمانية أسابيع ليلة " Hackathon " وفيها يجتمع المشاركون لتصور واكمال مشاريع. تقدم الشركة الموسيقى والطعام والشراب في the hackathons ويحضر عادة بعض العاملين في شركة الفيس بوك ومنهم زوكربيرغ.

"الفكرة هي أنه تقدر بناء شيء جيد حقا في ليلة" ، كما يقول زوكربيرج ."هذا جزء من شخصية الفيس بوك الآن... انها بالتأكيد لجوهر شخصيتي"

أورد مارك على صفحته الشخصية في الفيس بوك ،قائمة هواياته والتي تضم "الانفتاح ، وجعل الامور التي تساعد الناس على التواصل والتشارك فيما هومهم لهم ، والثورات ، وتدفق المعلومات ، والتبسيط."

وضعت مجلة مجلة فانيتي فير زوكربيرج على لائحة رقم 1 لعام 2010 لـ "أكثر الناس تأثيرا في عصر المعلومات".Zuckerberg ranked number 23 on the Vanity Fair 100 list in 2009. In 2010, Zuckerberg was chosen as number 16 in New Statesman's annual survey of the world's 50 most influential figures.


زكربرگ (يمين) مع روبرت سكوبل في 2008.

التأسيس والأهداف

أطلق زكربرگ الفيسبوك من غرفته في سكن طلاب جامعة هارفارد أربعة فبراير 2004.

ربما تكون أكاديمية فلپس إكستر المدرسة الثانوية الخاصة التي تخرج منها زكربرگ في عام 2002 هي مصدر إلهامه فكرة الفيسبوك. حيث تقوم هذه المدرسة بنشر سجلات الطلاب لديها، حيث ترفق مع العنوان صورة الطالب والتي كان يسميها الطلاب " الفيسبوك". شغلت السجلات المرفقة بالصور حيزا مهما من حياة الطلاب الاجتماعية في عدة مدارس خاصة. فبها كان يستطيع الطلاب حتى يضعوا معلومات عن صفوفهم الدراسية والأصدقاء المقربين وأرقام هواتفهم.

وما إذا اطلق زكربرگ الفيسبوك الذي انشأوه كشيء خاص لجامعة هارفرد، حتى قرر حتى ينشره إلى كليات اخرى بمساعدة شريكه في السكن دستن موسكوڤيتش. فبدؤوا أولا ب جامعة ستانفورد وDartmouth, كلومبيا، جامعة نيويورك، كورنل، براون ويل، ثم إلى كليات اخرى ترتبطها بهارفرد علاقات اجتماعية.

انتقل زكربرج إلى پالوألتوفي كاليفورنيا مع دستن موسكوڤيتش وبعض الأصدقاء، حيث استأجروا بيتا صغيرا استخدموه كمخط. وفي صيف عام 2004 التقى زكربرگ پيتر ثيل الذي استثمر في هذه الشركة، حيث حصلوا على أومخط في ذلك العام. يقول زكربرگ انهم خططوا للعودة إلى هارڤرد ولكنهم قرروا حتى يبقوا في كاليفورنيا. وقتها كانوا قد رفضوا عروضا قدمت لشراء الفيسبوك من قبل كبار الشركات. يفسر زكربرگ هذا في لقاءة له عام 2007:

ليس من أجل المبلغ المعروض. كان اهم شي بالنسبة لي ولزملائي هوان نتيح للناس تدفقا حرا للمعلومات. فكرة اشراك شركات اعلامية تملكها تكتلات لم تكن تستهويني


وكرر الاعلان عن نفس الأهداف في مجلة Wired في عام 2010: " الشيء الذي يهمني حقا هوانشاء عالم مفتوح"

استشار زكربرگ المدير المالي في نتسكيپ پيتر كري بشأن استراتيجيات تمويل للفيسبوك.

وفي 21 يوليو2010, Zuckerberg reported that the company reached the 500 million-user mark and at least one out of every fourteen people in the world has a Facebook account, according to one source. When asked whether Facebook could earn more income from advertising as a result of its phenomenal growth, he explained:

I guess we could ... If you look at how much of our page is taken up with ads compared to the average search query. The average for us is a little less thanعشرة percent of the pages and the average for search is about 20 percent taken up with ads ... That’s the simplest thing we could do. But we aren’t like that. We make enough money. Right, I mean, we are keeping things running; we are growing at the rate we want to.


