الخط الزمني لتشكل الكون

عودة للموسوعة

الخط الزمني لتشكل الكون

منطق رئيسي: Chronology of the universe
Diagram of Evolution of the universe from the Big Bang (left) to the present

This is a timeline of the formation and subsequent evolution of the Universe from the Big Bang (13.799 ± 0.021 billion years ago) to the present day. Times are measured from the moment of the Big Bang.

The first second

Nature timeline
-13 —
-12 —
-11 —
-10 —
-9 —
-8 —
-7 —
-6 —
-5 —
-4 —
-3 —
-2 —
-1 —
0 —
cosmic expansion
Earliest light
cosmic speed-up
Solar System
Single-celled life
Land life
Earliest gravity
Dark energy
Dark matter
Earliest universe (-13.8)
Earliest galaxy
Earliest quasar
Omega Centauri forms
Andromeda Galaxy forms
spiral arms form
NGC 188 star cluster forms
Alpha Centauri forms
Earliest life
Earliest oxygen
Atmospheric oxygen
Earliest sexual reproduction
Cambrian explosion
Earliest humans
Axis scale: billions of years.
also see {{Human timeline and {{Life timeline

Planck epoch

  • ca. 0 seconds (13.799 ± 0.021 Gya): Planck Epoch begins: earliest meaningful time. The Big Bang occurs in which ordinary space and time develop out of a primeval state (possibly a virtual particle or false vacuum) described by a quantum theory of gravity or "Theory of Everything". All matter and energy of the entire visible universe is contained in an unimaginably hot, dense point (Gravitational singularity), a billionth the size of a nuclear particle. This state has been described as a particle desert. Other than a few scant details conjecture dominates discussion about the earliest moments of the universe's history since no effective means of testing this far back in space-time is presently available. WIMPS (weakly interacting massive particles) or dark matter and dark energy may have appeared and been the catalyst for the expansion of the singularity. The infant universe cools as it begins expanding outward. It is almost completely smooth, with quantum variations beginning to cause slight variations in density.

Grand Unification Epoch

  • ca. 10−43 seconds: Grand unification epoch begins: While still at an infinitesimal size, the universe cools down to 1032kelvin.

حقبة الفوتونات

Cosmic Dark Age

منطق رئيسي: List of cosmic microwave background experiments
All-sky map of the CMB, created from nine years of WMAP data


  • 600 million years: Renaissance of the Universe—end of the Dark Ages as visible light begins dominating throughout.

حقبة المجرات

  • 1 billion years (12.8 Gya, z=6.56): Galaxy HCM-6A, the most distant normal galaxy observed, forms. Formation of hyper-luminous quasar SDSS J0100+2802, which harbors a black hole with mass of 12 billion solar masses one of the most massive black hole discovered so early in the universe. HE1327-2326, population II star, speculated to have formed from remnants of earlier Population III stars. Visual limit of the Hubble Deep Field.

انظر أيضاً

  • Timeline of the far future
  • Timelines of world history


تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 18:10:44
التصنيفات: Ancient timelines, Astronomy timelines

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