پيير صاموِل دو پون دى نمور

عودة للموسوعة

پيير صاموِل دوپون دى نمور

Pierre S. du Pont
تفاصيل شخصية
وُلِد (1739-12-14)ديسمبر 14, 1739
باريس، فرنسا
توفي أغسطس 7, 1817(1817-08-07) (عن عمر 77 عاماً)
گرين‌ڤيل، دلاوير، الولايات المتحدة
الزوج Nicole Charlotte Marie Louise le Dée de Rencourt
Marie Françoise Robin de Poivre
الأنجال Victor Marie du Pont
إلوثير إيريني دوپون
الإقامة Chevannes,
نمور، فرنسا

پيير صاموِل دوپون دى نمور Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (عاش 14 سبتمبر 1739 –سبعة أغسطس 1817) كان محرراً فرنسياً، واقتصادياً ومسئول حكومي. وأثناء الثورة الفرنسية، هاجر هووابناه وعائلاتهم إلى الولايات المتحدة.

وقد أسس ابنه إلوثير إيريني دوپون شركة دوپون دى نمور وشركاهم. He was the patriarch and progenitor of one of the United States' most successful and wealthiest business dynasties of the 19th and 20th centuries.


Pierre du Pont was born December 14, 1739, the son of Samuel Dupont and Anne Alexandrine de Montchanin. His father was a watchmaker and French Protestant or Huguenot. His mother was a descendant of an impoverished minor noble family from Burgundy.

Du Pont married Nicole Charlotte Marie Louise le Dée de Rencourt in 1766, also of a minor noble family. They had two sons who survived to adulthood, including إلوثير إيريني دوپون, the founder of دوپون دى نمور وشركاهم in the United States.

أنشيان ريجيم

With a lively intelligence and high ambition, Pierre du Pont became estranged from his father, who wanted him to be a watchmaker. The younger man developed a wide range of acquaintances with access to the French court. Eventually he became the protégé of Dr. François Quesnay, the personal physician of Louis XV's mistress, Madame de Pompadour. Quesnay was the leader of a faction known as the économistes, a group of liberals at the court dedicated to economic and agricultural reforms. By the early 1760s du Pont's writings on the national economy had drawn the attention of intellectuals such as Voltaire and Turgot. His book Physiocracy, which advocated low tariffs and free trade among nations, deeply influenced Adam Smith of England.

في 1768 خلـَف نيكولا بودو، محرراً لـ Ephémérides du citoyen ou Bibliothèque raisonnée des sciences morales et politiques. He published 'Observations sur l'Esclavage des Negresin Volume 6.

In 1774 he was invited by King Stanisław August Poniatowski of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to help organize that country's educational system. The appointment to the Commission of National Education, with which he worked for several months, helped push his career forward, bringing him an appointment within the French government.

He served as Inspector General of Commerce under Louis XVI. He helped negotiate the treaty of 1783, by which Great Britain formally recognized the independence of the United States, and arranged the terms of a commercial treaty signed by France and England in 1786. In 1784 Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours was made noble by "lettres patentes" (letters patent) from the king Louis XVI (a process known as noblesse de lettres).

الثورة الفرنسية

في البداية ساند دوپون الثورة الفرنسية and served as president of the National Constituent Assembly. At this time, he added the name of the Nemours district south of Paris to his name to distinguish himself from other du Ponts in the Assembly.

He and his son إلوثير إيريني دوپون were among those who physically defended Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette from a mob besieging the Tuileries Palace in Paris during the insurrection of August 10, 1792. Condemned to the guillotine during the Reign of Terror, du Pont's execution was pending when Robespierre fell onتسعة thermidor an IV (July 27, 1794), and he was spared.

He married Françoise Robin onخمسة vendémiaire an IV (September 27, 1795). (Robin was the daughter of Antoine Robin de Livet, a French aristocrat who lived in Lyon, and the widow of Pierre Poivre, the noted French administrator.) After du Pont's house was sacked by a mob during the events of 18 Fructidor V (September 4, 1797), he, his sons and their families emigrated to the United States in 1799.

They hoped (but failed) to found a model community of French exiles. In the United States, du Pont developed strong ties with industry and government, in particular with Thomas Jefferson.[] He engaged in informal diplomacy between the United States and France during the reign of Napoleon. He was the originator of an idea that eventually became the Louisiana Purchase, as a way to avoid French troops landing in New Orleans, and possibly sparking armed conflict with U.S. forces.[] Eventually, he would settle in the U.S. permanently; he died there in 1817.

His son, إلوثير إيريني, founded a gunpowder manufacturing plant, based on his experience in France as a chemist. It would become one of the largest and most successful American corporations: E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.

انظر أيضاً

  • Du Pont family for other family members and relationships.
  • Commission of National Education


  1. ^ Jacek Jędruch (1998). . EJJ Books. p. 164. ISBN . Retrieved August 13, 2011.


  • du Pont, Pierre S. (1942). Genealogy of the Du Pont Family 1739–1942. Wilmington: Hambleton Printing & Publishing.
  • Dutton, William S. (1942). Du Pont, One Hundred and Fifty Years. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.

وصلات خارجية

  • DuPont Company DuPont Heritage
  • Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours papers at Hagley Museum and Library

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-08 11:00:51
التصنيفات: Missing redirects, All articles with unsourced statements, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2012, Articles with invalid date parameter in template, 1739 births, 1817 deaths, أشخاص من پاريس, People from New Castle County, Delaware, Physiocrats, American businesspeople, أشخاص من الثورة الفرنسية, Du Pont family, Louisiana Purchase, Articles containing non-English-language text

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