A month after Facebook launched in February 2004, i2hub, another campus-only service, created by Wayne Chang, was launched. i2hub focused on peer-to-peer file sharing. At the time, both i2hub and Facebook were gaining the attention of the press and growing rapidly in users and publicity. In August 2004, Zuckerberg, Andrew McCollum, Adam D'Angelo, and Sean Parker launched a competing peer-to-peer file sharing service called Wirehog. It was a precursor to Facebook Platform applications. Traction was low compared to i2hub, and Facebook ultimately shut Wirehog down the following summer.

Platform and Beacon

On May 24, 2007, Zuckerberg announced Facebook Platform, a development platform for programmers to create social applications within Facebook. Within weeks, many applications had been built and some already had millions of users. It grew to more than 800,000 developers around the world building applications for Facebook Platform. On July 23, 2008, Zuckerberg announced Facebook Connect, a version of Facebook Platform for users.

On November 6, 2007, Zuckerberg announced a new social advertising system called Beacon, which enabled people to share information with their Facebook friends based on their browsing activities on other sites. For example, eBay sellers could let friends know automatically what they have for sale via the Facebook news feed as they list items for sale. The program came under scrutiny because of privacy concerns from groups and individual users. Zuckerberg and Facebook failed to respond to the concerns quickly, and on December 5, 2007, Zuckerberg wrote a blog post on Facebook taking responsibility for the concerns about Beacon and offering an easier way for users to opt out of the service.

ConnectU lawsuits

Harvard students Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, and Divya Narendra accused Zuckerberg of intentionally making them believe he would help them build a social network called HarvardConnection.com (later called ConnectU). They filed a lawsuit in 2004 but it was dismissed on a technicality on March 28, 2007. It was refiled soon thereafter in federal court in Boston, and a hearing was scheduled for July 25, 2007, to address Zuckerberg's motion to dismiss. At the hearing the judge told ConnectU that parts of the complaint were deficient and gave them leave to file an amended complaint. Facebook countersued in regards to Social Butterfly, a project put out by The Winklevoss Chang Group, an alleged partnership between ConnectU and i2hub. It named among the defendants ConnectU, Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, Divya Narendra, and Wayne Chang, founder of i2hub. The parties reached a confidential settlement agreement in February 2008. On June 25, 2008, the case settled and Facebook agreed to transfer over 1.2 million common shares and pay $20 million in cash. In May 2010, it was reported that the ConnectU founders were accusing Zuckerberg of securities fraud for misrepresenting the value of the shares. The founders were under the impression they were worth $45 million. However, that understanding was based on a valuation of preferred shares, whereas the founders had only received common shares. The effect was that the shares given to the founders as part of the settlement were worth 75% less than Facebook had led them to believe, and the overall cash-and-stock deal worth 50% less. Since the time of the settlement, the stock has been trading for $76 per share on secondary markets, which would put the value of the settlement at $120 million. According to one report, the Winklevoss brothers plan to sue Facebook again based on allegations that Facebook misled them as to the valuation of the settlement.

In November 2007, confidential court documents were posted on the website of 02138, a magazine that catered to Harvard alumni. They included Zuckerberg's social security number, his parents' home address, and his girlfriend's address. Facebook filed to have the documents removed, but the judge ruled in favor of 02138.

Pakistan criminal investigation

In June 2010, Deputy Attorney General Muhammad Azhar Sidiqque of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan launched a criminal investigation into Zuckerberg and Facebook co-founders Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes after a "Draw Muhammad" contest was hosted on Facebook. The investigation also named the anonymous German woman who created the contest. Sidiqque asked the country's police to contact Interpol to have Zuckerberg and the three others arrested for blasphemy. On May 19, 2010, Facebook's website was temporarily blocked in Pakistan until Facebook removed the contest from its website at the end of May. Sidiqque also asked its United Nations representative to raise the issue with the United Nations General Assembly. No formal charges have been filed against Zuckerberg.

Paul Ceglia

On June 30, 2010, Paul Ceglia, the owner of a wood pellet fuel company in Allegany County, New York, filed a lawsuit against Zuckerberg, claiming 84% ownership of Facebook and seeking monetary damages. According to Ceglia, he and Zuckerberg signed a contract on April 28, 2003 that for an initial fee of $1,000 entitled Ceglia to 50% of the website's revenue, as well as an additional 1% interest in the business per day after January 1, 2004, until website completion. Zuckerberg was developing other projects at the time, among which was Facemash, the predecessor of Facebook, but did not register the domain name thefacebook.com until January 1, 2004. Facebook management dismissed the lawsuit as "completely frivolous". Facebook spokesman Barry Schnitt told a reporter that Ceglia's counsel had unsuccessfully attempted to seek an out-of-court settlement. In an interview with ABC World News, Zuckerberg stated he was confident of never signing such an agreement. At the time, Zuckerberg worked for Ceglia as a code developer on a project named "StreetFax". Judge Thomas Brown issued a restraining order on all financial transfers concerning ownership of Facebook until further notice; in response, Facebook removed the case to federal court and asked that the state court injunction be dissolved. According to Facebook, the injunction would not affect their business but lacked any legal basis.

