علاقات تايلند وصندوق النقد الدولي

عودة للموسوعة

علاقات تايلند وصندوق النقد الدولي

تتناول هذه الموضوعة علاقات تايلند وصندوق النقد الدولي. انضمت تايلند إلى صندوق النقد الدولي في ثلاثة مايو1949 واستقبلت عدداً من برامج صندوق النقد الدولي، من أشهرها دورها كمصدر لتفشي الأزمة المالية المالية 1997. تملك تايلند حالياً 3.211ز9 مليون وحدة حقوق سحب خاص، مما يمنحها ثاني قوة تصويت في دائرتها بعد هجريا. افتتح صندوق النقد الدولي مخط مساعدات فنية في تايلند عام 2012 لتوفير المساعدة الفنية والتدريب لتايلند.

تدخل الصندوق في الثمانينيات

During the span between 1973 and 1985, Thailand experienced a 36% fall in trade, stagnating GDP growth, sharp inflation, and increasing current account deficit coupled with increasing external debt. In order to counter this trend, Thailand entered into IMF backed adjustment program in which it devalued its currency while implementing stricter fiscal policies. The structural changes that this period of adjustment implemented resulted inعشرة years of strong economic performance. Between 1987 and 1989, the GDP grew at over 10%, inflation dropped to justخمسة percent, and current account deficit was less than 3% of the GDP. Despite this, some argue that the short-term focused structural changes in the 1980s were the catalysts for Thailand's economic crisis justعشرة years later in 1997. Specifically, most of the growth in the ten years following the 1983 IMF adjustments were in the non-tradable sector rather than the export-oriented tradable sector. Furthermore, the IMF adjustments cut infrastructure investment from 8.9% of total GDP to just 5.2% in 1989.

تدخل الصندوق أثناء الأزمة المالية الآسيوية

In 1997, Thailand faced an economic crisis stemming from a variety of pressures. During the ten-year span between 1987 and 1997, Thailand's current account deficit continued to grow. By 1996, the deficit had grown to 7.887% of the total GDP. During this same period, foreign direct investment increased sharply as continuing currency devaluations, first in the 1980s and then as an effect of the Plaza Accord. Real estate investors overestimated the demand for real estate and used the Bangkok International Banking Facility's relatively cheap loans on construction projects that were left vacant due to lower demand than initially thought. Predicting further currency devaluation, speculators launched a series of attacks on the Thai Baht. The Thai government initially attempted to protect the Baht by buying it back and expending its international reserves, but was ultimately forced to float the currency. In August 1997, the IMF unveiled a relief package for Thailand that would offer a total of 17.2 billion US dollar's worth of bilateral and multilateral assistance. The initial period of policy-making was designed to manage the baht's floating exchange rates, restructure Thai financial institutions, cut public expenditures, promote the private sector, and to attract more foreign capital. The IMF's conditionality for the Thai bailout is characterized by monetary policy reform, fiscal policy reform, and financial sector reform.

Under Thailand's former finance minister, Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda, Thailand's financial sector restructuring began with the liquidation of insolvent finance companies and resulted in the closure of 56 bankrupt finance companies. The government intervened in weak banks and the banking system was recapitalized. In 1998, the banks who received government intervention were privatized, assets were disposed of, and corporate debt was restructured. Bankruptcy law, foreclosure procedures, and foreign investment restrictions were all reformed. Fiscal policy initially demanded a surplus of 1 percent of GDP at the outset of the crisis, but by February 1998 switched its target to a small deficit. Finally, monetary policy attempted to stabilize the exchange rate while helping Thailand recover from the crisis.

مخط المساعدة التقنية في تايلند

The IMF opened a Technical Assistance Office in Thailand in September 2012 to provide support for Laos and Myanmar, and now also covers Cambodia and Vietnam on a project-by-project basis. Thailand and Japan donate to the upkeep of this office, and the Bank of Thailand hosts the office. The office offers resident project technical advisers in macroeconomic management, public financial management, regional treasury management, monetary and foreign exchange operations, government finance statistics, and external sector statistics. This office works closely with the IMF-Singapore Regional Training Institute (STI) and the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Tokyo (OAP).


  1. ^ "List of Members' Date of Entry". www.imf.org (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2017-06-06.
  2. ^ "IMF Members' Quotas and Voting Power, and IMF Board of Governors". www.imf.org. Retrieved 2017-06-06.
  3. ^ Chowdhury, Anis (1999). "Villain of the Asian Crisis: Thailand or the IMF?". ASEAN Economic Bulletin. 16 (2): 166–174. JSTOR 25773575.
  4. ^ "Report for Selected Countries and Subjects". www.imf.org (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2017-06-06.
  5. ^ Phō̜nchōkchai, Sōphon (2008). (in الإنجليزية). UN-HABITAT. ISBN .
  6. ^ Zenker, Anja (2014-01-08). (in الإنجليزية). Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN .
  7. ^ "Recovery from the Asian Crisis and the Role of the IMF -- An IMF Issues Brief". www.imf.org (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2017-06-06.
  8. ^ "IMF Technical Assistance Office (THAILAND)". www.imf.org (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 2017-06-13.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 21:02:03
التصنيفات: CS1 الإنجليزية-language sources (en), اقتصاد تايلند, صندوق النقد الدولي

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