باوم‌گارتن التخوم

عودة للموسوعة

باوم‌گارتن التخوم

باوم‌گارتن التخوم

Baumgarten an der March
باوم‌گارتن التخوم
باوم‌گارتن التخوم
البلد  النمسا
الولاية  النمسا السفلى
المقاطعة گينزرن‌دورف
البلدية ڤايدن التخوم
 • الإجمالي 192

باوم‌گارتن التخوم Baumgarten an der March هي قسم صغير من بلدية ڤايدن التخوم في النمسا السفلى، النمسا. ويبلغ عدد سكانها 192 نسمة فقط.

أهميتها لقطاع الطاقة

خطوط أنابيب الغاز الرئيسية الحالية والمزمعة التي تحمل الغاز الروسي إلى أوروپا في 2009.

Baumgarten has an important role in the European energy sector. The Baumgarten gas distribution centre developed from the central production facility of the spent Zwerndorf gas field, and came online in 1959. The first gas shipment from Russia was received in 1968. Over the past few decades, Baumgarten has become one of Europe’s most important gas distribution stations. Every year around 40 billion cubic metres of gas are distributed from the Baumgarten gas station to Eastern Austria and to Western, Southern and South-Eastern Europe.

The gas reception facilities run by Gas Connect Austria and by TAG GmbH, the operator of the Trans Austria Gasleitung (TAG) pipeline, are located on an 18 hectare (ha) site. The facilities include equipment like filter separators, gas dryer units, several compressor units (some of them electric), gas coolers and metering sections. Incoming gas deliveries are compressed and then pumped into the West-Austria-Gasleitung (WAG) and TAG pipelines. Part of the gas is also transported to Hungary via the Hungaria Austria Gasleitung (HAG).

Gas reserves are stored in the underground facilities in Tallesbrunn and Schönkirchen, both of which are depleted gas fields. Imported gas is pumped into these storage plants. There are also underground storage facilities in Thann and Puchkirchen in Upper Austria, and in Haidach bei Strasswalchen on the border between Salzburg and Upper Austria. The storage facilities in Puchkirchen and Haidach are operated by Rohöl-Aufsuchungs Aktiengesellschaft (RAG). The total volume of gas at Austria’s storage plants is sufficient to cover the annual consumption of Austria.

انفجار 2017

On 12 December 2017, an explosion on the premises of the gas distribution center left one person dead and 21 injured. The blast cut off supplies from the hub to southern Europe for a short period, prompting Italy to declare a state of emergency.


  1. ^ "Baumgarten natural Gas Hub" (PDF; 1,2MB) (in German). Gas Connect Austria. Retrieved 2016-09-19.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  2. ^ Lokalaugenschein: Am österreichischen Ende der Pipeline auf Die Presse vomثمانية Jänner 2009; retrieved,ثمانية January 2009
  3. ^ "Baumgarten natural Gas Hub" (PDF; 1,2MB) (in German). Gas Connect Austria. Retrieved 2016-09-19.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  4. ^ "Storing natural gas". e-control.at. 2016-10-03. Retrieved 2016-10-03.
  5. ^ "Austria gas explosion: Blast at facility leaves one dead and 18 injured". The Independent. 2017-12-12. Retrieved 2016-12-12.
  6. ^ "Italy declares state of emergency following deadly explosion at Austrian pipeline". Deutsche Welle. 2017-12-12. Retrieved 2017-12-12.
  7. ^ "Gasexplosion im Weinviertel".


تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 21:07:12
التصنيفات: صفحات تستعمل قالبا ببيانات مكررة, CS1 maint: unrecognized language, Articles with short description, Infobox settlement pages with bad settlement type, Natural gas trading hubs, اقتصاد النمسا, أماكن مأهولة في النمسا السفلى, 2017 في النمسا

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