Depictions in media

The Social Network

A movie based on Zuckerberg and the founding years of Facebook, called The Social Network, was released on October 1, 2010, and stars Jesse Eisenberg as Zuckerberg. After Zuckerberg was told about the film, he responded, "I just wished that nobody made a movie of me while I was still alive." Also, after the film's script was leaked on the Internet and it was apparent that the film would not portray Zuckerberg in a wholly positive light, he stated that he wanted to establish himself as a "good guy".

The Social Network is based on the book by Ben Mezrich, which the book's publicist once described as "big juicy fun" rather than "reportage." The film's screenwriter Aaron Sorkin told magazine, "I don’t want my fidelity to be to the truth; I want it to be to storytelling," adding, "What is the big deal about accuracy purely for accuracy’s sake, and can we not have the true be the enemy of the good?"

According to Sorkin's script, Zuckerberg created Facebook to elevate his stature after not getting into any of the elite final clubs at Harvard. Yet Zuckerberg told The New Yorker he had no interest in joining the final clubs.

Other depictions

Zuckerberg plays himself in an episode of The Simpsons, "Loan-a Lisa", which originally aired on October 3, 2010. In the episode, Lisa Simpson and her friend Nelson encounter Zuckerberg at an entrepreneurs' convention. Zuckerberg tells Lisa that you don't need to graduate from college to be wildly successful referencing Bill Gates and Richard Branson as examples.

On October 9, 2010, Saturday Night Live lampooned Zuckerberg and Facebook.Andy Samberg played Zuckerberg. The real Zuckerberg was reported to have been amused: "I thought this was funny."

عمل الخير

Zuckerberg donated an undisclosed amount to Diaspora which is an open-source personal web server that implements a distributed social networking service. He called it a "cool idea."

On September 22, 2010, it was reported that Zuckerberg had arranged to donate $100 million to Newark Public Schools, the public school system of Newark, New Jersey. Critics noted the timing of the donation as being close to the release of The Social Network, a film that paints a somewhat negative portrait of Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg responded to the criticism, saying, "The thing that I was most sensitive about with the movie timing was, I didn’t want the press about 'The Social Network' movie to get conflated with the Newark project. I was thinking about doing this anonymously just so that the two things could be kept separate." Newark Mayor Cory A. Booker stated that he and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had to convince Zuckerberg's team not to make the donation anonymously.


