ثيدا بارا

عودة للموسوعة

ثيدا بارا

ثيدا بارا
وُلـِد Theodosia Burr Goodman
(1885-07-29)يوليو29, 1885
سنسناتي، اوهايو، الولايات المتحدة.
توفي أبريل 7, 1955(1955-04-07) (عن عمر 69 عاماً)
لوس أنجلس، كاليفورنيا، الولايات المتحدة.
أسماء أخرى The Vamp
المهنة ممثلة
سنوات النشاط 1908–1926
الزوج Charles Brabin (ز. 1921–55)

ثيدا بارا Theda Bara (play // ; (و. 29 يوليو1885 - ت.سبعة أبريل 1955) ممثلة أمريكية بريطانية من مواليد عام 1885 في لندن، توفيت في عام 1955 في لوس أنجلس وتعتبر هي الأولي الذي جسدت شحصية كليوباترا السابعة في عام1917 في فيلم كليوپاترا (فيلم1917).




Bara in the title role as Cleopatra (1917)

رمز إغراء

ثـِدا بارا في أحد أزيائها المثيرة، هذا الزي كان في فيلم كليوپاترا (1917).

الزواج والإعتزال




Many films in which Theda Bara appeared were lost in a fire at Fox Studios storage facility in Little Ferry, New Jersey on July 9, 1937.Note: Extant films are indicated by a

السنة الفيلم الدور ملاحظات
1914 The Stain Gang moll A print of the film was discovered in Australia in the 1990s.
1915 A Fool There Was The Vamp
The Kreutzer Sonata Celia Friedlander The film is now considered to be lost
The Clemenceau Case Iza The film is now considered to be lost
The Devil's Daughter La Gioconda The film is now considered to be lost
Lady Audley's Secret Helen Talboys
The Two Orphans Henriette The film is now considered to be lost
Sin Rosa The film is now considered to be lost
Carmen Carmen The film is now considered to be lost
The Galley Slave Francesca Brabaut The film is now considered to be lost
Destruction Fernade The film is now considered to be lost
1916 The Serpent Vania Lazar The film is now considered to be lost
Gold and the Woman Theresa Decordova The film is now considered to be lost
The Eternal Sapho Laura Bruffins The film is now considered to be lost
East Lynne Lady Isabel Carlisle A print of this film survives in the film archive of the Museum of Modern Art.
Under Two Flags Cigarette The film is now considered to be lost
Her Double Life Mary Doone The film is now considered to be lost
Romeo and Juliet Juliet The film is now considered to be lost
The Vixen Elsie Drummond The film is now considered to be lost
1917 The Darling of Paris Esmeralda A very loose adaptation of the novel Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo
The film is now considered to be lost.
The Tiger Woman Princess Petrovitch The film is now considered to be lost
Her Greatest Love Hazel The film is now considered to be lost
Heart and Soul Jess The film is now considered to be lost
Camille Marguerite Gauthier The film is now considered to be lost
Cleopatra Cleopatra Approximately 40 seconds exist at George Eastman House
The Rose of Blood Lisza Tapenka The film is now considered to be lost
Madame Du Barry Jeanne Vaubernier The film is now considered to be lost
1918 The Forbidden Path Mary Lynde The film is now considered to be lost
The Soul of Buddha Priestess A small fragment in Theda Bara et William Fox showing Theda smoking while being serenaded is thought to be a clip from this film.
Under the Yoke Maria Valverda The film is now considered to be lost
Salome Salome The film is now considered to be lost
When a Woman Sins Lilian Marchard / Poppea The film is now considered to be lost
The She Devil Lorette The film is now considered to be lost
1919 The Light Blanchette Dumond, aka Madame Lefresne
When Men Desire Marie Lohr
The Siren's Song Marie Bernais
A Woman There Was Princess Zara
Kathleen Mavourneen Kathleen Cavanagh
La Belle Russe Fleurett Sackton / La Belle Russe
The Lure of Ambition Olga Dolan
1925 The Unchastened Woman Caroline Knollys
1926 Madame Mystery Madame Mysterieux
45 Minutes from Hollywood Herself


  1. ^ "Theda Bara Speaking 1936". Retrieved 7 January 2011.
  2. ^ Fort Lee Film Commission (2006), Fort Lee Birthplace of the Motion Picture Industry, Arcadia Publishing, ISBN 0-7385-4501-5, http://books.google.com/books?id=ViR3b72xkK0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=Fort+Lee+Birthplace+of+the+Motion+Picture+Industry&hl=nl&ei=ah3lTdmHMY7rObrH9bIG&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false 
  3. ^ "Theda Bara Makes 'Camille' Reality". Hartford Courant. October 30, 1917. Retrieved 2008-07-20. Heralded as one of the screen triumphs of the day, "Camille", adapted from the Dumas novel, and with Theda Bara the featured player, fulfills the promises of the management of Poli's Theater, where this film really heads the bill this half of the week. Vaudeville must...

قرءات أخرى

  • Shakespeare on Silent Film: An Excellent Dumb Discourse by Judith Buchanan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Chapter 6. ISBN 0-521871999.
  • The First Female Stars: Women of the Silent Era by David W. Menefee. Albany: Bear Manor Media, 2007. ISBN 0-275-98259-9.
  • Eve Golden (1996). Vamp: The Rise and Fall of Theda Bara. Emprise. ISBN .
  • Ronald Genini (1996). Theda Bara: A Biography of the Silent Screen Vamp, with a Filmography. McFarland. ISBN .
  • Famous Juliets by Jerome Hart, in Motion Picture Classic, March, 1923.
  • A Million and One Nights by Terry Ramsaye. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1926.
  • Susan Fox (2006). William Fox: A Story of Early Hollywood 1915–1930. Midnight Marquee Press Inc. ISBN .
  • Christopher DiGrazia (2011). The Director's Cut: A Theda Bara Mystery. 1921 PVG Publishing. ISBN .
  • Bob Johnston (2002). Theda Bara and the Frontier Rabbi. Dramatist's Play Service. ISBN .
  • Diana Altman (2010). In Theda Bara's Tent. Tapley Cove Press. ISBN .

وصلات خارجية

اقرأ اقتباسات ذات علاقة بثيدا بارا، في فهم الاقتباس.
  • ثيدا بارا at the Internet Movie Database
  • ثيدا بارا at AllMovie
  • ثيدا بارا at the TCM Movie Database
  • ثيدا بارا at the Internet Broadway Database
  • ثيدا بارا at Find a Grave
  • Biography at monash.edu.au
  • Amateur film of 1937 Fox Studios fire in New Jersey that destroyed many of Bara's films as well as all of the films of her rival Valeska Suratt, the 1921 The Queen of Sheba and several early starring vehicles of John Gilbert
  • Theda Bara photo gallery NY Public Library Billy Rose collection
  • Literature on Theda Bara
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 20:44:37
التصنيفات: CS1: Julian–Gregorian uncertainty, صفحات بها أخطاء في البرنامج النصي, Articles with hCards, Portal templates with all redlinked portals, Commons category link is locally defined, مواليد 1885, وفيات 1955, أشخاص من سنسناتي، اوهايو, ممثلو أفلام صامتة أمريكان, وفيات بالسرطان في كاليفورنيا, وفيات بسرطان المعدة, ممثلات يهود, أمريكان من أصل يهودي پبولندي, أمريكان من أصل سويسري, Burials at Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale)

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