هنري الأول من إنگلترة

عودة للموسوعة

هنري الأول من إنگلترة

Henry I
Miniature from Matthew Paris's Historia Anglorum
King of England (more ...)
الفترة 2 August 1100 – 1 December 1135
التتويج 5 August 1100
سبقه William II
تبعه Stephen
Duke of Normandy
Tenure 1106 – 1 December 1135
سبقه Robert Curthose
تبعه Stephen
Spouse Matilda of Scotland
m. 1100; dec. 1118
Adeliza of Louvain
m. 1121; wid. 1135
more ...
Matilda, Holy Roman Empress
William Adelin
Robert, 1st Earl of Gloucester
Alice FitzRoy
Gilbert FitzRoy
Matilda FitzRoy, Countess of Perche
Fulk FitzRoy
Sybilla, Queen of Scots
Reginald de Dunstanville, 1st Earl of Cornwall
Robert FitzEdith, Lord Okehampton
Henry FitzRoy (d. 1158)
Matilda FitzRoy, Abbess of Montvilliers
البيت الملكي Norman Dynasty
الأب William I of England
الأم Matilda of Flanders
وُلِد c. 1068
Possibly Selby, Yorkshire
توفي 1 December 1135 (aged 66–67)
Saint-Denis-en-Lyons, Normandy
الدفن Reading Abbey

هنري الأول ملك إنگلترة ودوق نورماندي (1068، يوركشاير - 1 ديسمبر 1135، نورماندي) هوالابن الرابع لويليام الاول الغازي، توج ملكاً على إنجلترا سنة 1100 بعد موت أخيه الأكبر ويليام الثاني. في سنة 1106، حارب أخاه الثاني روبرت الثاني دوق نورماندي وهزمه في معركة تينشيبراي وأخذ منه لقب دوق نورماندي. أكمل هنري الأول سياسة أبيه في تقوية الحكومة المركزية وسن تشريعات مهمة في مجال الحقوق المدنية. إشتهر هنري الأول بأنه أكثر ملك إنجليزي أنجاباً لأولاد غير شرعيين (عددهم يتراوح ما بين 20 و25 طفل).

هنري الأول ملك إنگلترة ودوق نورماندي

Count of the Cotentin, 1088–90

Depiction of Bishop Odo (centre) who imprisoned Henry from 1088–89

Early reign, 1100–06

Taking the throne, 1100

17th-century drawing of Henry's coronation in the Claudius Pontificals manuscript

Marriage to Matilda, 1100

Henry's first wife, Matilda of Scotland

Treaty of Alton, 1101–02

Early 14th-century depiction of Henry

Conquest of Normandy, 1103–06

The village of Tinchebray in 2008

Government, family and household

Government, law and court

Henry's royal seal, showing the King on horseback (l) and seated on his throne (r)
لمزيد من التفاصيل عن English government during this period، انظر England in the Middle Ages.

Relations with the church

لمزيد من التفاصيل عن religion in England during this period، انظر Religion in Medieval England.

Church and the King

The seal of Archbishop Anselm of Canterbury

Personal beliefs and piety

The ruined chapter house of Reading Abbey in 2008

Rebellion, 1115–20

Silver pennies of Henry I, struck at the Oxford mint

Succession crisis, 1120–23

Early 14th-century depiction of the sinking of the White Ship on 25 November 1120

