حركة المقاومة الإيطالية

عودة للموسوعة

حركة المقاومة الإيطالية

حركة المقاومة الإيطالية
مشارك في the Italian Civil War and World War II
Flag of the National Liberation Committee and some members of the Italian resistance in Ossola, 1944.
فترة النشاط Most active 1943–1945; however, the Resistance actually originated following the rise of Fascist Italy in the 1920s
الأيديولوجية Various:
Generally Anti-fascism;
Mainly various forms of communism, socialism, and anarchism;
Republicanism and liberalism
To a lesser extent:
Liberal socialism
Christian democracy
Catholic anti-fascism/Catholic anti-Nazism and Catholic socialism
Social liberalism
Social democracy
الحلفاء Allied powers
الخصوم Axis powers (Nazi Germany and Italian Social Republic)

حركة المقاومة الإيطالية (بالايطالية: Resistenza italiana or just la Resistenza) is an umbrella term for Italian resistance groups during World War II. It was opposed to the forces of Nazi Germany as well as their puppet state local regime, the Italian Social Republic, especially following the German military occupation of Italy between September 1943 and April 1945, though the resistance to the Fascist Italian government began even prior to World War II. The movement that rose among Italians of various social classes is also known as the Italian resistance and the Italian partisans (partigiani in Italian), and the brutal conflict they took part in is referred to as the Italian Liberation War (when referring to the part they took in the Italian Campaign against the Axis) or as the Italian Civil War (when referring specifically to the conflict with Italian Fascists). The modern Italian Republic was declared to be founded on the struggle of the Resistance.

المقاومة من القوات المسلحة الإيطالية

في إيطاليا

Italians shot by invading Germans in Barletta, 12 September 1943

حركة الپارتيزان

خريطة إيطاليا أثناء الحرب الأهلية، مركزة على الجمهورية الاشتراكية الإيطالية

Rodolfo Graziani estimated the partisan strength at around 70,000-80,000 by May 1944. Some 41% in the Garibaldi Brigades and 29% were Actionists of the Giustizia e Libertà Brigades. One of the strongest units, the 8th Garibaldi Brigade, had 8,050 men (450 without arms) and operated in the Romagna area.

An Italian partisan in Florence on August 14, 1944
Partisan Alfredo Sforzini


Resistance monument at Lys Pass in the Alps (2008)
Partisan memorial Parma

الپارتيزان النساء

Carla Capponi, a vice-commander in the Gruppi di azione patriottica

انتفاضة 1944

المساهمات الأجنبية

نصب الپارتيزان (Arcevia) بأسماء إيطالية ويوغسلاڤية


انتفاضة 1945

Monument to the fallen at the burial place of partisans killed on April 26, 1945 at Montù Beccaria (2007)

On April 19, 1945, the CLN called for an insurrection (the April 25 uprising). Bologna was attacked by partisans on April 19 and was liberated on April 21 by the Italian Co-Belligerent Army and the Polish II Corps under Allied command; Parma and Reggio Emilia were freed on April 24.

القتل الانتقامي

Mussolini - captured and executed by Italian Partisans, along with his mistress Clara Petacci and three other Fascist officials. (Milan, 1945)

يوم التحرير

The 64th anniversary of the liberation of Italy in Florence, Tuscany (25th April 2009)

Since 1949, April 25 has been officially celebrated as Liberation Day, also known as Anniversary of the Resistance. Speaking at the 2014 anniversary, President Giorgio Napolitano said: "The values and merits of the Resistance, from the Partisan movement and the soldiers who sided with the fight for liberation to the Italian armed forces, are indelible and beyond any rhetoric of mythicization or any biased denigration. The Resistance, the commitment to reconquer Italy's liberty and independence, was a great civil engine of ideals, but above all it was a people in arms, a courageous mobilization of young and very young citizens who rebelled against foreign power."

انظر أيضاً

  • Anti-fascism
  • ANPI, an association of the participants to the Italian resistance
  • Volante Rossa an Italian communist antifascist militia active after WWII
  • People's Squads, an Italian left-wing antifascist militia active during the early 1920s
  • "Bella Ciao", anthem of the anti-fascist resistance
  • Mazzini Society, formed by expatriate Italian anti-Fascists in the United States
  • Anni di piombo
  • Anarchism in Italy
  • German Resistance to Nazism
  • Japanese dissidence during the Showa period
  • Museum of the Liberation of Rome

In works of popular culture

  • The Abandoned
  • Achtung! Banditi!
  • Bebo's Girl
  • Blood of the Losers
  • Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Cloak and Dagger
  • Cloak & Dagger
  • A Day for Lionhearts
  • A Day in Life
  • The Dirty Dozen: The Deadly Mission
  • Escape by Night
  • Everybody Go Home
  • The Fall of Italy
  • The Fallen
  • The Fascist
  • The Four Days of Naples
  • From the Clouds to the Resistance
  • General della Rovere
  • His Day of Glory
  • Hornets' Nest
  • The Hunchback of Rome
  • Johnny the Partisan
  • Last Days of Mussolini
  • Little Teachers
  • Long Night in 1943
  • The Man Who Will Come
  • Massacre in Rome
  • The Mattei Affair
  • Miracle at St. Anna
  • Outcry
  • Paisan
  • The Path to the Nest of Spiders
  • Porzûs
  • Rome, Open City
  • The Seven Cervi Brothers
  • Ten Italians for One German
  • Two Anonymous Letters


  1. ^ Moseley, Roger (2004). Mussolini: The Last 600 Days of Il Duce. Taylor Trade Publishing.
  2. ^ Longhi, Silvano (2010). Die Juden und der Widerstand gegen den Faschismus in Italien: 1943 - 1945. Berlin.
  3. ^ "Italy celebrates Liberation Day - Politics - ANSAMed.it". Ansamed.info. 1944-06-04. Retrieved 2014-05-19.

وصلات خارجية

  • Italy | European Resistance Archive
  • (Italian) ANPI – Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d'Italia
  • (Italian) ANCFARGL – Associazione Nazionale Combattenti Forze Armate Regolari Guerra di Liberazione
  • (Italian) INSMLI – Istituto Nazionale per la Storia del Movimento di Liberazione in Italia
  • (Italian) Il portale della guerra di Liberazione
  • Anarchist partisans in the Italian Resistance

نطقب:Italian Communist Party نطقب:Italian Socialist Party

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 10:10:49
التصنيفات: Articles with short description, Pages using deprecated image syntax, مناهضة الفاشية في إيطاليا, المقاومة الإيطالية, التاريخ الحديث لإيطاليا, World War II resistance movements, Articles containing non-English-language text

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