وثيقة حقوق 1689

عودة للموسوعة

وثيقة حقوق 1689

وثيقة الحقوق
پرلمان إنگلترة
Long title An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown.
Citation 1 William & Mary Sess 2 c 2
Royal Assent 16 December 1689
Commencement 1689
Status: Amended
Revised text of statute as amended
وثيقة الحقوق
The Bill of Rights
تأسست 1689
المكان الأرشيف البرلماني
المؤلفون برلمان إنگلترة
الغرض التأكيد على حقوق البرلمان والأفراد، وضمان سيادة سياسية للپروتستانت

وثيقة حقوق 1689 Bill of Rights 1689 هي landmark Act in the constitutional law of England that sets out certain basic civil rights and clarifies who would be next to inherit the Crown. It received the Royal Assent on 16 December 1689 and is a restatement in statutory form of the Declaration of Right presented by the Convention Parliament to William III and Mary II in February 1689, inviting them to become joint sovereigns of England. The Bill of Rights lays down limits on the powers of the monarch and sets out the rights of Parliament, including the requirement for regular parliaments, free elections, and freedom of speech in Parliament. It sets out certain rights of individuals including the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment and reestablished the right of Protestants to have arms for their defence within the rule of law. It also includes no right of taxation without Parliament’s agreement. Furthermore, the Bill of Rights described and condemned several misdeeds of James II of England.

These ideas reflected those of the political thinker John Locke and they quickly became popular in England. It also sets out – or, in the view of its drafters, restates – certain constitutional requirements of the Crown to seek the consent of the people, as represented in Parliament.

في المملكة المتحدة، فإن وثيقة الحقوق عززها الماگنا كارتا، وPetition of Right, the Habeas Corpus Act 1679 and the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 as some of the basic documents of the uncodified British constitution. A separate but similar document, the Claim of Right Act 1689, applies in Scotland. The Bill of Rights 1689 was one of the models for the وثيقة الحقوق في الولايات المتحدة في 1789، وإعلان الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الإنسان في 1948 والاتفاقية الأوروبية لحقوق الإنسان في 1950.

Along with the Act of Settlement 1701, the Bill of Rights is still in effect in all Commonwealth realms. Following the Perth Agreement in 2011, legislation amending both of them came into effect across the Commonwealth realms on 26 March 2015.

إعلان الحق

نقش من القرن 18، مبني على رسم من صاموِل ويل، لتقديم وثيقة الحقوق إلى وليام الثالث وماري الثانية

انظر أيضاً

  • UK constitutional law
  • Crown and Parliament Recognition Act 1689
  • Financial Revolution
  • تاريخ الليبرالية
  • Toleration Act 1689


  1. ^ القانون يُذـَر كالتالي "وثيقة الحقوق" في المملكة المتحدة، as authorised by section 1 of, and the First Schedule to, the Short Titles Act 1896. Owing to the repeal of those provisions, it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978. في جمهورية أيرلندا، فإن يُذكر بإسم "وثيقة الحقوق 1688"، as authorised by section 1 of, and the First Schedule to, the Short Titles Act 1896 (as amended by section 5(a) of the Statute Law Revision Act 2007). العنوان القصير للقانون كان في السابق "The Bill of Rights".


  1. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة legisgovnX1
  2. ^ "Bill of Rights 1689". Parliament UK. Retrieved April 30, 2019.
  3. ^ The key landmark is the Bill of Rights (1689), which established the supremacy of Parliament over the Crown. ... The Bill of Rights (1689) then settled the primacy of Parliament over the monarch’s prerogatives, providing for the regular meeting of Parliament, free elections to the Commons, free speech in parliamentary debates, and some basic human rights, most famously freedom from ‘cruel or unusual punishment’. "Britain's unwritten constitution". British Library. Retrieved 27 November 2015.
  4. ^ Schwoerer 1990, pp. 531–548.
  5. ^ Maurice Adams; Anne Meuwese; Ernst Hirsch Ballin (2017). . Cambridge University Press. p. 97. ISBN  – via Google Books.


  • Anon. (2010). "The Glorious Revolution". Factsheet General Series. G4. House of Commons Information Office.
  • Billias, George Athan (2011). . New York: New York University Press. ISBN  – via Google Books.
  • Blick, Andrew. "Magna Carta and contemporary constitutional change". History and Policy.
  • Carpenter, Edward (1956). . London: Longmans, Green and Company. OCLC 1919768.
  • Horwitz, Henry (1977). . Manchester University Press. ISBN .
  • Lock, Geoffrey (1989). "The 1689 Bill of Rights". Political Studies. 37 (4): 540–561. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9248.1989.tb00288.x.
  • Maier, Pauline (1997). . New York: Knopf. ISBN .
  • Schwoerer, Lois G. (1990). "Locke, Lockean Ideas, and the Glorious Revolution". Journal of the History of Ideas. 51 (4): 531–548. JSTOR 2709645.
  • Thatcher, Oliver Joseph, ed. (1907). . University Research Extension.
  • Walker, Aileen; Gay, Oonagh; Maer, Lucinda (2009). "Bill of Rights 1689". House of Commons Library.
  • Williams, E. N. (1960). The Eighteenth-Century Constitution. 1688–1815. Cambridge University Press. OCLC 1146699.

وصلات خارجية

اقرأ نصاً ذا علاقة في

وثيقة حقوق 1689

  • Text of the Bill of Rights Yale Law School Law Library
  • نطقب:UK-LEG
  • "The Parliamentary Archives". holds the original document

نطقب:Succession to the British throne

نطقب:Constitution of Canada

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-08 14:00:26
التصنيفات: صفحات بأخطاء في المراجع, CS1 errors: missing periodical, دستور كندا, Constitutional laws of England, Constitution of the United Kingdom, Succession to the British crown, Succession to the Canadian Crown, Acts of the Parliament of England, Acts of the Parliament of England still in force, 1689 في القانون, 1689 في إنگلترة, Political charters, History of human rights, Christianity and law in the 17th century, Glorious Revolution, Mary II of England, Civil rights and liberties legislation, Civil rights and liberties in the United Kingdom, Constitution of New Zealand, Succession acts, وليام الثالث من إنگلترة, 1689 في السياسة

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