شجرة الطوائف المسيحية

عودة للموسوعة

شجرة الطوائف المسيحية

Major denominational families in Christianity:
المسيحية الغربية
المسيحية الشرقية
الانشقاق (1552)
الإصلاح الپروتستانتي
(القرن 16)
الانشقاق العظيم
(القرن 11)
مجمع إفسوس (431)
مجمع خلقدونيا (451)
المسيحية المبكرة
Roman Empire
"Great Church"
(Full communion)

This template is derived from File:ChristianityBranches.svg. It will link to article pages when placed in an article and categories when placed in a category.

Documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

This template is a self-reference and so is part of the Wikipedia project rather than the encyclopaedic content.

This template will automatically categories the current template into: Category:Labelled image map templates.

How to use

Consider this example for Template:Australia Labelled Map:

{{Image label begin|width={{{width|400   |image=Australia location map recolored.png|float={{{float|none      
{{Image label small|scale={{{width|400   |x=0.260|y=0.3450|text=[[Western Australia|Western Australia]]  
{{Image label small|scale={{{width|400   |x=0.480|y=0.2000|text=[[Northern Territory|Northern Territory]]  
{{Image label small|scale={{{width|400   |x=0.505|y=0.4025|text=[[South Australia|South Australia]]  
{{Image label end  


In this example, all widths must be set to the same number of 400 as the default width. They must all be the same number of 400 for the template to be functionally scalable. This means they can be displayed at a different size by supplying a width parameter to the template when in use. For example, {{Australia Labelled Map|width=500 will display the labelled image as a larger one of 500 pixels in width instead of 400.

To change the default size, put the wiki markup in Notepad, and search and replace "{{{width|400 " with "{{{width|500 ".

For earthly geographic maps, conforming to these specifications can allow easier conversion to for any other purposes such as for the use of {{Location map+ .


X and Y values are always between 0 and 1. They represent the percentages of the width and height respectively where the label will be placed. The exact point is the top-left corner of the image label.

x=0  |y=0   will place the top-left corner of the label at the top-left     of the image
x=0  |y=1   will place the top-left corner of the label at the bottom-left  of the image
x=1  |y=1   will place the top-left corner of the label at the bottom-right of the image
x=1  |y=0   will place the top-left corner of the label at the top-right    of the image
x=0.5|y=0.5 will place the top-left corner of the label at the centre       of the image


The title of the wiki page of the image without the "Image:" prefix.


The text label to display as wiki markup.


Three options:

{{{float|none     makes the image sit on its own line of the page by default
{{{float|left     makes the image pushed to the left of the page  by default
{{{float|right    makes the image pushed to the right of the page by default

Template set

  • {{Image label begin|image=Example.png|width=400|float=right
    • {{Image label start
  • {{Image label|x=0.25|y=0.75|scale=400|text=[[Wikipedia]]
  • {{Image label small|x=0.25|y=0.75|scale=400|text=[[Wikipedia]]
  • {{Image label end


  • Labelled Image Editor
    • Labelled Image Editor 2 - Coming Soon -- Zondor 07:38, 24 October 2007 (UTC)

Sample labelled images


تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-08 13:23:44
التصنيفات: Labelled image map templates, Christian denomination templates, Christianity templates, Templates that are not mobile friendly

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