معركة مجدو (القرن 15 ق.م.)

عودة للموسوعة

معركة مجدو(القرن 15 ق.م.)

معركة مجدو

منظر جوي تل مجدو
التاريخ 16 أبريل 1457 ق.م.
مجدو، كنعان
النتيجة نصر مصري
الامبراطورية المصرية الكنعانيون
القادة والزعماء
تحتمس الثالث ملك قادش
10,000-20,000 رجل 10,000-15,000
4,000 قتيل، 1,000 جريح 8,300 قتيل،
3,400 أسير

معركة مجدو Battle of Megiddo (القرن 15 ق.م.) نشبت بين القوات المصرية بقيادة الفرعون تحتمس الثالث وتحالف متمرد كبير من الدويلات الكنعانية الخاضعة لمصر، بقيادة ملك قادش. وكانت أول معركة تـُسجـَّل بتفاصيل موثوقة نسبياً. مجدوهي أيضاً أول استخدام مسجل للقوس المركب وأول إحصاء للقتلى. جميع تفاصيل المعركة أتت من المصادر المصرية—أساساً الكتابات الهيروغليفية في قاعة الحوليات في معبد آمون-رع في الكرنك، طيبة (التي هي الآن الأقصر)، للمحرر العسكري تجانني.

السرد المصري القديم يذكر حتى تاريخ المعركة كان اليوم 21 من الشهر الأول من الفصل الثالث، في السنة 23 من حكم تحتمس الثالث. ويُزعم حتى ذلك كان 16 أبريل 1457 ق.م. حسب Middle Chronology، بالرغم من حتى مطبوعات أخرى تذكر حتى المعركة نشبت في 1482 ق.م. أو1479 ق.م. كانت معركة مجدونصراً مصرياً مؤزراً وأسفرت عن دحر القوات الكنعانية، التي فرت إلى ملاذ في مدينة مجدو. ذلك الفرار استتبع حصار مجدو المطوّل لاحقاً.

بإعادة تثبيت الهيمنة المصرية في المشرق، بدأ تحتمس الثالث عهداً بلغت فيه الامبراطورية المصرية أقصى اتساع لها.

حوليات تحتمس الثالث

أثناء الحملة الأولى لـتحتمس الثالث في المشرق، دوَّن محرره الشخصي، تجانني، يوميات على ورق parchment. In approximately his 42nd regnal year, many years بعد انتهاء حملاته في المشرق، تحتمس الثالث instructed his artisans to inscribe his military exploits into جدران معبد آمون-رع في الكرنك. The annals describe in lavish detail 14 campaigns led by Thutmose III in the Levant, the booty gained through his campaigning, tribute received from conquered regions, and, lastly, offerings to Amun-Re. The sequence of depictions indicate the New Kingdom's belief on the interactions of the gods with warfare: praise and offerings to the deities in exchange for their divine help in war.

بالاضافة إلى ذلك، فإن الحوليات تبين الأثر بعيد المدى لمعركة مجدو. بعد فوز تحتمس الثالث في مجدووحملاته الناجحة في المشرق طوال العشرين عاماً التالية، ارتفعت مصر مركز الصدارة في المجتمع الدولي وتحولها إلى امبراطورية واضح في الحوليات. Depictions show international diplomacy through the giving of gifts from Babylon, the الامبراطورية الحيثية، and other prominent and powerful regions during this time period.

الحملة على ممالك كنعان

بدأ الفرعون تحتمس الثالث عهداً in which the Egyptian Empire reached its greatest expanse by reinforcing the long-standing Egyptian presence في المشرق. After waiting impatiently for the end of his regency by the Egyptian Pharaoh حتشپسوت, he immediately responded to a revolt of local rulers near Kadesh in the vicinity of modern-day Syria. As Egyptian buffer provinces in the land of the Amurru along the border with the Hittites attempted to change their vassalage, Thutmose III dealt with the threat personally. The Canaanites are thought to have been allied with the ميتاني and Amurru from the region of the two rivers between the headwaters of نهر العاصي and the Jordan. The driving and main force behind this revolt was the King of قادش. The powerful fortress of Kadesh offered protection to him and the city. The King of Megiddo, with an equally strong fortress, joined the alliance. The importance of Megiddo was its geographical location along the southwestern edge of the مرج ابن عامر خلف حافة جبل الكرمل مباشرة والبحر المتوسط. From this location, Megiddo controlled the Via Maris, the main trade route بين مصر وبلاد الرافدين.

نموذج مجدو، 1457 ق.م.

The Egyptian inscriptions of the campaign on the Temple of Karnak come from a daily journal kept by the scribe Tjaneni during the campaign. في السرد المصري، جمع تحتمس الثالث جيشاً من العربات الحربية والمشاة تراوح بين عشرة وعشرين ألف رجل. As the Egyptians mustered their forces the king of Kadesh gathered many tribal chieftains from Syria, Aram and Canaan around him, estimated at between ten and fifteen thousand, entered Megiddo and set his forces at the waters of Taanach. He expected that his enemy would come by way of Dothaim - Taanach, the main route from the Mediterranean lowlands into the Valley of Kishon, and from Egypt to Mesopotamia. The army assembled at the border fortress Tjaru (called Sile in Greek) and arrived ten days later at the loyal city of Gaza. After one day's rest, it left for the city of Yehem, which was reached after 11 days. Here, Thutmose sent out scouts. To continue north, they had to pass the Mount Carmel ridge. Behind it lay the city and fortress of مجدو, where the revolting forces had gathered. There were three possible routes from Yehem to Megiddo. Both the northern route, via Zefti, and the southern route, by way of Taanach, gave safe access to the مرج ابن عامر. The middle route, via Aruna (modern وادي عارة), was more direct but risky; it followed a narrow ravine, and the troops could only travel single-file. If the enemy waited at the end of the ravine, the Egyptians would risk being cut down piecemeal. The army leaders pleaded with him not to take the difficult road but to take either of the two easier roads. Instead, with information from the scouts, Thutmose III decided to take the direct path to Megiddo. He believed that if his generals advised him to take the easy route, then his enemy would assume he would do so, so he decided to do the unexpected.