Death and legacy

Death, 1135

Early 14th-century depiction of Henry mourning the death of his son


Part of the Welsh Brut, one of the chronicler sources for Henry's reign




  1. ^ Green 2009, p. 322; Carpenter 2004, pp. 531–532


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  • Bethell, Denis (1971). "The Making of a Twelfth Century Relic Collection". Popular Belief and Practice. 8: 61–72.
  • Brett, Martin (1975). The English Church Under Henry I. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN .
  • Carpenter, David (2004). The Struggle for Mastery: The Penguin History of Britain 1066–1284. London, UK: Penguin. ISBN .
  • Chibnall, Marjorie (1992). "Mercenaries and the Familia Regis under Henry I". In Strickland, Matthew (ed.). Anglo-Norman Warfare. Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press. pp. 93–127. ISBN .
  • Chibnall, Marjorie (1993). The Empress Matilda: Queen Consort, Queen Mother and Lady of the English. Oxford, UK: Blackwell. ISBN .
  • Crouch, David (2002). The Normans: The History of a Dynasty. London, UK: Hambledon Continuum. ISBN .
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  • Cooper, Alan (2001). ""The Feet of Those That Bark Shall Be Cut Off": Timorous Historians and the Personality of Henry I". In Gillingham, John (ed.). Anglo-Norman Studies: Proceedings of the Battle Conference, 2000. Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press. pp. 47–68. ISBN .
  • David, Charles W. (1929). "The Claim of King Henry I to Be Called Learned". In Taylor, C. H.; LaMonte, J. L (eds.). Anniversary Essays in Medieval History by Students of Charles Homer Haskins. Boston, US and New York, US: Houghton Mifflin. pp. 45–56. OCLC 615486047.
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  • Duffy, Mark (2003). Royal Tombs of Medieval England. Stroud, UK: Tempus. ISBN .
  • Green, Judith (1989). The Government of England Under Henry I. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
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  • Green, Judith (2009). Henry I: King of England and Duke of Normandy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
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  • Hollister, C. Warren; Baldwin, John W. (1978). "The Rise of Administrative Kingship: Henry I and Philip Augustus". The American Historical Review. 83 (4): 867–05. doi:10.2307/1867650. ISSN 0002-8762.
  • Hollister, C. Warren (2003). Frost, Amanda Clark (ed.). Henry I. New Haven, US and London, UK: Yale University Press. ISBN .
  • Huneycutt, Lois L. (2003). Matilda of Scotland: a Study in Medieval Queenship. Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press. ISBN .
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  • Mason, Emma (2008). King Rufus: the Life and Murder of William II of England. Stroud, UK: The History Press. ISBN .
  • Mayr-Harting, Henry (2011). Religion, Politics and Society in Britain, 1066–1272. Harlow, UK: Longman. ISBN .
  • Newman, Charlotte A. (1988). The Anglo-Norman Nobility in the Reign of Henry I: the Second Generation. Philadelphia, US: University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN .
  • Poole, A. L. (1993) [1951]. From Domesday Book to Magna Carta, 1087–1216: Oxford History of England. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN .
  • Prestwich, J. O. (1992). "The Military Household of the Norman Kings". In Strickland, Matthew (ed.). Anglo-Norman Warfare. Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press. pp. 128–142. ISBN .
  • Southern, Richard (1962). "The Place of Henry I in English History". Proceedings of the British Academy. 48: 127–169. ISSN 0068-1202.
  • Thompson, Kathleen (2003). "Affairs of State: the Illegitimate Children of Henry I". Journal of Medieval History. 29: 129–151. doi:10.1016/S0304-4181(03)00015-0. ISSN 0304-4181.
  • Thompson, Kathleen (2007). "From the Thames to Tinchebray: the Role of Normandy in the Early Career of Henry I". In Fleming, Donald F.; Pope, Janet M (eds.). Henry I and the Anglo-Norman World: Studies in Memory of C. Warren Hollister. Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press. pp. 16–26. ISBN .
  • Vaughn, Sally N. (2007). "Henry I and the English Church: the Archbishops and the King". In Fleming, Donald F.; Pope, Janet M (eds.). Henry I and the Anglo-Norman World: Studies in Memory of C. Warren Hollister. Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press. pp. 133–157. ISBN .
  • Ward, Jennifer (2006). Women in England in the Middle Ages. London, UK: Hambledon Continuum. ISBN .
  • White, G. W., ed. (1949). The Complete Peerage. 11. London, UK: St. Catherine Press. OCLC 568761046.
هنري الأول من إنگلترة
House of Normandy
وُلِد: 1068/1069 توفي: 1 December 1135
ألقاب ملكية
William II
King of England
William Adelin
Duke of Normandy
Robert Curthose
Duke of Normandy
William Adelin

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 16:49:14
التصنيفات: CS1 الفرنسية-language sources (fr), Use dmy dates from October 2012, مقالات تستعمل قوالب صيانة غير مؤرخة, هنري الأول من إنگلترة, وفيات 1135, مواليد 1068, إنگليز من أصل فرنسي, بيت نورماندي, دوقات نورماندي, ملوك إنگليز, ملوك كاثوليك, كاثوليك إنگليز, كاثوليك فرنسيون, أشخاص من سلبي, Deaths from food poisoning, Burials at Reading Abbey, مسيحيو الحملة الصليبية النرويجية, 12th-century monarchs in Europe

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