► | قرنستة | << قرن 7 >> | قرنثمانية | ◄
► | عقد 600 | عقد 610 | عقد 620 | << عقد 630 >> | عقد 640 | عقد 650 | عقد 660 | ◄

► | ► | 631 | 632 | 633 | 634 | 635 | << 636 >> | 637 | 638 | 639 | 640 | 641 | ◄ | ◄

| | ابحث في الموسوعة عن مواضيع متعلقة بسنة 636

الألفية: الألفية 1
القرون: القرنستة - القرن 7 - القرن 8
العقود: عقد 600  عقد 610  عقد 620  - عقد 630 -  عقد 640  عقد 650  عقد 660
السنوات: 633 634 635 - 636 - 637 638 639
636 حسب الموضوع
زعماء الدول – الدول ذات السيادة
تصنيفات المواليد والوفيات
المواليد – الوفيات
تصنيفات التأسيسات والانحلالات
تأسيسات – انحلالات
636 في التقاويم الأخرى
التقويم الگريگوري 636
آب أوربه كونديتا 1389
التقويم الأرمني 85
التقويم الآشوري 5386
التقويم البهائي −1208 – −1207
التقويم البنغالي 43
التقويم الأمازيغي 1586
سنة العهد الإنگليزي N/A
التقويم البوذي 1180
التقويم البورمي −2
التقويم البيزنطي 6144–6145
التقويم الصيني 乙未年 (الخشب الماعز)
3332 أو3272
    — إلى —
丙申年 (النار القرد)
3333 أو3273
التقويم القبطي 352–353
التقويم الديسكوردي 1802
التقويم الإثيوپي 628–629
التقويم العبري 4396–4397
التقاويم الهندوسية
 - ڤيكرام سامڤات 692–693
 - شاكا سامڤات 558–559
 - كالي يوگا 3737–3738
تقويم الهولوسين 10636
تقويم الإگبو −364 – −363
التقويم الإيراني 14–15
التقويم الهجري 14–15
التقويم الياباني N/A
تقويم جوچى N/A
التقويم اليوليوسي 636
التقويم الكوري 2969
تقويم مينگوو 1276 قبل جمهورية الصين
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي 1179

Year 636 (DCXXXVI) was a leap year starting on Monday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. The denomination 636 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.


By place

Byzantine Empire

  • Arab–Byzantine War: Emperor Heraclius assembles a large army (100,000 men) consisting of contingents of Byzantines, Slavs, Franks, Georgians, Armenians, and Christian Arabs.He establishes a base at Yaqusah (near Gadara), close to the edge of the Golan Heights, protecting the vital main road from Egypt to Damascus. The base is protected by deep valleys and precipitous cliffs, well supplied with water and grazing.
  • Summer – Heraclius summons a church assembly at Antioch and scrutinises the situation. He accepts the argument that Byzantine disobedience to God is to blame for the Christian disaster in Syria. Heraclius leaves for Constantinople with the words, ‘Peace be with you Syria — what a beautiful land you will be for your enemy’.


  • Chintila is elected by a convention of bishops and nobles (in accordance with the 75th canon of the Fourth Council of Toledo) as ruler of the Visigoths, after the death of King Sisenand.
  • Rothari (formerly duke of Brescia) marries widowed Queen Gundeberga, and succeeds Arioald as king of the Lombards. During his reign he puts many insubordinate nobles to death.


  • August 15–20 – Battle of Yarmouk: In engagements along the Yarmouk River, Muslim forces (25,000 men) of the Rashidun Caliphate led by Khalid ibn al-Walid decisively defeat the armies of the Byzantine Empire, effectively completing the Muslim conquest of Syria. It will be regarded as one of the most decisive battles in military history, marking the first great wave of Muslim conquests after the death of Muhammad.
  • The city of Basra (modern Iraq) is founded on the Shatt al-Arab at the head of the Persian Gulf. The port will become a major trading center for commodities from Arabia, India, and Persia.
  • November 16–19 – Battle of al-Qādisiyyah: The Muslim Arab army defeats the Persian forces under Rostam Farrokhzād, at Al-Qādisiyyah (Southern Mesopotamia).


  • The Xumi Pagoda of Zhengding (China) is built during the reign of emperor Tai Zong.

By topic


  • The historical texts of the Book of Northern Qi, Book of Chen, and Book of Sui are compiled in China during the Tang dynasty.


  • Birinus, Bishop of Dorchester, converts Cwichelm (son of king Cynegils of Wessex) to Christianity. He dies soon afterward and is supposedly buried at Scutchamer Knob in East Hendred (South East England).
  • June 30 – Fifth Council of Toledo: Chintila orders a meeting in the church of St. Leocadia; the bishops accept a decree that only Gothic nobility (with military functions) may be king of the Visigothic Kingdom.


  • Æthelthryth, Anglo-Saxon princess (approximate date)
  • Lambert of Maastricht, bishop (approximate date)


  • April أربعة – Isidore of Seville, archbishop and scholar
  • Arioald, king of the Lombards
  • Bahman Jadhuyih, Persian general
  • Dervan, prince of the Sorbs
  • Ecgric, king of East Anglia (approximate date)
  • Cwichelm, king of Wessex (approximate date)
  • George Pisida, Byzantine poet (approximate date)
  • Jalinus, Armenian nobleman
  • Rostam Farrokhzād, Persian general (or 637)
  • Sa'd ibn Ubadah, companion of Muhammad (approximate date)
  • Sisenand, king of the Visigoths
  • Theodore Trithyrius, Byzantine general (sacellarius)
  • Zhangsun, empress of the Tang dynasty (b. 601)


  1. ^ Al-Waqidi 8th century, p. 100
  2. ^ Yarmuk 636 A.D.: The Muslim Conquest of Syria. David Nicolle (1994), p. 44. ISBN 1-85532-414-8
  3. ^ The Great Islamic Conquests AD 632–750 (2009), David Nicolle, p. 51. ISBN 978-1-84603-273-8
  4. ^ Nicolle, David (1994). Yarmuk 636 A.D.:The Muslim Conquest of Syria. Osprey Publishing. p. 43. ISBN .
  5. ^ Nafziger, George F.; Walton, Mark W. (2003). Islam at War. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing. p. 30. ISBN .
  6. ^ Nicolle, David (1994). Yarmuk 636 A.D.: The Muslim Conquest of Syria. Osprey Publishing. pp. 6, 19. ISBN .
  7. ^ Kirby, p. 51


تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-09 11:39:19
التصنيفات: قرن 7, عقد 630, 636

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