العلاقات الأوروپية المصرية

عودة للموسوعة

العلاقات الأوروپية المصرية

الرئيسي المصري محمد مرسي مع رئيس المفوضية الأوروپية، سبتمبر، 2012.

العلاقات الأوروپية المصرية، هي العلاقات بين مصر وبلدان الاتحاد الأوروپي.


ترتبط بلدان الاتحاد الأوروپي مع مصر في اطار من الشراكة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط والبحر المتوسط، لما لتلك العلاقة من أهمية استراتيجية حيوية وكمفتاح للعلاقات الخارجية مع بلدان أوروپا.
بدأت الشركات الأوروپية المتوسطية في مؤتمر برشلونة 1995 ما بين الاتحاد الأوروپي وكان يتكون من 12 بلد متوسط: الجزائر، قبرص، مصر، إسرائيل، الأردن، لبنان، مالطا، المغرب، سوريا، تونس، هجريا، والسلطة الفلسطينية. ليبيا حالياً مراقب في الشراكة. منذ توسعها، في مايو2004 ويناير 2007، أصبت تضم 35 بلد، 27 من الاتحاد الأوروپي، وتضم قبرص، ومالطا و10 من الشركاء الأوسطيين.

لمصر دور نشط تجاه الشراكة الأورومتوسطية، مثل مشاركتها في الاجتماع التكنولوجي هيث كانت متحدث عن المجموعة العربية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فقد عقد أول اجتماع للمجموعة بمشاركة مصر.

مصر هي أكبر شريك تجاري للاتحاد الأوروپي، حيث تبلغ صادرات مصر 42% وواردتها 37%. ارتفع معدل التجارة بين مصر وأوروپا في الخمس سنوات الأخيرة بنسبة 5% ليصل إلى حوالي 11.6 بليون يوروفي 2004. الصادرات المصرية الرئيسية للاتحاد الاوروپي هي الطاقة (39%)، المنسوجات (15%)، المنتجات الزراعية (9%)، الكيماويات (5%).

وأهم الواردات المصرية من الاتحاد الاوروپي هي الآلات (21%)، الكيماويات (16%)، معدات النقل (16%)، والمنتجات الزراعية والغذائية (10%).

بلدان أوروپية أخرى

البلد بدء العلاقات هوامش
 أرمنيا 1992-03-01
  • كانت مصر أول بلد في العالم العربي تعترف باستقلال ألبانيا عام 1991.
  • في مايو1992، كانت أول بعثة دبلوماسية لألبانيا في الشرق العربي، مقرها القاهرة.
  • Egypt has an embassy in Yerevan.
  • Egypt had a sizable Armenian community since the 19th century. Many ethnic Armenian Egyptians remain in Egypt to this day.
 النمسا انظر العلاقات الخارجية للنمسا
 بلغاريا انظر العلاقات البلغارية المصرية

لبلغاريا سفارة في القاهرة Cairo. لمصر سفارة في صوفيا.

 كرواتيا انظر العلاقات المصرية الكرواتية
 قبرص نظر العلاقات المصرية القبرصية

Diplomatic relations between both countries were established soon after Cyprus gained its independence in 1960. Cyprus has an embassy in Cairo and Egypt has an embassy in Nicosia.

During an April 2009 meeting at ministerial level, the countries explored ways to develop closer ties, with plans for increased collaboration both on tourism and energy related activities. There has been talk of Cyprus increasing her imports of natural gas, Egypt using Cyprus as a bridge for exports to Europe and on prospects for the training of Cypriot engineers by their Egyptian counterparts on techniques for the extraction of oil and natural gas.

 الدنمارك انظر العلاقات المصرية الدنماركية
  • Denmark has an embassy in Cairo and an honorary consulate in Alexandria.
  • Egypt has an embassy in Copenhagen.
  • Both countries are full members of the Union for the Mediterranean.
 فنلندا 1947-02-15
  • Finland recognised Egypt on April 8, 1922.
  • Egypt broke off diplomatic relations on January 5, 1942 but diplomatic relations were re-established on February 15, 1947.
  • Egypt has an embassy in Helsinki.
  • Finland has an embassy in Cairo (since July 1, 1959) and an honorary consulate general in Alexandria.
  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland about Egypt
 جورجيا 1992-05-11
  • Egypt is represented in Georgia through its embassy in Yerevan (Armenia).
  • Georgia has an embassy in Cairo.
  • Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the relation with Egypt
  • Georgian foreign minister visits Egypt
 ألمانيا 1957-12 See Egypt–Germany relations
  • Egypt has an embassy in Berlin, as well as consulates in Frankfurt and Hamburg.
  • Germany has an embassy in Cairo.
 اليونان 1833

Both countries share relations since the years BC Since the creation of Alexandria by Alexander the Great, Egypt has had a sizable Greek community, mostly centered around Alexandria, which is today Egypt's second largest city and also the seat of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria. In the modern era, both countries enjoy very good and warm diplomatic relations since 1833 and especially after the Greek War Independence, and both countries have signed several defense cooperation agreements, whith the heads of states visiting each other in a regular basis.