The King of Kadesh had left large infantry detachments guarding the two more likely paths, and virtually ignored Aruna, the narrow mountain pass coming in from the south. Ignoring the danger of spreading out his army in the mountains where leading elements might be subject to enemy ambush in narrow mountain passes, and his main force still far behind in Aruna, unable to come to their aid, Thutmose took the direct route through وادي عارة. To reduce the risk, Thutmose himself led his men through Aruna. With his infantry and the light cavalry of mounted bowmen, known as haibrw or the horsemen going by the side of the mountains, to take out any scouts that might be posted and leaving the road to the main force of chariots, he moved in quickly. With the city lightly guarded by the enemy, Thutmose led a quick assault, scattered the rebels and entered the valley unopposed. Now, the Egyptian army had a clear path to Megiddo, with large parts of the rebel army far away to the north and south.

المعركة والحصار

Thutmose seized the opportunity. He set up camp at the end of the day, but during the night arrayed his forces close to the enemy; the next morning, they attacked. It cannot be established if the surprised King of Kadesh had managed to fully prepare for battle. Even if he did, it did not do him much good. Though his forces were on high ground adjacent to the fortress, the Egyptian line was arranged in a concave formation, consisting of three wings, that threatened both Caananite flanks. Both the Egyptians and the Caananites are estimated to have had around 1,000 chariots and 10,000 infantry. The Pharaoh led the attack from the center. The combination of position and numbers, superior maneuverability of their left wing along with an early, bold attack, broke the enemy's will; their line immediately collapsed. Those near the city fled into it, closing the gates behind them.

The Egyptian soldiers fell to plundering the enemy camp. During the plunder they captured 924 chariots and 200 suits of armor. Unfortunately for the Egyptians, during this confusion, the scattered Caananite forces, including the kings of Kadesh and Megiddo, were able to rejoin the defenders inside the city. Those inside lowered tied-together clothing to the men and chariots and pulled them up over the walls. Thus, the opportunity of a quick capture of the city following the battle was lost.

The city was besieged for seven months and the King of Kadesh escaped. Tuthmoses built a moat and a wooden palisade, eventually forcing its occupants to surrender. At Karnak it is recorded that the victorious army took home 340 prisoners, 2,041 mares, 191 foals,ستة stallions, 924 chariots, 200 suits of armor, 502 bows, 1,929 cattle, 22,500 sheep, and the royal armor, chariot and tent-poles of the King of Megiddo. The city and citizens were spared. A number of other cities in the Jezreel Valley were conquered and Egyptian authority in the area was restored.


نقش بارز في معبد الكرنك يبين تحتمس الثالث وهويقتل أسرى كنعانيين بعد معركة مجدو، القرن 15 ق.م..

Egypt's realm was expanded by this campaign. As Paul K. Davis wrote, "By reestablishing Egyptian dominance in Palestine, Thutmose began a reign in which Egypt reached its greatest expanse as an empire."Thutmose III required from the defeated kings that they each send a son to the Egyptian court. There, they received an Egyptian education. When they returned to their homelands, they governed with Egyptian sympathies. Nevertheless, the victory at Megiddo was only the beginning of the pacification of the Levant. Only after several further campaigns, conducted almost annually, was the unrest cooled. One unanticipated result came in the form of the word Armageddon, which took its root from Megiddo's name.


  1. ^ Nelson, Harold Hayden (1913), The Battle of Megiddo, University of Chicago Press, p. 53؛ انظر أيضاً Keegan, John (1993), The History of Warfare. Key Porter Books. ISBN 1-55013-289-X
  2. ^ Cline 2000 p. 16-17
  3. ^ Trevor N. Dupuy, Evolution of Weapons and Warfare.
  4. ^ Tomac Petar, Vojna Istorija, 1959. p.21
  5. ^ Cline 2000 p. 18
  6. ^ Cline 2000 p. 21
  7. ^ Cline 2000 p. 22
  8. ^ Davis' Paul K. (1999). 100 Decisive Battles from Ancient Times to the Present: The World’s Major Battles and How They Shaped History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-514366-9 p. 1.
  9. ^ تل مجدو


  • Cline, Eric H. (May 2002). . University of Michigan Press. ISBN . Retrieved 26 October 2010.
  • Cline, Eric H., and O'Connor, David (2006). "Thutmose III: A New Biography". University of Michigan Press. ISBN 0-472-11467-0
  • Dupuy, Trevor Nesbit (1990). The Evolution of Weapons and Warfare. DaCapo. ISBN 0-306-80384-4
  • Dupuy, Richard Ernest, and Dupuy, Trevor Nesbit (1993). The Encyclopedia of Military History from 3500 B.C. to the Present. HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-270056-1
  • Redford, Donald B. (2003). . BRILL. ISBN . Retrieved 3 November 2015.

وصلات خارجية

اقرأ نصاً ذا علاقة في

An Account of the Battle of Megiddo

  • A modern description of the Battle of Megiddo
  • (in German)


تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 18:13:09
التصنيفات: Pages using deprecated image syntax, معارك مصر القديمة, معارك الكنعانيين, حصارات, القرن 15 ق.م., تحتمس الثالث, نزاعات الألفية الثانية ق.م.

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