  1. ^ "Forbes profile page on Mark Zuckerberg". Forbes. Retrieved Retrieved September 2010. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  2. ^ David Kirkpatrick. The Facebook Effect. p. 322.
  3. ^ "TIME Names Mark Zuckerberg Person of the Year".
  4. ^ Vargas, Jose Antonio (September 20, 2010). "The Face of Facebook". The New Yorker. Retrieved 2010-09-22. Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  5. ^ Boggan, Steve (2010-05-21). "The Billionaire Facebook Founder making a fortune from your secrets (though you probably don't know he's doing it)". Mail Online. Retrieved 2010-08-30.
  6. ^ Vara, Vauhini (2007-11-28). "Too Much Information? - WSJ.com". Online.wsj.com. Retrieved 2010-06-26.
  7. ^ McDevitt, Caitlin (2010-03-05). "What We Learned About Mark Zuckerberg This Week". The Big Money. Retrieved 2010-03-05.
  8. ^ Grynbaum, Michael M. "Mark E. Zuckerberg ’06: The whiz behind thefacebook.com." The Harvard Crimson. Thursday June 10, 2004. Retrieved on August 29, 2010.
  9. ^ Hemos/Dan Moore (April 21, 2003). "Machine Learning and MP3s". Slashdot. Retrieved September 3, 2010.
  10. ^ Troy Dreier (February 8, 2005). "Synapse Media Player Review". PCMag.com. Retrieved September 3, 2010.
  11. ^ http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?execbios
  12. ^ Levy, Steven (April 19, 2010). "Geek Power: Steven Levy Revisits Tech Titans, Hackers, Idealists". Wired. Retrieved 2010-09-23. Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  13. ^ McGirt, Ellen (February 17, 2010). "The World's Most Innovative Companies 2010". Fast Company. Retrieved 2010-09-24. Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  14. ^ Zuckerberg's Facebook Page
  15. ^ "The Vanity Fair 100". Vanity Fair. October 2010. Retrieved 2010-09-23. Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  16. ^ "The Vanity Fair 100". Vanity Fair. September 1, 2010. Retrieved 2010-09-23. Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  17. ^ "Mark Zuckerberg - 50 People who matter 2010". New Statesman. Retrieved 27 September 2010.
  18. ^ "Did Mark Zuckerberg's Inspiration for Facebook Come Before Harvard?". ReadWriteWeb. May 10, 2009. Retrieved October 9, 2010.
  19. ^ "Face-to-Face with Mark Zuckerberg '02" Phillips Exeter Academy website, Jan. 24, 2007
  20. ^ Chris Holt (March 10, 2004). "Thefacebook.com's darker side". The Stanford Daily.
  21. ^ "Online network created by Harvard students flourishes". Tufts Daily. Retrieved 2009-08-21.
  22. ^ "Thefacebook.com opens to Duke students — News". Duke Chronicle. Retrieved 2009-08-21. []
  23. ^ Singel, Ryan (2010-05-28). "Epicenter: Mark Zuckerberg: I Donated to Open Source, Facebook Competitor". Wired News. Condé Nast Publishing. Retrieved 29 May 2010.
  24. ^ "Yu, Zuckerberg and the Facebook fallout". Reuters. Apr 1, 2009. Retrieved 2010-10-15. In a back-to-the-future move, former Netscape CFO Peter Currie will be the key adviser to Facebook about financial matters, until a new search for a CFO is found, sources said. Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  25. ^ http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=409753352130
  26. ^ Martey Dodoo (2004-08-16). "Wirehog?". Martey Dodoo.
  27. ^ Alan J. Tabak (2004-08-13). "Zuckerberg Programs New Website". Harvard Crimson.
  28. ^ "The Facebook Blog | Facebook". Blog.facebook.com. Retrieved 2010-06-26.
  29. ^ Nicholas Carlson. "In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg Broke Into A Facebook User's Private Email Account". Silicon Alley Insider. Retrieved 2010-03-05.
  30. ^ "Facebook Tries to Fend Off Copyright-Infringement Claim". PC World. 2007-07-24. Retrieved 2010-06-26.
  31. ^ California Northern District Court (2007-03-09). "The Facebook, Inc. v. Connectu, LLC et al". Justia.
  32. ^ Brad Stone (2008-06-28). "Judge Ends Facebook's Feud With ConnectU". New York Times.
  33. ^ Logged in as click here to log out (February 12, 2009). "Facebook paid up to $65m to founder Mark Zuckerberg's ex-classmates | Technology | guardian.co.uk". London: Guardian. Retrieved 2009-08-21.
  34. ^ Owen Thomas (2010-05-19). "Facebook CEO's latest woe: accusations of securities fraud". VentureBeat.
  35. ^ Nicholas Carlson (2010-09-23). "The Facebook Movie is WRONG - Here's How Much Zuckerberg Actually Gave the Winklevosses To Go Away". Business Insider.
  36. ^ McCarthy, Caroline (2007-11-30). "article about 02138". News.com. Retrieved 2010-06-26.
  37. ^ West, Jackson. "Facebook CEO Named in Pakistan Criminal Investigation". NBC Bay Area. Retrieved 2010-06-26.
  38. ^ "Zuckerberg faces criminal investigation in Pakistan".
  39. ^ Anderson, John (July 29, 2010). "Facebook does not have a like button for Ceglia". WellsvilleDaily.com. Retrieved August 29, 2010.
  40. ^ Oreskovic, Alexei (July 12, 2010). "Facebook fights New Yorker's claim of 84 percent stake". Reuters. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  41. ^ Fowler, Geoffrey A. (July 13, 2010). "Man Claims Ownership of Facebook". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  42. ^ Priyanka (July 22, 2010). "Zuckerberg 'quite sure' he didn't hand over 84% Facebook to Ceglia". The Money Times. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  43. ^ Kawamoto, Dawn (July 13, 2010). "Facebook and Website Designer Paul Ceglia Brawl Over 84% Stake". DailyFinance.com. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  44. ^ Chowdhry, Amit (July 13, 2010). "Paul Ceglia Files Lawsuit Against Facebook Claiming To Own 84% Of The Company". Pulse2. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  45. ^ Bosker, Bianca (July 13, 2007). "Paul Ceglia Claims To Own 84% Stake In Facebook". The Huffington Post. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  46. ^ Fried, Ina (June 2, 2010). "Zuckerberg in the hot seat at D8". CNET. Retrieved 2010-06-26.
  47. ^ Harlow, John (2010-05-16). "Movie depicts seamy life of Facebook boss". The Times Online. Retrieved 2010-07-18.
  48. ^ Cieply, Michael and Helft, Miguel (August 20, 2010). "Facebook Feels Unfriendly Toward Film It Inspired". The New York Times. Retrieved 2010-09-22. Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  49. ^ Harris, Mark (September 17, 2010). "Inventing Facebook". New York. Retrieved 2010-09-22. Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  50. ^ "Facebook Creator Mark Zuckerberg to Get Yellow on The Simpsons". New York. July 21, 2010. Retrieved 2010-09-22. Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  51. ^ Brandon Griggs (October 11, 2010). ". CNN. Retrieved October 11, 2010.
  52. ^ Reidel, David (2010-09-22). "Facebook CEO to Gift $100M to Newark Schools". CBS News.com. Retrieved 2010-09-23.
  53. ^ "Zuckerberg Pressured To Announce $100 Million Donation To Newark". Forbes. 2010-09-24. Retrieved 28 Sep 2010.
  54. ^ "Mark Zuckerberg's Well-Timed $100 Million Donation to Newark Public Schools". New York Magazine. 2010-09-22. Retrieved 28 Sep 2010.