  • Egypt is represented in Greece by its embassy in Athens and General Consulate in Thessalonica.
  • Greece is represented in Egypt by its embassy in Cairo and General Consulate in Alexandria.
  • Sizable communities of Greeks live in Egypt (Alexandria) and Egyptians in Greece (Patras, Athens).
  • Greece and Egypt signed bilateral agreements for trade, tourism and defense cooperations.
  • Both countries are members of the Union for the Mediterranean.
  • Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs about relations with Egypt
  • Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about relations with Greece
  • Since 1978, Egypt has an embassy in Dublin, the first embassy of an Arab country in Ireland.
  • Ireland has an embassy in Cairo and an honorary consulate in Alexandria.

Relations were established during the period of the Roman Empire. However during الحرب العالمية الثانية, relations were strained as the Italian and German Troops launched a campaign on Egypt but were defeated by Egyptian and British Forces in the battle of El Alamein. However, after the war, relations were re-established and are close. Egypt has an embassy in Rome and a consulate general in Milan, while Italy has an embassy in Cairo and a consulate general in Alexandria. Also, the two nations are members of the Union for the Mediterranean.

انظر أيضاً مصريون إيطاليون

  • Malta has an embassy in Cairo and 2 honorary consulates in Alexandria and Suez.
  • Egypt has an embassy in Valletta.
 رومانيا 1906
  • Egypt has an embassy in Bucharest.
  • Romania has an embassy in Cairo.
 روسيا 1943-08-26 See Egypt–Russia relations
  • Egypt has an embassy in Moscow.
  • Russia has an embassy in Cairo and a consulate-general in Alexandria.
 صربيا 1908
  • Egypt has an embassy in Belgrade.
  • Serbia has an embassy in Cairo.
  • Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about relations with Egypt
 سلوڤنيا See Egypt–Slovenia relations
  • Since September 2007, Egypt has an embassy in Ljubljana.
  • Slovenia has an embassy in Cairo (opened in 1993).
  • Both countries are members of the Union for the Mediterranean.
  سويسرا 1909
  • Official diplomatic relation between both countries date back from 1909, with the opening of a Swiss trade mission in Egypt.
  • Egypt has an embassy in Bern and a general consulate in Geneva.
  • Switzerland has an embassy in Cairo.
  • Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs about relations with Egypt
 هجريا 1925 انظر العلاقات المصرية الهجرية

From the time of the Ottoman conquest of Egypt in 1517 until the seizure of power by Muhammad Ali Pasha in 1805, Egypt was ruled by the Ottoman Empire (with brief interruptions owing to native rebellions, and the French invasion of 1798). The seat of the Caliphate in Istanbul and the seat of culture in Cairo. Turkey established diplomatic relations with Egypt in 1925 at the level of Charge d’ Affaires and upgraded its mission in Cairo to Ambassadorial level in 1948. Both countries have embassies and consulate generals in each other's capitals. Both countries have signed a free trade agreement in December 2005. Both countries are full members of the Union for the Mediterranean.

 أوكرانيا 1992
  • Since 1993, Egypt has an embassy in Kiev.
  • Since 1993, Ukraine has an embassy in Cairo and an honorary consulate in Alexandria.

انظر أيضاً

  • العلاقات الخارجية لمصر
  • العلاقات الخارجية للاتحاد الاوروپي


  1. ^ "Armenian embassy in Cairo". Armembegypt.com. Retrieved 2011-02-01.
  2. ^ Bulgarian embassy in Cairo[]
  3. ^ "Cyprus and Egypt keep LNG talks secret". FinancialMirror. April 9, 2009. Retrieved May 01, 2009. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  4. ^ "Danish embassy in Cairo". Ambkairo.um.dk. 2008-01-14. Retrieved 2011-02-01.
  5. ^ "Georgian embassy in Cairo". Embassy.mfa.gov.ge. Retrieved 2011-02-01.
  6. ^ http://www.sis.gov.eg/En/Politics/Foreign/EEurope/EGrelations/040311050000000001.htm
  7. ^ "Egyptian embassy in Dublin". Embegyptireland.ie. Retrieved 2011-02-01.
  8. ^ Irish embassy in Cairo
  9. ^ Maltese representations in Egypt
  10. ^ Egyptian embassy in Valletta
  11. ^ Egyptian embassy in Bucharest
  12. ^ Serbian embassy in Cairo
  13. ^ Egyptian embassy in Bern
  14. ^ Egyptian embassy in Kiev
  15. ^ "Ukrainian embassy in Cairo". Mfa.gov.ua. Retrieved 2011-02-01.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 14:34:49
التصنيفات: All articles with dead external links, Articles with dead external links from February 2011, Articles with invalid date parameter in template, CS1 errors: dates, العلاقات الثنائية لمصر, العلاقات الخارجية للاتحاد الاوروپي

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