قاموس المترادفات

عودة للموسوعة

قاموس المترادفات

قاموس المترادفات ذيسورس thesaurus

هوقاموس يعتمد على إدارج المفردات مع بعضها وفقاً لتشابه المعنى ويحتوي على المترادفات synonyms (وعلى المتضادات antonyms في بعض الأحيان) على عكس القاموس الذي يتضمن تعريف المفردة وطريقة لفظها. وأكبر قاموس للمترادفات هوقاموس أكسفرد للمترادفات التاريخي Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary ويحوي 920,000 حدثة.

قاموس المترادفات

تاريخ هذه المفردة واستخدامها

في العصورالقديمة، قام فيلومن جبيل بتأليف أول نص يمكن حتى يطلق عليه اسم قاموس المترادفات. وباللغة السنسكريتية، يعد كتاب آماراكوشا قاموساً للمترادفات تم نظمه بطريقة الشعر في القرن الرابع. أما عن النموذج الأول من هذا القاموس في العصر الحديث، فكان قاموس روجيه الذي تم جمعه في عام 1805 من قبل بيتر مارك روجيه، ثم نشر في عام 1852. ويتم سرد المداخل في قاموس روجيه بطريقة دلالية بدلاً من الطريقة الأبجدية.

وبالرغم من حتى هذا القاموس يقوم بسرد المترادفات، إلا أنه لا يمكن اعتباره سرداً كاملاً لجميع المترادفات لحدثة معينة. وقد تم تصميم المدخلات في قاموس المترادفات للتمييز بين الحدثات المتشابهة والمساعدة على اختيار الحدثة السليمة تماماً. على عكس القاموس ، لا يقوم قاموس المترادفات بتعريف الحدثة المدخلة.

وقد اشتق اسم هذا القاموس ذيسورس من اللغة اللاتينية المستخدمة في القرن السادس عشر في قواميس المترادفات اليونانية وتعني: مجموعة من الأمور ذات الأهمية أوالقيمة الكبيرة.

في اللغة العربية يوجد خط بنيت بطريقة مماثلة منها كتاب فقه اللغة للثعالبي وغيره.

قواميس المترادفات في تقنية المعلومات

توضع في فهم المعلومات وفهم المخطات وفي تقنية الحاسوب قواميس مترادفات خاصة لتستخدم في استرجاع المعلومات retrieval. وهي نمط خاص من المفردات المضبوطة لأغراض الفهرسة indexing والوسم tagging، وهذا الأمر يمكن حتى يستخدم كاساس لفهرسة المواد المعروضة على الإنترنت فبنية وفن قاموس المترادفات يستخدم لفهرسة قاعدة البيانات الكندية للمتاحف والفنون التي يشرف عليها شبكة معلومات التراث الكندي Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN).

Information retrieval thesauri are formally organized so that existing relationships between concepts are made explicit. As a result, they are more complex than simpler controlled vocabularies such as authority lists and synonym rings. Each term is placed in context, allowing a user to distinguish between "bureau" the office and "bureau" the furniture. Following international standards, they are generally arranged hierarchically by themes, topics or facets. Unlike a literary thesaurus, these specialized thesauri typically focus on one discipline, subject or field of study.

In information technology, a thesaurus represents a database or list of semantically orthogonal topical search keys. In the field of Artificial Intelligence, a thesaurus may sometimes be referred to as an ontology.

Thesauri for information retrieval are typically constructed by information specialists, and have their own unique vocabulary defining different kinds of terms and relationships:

Terms are the basic semantic units for conveying concepts. They are usually single-word nouns, since nouns are the most concrete part of speech. Verbs can be converted to nouns - "cleans" to "cleaning", "reads" to "reading", and so on. Adjectives and adverbs, however, seldom convey any meaning useful for indexing. When a term is ambiguous, a “scope note” can be added to ensure consistency, and give direction on how to interpret the term. Not every term needs a scope note, but their presence is of considerable help in using a thesaurus correctly and reaching a correct understanding of the given field of knowledge.

"Term relationships" are links between terms. These relationships can be divided into three types: hierarchical, equivalency or associative.