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مارك زكربرگ على فيسبوك

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المصدر: اليوم السابع - مصر التصنيف: غير مصنف
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-05-17 09:22:34
مستوى الصحة: 30% الأهمية: 48%

"ماسك" يحذر من اقتصاد عالمي "صعب".. ويؤكد: تسلا ليست مُحصّنة

المصدر: اليوم - السعودية التصنيف: سياسة
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-05-17 09:25:13
مستوى الصحة: 59% الأهمية: 60%

رئيس بايرن ميونخ واثق في بقاء مولر مع النادي البافاري

المصدر: اليوم - السعودية التصنيف: سياسة
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-05-17 09:25:27
مستوى الصحة: 50% الأهمية: 57%

تابعة لـ«سيسكو» تمدد عقدا مع «الموانئ السعودية» 5 سنوات إضافية

المصدر: اليوم - السعودية التصنيف: سياسة
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-05-17 09:25:24
مستوى الصحة: 50% الأهمية: 59%

فرصة لهطول الأمطار على 6 مناطق السعودية

المصدر: جريدة الوطن - السعودية التصنيف: إقتصاد
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-05-17 09:24:04
مستوى الصحة: 45% الأهمية: 61%

جوجل ستحذف هذه الحسابات بداية من ديسمبر 2023 .. هل حسابك ضمنها

المصدر: اليوم السابع - مصر التصنيف: غير مصنف
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-05-17 09:22:37
مستوى الصحة: 36% الأهمية: 46%

الأوراق المطلوبة من الفائزين بتأشيرات حج الجمعيات الأهلية.. إنفوجراف

المصدر: اليوم السابع - مصر التصنيف: غير مصنف
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-05-17 09:22:29
مستوى الصحة: 44% الأهمية: 43%

هل توجد قاعدة بيانات بالبصمة والحمض النووى فى مصر؟ الطب الشرعى يجيب

المصدر: اليوم السابع - مصر التصنيف: غير مصنف
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-05-17 09:22:33
مستوى الصحة: 31% الأهمية: 40%

فقدان 39 شخصا إثر جنوح سفينة صيد صينية بالمحيط الهندى

المصدر: اليوم السابع - مصر التصنيف: غير مصنف
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-05-17 09:22:30
مستوى الصحة: 43% الأهمية: 37%

الخطيب يشيد بتقدم المملكة في قطاع السياحة السعودية

المصدر: جريدة الوطن - السعودية التصنيف: إقتصاد
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-05-17 09:24:01
مستوى الصحة: 51% الأهمية: 52%

لغز مستمر قد لا نعرف إجابته.. من أين جاء فيروس كورونا؟

المصدر: اليوم - السعودية التصنيف: سياسة
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-05-17 09:25:18
مستوى الصحة: 57% الأهمية: 61%

تحميل تطبيق المنصة العربية