إعلان پاريس المتعلق بالقانون البحري

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إعلان پاريس المتعلق بالقانون البحري

The Paris Declaration Respecting Maritime Law of 16 April 1856 was issued to abolish privateering. It regulated the relationship between neutral and belligerent and shipping on the high seas introducing new prize rules.


On the conclusion of the Treaty of Paris, which was signed on 30 March 1856, putting an end to the Crimean War (1853–1856), the plenipotentiaries also signed this declaration at the suggestion of Count Walewski, the French plenipotentiary. The declaration is the outcome of a modus vivendi signed between France and the United Kingdom in 1854, originally intended for the Crimean War. These two powers had agreed that they would not seize enemy goods on neutral vessels nor neutral goods on enemy vessels. The belligerents had also agreed that they would not issue letters of marque, which they had not done during the war. At the close of this war the principal states of Europe concluded that private armed ships, maintained at private cost for private gain, and often necessarily for a long time beyond the reach of the regular naval force of the state, could not be kept under proper control. The Declaration of Paris confirmed these rules and added to them the principle that blockades, in order to be obligatory, must be effective.

The Declaration did not as such make privateers into a new category of international criminals, but rather made it a treaty obligation of states that they refrain from commissioning privateers in the first place. Most states normally treated foreign privateers as pirates in any case.

Ultimately, 55 states ratified the Declaration, including the United Kingdom, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and the Ottoman Empire. This treaty established maritime law among the major powers of Europe. It represented the first multilateral attempt to codify in times of peace rules which were to be applicable in the event of war. This declaration bound only its signatories when at war with each other, and left them free to use privateers when at war with other states.

The United States, which aimed at a complete exemption of non-contraband private property from capture at sea, withheld its formal adherence in 1857 when its “Marcy” amendment was not accepted by all powers, chiefly as a result of British influence. The US was also keen on maintaining privateers. It argued that, not possessing a great navy, it would be obliged in time of war to rely largely upon merchant ships commissioned as war vessels, and that therefore the abolition of privateering would be entirely in favour of European powers, whose large navies rendered them practically independent of such aid. All other maritime states acceded to the declaration except Venezuela and Bolivia.

In 1861, during the American Civil War, the United States declared that it would respect the principles of the declaration during hostilities. The same was done during the Spanish–American War of 1898, when the United States Government affirmed its policy of conducting hostilities in conformity with the dispositions of the declaration. Spain too, though not a party, declared its intention to abide by the declaration, but it expressly gave notice that it reserved its right to issue letters of marque. At the same time both belligerents organized services of auxiliary cruisers composed of merchant ships under the command of naval officers.

Some of the questions raised by this declaration were clarified by the 1907 Hague Convention.

The rules contained in this declaration later came to be considered as part of the general principles of international law and the United States too, though not formally a party, abides by provisions.

انظر أيضاً

  • Hague Conventions (1907) which expanded on the provisions of this declaration.


  1. ^ Schmidt 2005, p. 75.
  2. ^ Barclay 1911
  3. ^ Ratifications.
  4. ^ International Red Cross, Status of Declaration


  • Ronzitti, Natalino (1988). The Law of Naval Warfare: A Collection of Agreements and Documents with Commentaries. Martinus Nijhoff. p. 64 ,65. ISBN .
  • Schmidt, Donald E. (2005). The Folly of War: American Foreign Policy, 1898-2005. p. 75. ISBN .


اقرأ نصاً ذا علاقة في

Declaration of Paris

  •  Barclay, Sir Thomas (1911). "Declaration of Paris" . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). دائرة المعارف البريطانية. 7 (eleventh ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 914. This cites:
    • T. Gibson Bowles, Declaration of Paris (London, 1900)
    • Sir Thomas Barclay, Problems of International Practice and Diplomacy (London, 1907), chap. xv. 2
  • Martens, Nouveau Recueil Général des Traités et autres Actes relatifs aux Rapports de Droit international, first series, Vol. XV, pp. 791–792
  • Staff, Paris, Declaration of, Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
  • Staff, Privateers, www.globalsecurity.org, Retrieved 2008-07-27
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 10:06:13
التصنيفات: صفحات تستعمل قالبا ببيانات مكررة, مقالات المعرفة المحتوية على معلومات من دائرة المعارف البريطانية طبعة 1911, Privateering, Law of the sea treaties, 1856 treaties, Treaties of Argentina, Treaties of the Duchy of Anhalt, Treaties of the Austrian Empire, Treaties of the Grand Duchy of Baden, Treaties of the Kingdom of Bavaria, Treaties of Belgium, Treaties of the Empire of Brazil, Treaties of Bremen (state), Treaties of the Duchy of Brunswick, Treaties of the Principality of Bulgaria, Treaties of Chile, Treaties of Denmark, Treaties of Ecuador, Treaties of the Second French Empire, Treaties of the Free City of Frankfurt, Treaties of the German Confederation, Treaties of the Kingdom of Greece, Treaties of Guatemala, Treaties of Haiti, Treaties of Hamburg, Treaties of the Kingdom of Hanover, Treaties of the Electorate of Hesse, Treaties of the Grand Duchy of Hesse, Treaties of the Empire of Japan, Treaties of the Free City of Lübeck, Treaties of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Treaties of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Treaties of the Holy See (754–1870), Treaties of Mexico, Treaties of the Duchy of Modena and Reggio, Treaties of the Duchy of Nassau, Treaties of the Netherlands, Treaties of the Republic of New Granada, Treaties of Norway, Treaties of the Duchy of Oldenburg, Treaties of the Ottoman Empire, Treaties of the Duchy of Parma, Treaties of Peru, Treaties of the Kingdom of Portugal, Treaties of the Kingdom of Prussia, معاهدات الامبراطورية الروسية, Treaties of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Treaties of the Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg, Treaties of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Treaties of the Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen, Treaties of the Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, معاهدات مملكة ساكسونيا, Treaties of the First Spanish Republic, معاهدات الامبراطورية الاسبانية, معاهدات السويد, معاهدات سويسرا, معاهدات مملكة الصقليتين, Treaties of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Treaties of the United Kingdom (1801–1922), معاهدات أوروگواي, Treaties of the Kingdom of Württemberg, International humanitarian law treaties, 1856 في فرنسا, 1856 في مملكة الصقليتين

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