قائمة البرازخ

عودة للموسوعة

قائمة البرازخ

قائمة البرازخ تلك هي ملحق للمنطق برزخ. The list is sorted by the region of the world in which the isthmus is located. An isthmus (النطق: // or //; plural: isthmuses; from باليونانية قديمة: ἰσθμός, isthmos, neck) is a narrow piece of land connecting two larger areas across an expanse of water that otherwise separates them. A tombolo is an isthmus that consists of a spit or bar.



  • برزخ المنشية which developed around the man-made Heptastadion connecting the island of Pharos to mainland الإسكندرية.



  • Istmo Carlos Ameghino, Province of Chubut
  • Quetrihué Isthmus of Quetrihué Peninsula in Nahuel Huapi Lake


  • Isthmus at Nova Brasilia, Mel Island, Paraná

الأراضي البريطانية وراء البحار

  • Isthmus of East Falkland


  • Isthmus of Avalon
  • Isthmus of Chignecto
  • Sechelt Isthmus

أمريكا الوسطى

The Isthmus of Panama
  • Isthmus of Panama
  • Isthmus of Rivas, Nicaragua


  • Isthmus of Brunswick Peninsula
  • Isthmus of Muñoz Gamero Peninsula
  • Ofqui Isthmus, Aisén Region

French Overseas Collectivity

  • Isthmus of La Dune


  • Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico

الولايات المتحدة

  • Isthmus of Catalina Island
  • Isthmus near Fidalgo Island
  • Madison Isthmus
  • Seattle, Washington
  • Point Peninsula, New York


  • Médanos Isthmus – links mainland Venezuela to Paraguaná


Metro Manila
The Suez Canal goes across the western side of the Sinai Peninsula
  • The Caucasus region connecting Europe to Asia between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea is sometimes considered an isthmus.
  • The Isthmus of Kra connecting Malay Peninsula with the mainland of Asia located in southern تايلند.
  • The Sinai Peninsula forms the Isthmus of Suez between the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea and also forms the Asian border area towards Africa.
  • The central area of Kushimoto town in the Wakayama prefecture of Japan is located on a narrow isthmus, surrounded on both sides by the Pacific Ocean.
  • Metro Manila in the Philippines is situated on an isthmus.
  • The area around Jimbaran and the Denpasar airport connects the Nusa Dua peninsula with the main part of Bali in Indonesia.
  • Isthmus of Korea between Sea of Japan and Yellow Sea.


البحر الأسود

  • Isthmus of Perekop between Crimea and mainland Europe


  • Isthmus between Gilsfjörður and Bitrufjörður, which connects the Westfjords peninsula to the mainland of Iceland


  • Cape Clear Island
  • Sutton, Dublin

البحر المتوسط

  • Isthmus of Catanzaro, which connects the toe of Italy to the rest of the Italian peninsula
  • Isthmus of Corinth, which connects the Peloponnese peninsula to the rest of Greece
  • Isthmus of Gibraltar
  • Isthmus of Potidea, connecting the Kassandra peninsula with the mainland of Greece
  • Isthmus of Ierapetra, which connects the eastern end of Crete to the rest of the island.


  • Karelian Isthmus between Lake Ladoga and the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland)
  • Poyasok Isthmus between Sea of Okhotsk and Sea of Japan
  • Olonets Isthmus between Lake Onega and Lake Ladoga
  • Onega Isthmus between Lake Onega and the White Sea (Onega Bay)
  • Chivyrkuy Isthmus between Chivyrkuy Bay and Barguzin Bay of the Lake Baikal, connecting Svyatoy Nos Peninsula to the mainland
  • Bolshoy Volok Isthmus between Malaya Volokovaya Bay and Motovsky Gulf, connecting Sredny Peninsula to the mainland
  • Maly Volok Isthmus between Bolshaya Volokovaya Bay and Motovsky Gulf, connecting Rybachy Peninsula to Sredny Peninsula

المملكة المتحدة والجزر البريطانية

  • La Coupée isthmus في سارك، جزر القنال
  • Forth-Clyde isthmus in Scotland
  • The isthmus connecting Langness Peninsula, Isle of Man, to the rest of the island
  • Mavis Grind isthmus in Shetland
  • The isthmus connecting the Isle of Portland to the mainland
  • Rhins of Galloway isthmus in Wigtownshire (where Stranraer is situated), Scotland
  • Tarbert is the name of several places at isthmuses in Scotland and Ireland. The translation from Old Irish is isthmus or portage-place ("across carry").
  • The isthmus connecting Stornoway, Isle of Lewis in Scotland to the Eye Peninsula
  • Hugh Town is located on an isthmus connecting the Hugh to the remainder of St Mary's, the largest of the Isles of Scilly
  • Gugh, linked by a tombolo to St Agnes, both being inhabited islands of the Isles of Scilly


Otago Peninsula is joined to the New Zealand South Island mainland by an isthmus at South Dunedin.


  • Eaglehawk Neck near Port Arthur, Tasmania
  • The Neck in Bruny Island, Tasmania connecting North and South Bruny
  • Yanakie Isthmus, connects Wilsons Promontory to mainland Victoria
  • Barrenjoey Headland, New South Wales.
  • Tuross Head, New South Wales on the NSW South Coast.


  • Auckland isthmus between Northland Peninsula and the rest of New Zealand's North Island
  • Rongotai isthmus, location of Wellington International Airport
  • "The Flat" of South Dunedin connects the Otago Peninsula to the South Island mainland
  • The Neck is an inland isthmus between lakes Wanaka and Hāwea
  • The town of Mount Maunganui is situated on a tombolo isthmus connecting the volcanic cone of Mount Maunganui/Mauao with the North Island mainland

انظر أيضاً

  • قائمة المضائق


  1. ^ "Isthmus". Britannica.com. Retrieved 2013-09-22.
  2. ^ "Geology of Paraná: Ilha do Mel" (PDF). Mineropar: Serviço Geológico de Paraná. Retrieved 13 April 2016.
  3. ^ Кавказский перешеек // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона : в 86 т. (82 т. и أربعة доп.). — СПб., 1890—1907.
  4. ^ Корейский перешеек // Большая советская энциклопедия : [в 30 т.] / гл. ред. А. М. Прохоров. — 3-е изд. — М. : Советская энциклопедия, 1969—1978.
  5. ^ "Coast to Coast Walkway". Auckland Council. Retrieved 19 December 2012.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 07:33:39
التصنيفات: برازخ, قوائم التضاريس, Articles containing non-English-language text

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