  • Hierarchical relationships are used to indicate terms which are narrower and broader in scope. A "Broader Term" (BT) or hyperonym is a more general term, e.g. “Apparatus” is a generalization of “Computers”. Reciprocally, a Narrower Term (NT) or hyponym is a more specific term, e.g. “Digital Computer” is a specialization of “Computer”. BT and NT are reciprocals; a broader term necessarily implies at least one other term which is narrower. BT and NT are used to indicate class relationships, as well as part-whole relationships (meronyms and holonyms).
  • The equivalency relationship is used primarily to connect synonyms and near-synonyms. Use (USE) and Used For (UF) indicators are used when an authorized term is to be used for another, unauthorized, term; for example, the entry for the authorized term "Frequency" could have the indicator "UF Pitch". Reciprocally, the entry for the unauthorized term "Pitch" would have the indicator "USE Frequency". Unauthorized terms are often called "entry vocabulary", "entry points", "lead-in terms", or "non-preferred terms", pointing to the authorized term (also referred to as the Preferred Term or Descriptor) that has been chosen to stand for the concept. As such, their presence in text can be use by automated indexing software to suggest the Preferred Term being used as an Indexing Term.
  • Associative relationships are used to connect two related terms whose relationship is neither hierarchical nor equivalent. This relationship is described by the indicator "Related Term" (RT). Associative relationships should be applied with caution, since excessive use of RTs will reduce specificity in searches. Consider the following: if the typical user is searching with term "A", would they also want resources tagged with term "B"? If the answer is no, then an associative relationship should not be established.

Literary thesauri

  • Thesaurus of English Words & Phrases (ed. P. Roget); ISBN 0-06-272037-6, see: Roget's Thesaurus.
  • World Thesaurus (ed. C. Laird); ISBN 0-671-51983-2
  • Oxford American Desk Thesaurus (ed. C. Lindberg); ISBN 0-19-512674-2
  • Random House Word Menu by Stephen Glazier; ISBN 0-679-40030-3
  • Historical Thesaurus of English (HTE), http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/SESLL/EngLang/thesaur/toe1.htm
  • WordNet
  • OpenThesaurus

Specialized thesauri for information retrieval

  • NAL Agricultural Thesaurus, (United States National Agricultural Library, United States Department of Agriculture)
  • European Thesaurus on International Relations and Area Studies; ISBN 978-3-927674-11-0
  • Evaluation Thesaurus (by. M. Scriven); ISBN 0-8039-4364-4
  • Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms (APA); ISBN 1-55798-775-0
  • Clinician's Thesaurus, (by E.Zuckerman); ISBN 1-57230-569-X
  • Art and Architecture Thesaurus, (Getty Institute)
  • Eurovoc Thesaurus, (Europa Publications Office)
  • AGROVOC Thesaurus, (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus, (European Environment Agency)

Standards and manuals

The ANSI/NISO Z39.19 Standard of 2005 defines guidelines and conventions for the format, construction, testing, maintenance, and management of monolingual controlled vocabularies including lists, synonym rings, taxonomies, and thesauruses.

For multilingual vocabularies, the ISO 5964 Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri can be applied.

Thesaurus Construction and Use: a practical manual. Jean Aitchison, Allan Gilchrist and David Bawden. London and New York: Europa Publications (2000).

انظر أيضاً

ابحث عن thesaurus في
قاموس الفهم.
  • Controlled vocabulary
  • Dictionary
  • Ontology (computer science)
  • Simple Knowledge Organisation System


  1. ^ - 2005 Guidelines for the Construction, Format and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies, ISBN 1-880124-65-3.

وصلات خارجية

  • Thesaurus.com
  • Synonym Finder
  • Snappy Words Free English Dictionary and Thesaurus
  • United Dictionary User Submitted Thesaurus
  • TemaTres: open source thesaurus management
  • Aiksaurus: open source and online thesaurus
  • Yahoo!Education: Thesaurus
  • Sinonimi: open source online thesaurus
  • Online thesaurus based on the Open Office spell checker Hunspell
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-07 10:48:29
التصنيفات: تمثيل المعرفة, Greek loanwords, Reference works, Dictionaries by type, معاجم, قواميس

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